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The Turner Diaries

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  • #91
    The Turner Case

    The Turner Case

    First and foremost, read Wally Kennedy’s superb article in Friday’s Globe reporting the FACTS as presented at the hearing in this case. He concisely NAILED the various presentations and now the BOE must decide a very TOUGH case. It is very much to be determined either WHEN a decision will be made and HOW it will be announced. My guess is it could take a couple of weeks, maybe.

    Frankly, I see no way how the BOE can make a fair and impartial hearing based on just paper evidence submitted during the hearing, alone. CLEARLY, Randy Turner in FACT violated multiple BOE policies. From a legal standpoint, the administration “proved” its assertions that policies were violated. But the question then becomes WHY did Turner do so, violate BOE policies and were such violations so egregious as to be “firing offenses”.

    This case is TOUGH simply because extraordinarly sound JUDGMENT must be used to decide, one way or the other. The case is NOT just open and shut “legality”, in my view. As expected, I believe the case comes down to “was Turner a good teacher that simply made some mistakes, and thus…….” My own conclusion now is NO, he was NOT a good teacher, a professional teacher. And the evidence of such came right from the mouths of his supporters and the writing’s they submitted as exhibits.

    YES, Turner was a very POPULAR teacher. But again, I do not think he was a good, professional teacher, based on reading what he has written, himself, and the products from his students. Please let me expand on that thought before you throw the book at me.

    I begin with the opening statement by his attorney who said, “Mr. Turner does NOT teach reading. His course is a writing intensive course!!!!” That my friends is “in the record” at least in terms of words to that effect. Well Mr. Turner, how in the hell can you teach good writing without demanding a helluva lot of good reading, learning how to make critical judgments of what one reads and THEN write about it. Impossible, in my view. Good judgment, critical judgment is a BASIC part of good writing.

    Yet his own students said he lets them write whatever they “feel” and never judges their writing/judgment as good or bad, other than grammar and spelling, etc. If Turner was conducting a course in psychotherapy, well maybe that would be OK. But again, good writing must reflect good judgment, in my view. As one teacher with whom I spoke during the hearings said, a student must be able to write clearly AND BACK IT UP as well. Turner rarely forced his students to “back it up” it seems based on testimony that I heard.

    Now go read Turner’s own blog, the Turner Report. He does the same thing, himself. He writes prolifically about a wide range of subjects. But he fails in many cases to back up his own views on many subjects, right there in his own blog. He also “shades the truth” in his blog and does NOT allow posts that challenge him to “go up” on his blog. That to me is pure censorship and I don’t like it from people that choose to write publicly.

    But then consider the ridiculous book, No Child Left Alive. Sure he has every right to write and publish that book. But what was he trying to achieve by writing the book. He said it himself. It was intended as a satirical demonstration of a dysfunctional school system. To me at least the book FAILED on that count alone. It was not good satire. It was the grossest overstatement of a dysfunctional system that I think I have ever read. The book was in no way objective nor did it suggest how to better “run a school”. That was left almost exclusively to the mind of the reader, for sure.

    If I was going to prepare for a debate on the pros and cons of the No Child Left Behind government program, which Turner HATES, I would NEVER use NCLA as a reference to so prepare for a debate. It is simply TRASH with no basis for consideration, unless you think Turner’s grossly one sided view is valid on that subject. Obviously women get raped in school bathrooms because …….???

    Another point, brought out in testimony but not emphasized by the administration’s direct examination of Turner. Turner was “pushed” (to the ground) by a student in about Oct 2012 (maybe 2011) and the discipline taken against that student by an Assistant Principle was woefully inadequate, in Turner’s view (and I agree as well). So what did Turner do because an Assistant Principle made a mistake?

    The answer was there for all to hear. Turner wrote NCLA!!! Boy will I get those SOBS that fail to properly discipline students. I’ll write a book to blow’em all out of the water, and he proceeded to do exactly that.

