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[Bowel] Movement Madness

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  • [Bowel] Movement Madness

    [Bowel] Movement Madness


    Carolyn -- a thoroughly vicious old coosh -- reveals some sensitive, hitherto undisclosed information about White Nationalist personality Rodney Martin that just came to her attention. This lying yenta-skank has coonsistently covered up for the murderous Jersey City jewboy pig William Finck and his murderous kike pig history of murdering a prisoner in the former jail and then doing 12.5 years in federal prison after pleading guilty and then lying about it to those Rabbi Finckelsheenie wanted to infiltrate in Christian Identity. Or the fact that Finck's sidekick is also a nigger-lipped, jewnibrowed, shitskinned mongrel named Bryan Reo / SwordBrethren who is suspected of being an Anti-Racist Activist sent to infiltrate the bowel Movement and take down genuine WN/DSCI web pages. It was only when Codney Fartin turned on Da Yenta Skank after she got all pissed off at him refusing to fight with her enemy Mark Weber and turned on him first that this shit has now cum to light. It addresses his fairly long professional association with American Indian affairs in Arizona and California, both as a Commissioner of Indian Affairs and as Tule River Tribal Council Administrator (see link at bottom), and the fact that his wife, and mother of his five children, is an “Eastern Cherokee” Native American. Or that Carolyn Yenta's promoter "Taanstafl" is a Sicilian guido and probable jew with a jew wife and mischling spawn. The Tule River Tribe owns a casino and deals in large amounts of money. Rodney’s position was taken over by a Jew Sam Cohen in late 2009, oy vey, just as Rabbi Finckelsheenie took over for Sephardic Chicago jewboy Eli James / jewseph Stalin Mordaicai Kutz-Putz_November. Rodney was able to retire permanently at that time, before he was 40 years old. Whereass Da Yenta-Skank is still on her knees sucking circum-cum-cised kike cock and not getting much in the way of shekels for it.

    Rodney posted an article (scroll down to find it) on his website dated Dec. 7 titled “Circular firing squads must end,” that listed what he considered to be some “unforgivable sins in our Movement” which placed miscegenation as the #1 “sin.” How dare he talk the truth against TraitorGlenn Miller, the drunken Lumbee melungeon injun that makes muh old yenta-skank coosh wettt!!!

    Mike "The Fifth Stooge, Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck" Delaney and Donn called in. Carolyn finished out the program addressing the stepped-up joint pressure by Jew.S and Israel to force Germany to “turn over” the contents of its art museums for looting by the Jews in the name of the despicable “HoloCost victims.” The Ronald Lauder story got left out, so a separate blog post will be written for that at

    Image: Rodney Martin being interviewed in 2007. Taken from the Porterville Recorder:

    More: Tulare Democratic Club 31. Mai 2012

    Download Link:

  • #2
    Hi! I'm Edward Scissors-pecker and both the Yenta-Skank and Codney ain't keeping my pore ego lubricious.

    Hi! I'm Edward Scissors-pecker and both the Yenta-Skank and Codney ain't keeping my pore ego lubricious.

    As an anonymous ZOGling whigger or mamzer ass-clown I left a comment calling out Rodney Martin out on this site for attacking White folk, calling us losers and such, his rant was very offensive to me, kind of like when I hear JEWS; or elitist Whites call other Whites, white trash, and this was before I even knew who Rodney Martin was.

    Carolyn "Yenta" Kahant-Yeager very quickly reprimanded me and asked me: what have you done; basically belittling my observation in a very condescending way. It looks as if maybe I was on too something.

    Both Da Yenta-skank and Codney the squaw-humper 'think' theyz' better than me. And maybe they is. I'm especially hurt by the Yenta-skank and I don't want any squaw-diddling talleywhacker from Codney. Why does she love that kike cawk more than whigger/mamzer meercat pecker? What, besides jew snout, does Rabbi Finckelsheenie and jewboy Kahant gots that I don't gots, cum-cum, cum-cum?


