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Yes, Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch, I DO Want A Civil War!!!

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  • Yes, Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch, I DO Want A Civil War!!!

    Yes, Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch, I DO Want A Civil War!!!

    Does the Right Want a Civil War?

    By Sara Robinson, Orcinus
    Posted on June 13, 2009

    Dear Conservatives:

    Your fellow Americans demand an answer -- and we want it now. Just one simple question:

    Are you deliberately trying to start a civil war?

    Just answer the question. Yes or no. Don't insult us with elisions, evasions, dithering, qualifications, or conditional answers. We need to know what your intentions are -- and we need to know NOW. People are being shot dead in the streets of America at the rate of several per month now. You may not want responsibility for this -- but the whackadoodles pulling the triggers make no bones about who put them up to this.

    You did.

    The assassins themselves are ratting you out. They're telling us, straight up, that they were inspired to act by the hate radio talkers that you empowered -- one of whom is now the de facto head of the Republican party. They got it from media outlets owned by your biggest donors. They got it from bloggers who receive daily talking points faxed in from the GOP. They got it from activists representing causes that would have never become causes in the first place if the issues hadn't been politically expedient for you.

    Beyond that: You've already admitted your own complicity.

    When the Department of Homeland Security expressed their worries about right-wing extremist violence last April, practically every conservative pundit in the country went into a righteous fit. DHS never named anyone directly, so it was astonishing how many of you on the right were so quick to step up and claim that that memo was slandering you, personally and collectively. Since you were so eager to claim that that memo was all about you, now that the violence has come to pass, we're well justified in holding you to that.

    And please don't insult our intelligence by saying that these acts are the work of lone wolves, and that you don't have anything to do with this, and that it's all the fault of the left. It's true that there have always been crazies in our midst. But by choosing to gain power through a politics that only motivates through hate and fear, you've recruited a good-sized army of those crazies, armed them up, and turned them into paranoid monsters that are now running loose on the American landscape.

    We know you have absolute and utter contempt for the intelligence of the average American, but trying to blame the left for creating this situation is a fabrication so vast that it tells us you don't even have so much as a shred of respect for yourselves. Even you seem to know that your word is worth nothing to most Americans now -- and you don't seem to care.

    You don't seem to give a damn about the future of this country, either. You're just in it to win the next election, increase profits for the next quarter, or boost your ratings in the next book. As long as selling hate accomplishes any of these goals, you'll do it -- without regard for the cultural sewage you're creating, without regard for the way you've polluted the political landscape, and now apparently without even a moment's regard for the innocent lives that are being lost because you seem bent on destroying every shred of trust required for our democracy to function.

    But the bodies are piling up. We are demanding an accounting from you. We are demanding that you take responsibility for the situation you've created. We are looking you straight in the eyes and demanding a straight answer:

    Are you deliberately trying to start a civil war?

    If your answer is yes, then stop this cowardly half-assed screwing around. You speak the language of war and honor; but the honor code of the warriors you pretend to revere demands that you declare your intentions. If you really believe that the only way to get the America you want is to negate a fair election, shred the Constitution, and violently cleanse the country of everyone who doesn't agree with you, then man up and get on with it. If it's a shooting war you want, do not doubt that there are plenty of progressives who will oblige you. If this goal is so important that you're really willing to kill for it, please don't forget that you will also need to be willing to die for it. Because, like martyrs Greg McKendry and Steven Johns proved, we are willing to do whatever is necessary to stop you.

    If your answer is no, then you have just one other choice. Knock off the tantrums, grow up, rebuild your party, come back to the table, and sit down and govern with us. (We know this will be a stretch, but we think some of you are capable of it.) You will need to learn, many of you for the first time, to get your way as adults do -- without fear-based politics, polarizing rhetoric, on-air threats against those who disagree with you, and repeating outrageous lies in the face of stone facts and irrefutable evidence.

    And most of all: you need to stop feeding the crazies. You need to disavow them in every way possible -- sincerely, emphatically, and with full awareness that every time one of these people acts, it destroys the credibility of "conservatives," "Republicans," and "the right wing" in the eyes of the country. You cannot assassinate your way back to power. And don't doubt for a moment that the majority of Americans -- even those who agree with your ideas -- will abandon your cause forever once it realizes that's what you're trying to do.