    My question, and I would have been all over Turner in direct examination had I been questioning him is WHAT COULD YOU HAVE DONE, within the “system” in your school to remedy a mistake by one of your supervisors. He (Turner) COULD HAVE, complained verbally to the Principle, complained verbally to the Director of Human Resources, put his complaint in writing to one or both of those supervisors and go all the way up to the Superintendent of Schools as well, had he been really upset with the lack of discipline in a single case. He did not do any of that, seek remedy for a legitimate concern, within the system provided for such concern resolutions.

    NO, he just put his “feelings” in a book, and let’r rip, publicly. Well Mr. Turner, this citizen read your book and assigns a grade of F, period. You failed to “back up” your tirade, just like you seem to encourage students to “let’r rip” in your writing classes, with no back up to their opinions.

    Yes Turner was a very popular, even a beloved teacher, based on testimony provided by well meaning students, parents and other teachers. But as the administration’s attorney repeatedly pointed out in cross examination, such opinions had NOTHING TO DO with the specific charges brought forth by the administration. Hell none of those students, parents or other teachers had even READ the charges or made any attempt to refute ANY or all specific charges. They simply testified with their “feelings” about the matter.

    Sound familiar?

    So Mr. and Ms. BOE members, the Superintendent of Schools has CLEARLY taken a firm stand regarding Turner’s performance from about Dec 2012 (when he first began promoting his book, to students and others) up to his removal from the schools and being placed on paid leave of absence in April 2013.

    Countering that judgment by the Superintendent of Schools, you saw a parade of “passionate” students, parents and other teachers, expressing their “feelings” on the matter and calling for Turner to be returned to the class room.

    It is now up to you “guys” but it is pretty clear how I would debate that vote if I was a member of the BOE. Turner would be fired and his certificate allowing him to teach elsewhere removed. I would then budget a helluva lot of money for attorney fees for follow on law suits as well coming from the NEA and its minions!!!

    Is this a fight worth fighting? You bet it is in my opinion. Professional teachers must act professionally, not like screaming kids when they think they are wronged. Mr. Turner failed to do so, act professionally and thus should suffer the consequences of his own mistakes. My God, can’t you just hear the NEA reading that accusation!!! Maybe I should get my own lawyer, I suppose.

    I am The Librarian


    • #92
      Da jewplin Gay-Pride Spelling Nutzi Sez:

      Da jewplin Gay-Pride Spelling Nutzi Sez:

      Just two things, Anshole.

      “well-meaning” is a hyphenated compound modifier. “Classroom” is one word.
      Maybe Turner could teach you about writing. And since "well meaning" starts at the beginning of the sentence, it doen't require capitalization according to the Cousin Randy McClellan Park Mens' Room Glory Hole [D]Rules of Good-Enuf' Gay Grammar

      I don’t deny you your opinion, ebut when you express one on such a subject, you might edit a bit more tightly.


      thom hanrahan Says:
      May 24, 2013 at 2:18 pm |

      Some Faggot


      • #93
        I really got edjewmacated in Randy Turner's classroom.

        I really got edjewmacated in Randy Turner's classroom.

        1. “Turner rarely forced his students to “back it up” it seems based on testimony that I heard.” Well, based on sitting Turner’s classroom for a year, plus reading works of students for contests on several occasions, plus being petted and praised by Turner because nobody heterosexual male will take Turner's class, he really does make his students support their arguments. In fact, that’s one of the keys to a good grade in his class. That and polishing Turner's knob.

        2. “It was not good satire. It was the grossest overstatement of a dysfunctional system that I think I have ever read. The book was in no way objective nor did it suggest how to better “run a school”. That was left almost exclusively to the mind of the reader, for sure.” A) Whether Turner’s book was “good” has nothing to do with whether or not he is an effective teacher. B) Novels do not have a requirement for providing a solution to whatever problem they choose to tackle. This book’s main goal is more likely to be sparking a discussion about our current education system and coming to a solution as a community. The Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered Community. You reactionary conservative swine cannot be trusted to want to hold hands -- or peckers -- to cum to an acceptable solution.

