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Internet and Character

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  • Internet and Character

    Racial Comrades:

    Again I must warn you that this is going to be a long one. Sorry about that. I keep trying to cut back on my verbiage, but word addiction is like alcoholism. I keep falling off the wagon. I have this mid-20th century habit I acquired as a youth of trying to convey ideas with correctly spelled words in sentences, instead of with abbreviations, emoticons, cartoons, and pictures drawn on the wall of the cave, and I can't seem to get out of it. It's as if Shakespeare were suddenly snatched up in a time machine and dropped into the middle of the O.C. He would still speak the language, but he would be only just barely comprehensible. (Rambling this early on? Not a good sign, Harold. - Harvey)

    Okay, the crux of it is: we have to find some way to make a hell of a lot better use of the internet than we're doing.

    I know I fantasize about withdrawing from the Net completely and going back to the good old days and the good old ways of postal and printed literature only. To some degree we're going to be forced by the circumstances of living in a modern Surveillance State to do that, but FTR I do understand that it's not possible to turn back the clock completely. The Net is here, and it isn't going away. It can't be uninvented any more than gunpowder or nuclear power can be uninvented. Like it or not, the majority of our Folk have become dependent on it for communications and for entertainment, and that is only going to increase.

    Eventually, about ten years from now, everyone will have one big flat screen in one wall of their house, similar to Orwell's telescreen in 1984, and they will use that for everything--TV, telephone, personal computer, banking, shopping, records-keeping, etc. Our lives will be ruled by The Box even more than now. Somehow we are going to have to adapt to that reality and make use of it now, while we still can.

    I remain convinced that at some point in the medium-term future, our lords and masters will make a serious effort to seize control of the internet and ban dissenting opinion and dissenting people from accessing it or using it to convey unauthorized opinion, rather like what is happening now in Communist China. I have been saying that for years, and no one believes me. I still say it, and I will eventually be proven right.

    I base this belief not so much on any conspiracy theories as on my lifelong knowledge of the enemy we face. They cannot indefinitely allow the uncontrolled flow of information and unauthorized knowledge all over the world. Like Orwell's Big Brother, they have sense enough to know what really threatens their perpetual power, and true freedom of thought is deadly dangerous to them. The first and vitally necessary step to control thought is to control speech, to make every man an island, hearing only what he is allowed to hear and knowing only what the Power wants him to know. Eventually the American ZOG will unite with the Europeans and the Chinese and the Russian ruling elites to blockade the information superhighway.

    There are signs that this is seriously beginning even now, such as the persecution of the Heretical Two for posting a Robert Crumb cartoon to a server here in the United States where it is not illegal as it is in Britain, and also the recent arrests and detention without trial of Bill White and Hal Turner.

    Yes, yes, I know that both White and Turner are dumbasses who spent years abusing the Net and deliberately provoking the power structure like naughty little boys throwing stones into somebody's yard, in the odd belief that they were somehow immune and invincible. They finally succeeded in angering the Power and they got stomped on. We can take all that as read.

    But the fact remains that the "crimes" for which they are being liquidated consist not of any overt act, which is what you used to have to do in order to get busted by the Organs, but simply of publishing material on the internet which the authorities did not like. This makes what is being done to them a very sinister development.

    Round and Round and Round

    What White Nationalists have been doing with the internet over the past 15 years has been only marginally effective at best, and I include myself in that category as well.

    It is true that as with everything else, our internet problems are due largely to the unresolved issue of character which we have always avoided addressing. With us, everything always comes down to character, or our lack of it. But in many ways the internet seems to exacerbate and magnify our character problems into outright lunacy, kind of like injecting nitro into a car's fuel line. Ponce De Leon and his conquistadors once searched Florida for a Fountain of Youth; in the internet we have discovered a Fountain of Childishness, which is not the same thing. Exhibit A: Usenet.

    As most of you know, I like Yahoo groups. They're simple, user-friendly, and easy to understand by non-technical people. They also seem to be completely useless as far as recruiting and propaganda goes. I have been running a variety of Yahoo groups for years, since I took over the original Truth Commission from J. D. Grier, back when he went to North Carolina to try and locate and discipline Willard for making obscene and threatening phone calls to his family. (Willie got word he was coming and fled to Tennessee where he is still hiding out, apparently.) I can count on my fingers the times that anything effective has been accomplished through a Yahoo group.