    Edward Scissors-pecker
    December 14, 2013 at 5:38 pm


    Itz Fun Being A Witless Meercat!!!


    • #3
      Carolyn yeager-kahant - just doesn't know when to quit


      by Rodney Martin

      Ol' Yenta

      Carolyn Yeager Kahant has admitted that she may have been told facts that and may have been in possession of information that contradicted her discredited narrative.

      Carolyn Yeager Kahant has now taken to long blog posts opining that she does not recall certain conversations made to her over the years. Perhaps if Carolyn has such severe memory problems, she should cease certain activities and seek medical attention.

      For instance, she forgets that I have always stated that I am "German & Scottish" and stated so on her on Program.

      She stated that she did not know about my wife's family, but she did, she and I discussed this in many Skype conversations.

      Carolyn says she doesn't want to use her former husband's name, But she did recently, until she decided she wanted to be a "German" and conceal her former husband's ethnicity.

      Likewise, Carolyn's family history dating back to Chicago seems to have more in common with Hungarians and a Hungarian-American Association which has an excessive membership of "Hungarian-Jews". Her late brother was the president of that Association.

      Carolyn uses the term "my recollection", which is a common tactic when someone wants to avoid telling the whole truth or everything they know, i.e. they seek to lie by omission.

      Finally, Carolyn seems to think that the Reporter "planted" the Cherokee statement in the 2007 article as opposed to mistaking a smartass/joke made during an interview as fact which was her job and the Copy Editor's job to verify as well as many other errors in the article.

      Carolyn says that "Copy Editors" do not attend interviews, well, she clearly does not understand small town papers where there are few employees and dual roles. Mix this with activists and papers that are financially struggling, and YES, they do attend interviews. This one had a personal reason to. As I said in my rebuttal, The Copy Editor had been making an issue of posts I had made on other blogs and forums which he found. This same Copy Editor also made a point to assure hatchet job articles made print regarding a local member of the Creativity Church, who by the way also knew the article Carolyn is championing was discredited.

      Carolyn seems to be of the impression that everything written in a newspaper MUST be taken as gospel, if this is the case, then obviously there is nothing wrong with the current state of affairs in the world. If that is the case, then the stories written in papers about "Adolf Hitler's Jewish Ancestry" must be true. Of course not.

      As I stated, the local paper has been called the "Porterville Distorter", because of its errors, omissions, mistakes and sloppy journalism. The Copy Editor was fired as was the Reporter, after a series of complaints from the community. The Copy Editor was indeed the first to go, followed by the Reporter. The paper itself went into bankruptcy and has not even printed its own papers, i.e. has had to reply on another paper to print its papers.
      Carolyn herself does NOT deny the many things I told her, which I brought up in my rebuttal, she now says, she does not recall. Carolyn has even "forgot" about the numerous attacks I endured, spook blogger accounts, etc, which she also knew about. Carolyn also"forgot" about my wife being confronted in the Supermarket by local activists about her taking exception to the newspaper article. Carolyn knew about this, in fact it has also been mentioned on several of my appearance on Spingola Speaks and my own Shows.

      Carolyn is making statements about matters regarding the environment and dynamics in the city where I live based on her own (very narrow) 71 year old assumptions, which are very feminist, very "American", and very Jewish, which she has firsthand in-depth experience.

      Finally, I have received a significant amount of background information regarding Carolyn Yeager Kahant. I have thus far not released much of it. I will say, that her explanation regarding the use of her former husband's name is not honest.

      Carolyn has done a bang up job the last few years demanding "disclosure" from many, but what do we really and truly know about her:
      How many have encountered her in real life?

      Why does she attack so many and champion traitors?

      What was she doing living in Mexico and with whom?

      Why did she all of a sudden seek to conceal her ex-husband's ethnicity (a "Kahant" is a jew rabbinical name/occupation) when she decided to be a "Pro-White personality?

      Carolyn has every appearance of Hal Turner and more.

      It's time to watch the watcher, and ask questions of the inquisitor.

      You Nazis may be insane . . . .
      . . . . but us whiggers are typpycull!!!