        3. For a guy who thinks one should support, or “back up,” one’s argument, this blog post does not do a good job of supporting its argument. It is clearly an attack on Turner’s character, not his effectiveness as a teacher. Actually, it seems to include a lot of “feelings,” which even the author doesn’t seem to believe are enough for adequate reasoning. My 'feelings' are better than your feelings if for no other reason than because I have a pussy.

        4. I could go through and site several writing problems in this post, such as missing commas, misuse of capitalization and so forth, but I won’t. All I will say is if this blog’s author had been in Turner’s class, he would probably be a better writer. Not to mention a more prolific stalker.


        andreasteere Says:
        May 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm


        Itz Fun Being A Witless Meercat!!!


        • #94
          Now for the my chance for some character assassination on behalf of my fellow gliberal whigger/anglo-mestizo butthole fag Randy Turner

          Now for the my chance for some character assassination on behalf of my fellow gliberal whigger/anglo-mestizo butthole fag Randy Turner

          As a person who has no personal connection to any of the parties in this apart from following the story since being made aware of it via media sources, and being a ZOGling mamzer ass-clown addlepated with mongrel self-righteousness and a baggie of cheap smokin'-dope I find that the primary wrong here is the extent to which a human being may be ruined on the basis of flimsy inferences and stretched interpretations. Never mind the fact that the charges that Turner simply cannot obey Board of Education policy and thinks he has the "right" to be around minor schoolchildren via social media without the permission of the parents and the supervision of the school administration and against the express policies set into place by the local elected School Board. Nope, I'd rather pretend that I am a neutral party in this matter so that more worthless underbred drones can be created via the pub[l]ic skrule system.

          Having since read the book in question, I recognize that these inferences are made by people connected to those satirized in Turner's book (No Child Left Alive). Recognizing, too, that attorneys and law enforcement saw nothing here worth pursuing, the charges and subsequent hearing appear a vehicle by which to put out the suggestion of sexual impropriety. At least not yet. Turner is right to try to cloak his "grooming" of gaywads and lesboskanks behind First Amendment cover. Circumstantially, it gives the appearance of character assassination of the most heinous kind. I contrast it against the overwhelming heartfelt support expressed by people who know him personally and in the Sodomistical Biblical sense: students, teachers, reporters, etc.

          Now for the my chance for some character assassination: The only people who appear to be against Turner in an outspoken manner are satirized administration members, friends of said administration members, and the infamous neo-nazi Martin Lindstedt of Granby. I recognize that in witch-hunts feelings of personal responsibility can become distributed among the group and so become lessened for any individual, but I also question how a group of professionals can participate in smearing someone and present this as grounds for sleeping soundly. Rationalize it as you may, administrators, but in this instance your own morality is equally (if not more) suspect.

          Now I need to be excused for a minute while I go ass-to-mouth with this nigger buck who extended me this bag of smokin'-dope on credit.

          Justin Deremo
          Thursday May 23, 2013 11:34pm

          Frenz' Law of White Nationalism:

          Whiggers are always replaced by mamzers playing whigger.


          • #95
            I'm a gliberal mamzer ass-clown follower of Randy Turner

            I'm a gliberal mamzer ass-clown follower of Randy Turner


            I think No Child Left Alive is fiction and needs no “back up”. Or sense. Or anything other than Randy Turner's hot cum on the pages. I didn’t think it needed to provide a solution to a problem either. It was nothing other than masturbation. If he claimed it was a documentary or a research paper he should have those things, but fiction is purely the authors “feelings”. I haven’t seen a single blog or news source that actually “backs up” either side. All of you are fuktards. Who made the complaint in the first place. Probably some gliberal whigger or anglo-mestizo skank unable to ovulate to such as Randy Turner. What is their position such that they can make a complaint and have it heard? What exactly what their complaint. I just said this, but when your attention span and mental capais less than five seconds long you tend to repeat yourself. What were all the charges against the teacher? What is the evidence for each and every charge? That is what people would really like. But I only hear what people think. Not that it matters as I'm unable to reason or think or memorize anything. All I have to go on is whatever I want at the moment.That is not news that is fiction.