    I am running one now called Northwest Freedom. It's been up for about 15 months. Recently a young man left the group. Not the Northwest Movement or the Party, just the Yahoo group. He e-mailed me that he saw no point in it all. "They always go round and round and round, saying what amount to the same things over and over and over, and nothing real ever gets done," he told me.

    He is absolutely right, of course. We're at one of those points right now on the group where we have tiptoed up to the edge of a central issue which is very important, and no one dares to spell out the home truths of the matter, including me, because even I have sense enough to realize that if I were to say flat out what I think, it would, how can I put this, Harvey?..."not helpful." (You mean it would piss everybody off royally because they'd all be sure you were talking about them, and in some cases they'd be right. No, Harold, that wouldn't be helpful. - Harvey.) (Sigh...) Yes, I know, Harv. I know that Movement people more so than other Americans have developed an almost intolerable aversion to the truth and a complete inability to listen to reasoned argument. I do live and learn, eventually.

    I will say this: I have noticed that the majority of the posters to Northwest Freedom seem to consist of those who are not Party members, who do not live in the Homeland themselves, and who have made it clear that they never intend to live in the Homeland. They use Northwest Freedom to produce volumes of words and virtually no concrete support of any kind for the Party or for the Northwest Idea.

    This is my fault, absolutely, because I made it an open group. I have banned only two people from the group, Willard and Dann "Streaker" Dobson under his multifarious aliases, both for obvious reasons. Anybody else can join and post as long as he behaves himself. I was the one who said, "This is where anybody who wants can come to bat the breeze and play." They took me at my word, and that is what we have achieved. This is where people come to play Northwest. Some months ago, I tried to revive the old Northwest Leadership Yahoo group for serious discussion. The idea was received with passionate disinterest.

    Babbling In An Empty Room

    Northwest Freedom is one of the more civil groups on the internet, but only because I keep it on strict moderation and I edit about six posts a week to remove snide needling from people who are clearly trying to pick a fight with some other member of the group over nothing, or else I simply delete posts because they are non compos mentis.

    It will be remembered that although the original casus belli was about my attitude towards mixing alcohol and the Movement at a proposed gathering in Poulsbo, the immediate reason the entire "Wet" thing blew up was because about four years ago I made the mistake of taking some guys off moderation on the old Truth Commission, they began screaming abuse and insults at each other over nothing, and after having asked them to stop and having been ignored, I put them back on moderation.

    This was apparently an intolerable insult and offense for which I will never be forgiven, and no, I am not being sarcastic. I actually and forcibly put a stop to misbehavior, which you can do on the internet when your finger is on the mouse, but which in the Movement is absolutely unheard of. It smacks of actual political authority and personal discipline, and these are Americans, to whom politics democratic or otherwise is a kind of Animal House, an adolescent game. Everything is a game, and I spoiled the fun by getting all serious and making them behave like little boys in church getting rapped over the head with a thimble from the grouchy old aunt. Of course it's unforgiveable.

    Northwest Freedom has less than 150 members, of whom at least half a dozen are bouncing at any given time. That's all we've garnered by way of readership in 15 months. The Kirsten Dunst fan group has over 8,000 members, and minor talk-dirty sex groups where pervs upload their porno to share will have 20,000 or so each. The most I ever got in any one White Nationalist Yahoo group was several years ago, about 400 members into one of the Truth Commissions, before Yahoo pulled it down. (They no longer seem to bother. I think the Power has figured out these things are no threat.) American Renaissance has about 600 people on the ARList, but about half of the e-mail addresses seem to be bouncing.

    Every Yahoo group I have ever moderated exhibits the same pattern: there is a small group of 4 or 5 motor-mouthed posters who post all the time, mostly off-topic media clips and drivel telling us all how horrible it is; a slightly larger group of 10 or 12 who make occasional offhand comments and try to conduct a lackadaisical conversation for a few posts back and forth until they fall silent; and the overwhelming majority of the group who simply lurk and listen.