    Since you're the ones funding the violent radicals on your flank, you need to stop sending them money. Since you know far more about their activities than any one else, you need to be the ones who turn them in. Since you're the ones who make heroes and martyrs out of them, you need to be the ones who call them out as criminals. Until you do this -- consistently, wholeheartedly, and responsibly -- we can only conclude that these assassins are operating with your support and approval, and that you are intentionally trying to start an armed revolution in America.

    That's your choice. Are you deliberately trying to start a civil war? Or are you willing to work for real civility, and return to your seat at the table, ready to help us choose the country's future?

    Yes or No. Right now. The window is closing fast behind you. And once it closes, none of us -- not you, not us, not anyone -- will have the choice to avoid the catastrophe that will follow. It's your decision. And you need to make it now.

    Sara Robinson is a Fellow at the Campaign for America's Future, and a consulting partner with the Cognitive Policy Works in Seattle. One of the few trained social futurists in North America, she has blogged on authoritarian and extremist movements at Orcinus since 2006, and is a founding member of Group News Blog.

    ? 2009 Orcinus All rights reserved.
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    As a matter of fact, stupid gliberal whigger bitch, I DO want a civil war. But I call it the Great Tribulation.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-06-2009, 09:12 PM. Reason: Add Links

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  • #2
    Followup From A Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch 'Thinking' She Wants a Civil War

    Followup From A Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch 'Thinking' She Wants a Civil War

    Originally posted by Stupid Gliberal Whigger Bitch

    This is actually aimed at most of your concerns
    By Sara Robinson | June 15, 2009 - 3:33pm GMT

    I don't disagree that the right is organizing for civil war, and have been arguing as much for months. The point in posing the question directly is to flush out the blusterers -- who are providing the narrative that justifies violence, but want none of the responsibility for it -- from those who are actually willing to do the deed.

    And it seems to be doing that. This has been posted several other places since it first went up Friday, and several commenters on the far right have come forward to answer the central question: Hell, yes. That's exactly what they want. On the other hand, you can already hear in your head what Bill O'Reilly or Rush Limbaugh would say. They'd deny it all over the place -- they just say that stuff because the viewers like it.

    The yes versus no answers point up a split in the coalition that could be a useful wedge.

    We are more prepared than you think. Law enforcement at all levels has decided that these guys are Public Enemy #1 (starting their dirty little war with a spate of cop-killings was perhaps a tactical error); and the FBI thinks they're the biggest domestic terrorism problem we have. Furthermore, fighting Al Qaeda has taught us a great many things about terrorism in general that are proving to be useful in handing our homegrown terrorists as well. Since, right wing screeching aside, most terrorism does in fact yield to law enforcement solutions, we're pretty well equipped to deal with this movement as it stands right now.

    If we leave it to fester and grow right now, though, it could be a lot harder to contain a year from now.

    The Republicans did sit down and govern with us from FDR through Carter, largely because they realized they were a minority swimming against the tides of the times, and it was their only shot at remaining even marginally relevant. They're in the same situation now, and some of them already realize it -- but the moderates are finding themselves saddled with this large corps of crazies who want to bring down the republic.

    We also empower those moderates within the GOP -- and, at the same time, discredit the party as a whole -- when we call the crazies out. And I stand by calling them crazies: if you look at the histories of these actual shooters, every one of them shares at least two of the following attributes: a mental disturbance, a criminal record, a history of domestic violence, and/or is a veteran who didn't integrate well back into civilian society. By any measure, they're crazy.

    But they're crazies who craziness is also being fed by very powerful people who will never say out loud that they actually hate America and are trying to bring on a civil war, even though everything they do seems to be working toward those ends. Those are the people we need to be confronting with this question. Quit the disingenuous "I'm just an entertainer" crap, and start taking responsibility for your words.
    Some Pussazoid Gliberal whiggers Not Ready To Fight Just Yet -- Or Ever

    Originally posted by Gliberal whigger not ready for civil war

    Yes, but...(Wait, I'm a pussy.....)
    By Carl Davidson | June 15, 2009 - 1:29pm GMT

    I understand where Ms Robinson is coming from, and mostly agree with her, but I differ on some important points.

    First, there's not much sense in posing this a a rhetorical question. Yes, the hard right is organizing for civil war. At best, your question gives some of the hardliners a way to hide behind the wimps.

    Second, I would never say 'man up, and get on with it.' The reason? Some will do so, even more than those already active. We on the left and among wider progressives are not yet prepared, politically and otherwise, to defeat a violent onslaught at the moment. While it's a good idea tactically to demand that police enforce the law against these people, don't count on it being done well, especially without mobilized mass progressive forces. We need stronger organization at the grassroots to face them down and demobilize them.