            Amy Thomlinson Says:
            May 24, 2013 at 2:43 pm

            I'm Little Butt I'm Loud!!!


            • #96
              I'm trying to explain the charges to Turner's retardettes

              I'm trying to explain the charges to Turner's retardettes.


              The person who made the complaint is a 15 year employee, a former principal of many of his students. And yes, as a barren coosh of a gliberal anglo-mestizo skankazoid, it is unable to ovulate to Cousin Randy's gliberal whigger butthole fag charms. The charges, that he made a sexually explicit book, and I’ve read it, it’s raunchy, accessible to middle schoolers. He claims he did this with no intention for students to read it, but then he promoted the book many more times, 17 according to evidence, on Facebook and/or twitter. He also did not get proper permission slips from parents I publish their students work, which I really don’t think is that big if a deal at this point. He was also charged after he secretly tape recoded his meeting with the HR lady, after she provided him a copy of the board policy that stated not to. And again, not that big of a deal to me at this point. Hope that answers your questions. His students are mad because they like him and from what I’ve heard, he’s great in the classroom. Like his Cousin Swillis Gumpf-Turner, he's a wizard beneath the sheets. So it very unfortunate that he made such a poor decision, 17 times, to give students access to that book.

              Bb Says:
              May 24, 2013 at 7:16 pm

              Numero Uno of Meercats


              • #97
                Both sides, nothing more than animals, pigs really, in the shadow of a Great Hunger . . .

                Both sides, nothing more than animals, pigs really, in the shadow of a Great Hunger . . .


                Most of the people commenting on this story, including Justin Deremo, are partisans of Turner. There has been other commentary on the blogs of the local kosher 'khannedservantives' like Anson Burlingame and Geoff Caldwell. Randy Turner has also been bemoaning having to face charges on his Facebook page, and of course blog. According to Turner's blog, the Joplin BOE is bringing forth some black helicopters to round up Turner. But not to worry. I made a lot of friends at the NutHouse and I'll be happy to provide Turner some references.

                Every White man knows how easy it is for the criminal regime to trump up bogus child molestation charges on the basis of a custody case, or even simply because the government wants you dead or discredited. I myself had to endure three-and-a-half years of torture, being sent to a State Nuthouse, doped up and tortured until I was able to represent myself and the bogus charges had to be dismissed because my retarded grandson refused to lie against me. But still, my family was destroyed and my pretty much non-existent political career finished as well, except of course in the White Nationalist and Christian Identity Movements, wherein I'm the Second Elijah the Profit.

                So it amused me a lot to see someone like Randy Turner having to be really careful as his accusers made Turner walk the "Perp Walk" and have to be very very careful as they hinted around at Turner's "grooming" of potential victims, talked about calling the local police and US Attorney's Office, and Huff's Camille act in crying about how much they fear Turner's getting at the lil' nippers via social media. Turner was no more considerate of the truth concerning myself when Turner was writing his blog, and like when Turner was writing in the lie-papers back when I was a militia general in the 90s. Turner routinely censors and twists the truth, which is why Turner is no longer in the lie-paper racket or much of a respected blogger.

                Now I thought of attending Turner's 'hearing.' Turner and the rest of Turner's Tards would of course, like Jason Deremo hastened to proclaim, that the Joplin School Board was siding with us nazis and racists in firing pore Randy Turner. Maybe it would help Turner and the teacher's union in filing a federal civil rights lawsuit. Yes, I hate and despise Turner, but I also despise and detest the public school establishment as well.

                So I decided to stay home because I didn't want to waste gas firing up the Geo Metro which only works on two out of three cylinders. Somebody is going to lose, most likely Turner, and the other side will be damaged as well. When both sides lose, it's a win for me.

                Let's understand something: Both sides want to use and program your children and waste taxpayer dollars to suit their own purposes. Both sides, nothing more than animals, pigs really, in the shadow of a Great Hunger. Everything breaking down, on the verge of collapse and soon we will be killing each other for the dwindling means of survival. LOL.