    Or are they even doing that? They remain silent, so we have no way of knowing if we are getting through to anybody or if we're just babbling in an empty room.

    V-Bulletin boards are worse, the same problems writ large. Some of them like VNN can have hundreds of members. The be-all and end-all of White boards, Stormfront, claims thousands, although many of these memberships seem to be a decade or more old and are long moribund. The number of active Stormfront posters in all forums seems to hover about a hundred or so at any given time. Many of the lurkers are certainly police spies of various kinds, undercover journalists, and "monitors" for Morris Dees, the ADL, and other private left-wing vigilante groups.

    V-Bulletin displays our character defects in still higher relief than Yahoo groups. The board owner makes a few of his butt buddies moderators, and the moderators turn the board into a kind of cyber-King of the Hill game, each with his little clique or faction, trying to see how many people they can ban from the board, silence, put on moderation, and just plain mess with. Anyone who has ever battled with Stormfront or VNN over minor ideological points or the presence of the drunken informer Glenn Miller, Alex Linder's drinking buddy, will know what I refer to.

    V-Bulletin is an object lesson and a warning in how we would conduct ourselves if we ever actually did seize power for a bit. Our new regime would be riddled with internal intrigues and hatreds, and instead of banning one another from the board we'd be assassinating and executing one another like Italian Renaissance princes or South American colonels in a junta. Our new government wouldn't last a year with the caliber of human material we've got.

    Chat Rooms

    I have also tried chat and audio conferencing via the internet, with somewhat more felicitous results, but there again, eventually the character thing overwhelmed us.

    We used to have a regular Sunday night chat conference, at first using Yahoo chat, and then using a program called Teamspeak set up by one of our comrades, which let us audio conference. These chats were popular for a while. If memory serves, the most people we ever got into a chat at one time over a period of four or five years we were doing this was 23, of whom six or seven actually spoke or typed. Hearing a voice at least is always instructive and a step off the internet and back into the real world, and I learned a lot from listening to those who actually spoke, so it was by no means a total loss.

    For a time we were getting an average of a dozen people per Sunday night in chat. Of these, five or six were actually participating, which was good, and usually five or six were female, which for a White Nationalist group is very good. I have never known any White Nationalist group that could get an almost 50-50 male-female ratio even briefly, on the internet or anywhere else, if I do say so myself.

    Then after a while, participation dropped off as the novelty wore off. People found other things to do with their Sunday nights. (I always used to make jokes about how as 7:30 pm approached in each time zone, chatters suddenly "had to go" to take care of dinner or family business. Pure coincidence, of course, that current season episodes of The Simpsons aired at 7:30 on Sunday. Thing is--I wasn't really joking.)

    We eventually devolved to about six hard-core chatters, the SOF (Same Old Faces) that every rite-wing group ends up saddled with. As an aside, I noticed the same phenomenon at the old Nazi HQs in Pierce Street and North Street when we had our regular Saturday night meetings "back in the day." One of the reasons I never clamped down on the boozing in those places, other than the fact that I was a boozer myself in those days, was that I knew that if I cut off the beer tap almost no one would come. Ask Billy Roper. (Harold, you're rambling again. - Harvey)

    Sorry. Where was I? Oh, yes, the Same Old Cyber-Faces in chat every Sunday Night. The conversation flagged, since by the nature of my isolated position and my lack of resources, I usually had virtually nothing to report, other than the fact that I had survived another week without a stroke and without being evicted, and most of the other people had little to report either. I have reason to believe this especially affected a fine young man named Calvin, whom I once had immense hopes for. He eventually stopped showing up, he admitted to me, because nothing was happening.

    Never have I felt more keenly my inability to hold on to good people through my lack of a magic wand to produce instant, spectacular results. I cannot count the number of good people we have lost because, as they all say eventually, "Nothing seems to be happening."

    Somehow, we have got to change that. We have got to force the universe's hand and make something happen, without money and without people. As much as it rends my soul to admit it, the only thing I can think of that might counterbalance our lack of money and people is the internet, and that's what I want to talk to you about.

    Get On With It, Harold

    Okay, I'll try to truncate the babble and drag myself muttering and cackling to the point.

