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Robert E. Lee's Birthday vs. National nigger Day

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  • Robert E. Lee's Birthday vs. National nigger Day

    Robert E. Lee's Birthday vs. National nigger Day

    Every year around this time, ZOG 'celebrates' itz National nigger Day by making a thieving commie jew-ridden nigger fraudulently named 'Martin Luther King' into a secular saint.

    Well, time to rather promote as a saint a true White Man, Robert E. Lee.

    Another White Patriot, Jim Floyd, wrote a tribute a decade ago to Robert E. Lee, which will of course be reprinted here. Now Robert E. Lee, because of his self-discipline and honor and decency, was a loser, just as all White Men invariably lose when they treat non-whites and jews as anything other than the dangerous dirty soulless animals that they are. Yet, it is necessary to show as a counterweight to the 'Nigger Loofer Daze' that ZOG/Babylon promotes the most degenerate and evil of animals to be the White Man's moral, spiritual, and political superiors, so as to jewstify taking away from White People everything necessary to survive. Thus White People, who founded this nation, are to be destroyed and replaced by inferior dirty animals so that jews and race-traitor gliberal whiggers and kosher khannedservantive shabbes whiggers can momentarily [d]rule before being theysselfs deluged in a flood of mud. Mighty Evil Empires invariably destroy their Founding Peoples for the short-term economic benefit of its [d]ruling racial traitors, and then, when there are no more surviving Founding People, i.e. Whites, the mighty Evil Empire decays, totters and falls into the ash-heap of History. Heard anything lately from Nineveh, Tyre, or Persepolis?

    This thread is designed to place ridicule upon 'Nigger Loofer Kink' as my granddaughter used to call it.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

  • #2
    Happy Birthday, General Lee by Jim Floyd

    Happy Birthday, General Lee

    by Jim Floyd

    James "Braveheart" Floyd Waves Chicken-on-a-Stick
    At A Criminal Regimeist Enforcer During His Anti-NWO Rally
    in Cullman, Alabama, circa 1996


    From: James Floyd []
    Sent:Sunday, Jan. 24, 1999
    Subject: Happy Birthday, General Lee

    A belated happy birthday, my General! I purposefully waited for the septic din of MLK celebrants to subside before sending these greetings, to do otherwise would have been a profanation. Your noble name should never be interspersed with or made to compete with the legerdemain and obvious fraud which, now, dominates the day of your birth. They have stolen this day but they can never defraud us of our memories.

    Respectability, honesty, integrity and self-sacrificing leadership have become unattainable, abstract and passé ideals. These values that so clearly defined your life have become valueless, leaving us to chose our leaders from a pool of dishonorable, ignoble, contemptible, pavid scalawags. Then we cavalierly dismiss their vile disregard and violation of our trust by attributing their failures to human weakness. And, always, it is a choice between the lesser of two evils.

    Your battle continues to be ours; the third day at Gettysburg has never ended, and the sharp stones in the wall on Cemetery Ridge remain a sanctuary for the deluded hordes who still fight for an ersatz Union. We are in greater disunion, today, than when twenty eight thousand of your brave men lay dead in front and atop those wretched rocks.

    They have extended that wall and built it higher, wider and deeper. It now encircles our beloved South and stands there threatening anyone who would object to the demise of our culture, heritage or race. Those manning this earthwork have, long ago, destroyed Southerness and are determined to exterminate and forever obliterate Whiteness from the face of this nation.

    This present day destruction is an annihilation of more than just the body, it is a fight for the hearts and minds of our children; a battle to destroy their sense of self, self respect, love for kin, and to make them voluntary participants in their own genocide. And, as insane as it seems, it is working -- they are succeeding! The wreck and carnage against our beloved South is indescribable.

    Even those of us who are doomed to perpetually assault this impregnable wall are, if not cowards, somehow plagued with an odd paralysis of will that works in our disfavor. We cringe and flee when our love for our White children is branded racism and we kowtow when the defense of our heritage is deemed bigotry. Our worst enemies are most times our own children and neighbors who have been robbed of their identity and somehow convinced that their banishment is inevitable -- and not only fore-ordained but as it should be.

    Still, in these darkest of times, those of us who know you hold in our collective memories a picture of your handsome face, stately erect posture and unwavering determination to protect your own from the ravages of the alien. A simple farm girl of your time expressed my feelings better than ever I could;

    "I've only heard about God, but I've seen General Lee."
    Interview 1865
    Jim Floyd
    Cullman, Al. 35057

    Editor's Note: Robert E. Lee was born on Jan. 19, 1807 in Virginia.
    A plagarist, liar, Communist, and adulterer had a three-day civic holiday celebrated in his name this past Monday, Jan. 19, 1999, wherein government workers and banksters got off.