                I suppose the only one happy about this reversion back to the Fourth Century AD is myself, but that is to be expected of an apocalyptic maniac cult leader.

                Hail Victory!!!

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #98
                  Kernal Klink Burlingame, at jewr service

                  Kernal Klink Burlingame, at jewr service.


                  To all of the above,

                  Thanks for your input. I did not expect to be unscathed by posting such a blog, for sure.

                  Throughout my professional career, 23 years as a Naval Officer and about 10 years in senior executive civilian positions, judging people and being judged myself was a hallmark of such experience. My only experience teaching in High School classrooms was as a substitute teacher for about 7 years in two different counties in Missouri, including Joplin.

                  Of course I never was a student in Turner’s classroom nor did I ever meet him, in any way. I am familiar with his blog, the Turner Report but have never been a serious follower on that blog. Frankly, I consider him to be a bad blogger, for what it is worth and find little interest in his views, mostly poorly expressed views, in my own opinion.

                  I am an independent conservative, but not a Tea Party supporter in most cases. I read two liberal blogs, locally almost every day and engage therein, frequently as well.

                  In my view Turner failed miserably to act professionally as I said in the blog. He seemingly published NCLA in a fit of anger over not receiving adequate support from an Assistant Principal. If he did not like all the “meetings” required of teachers, I saw no evidence that he did anything about it or even tried to do anything about such interference. I saw a whining teacher complaining about many things but not one doing anything constructive to change the environment in which he worked, other than to write, polemically and publically about such matters.

                  Whining publically rarely changes much of anything within professional organizations, in my experience. Constructively and aggressively challenging “systems” within the systems themselves CAN do a lot of good, however, in my experience, again. I saw no evidence that Turner ever took that approach. Had he done so, well THAT should have been part of his defense, in my view.

                  I read all publicly available material (including several blogs in the Turner Report and of course NCLA) before the hearing and attended the entire hearing before the BOE. I drew many of my conclusions from the testimony provided therein. Before the hearing I was completely neutral as to how I felt the matters at hand should be judged. Now, I have obviously made up my own mind and thus this blog.

                  As for the quality of writing and the ability to really make valid points, look no further than the testimony offered by student activists and the petition written to support Turner. Along with NCLA, I give that petition a grade of F as well, for what it is worth. Note the testimony offered under cross examination on just that point, polite but accurate cross examination.

                  Finally look back in this blog for two articles, one entitled Public Trust and the other Professional Loyalty. Both addressed the Turner Case, at what I consider to be fundamental levels.

                  Anson Burlingame


                  ansonburlingame Says:
                  May 24, 2013 at 9:12 pm

                  I am The Librarian


                  • #99
                    Hi Anshole, I'se the Sephardic melungeon marrano red-nigger jewromy Visser.

                    Hi Anshole, I'se the Sephardic melungeon marrano red-nigger jewromy Visser


                    I do not think Mr. Burlingame is guilty of this, but the Tea Party, much of the GOP, and local “conservatives” have been quick to judge the President by his associations with Rev Wright and Professor Ayers, so in that vane should we all look at those of you who oppose Mr. Turner as allies of your supporter Aryan Nations pastor and convicted sex criminal, Martin Lindstedt?

                    Boob Hosmer Says:
                    May 26, 2013 at 1:17 pm

                    Jeromy Visser
                    Sephardic Jew Red-Nigger Felonious Mamzer

                    jewromy Visser @
                    Cornholing Mamzer's Ministry & Pisser's Cinder & Pisser's Pussy Palace/DSCI VNNF
                    Box 256, Brooks, GA 30205


                    • Joplin R-8 Administration using taxpayer money to hunt down Turner Report commenters

                      Joplin R-8 Administration using taxpayer money to hunt down Turner Report commenters


                      Instead of concentrating on addressing the problems that Turner Report readers have noted in recent weeks, the Joplin R-8 School District has turned its technology department on this blog, spending taxpayer money to try to find the anonymous whistleblowers who have provided valuable information about things that the taxpayer need to know.