    The fact is that for decades we bitched and moaned about Jewish control of the media and how we never got a fair shake. Now we have a medium of mass communication right here at our fingertips, and we're blowing it. Why? Because the problem is not the medium and to a great extent it's not "White apathy" or anything of the kind. Ron Paul built a political movement on the internet in a matter of weeks, and there are millions of White people out there who would be receptive to the Northwest message, or indeed any White Nationalist message.

    We're simply not reaching them. Given this brand new medium, we have fallen back into the same character-flaw based problems we had back in the days of the mimeograph machine in the garage. These are:

    1) Refusal to leave the passive mode. An absolute terror of personal involement or risk. "Let Harold do it." Letters and e-mails telling me "Harold, you should do this and that and the other thing," instead of "Harold, I will do this and that and the other thing."

    I can't get out of my head the tens of thousands of e-mail addresses I have had on my cyber-lists over the past 15 years, names on a screen that remained silent. What would have happened had I been able to persuade them all to kick in ten dollars a months for a serious resistance movement? But instead they remained silent, and now we are ruled by a nigger. It's been like I'm speaking in a graveyard, to the dead. Maybe I am.

    The Thoughtcrime blog is stuck on around 500 hits per day, because no one knows it's there. Brain-damaged as I am, I can still write better than fucking Charles Krauthammer or Arianna Huffington any day, these assholes who get paid $500,000 a year for 26 columns about one quarter the length of this one single e-mail I'm sending you. If I could get a genuine mass readership, that alone would put us over the top. But no one knows we're here. I have begged and pleaded with you guys to post the URLs of our main internet resources all over to hell and gone around the Net. It clearly isn't happening. Why isn't it happening?

    There are millions of White people out there who would respond, if only they knew. They are the ones who are suffering like animals under the rule of The One and his Depression. They are ready now, or if not they damned soon will be, and that is a situation we've never had before. Yet we are making a dog's dinner out of it. They will respond, if anyone ever lets them know there is way for them to make things better. But no one knows our name. No one knows where to find us.

    On a medium that reaches hundreds of millions of human beings--500 hits per day? Bullshit, ek se!


    In the name of God and all His angels, people, I cannot do this alone. My entire weekly work schedule, such as it is, consists of various things I do on the internet and otherwise in a desperate, frantic attempt to get you to respond. I am met not with heckles or abuse (other than from my deranged brother and the streaker Dobson.) Those I can take with aplomb. But in the main I am met almost totally with silence.

    2) Defeatism. The bulk of what I do receive consists of the same type of thing I used to get back in the day of postage stamps--newspaper clippings telling me how bad things are, or the cyber-equivalent in e-mail, sending me URLs so I can go to some web site and read a mainstream media article telling me how bad things are. I still get envelopes with actual clippings from our older supporters, by the way. If I have a stroke and die at the post office box, chances are the last thick envelope in my hand will contain a wad of newspaper clippings, and not even a single dollar bill to actually help me accomplish anything concrete. Therein will be writ the story of my life.

    Uh, guys...I know how bad things are, and I know what they're doing to us, and I know it's the Jews. You don't have to expend all that effort telling me things I already know.

    3) Preaching to the choir. Virtually all of our internet effort seems to be turned inward rather than outward, directed at one another, rather than at bringing in new people. We must break out of the bubble, people, stop this incestuous and deeply unhealthy contemplation of our own navels. We must stop trying to cannibalize the old Movement (something I myself am guilty of on occasion) because there is no Movement left worthy of the name. The carcass has been picked clean.

    We have to infuse new blood and new thought and above all new sources of funds and resources and manpower. We must urgently, urgently bring in young people--we look like a goddamned geriatric ward now. It's absurd that at age 55 I am one of the younger people on our list.

    What We Need From The Internet

    A) Multiple new web sites. Good and professionally constructed websites that promote the Northwest Imperative in general and the Northwest Front in particular. You can do this, most of you, just using your free web space from your ISP and whatever template they provide. Do it.