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Rise of Black Run Amerika

      Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Rise of Black Run Amerika

      Martin Luther King, Jr. scowls across the National Mall at Thomas Jefferson
      District of Corruption

      By the time you read this article, the American political and cultural establishment will be going through all the rituals of celebrating the holiest day in America’s secular religion: the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday.

      It is on this day that we choose to commemorate the birthday of Michael King Jr., a Baptist preacher from Atlanta, Georgia and the most recognized leader of the so-called “Civil Rights Movement,” who is the only American who is honored by the state with his own personal national holiday.

      The racialist blogosphere will be commemorating the MLK federal holiday by rehearsing the familiar critique: that King was a plagiarist, that he was a charlatan, that he was a playboy and a serial adulterer who failed to observe the Ten Commandments, that he was financed by the Jews, that he was a communist sympathizer, that he was surrounded by individuals who had ties to the communist movement.

      All of these damaging accusations leveled against King are true … and they are all discussed in Taylor Branch’s three volume Pulitzer Prize winning history of the Civil Rights Movement: Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63, Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65, and At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68.

      In Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore’s Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950 and John Egerton’s Speak Now Against The Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South, we are reminded that the segregationists were right and the Civil Rights Movement really was deeply rooted in Marxist tradition.

      The Communist Party USA was agitating for “civil rights reform” before “the movement” was given its sanitized “mainstream” makeover in the 1950s. Martin Luther King, Jr became the public face of the “Civil Rights Movement” (which stretches back to the Plessy decision in 1896) following the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.

      W.E.B. Du Bois, who had been the recognized leader of the Civil Rights Movement since the Niagara Conference in 1905, died a communist in Africa the day before MLK gave his celebrated “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. In commemorating MLK’s birthday, America forgets the radicalism of the movement that included such colorful revolutionary figures as Du Bois, Lovett Fort-Whiteman, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, James Bevel, Stokley Carmichael, Malcolm X, and Diane Nash.

      Is there anything further to be said about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his destructive legacy? The truth is that we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the MLK legacy and its long term implications for America. The MLK story is still unfolding on the stage of world history.

      The Chinese historians and social scientists of the 22nd century will study the present era in the United States – its political system, its economy, its culture – more intensely than any other topic in American history to discern how and why the most powerful and prosperous nation in world history embarked on the course of national suicide.

      You live in a society . . .

      (1) You live in a society … where Martin Luther King, Jr. is honored with a national holiday, but not George Washington.

      (2) You live in a society … where Barack Hussein Obama is president and Eric “My People” Holder is the Attorney General.

      (3) You live in a society … where Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice became Secretary of State on account of their blackness.

      (4) You live in a society … where the existence of race is ferociously denied and labeled a “social construct,” but where “disparate impact” is used as a litmus test to assess and prosecute “discriminatory” employment practices.

      (5) You live in a society … where the U.S. military worries that the armed forces are “too White” and discriminates within its own ranks “to promote diversity.”

      (6) You live in a society … where 35 percent of African-Americans live off the EBT card which is paid for by the White taxpayer.

      (7) You live in a society . . . where universities create vast “diversity” and “multicultural” bureaucracies as they raise tuition and cut courses in the classics.

      (8) You live in a society … where black people get Section 8 housing vouchers, where they get TANF welfare checks, where they get Medicaid, where they get free government cell phones, where they get energy assistance, where they get WIC, where they get the EBT card, where the federal government squanders billions of dollars to tear down blighted ghettos and to create “weatherized” green homes for African-Americans to “stimulate” the economy.

      (9) You live in a society … where every hotel, restaurant, department store, and private business is required by federal law to cater to African-Americans.

      (10) You live in a society … where restrictive covenants are illegal and housing discrimination is illegal and Whites have no legal ability to preserve the character of their neighborhoods and businesses.

      (11) You live in a society … where every public school in America is integrated by federal law and federal court decisions.

      (12) You live in a society … where government contracts are used as a way to promote favored “minorities.”

      (13) You live in a society … where police departments and fire departments routinely discriminate against Whites to promote African-Americans.

      (14) You live in a society … where there are “hate crime” laws which require states to keep track of “hate crime statistics” and which impose tougher sentences on those who are prosecuted under these “bias crimes.”

      (15) You live in a society … where the worst possible thing you can be is a “racist.”