                      I have learned that the blog is being watched like a hawk nearly every minute by someone trying to come up with an IP address or anything that will enable them to trace the commenter and then exact punishment if that person is an R-8 employee.

                      How many tens of thousands of dollars are going to be spent with this foolishness? Are there any steps these people are not willing to take to intimidate and bully their employees and keep the taxpayers in the dark?

                      (Note: I have removed all statistics from the website and the ones that were there were only up for a short time before they disappeared. They'z cummin' to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, hey, hey, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time . . . )



                      Posted by Randy at 12:46 PM FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013


                      The Turner Diaries RULES, The Turner Report drools


                      • Anson Burlingame here. I'm a gliberal shabbas whigger ass-clown posing as a kosher khannedservantive.

                        Anson Burlingame here. I'm a gliberal shabbas whigger ass-clown posing as a kosher khannedservantive.



                        I hope the reply posted regarding the Pastor Linstedt comment speaks for itself, clearly. I am a gliberal shabbas whigger ass-clown posing as a kosher khannedservantive, and I do not like racism or dangerous racial bigotry which will disturb my firm lip-lock on kosher kike ass-hole. How he even found this blog is beyond me and I wish he had not. Now a pack of NimBuster fuktards are here and they bring nothing other than nigger tranny shemale porn. D-g, how much myself as a sexually repressed retired field-grade Army orificer needs that nigger shemale and tranny porn. I think that I'll go over to and look up some nigger shemale tranny porn. I need to clear up that blockage in my prostate that is giving me blue balls, and quick. Nor do I wish to engage in POLITICAL debate regarding the President, his supporters or detractors, etc. on this particular blog. I lick that Kenyan nigger's presidential bunghole too. No Birtherism discussed here.

                        As I wrote earlier to a commenter, this Turner Case, in my view is NOT a political issue. It is one of right and wrong, what and how to teach kids in our schools today. As a kosher khannedservantive we want to program jewr kids' minds.

                        I hope we can keep it to that framework of debate for this case, cum-cum, cum-cum.



                        ansonburlingame Says:
                        May 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm

                        You Nazis may be insane . . . .
                        . . . . but us whiggers are typpycull!!!


                        • The One-Eyed jewnsons of the NIMtards are upon jew, Antsson

                          The One-Eyed jewnsons of the NIMtards are upon jew, Antsson


                          Burlingame needs to jack off to some furry pron

                          Roger Wiseman Says:
                          May 26, 2013 at 10:31 pm


                          Wow is this Burlingame guy a jackass or what? I tell you what I’m going to come kick you ass and dry hump you all night long I’m Jeremy Visser Aryan nations Church of Jesus Christ Christian and my flock is not going to listen to this shit! PEDO!

                          Nimtard impersonating jewromy Visser, the Sephardic melungeon baal-priest
                          May 26, 2013 at 10:32 pm

                          The Peterless Goodmamzer-Newskike Radio F[r]ee NimTard Show



                          • I'm going to piss down my leg and run for the tall grass but refuse to censor jewst yet.

                            I'm going to piss down my leg and run for the tall grass but refuse to censor jewst yet.


                            Well NOW I am tested in terms of how to allow free speech, on this blog. I have never heard of Pastor Lindstedt, have no idea what his criminal record may be, know nothing about the Arryan Nations of Missouri, etc. I also will not waste the time to google him, either.

                            But I sure hate to have this blog tainted with such organizations and people leading or supporting such organizations. Thus I was tempted to “take down” the comment above. But no, I let it stand simple because I support Free Speech. At least Pastor Lindstedt stuck to the topic at hand, the Turner Case, by and large.

                            And you bet, Pastor, if I thought you were teaching in Joplin Schools I would raise all the unmitigate hell I could raise and do my best to get you OUT of such schools, as fast as possible.

                            Now did Turner go as far as you seem to have gone, off the deep end of political and social thinking in America. NO WAY as far as I can see. He in no way compares to YOU, just based on your stated views above which I find abhorrent, politically and socially in America today.