    If you're too unskilled or lazy to build your own web site, then start a blog. Jesus Christ, anybody can do that! And once you start your blog, keep it up. Don't make three or four posts and then let that short American attention span carry your mind off into the trees. I've been running Thoughtcrime and Northwest Homeland for years now. I won't say I've never missed a day's post--I know how things can sneak up on you, including senility and just plain apathy. But remember, people come back to a blog to read new stuff, and if you post every day, you'll get return readers every day. That's why I need you to help me get more readers. The "blogosphere" really is starting to have something of an effect.

    B) Contact with like-minded people, and let your definition of like-minded be very broad. Remember, most White Nationalists and National Socialists started out as conservatives. Pay particular attention to John Birch society forums; the JBS is usually the last trading post on the conservative frontier before venturesome people move on into the unknown wilderness of racial radicalism.

    Post, post, post to groups and boards that are conservative, pro-Second Amendment, pro-life, anti-tax, anti-immigration. Don't ignore the more edgy Republican sites. When the crotchety Jew-worshipping neocons who run such boards throw you off, open up another Yahoo address and sneak back on, and post post post Northwest independence stuff before they kick you off again. Contact the members of such groups off group by private message or e-mail.

    C) It may be time to think seriously about winding down Yahoo Groups and V-Bulletin boards. We don't seem to be getting anywhere from all this endless discussion, discussion, discussion. It's nothing but an outlet for us that excuses us from physical action in the real world. It's been almost 15 years now, and yet to my knowledge nothing significant has ever come of our getting together on the internet and jawing. Like our young comrade said, we just go round and round and round.

    It's like a Yahoo group I once ran called Aryan Film. I saw some of these cheapo horror movies in the video rental places that were obviously somebody's graduation project from film and media school, very low budget, awful directing, awful script, mediocre acting at best, usually slasher or monster pics because you don't need expensive sets or costumes and you can let your special effects students go wild. So I figure, look, the technology already exists so we can make our own movies and they'll be at least as good as some of these things. Why not give it a try?

    As a first step I started a Yahoo group, and for almost six months I had a small but interested group of people making serious suggestions, offering equipment and technical support, and I had offered my own services as scriptwriter. And then it all fell down where these things usually fall down--when it came time for the ideas to get off the internet and into the real world. When it came time for somebody to take some time that might have been leisure away from the shitjob, get into a car, do some long-distance driving and cover all those miles that are covered so effortlessly by the personal computer. It just never happened. Interest in the group flagged and then petered out. It may even still be up somewhere; I've lost the URL for it.

    There is this disconnect when the time comes to leave the net, get into the car, and do some long distance driving to meet people in the flesh. That's where the excuses and the backtracking begin and that's the tipping point in character we have to overcome.

    How long are we going to keep this up, guys, before we finally admit we're on the wrong track?

    D) The internet as communication, not toy. We need to change our whole attitude towards the Net. Right now we treat it like teenaged girls treat the telephone, as a toy for socialization and gossip and yakety-yak. We need to start treating it like Dr. Goebbels treated the radio and film--as a means of direct communication from the Party to the masses, the sole purpose of which is to persuade, uplift, inspire and educate the people towards the ideas and concepts that will enable them to survive what is coming and defeat those who mean them harm.

    Because yes, we do know better than they do what is good for them. If we are afraid to assert that, if we are afraid to stand on our own moral superiority to the system, then we're going to fail and we shouldn't be wasting time even trying to resist. A fearless assertion that yes, you do know better and you do have a better way is part of leadership. Then you have to back it up.

    We must use the internet to reach the masses. Let me say that again, the masses. Not our own odd and dysfunctional little clique. Even if we don't have a mass readership or viewership right away, everything we do on the Net needs to be geared for a mass audience of non-Movement White people. The use of the internet as a means to spread gossip and wage internal feuds that no one gives a damn about besides a small number of very strange people needs to cease. (Boy, Harold, you've asking for it there! - Harvey)

    Yeah, well, remember, like most of you and like most Americans, I'm what the Irish call a whiskey priest. I know what's right, I just don't always do it. And like a whiskey priest, my own personal failings don't invalidate the faith itself. They're an irrelevance. So on this one, let's just do as I say, not as I do, okay?

    End rave.