      (16) You live in a society … where the Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon churches have all suddenly discovered that “racism” is a sin.

      (17) You live in a society … where the federal government squanders billions of dollars every year on the “Head Start” program.

      (18) You live in a society … where journalists systematically fail to provide the racial details of shocking crimes and/or selectively ignore or promote crimes to advance their agenda of portraying African-Americans as victims.

      (19) You live in a society … where the wrong racial comment or the wrong breach of racial etiquette can end your career even if you are a Senate Majority Leader.

      (20) You live a society … where blacks are portrayed in Hollywood movies as everything from scientists to fighter pilots to geniuses to the Almighty.

      (21) You live in a society … where the race of comic book characters are routinely changed to promote blacks.

      (22) You live in a society … where every collegiate and professional sports team has been forcibly integrated and where simply participating as a White Christian athlete on the national stage becomes a cross you must bear.

      (23) You live in a society … where a Negro criminal can assault a White man who defends himself, and Hollywood turns it into a movie about a Hispanic who beats up two skinheads to protect an innocent African-American passenger from racist violence.

      (24) You live in a society … where the White middle class is taxed by the federal government to the point where it limits its own birthrate for the government can redistribute their wealth to subsidize the Black Undertow which is responsible for most of the criminal violence in our society.

      (25) You live in a society … where the Black Undertow is allowed to destroy towns, cities, counties and major metropolitan areas and where drawing attention to this is considered more shocking and outrageous than the violence committed by the actual criminals who have ruined Detroit or New Orleans.

      (26) You live in a society … which celebrates “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” but wages unrelenting war against the Confederate flag.

      (27) You live in a society … where Southern heritage advocates pony up thousands of dollars for H.K. Edgerton to sing Dixie at their events and for they can bask in the moral aura of his divine blackness.

      (28) You live in a society … where the “Civil War” is contested by White Southerners on the grounds of the existence of “Black Confederates.”

      (29) You live in a society … where the immigration laws have been reformed for the explicit purpose of transforming America into a Third World country.

      (30) You live in a society … where “whiteness” itself is suspect, illegitimate, immoral, uncool and unjust.

      (31) You live in a society … where Herman Cain can be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, but not someone with the racial and cultural views of Thomas Jefferson.

      (32) You live in a society … where the technology industry is accused of being “too White” and apologizes for its lack of “diversity.”

      (33) You live in a society … where the Mainstream Media casually remarks that Iowa and New Hampshire are “too White” to hold the first presidential primaries in the nation.

      (34) You live in a society … where Rodney King, the Jena 6, and the Duke Lacrosse Stripper could be taken seriously as plausible civil rights martyrs.

      (35) You live in a society … where Morris Dees makes over $300,000 dollars a year as a “civil rights activist” and gives lectures about “white privilege.

      (36) You live in a society … where you are forced to conform and censor your thoughts and pretend your own personal experience with African-Americans supports the dogma of racial equality.

      (37) You live in a society … where veritable mountains of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on housing projects, healthcare, food, welfare, and integrated schools for African-Americans in pursuit of the El Dorado of racial equality.

      (38) You live in a society … where a scientist as distinguished as James Watson, the discover of the structure of DNA, can lose his position at Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory for making politically incorrect observations about the intelligence of African-Americans.

      (39) You live in a society … where free inquiry and science itself has become subordinated as handmaidens to the cause of radical egalitarianism and where Stephen Jay Gould was taken as seriously by the establishment as Trofim Lysenko was in the Soviet Union.

      (40) You live in a society … where trial and error and experience is not considered a valid path to truth or a compelling argument against the a priori assumption of racial equality.

      (41) You live in a society … which loudly decries “prejudice” and “stereotypes,” but which casually stereotypes and stigmatizes and pathologizes White males in popular culture.

      (42) You live in a society … where a positive sense of White racial identity is culturally verboten, but where every other race is encouraged to celebrate and revel in its own non-White racial identity.

      (43) You live in a society … where about 30,000 White women are raped every year by African-Americans and this isn’t considered a topic for “respectable” political discussion.

      (44) You live in a society … where even Ron Paul swallows his pride and proclaims Martin Luther King, Jr. to be one of his personal heroes, a man who led the movement which resulted in the greatest expansion of central state power in American history, even though he voted against the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday.

      (45) You live in a city … where powerful American corporations like Pepsi shower racial shakedown artists with millions of dollars.

      In short, you live in a society where literally everything from religion to morality to culture to science to the political system to the capitalist economy has been hijacked, reconstructed, and subordinated since the year 1965 to the ideal of promoting African-Americans over Whites. Cartoons have not even escaped the Spirit of the Age.