                            But as well, Turner did some really egregious things in my view, primarily in writing NCLA in the first place and then using social media to promote it to students and others as well. Had he mistakenly posted it on one obscure blog then let him go. But 17 strikes later, well he should be “outta there” in my view.

                            Bottom line, for me, after some 25 or so comments herein on this subject, I remain certain that Turner should not teach school in Joplin hereafter based strictly on my readings of his blog, the book NCLA and the evidence and testimony offered last Thursday in a fair and impartial hearing.

                            BUT, again, Pastor Linstedt, because I agree with you on that bottom line position, don’t EVER think I support you or your organization, in any way.

                            I would politiely suggest you spread your bile elsewhere, but for now at least, I refuse to censor you.


                            ansonburlingame Says:
                            May 26, 2013 at 6:54 pm

                            I am The Librarian


                            • Ants-son, you and me need to get a room now that the glory holes in McClellan Park are gone with the [whirl]wind.

                              Ants-son, you and me need to get a room now that the glory holes in McClellan Park are gone with the [whirl]wind.



                              Tomorrow is Memorial Day. The one day a year this country sets aside to remember those that gave their all for freedom.

                              And part of that freedom is the Bill of Rights and at the very top of that bill is:
                              Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

                              “Pastor” Lindstedt’s opening statement is beyond offensive, it belies the suspension of reason and logical fact. It completely distracts from what otherwise are valid complaints and concerns regarding Turner.

                              BUT, this Republic does not represent freedom of speech that we agree with , it stands for the freedom to express even the most offensive of the offensive.
                              I understand your angst that he has now posted on your blog.

                              BUT, again, consider the alternative.

                              You and I allow full freedom of speech while Turner and the DwainBwains censor that which they do not like or those they cannot handle.

                              I sir, am fully capable of deciding for myself the merits of Lindstedt’s comment and I feel the same for other readers of this blog.

                              By letting his comment “stand” you are not “endorsing” his comment, you are instead letting his pathetic, small minded ignorance speak for itself.

                              And believe me sir, it speaks VERY LOUDLY.

                              Geoff Caldwell (@geoffcaldwell) Says:
                              May 26, 2013 at 7:54 pm


                              Tell Me What To Do, O, Fearless/Dickless/Mindless Leader!!!!
                              I Need A Zero!!!!!!


                              • Joplin School Board decision could take up to two weeks; Turner remains on paid leave

                                Joplin School Board decision could take up to two weeks; Turner remains on paid leave

                                By Wally Kennedy
                                May 24, 2013


                                It could take up two weeks for the Joplin Board of Education to decide whether Randy Turner’s teaching contract should be terminated, the school district’s attorney, John Nicholas, said Friday.

                                “The board has not made any decisions yet,’’ he said. “The state statute indicates that the court reporter has to provide a transcript (of Thursday’s termination hearing) within 10 days.

                                “That could happen at any time within the next 10 days. The board must make a decision within seven days of receiving the transcript,’’ he said.

                                In the meantime, Turner, a communication arts teacher at East Middle School, will continue to be an employee of the school district, the attorney said.

                                Only the board can terminate a tenured teacher. The board, he said, “could terminate, not terminate or take some other action.’’

                                If the board chooses to terminate Turner’s contract, it must reveal the vote to do that within 72 hours of the decision.

                                Turner was placed on leave — a standard procedure — after the school district received a complaint about him from a district employee on April 4, according to Superintendent C.J. Huff. After an investigation into the complaint by the administration, a 28-page “statement of charges” was given to Turner on April 15, and a set of additional charges was delivered to him earlier this month.

                                Termination charges against Turner, which were recommended by Huff, include allegations that he engaged in immoral conduct, that he intentionally violated district policies and that he made available to middle school students material that contained inappropriate sexual content.

                                Thursday’s hearing involved nearly 10 hours of testimony from more than a dozen witnesses and accepting more than 45 exhibits into evidence. Huff, in testimony on Thursday, said Turner’s hearing was his first as a superintendent.

                                No parents or students testified against Turner in terms of his moral character or his ability to teach.

                                All the shit unfit to print