    Third, I would also never say 'sit down and govern with us.' We may have to do this where they win elections, but the goal should be to divide, isolate and defeat them.

    Fourth, they are not 'crazies.' They are fascists, nested among proto-fascist rightwing populists, fed in turn by diehard rightwing neoliberals. Calling them 'crazy' disarms us in being able to understand and defeat them.

    So think this over some more...
    Man-hating Bitch Blames Dick She Can't Get 4 Violence

    Originally posted by Stupid bitch hoping she'll get raped

    About Time . . . . . (I get me some dick)
    By Lauryn Boston | June 16, 2009 - 6:34pm GMT

    This is an excellent article, and I'm glad somebody finally said it out loud -- put up or shut up. This is the only attitude with which to fight back and counter the incessant flood of right wing propaganda that had fueled the recent murderous rampages.

    Ms. Robinson has it exactly right. These are schoolyard bullies who are used to getting their way by obnoxious behavior. But I would add one observation further. The behavior is not merely childish and juvenile -- it is far more identical to the abusive behavior seen in domestic violence perpetrators, and just as dangerous.

    It is for this reason that I also object to the use of the term "crazy" to describe the individuals who have committed acts of domestic terrorism. In spite of their supposed "mental disturbances," I do not believe they suffer from true craziness. What they suffer from is exactly the same disturbance that violent domestic abusers suffer from -- low self esteem coupled with self-aggrandizement, obsessive need to control others, hatred of "others," hatred of any authority figure that might control them, habitual lying to cover up their actions, blaming the victim, and using classic bullying behaviors (name-calling, threats) to control their victim and achieve their goals.

    Killing another person is the ultimate expression of control. That's why they do it. We as a country need to deny the right wing extremists the opportunity to cast themselves as "patriots" fighting for the right cause, and portray them for what they are -- anti-progressives who want to control women and minorities to keep them "in their place."

    The similarities to domestic abusers is not coincidental.
    At least this gliberal whigger blames the nigger first.

    Originally posted by progressive gliberal whigger blaming itself second

    Obama & the Democrats created this right-wing feeding frenzy
    By Alan Maki | June 18, 2009 - 10:18pm GMT

    If Obama had implemented real reforms that helped working people cope with their problems we wouldn't be facing this rising danger from the right.

    Ironically, you people said that a vote for Obama would deal the ultra-right a defeat.

    Obama is rapidly losing what support he had because he has done absolutely nothing for working people who in their overwhelming majority only wanted three things from him:

    1. Peace; not more wars.

    2. Single-payer universal health care.

    3. A moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.

    There will be no stopping the right-wing now short of Obama stepping forward and drastically shifting to a progressive agenda that working people will coalesce around.

    It doesn't look like this will happen because Obama is nothing but a Wall Street pawn... which makes him a right-winger, too.

    You have dug your own graves... politically, and quite possibly literally.

    Alan L. Maki
    Warroad, Minnesota

    These places are pretty much cheering sections for the choir. That said, it is good to see what gliberal whiggers 'think.'

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 08-06-2009, 09:16 PM.

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    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      Finally Brought This Message Up

      Finally Brought this Message Up

      Actually I had the first post in one of the moderator storage forums on Christian Nationalist and I wanted to bring it up to show how gliberal whiggers 'think' but didn't have my commentary ready just then.

      Today, the cable guy came out for the fifth time in three weeks and he cut off some inches from the outside cable, added an internal noise suppression filter inside, and since the modem didn't still register, he looked at a cable siting map, determined that I was the only one on this part of the line in Granby, and then installed a termination tap. This way the noise in the unused cable line after myself won't overwhelm the cable modem. So now the cable modem works just fine. It always was a line noise problem, not a cable modem problem.

      So I went back to the gliberal whigger web page, added the interesting commentary and brought this up from the moderator's storage forum where threads are kept for work until ready.

      I have been in the Resistance Movement for a long time and have to deal, not with SS types, but rather net-nutzis, criminals and retards. So if I see one of the fruit-loops that I think tactically worthwhile to associate with, like Jay Faber, I park the thread where only I or a few trusted people can see it. and if my predictions turn out correct, then I simply move the thread and get points for my foresight and predictive abilities.

      Besides, I had to go back to a recall point in Vista in order to try to bring back a DVD drive which is offline to a point in which it did work, and what was saved on Firefox was this thread on my Christian Nationalist forum. So I went and worked on this thread and brought it up to public view.

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