      Everything from the definition of justice and marriage to the nature of reality to the meaning of liberty and equality . . . it has all been changed in service of the radical utopian project of uplifting and promoting African-Americans to “equality” with Whites.

      This includes even the ideals of “non-violence” and “universalism” and “colorblindness” which the revolution rode to power. Those ideals were quickly discarded after they had served their purpose. The champions of “colorblindness” and “non-violence” spun around on a dime and embraced “affirmative action” and “violence” as another means of promoting and exalting blacks.

      In the Age of Obama, the peculiarities of the anti-White system have become more striking and explicit than ever before: White people are starting to awaken to the fact that they are living through a distinct and unusual phase of American history which is openly hostile to their interests, Black Run Amerika.

      Black Run Amerika (1965-Present) is based on the fundamental premise that White America is wicked, reactionary, immoral, unjust, and illegitimate … something best tossed aside into the dustbin of history, as we plunge forward into the multicultural utopia and egalitarian nirvana of the coming millenarian age, where the assumption is taken for granted on the basis of faith that this rollercoaster ride will somehow work out in the end.

      It is often forgotten that Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t the only Marxist-inspired African leader of his time. If Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would be celebrating his 83rd birthday. Nelson Mandela of South Africa is 93-years-old.

      What happened to MLK’s peers like Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Mengistu Mariam of Ethiopia, or Laurent Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo? How did freedom and equality work out in the sub-Saharan African countries which gained their independence around the time MLK was active in the United States?

      Stay tuned to OD as we explore these topics and the “Dark Continent” in Black History Month 2012:


      Laurent Kabila's statue points the way forward in front of the Palais de la Nation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

      The statue of Laurent Kabila above, who patronized multiple mistresses and was assassinated like Martin Luther King, Jr. in 2001, was made in North Korea and now stands outside the Palais de la Nation in Kinshasa. This is what the infrastructure looks like today in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 52nd year of black freedom and equality.

      Perhaps it is time to reassess the MLK legacy … before his heir Barack Hussein Obama gets reelected and America collapses in a similar manner.

      Update: It wouldn’t be MLK Day without a drive-by shooting.

      Note: “The Chastain Challenge” has been postponed until tomorrow. Actual Black Run Congo has plunged to the absolute rock bottom of the world pecking order in terms of human development. Its only competitors on the honor roll of failed states are Somalia, Chad, and Sudan.





      The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
      I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
      I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


      • #4
        Amurrica Series: BRA’s Inauguration 2013 by Hunter Wallace

        Amurrica Series: BRA’s Inauguration 2013

        by Hunter Wallace

        District of Corruption

        I’m trying to catch up on the inaugural festivities in Black Run America’s (BRA’s) capital this morning on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2013.

        My brother called to inform me that Beyonce had sung BRA’s national anthem. He also said something about Medger Evers widow giving the invocation, a gay Hispanic poet and Obama citing Seneca Falls, Selma, and the Stonewall Riots in his speech as proof that “all men are created equal.”

        Update: According to Obama, Equality Is “The Star That Guides Us Still.

        Note: Watching this disgusting spectacle reminds me of this little ditty, “I hates the Glorious Union, tis drippin’ with our blood, I hates their stripped banner, I fit it all I could . . . ” The song references the act of “Swallowing the Dog.”





        Posted on January 21, 2013 by Hunter Wallace

        The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
        I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
        I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


        • #5
          Beyonce is a hi-yaller octaroon coon

          Beyonce is a hi-yaller octaroon coon

          There is no enthusiasm for Obama, even among his supporters. Only 1/4 the turnout of 2008. Even the WaPo ran an editoral about how Obama isn’t important anymore, and doesn’t have the ability to lead or accomplish anything except kicking the crap out of the GOP. The endless campaign enters year 5, in other words.

          Beyonce did a better job that Christina Agulara at the Super Bowl. If you google “young Beyonce” you see she has always been the same honey color. She’s obviously mixed. Her hair is now much more fabulous, and obviously an expensive weave and not hers. But almost all poptarts, white and black, do that now. I don’t find her looks “harsh”. She’s a fine looking mulatto babe, she would have worked in the big house in Django’s world.

          Jackson says:
          January 21, 2013 at 8:41 pm


          Itz Fun Being A Witless Meercat!!!


          • #6
            Happy Birfday, Slappy!

            Happy Birfday, Slappy!



            Annual Martin Luther King Day History Quiz

            Due to discrimination and anti-black bias, many Americans don’t know enough about this great man. Try these quiz and you can see how little the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only American with his own holiday.

            1) Name the judge who has sealed King's FBI surveillance file until the year 2027.

            A) The Honorable John Lewis Smith, Jr.

            2) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last night on earth in an adulterous liaison?

            A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

            3) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last morning on earth physically beating a woman?

            A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

            4) Who was the U.S. Attorney General who ordered the FBI to wiretap King?

            A) Robert F. Kennedy. See David Garrow’s biography Bearing the Cross.

            5) Who was the Assistant Director of the FBI who wrote a letter to Sen. John P. East (R-NC) describing King's conduct of "orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women."

            A) Charles D. Brennan

            6) Who called King a "hypocrite preacher."

            A) President Lyndon B. Johnson

            7) What U.S. newspaper reported that King had plagiarized his doctoral thesis at Boston University?

            A) The Wall Street Journal. In 1991 the Journal of American History admitted that “plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings.”

            8) Whom did King plagiarize in more than 50 complete sentences in his doctoral thesis?

            A) Dr. Jack Boozer

            9) Who was the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities who purposely suppressed knowledge of King's plagiarism of his doctoral thesis?

            A) Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Richard Cheney

            10) What was Martin Luther King's real name?

            A) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his congregation that he wound henceforth be known as Martin Luther King and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr.

            11) In his first public sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947 who did King plagiarize?

            A) Harry Emerson Fosdick

            12) Name the man who served as King's personal secretary from 1955 to 1960, had joined the Young Communists League at New York City College in 1936, went to prison for draft evasion in 1944, and in 1953 was sentenced to 60 days in jail in California "lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion."

            A) Bayard Rustin

            13) According to whom had King privately described himself as a Marxist?

            A) His biographer, David J. Garrow

            14) Who edited King's book Stride Toward Freedom?

            A) Communist Stanley Levison

            15) Who made the following speech?

            That's exactly what we mean--from every mountain side, let freedom ring. Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire;not only from the Catskills of New York;but from the Ozarks in Arkansas, from Stone Mountain in Georgia,from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia--let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States, but for the disinherited of all the earth–may the Republican party, under God, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!

            A) Archibald Carey, Jr., at the 1952 Republican National Convention. Carey and King knew each other.


            No questions correct means you are exactly the kind of citizen your masters desire.

            1-3 questions correct means you could be dangerous.

            4-6 questions correct means you need electro-convulsive therapy.

            7-10 questions correct means you are a hater.

            11 or more questions correct means you are a terrorist. Turn yourself in now for re-education and your life may be spared.

            Happy slain civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

            Come Home to the Northwest



            • #7
              Obongo's Second Inaugural Address

              Obongo's Second Inaugural Address



              Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the United States Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens:

              Each time we gather to inaugurate a president, we bear witness to the enduring strength of our Constitution. We affirm the promise of our democracy. We recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. What makes us exceptional – what makes us American – is our allegiance to an idea, articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago:

              "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

              Today we continue a never-ending journey, to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. For history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they have never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth. The patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. They gave to us a Republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed.

              For more than two hundred years, we have.

              Through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free. We made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together.

              Together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce; schools and colleges to train our workers.

              Together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play.

              Together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune.

              Through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society's ills can be cured through government alone. Our celebration of initiative and enterprise; our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, are constants in our character.

              But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias. No single person can train all the math and science teachers we'll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores. Now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation, and one people.

              This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun. America's possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. My fellow Americans, we are made for this moment, and we will seize it – so long as we seize it together.

              For we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. We believe that America's prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. We know that America thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work; when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship. We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American, she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own.

              We understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time. We must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, and reach higher. But while the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single American. That is what this moment requires. That is what will give real meaning to our creed.

              We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity. We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. But we reject the belief that America must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. For we remember the lessons of our past, when twilight years were spent in poverty, and parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn. We do not believe that in this country, freedom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness for the few. We recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, at any time, may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. The commitments we make to each other – through Medicare, and Medicaid, and Social Security – these things do not sap our initiative; they strengthen us. They do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great.

              We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise. That is how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure – our forests and waterways; our croplands and snowcapped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That's what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared.

              We, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. Our brave men and women in uniform, tempered by the flames of battle, are unmatched in skill and courage. Our citizens, seared by the memory of those we have lost, know too well the price that is paid for liberty. The knowledge of their sacrifice will keep us forever vigilant against those who would do us harm. But we are also heirs to those who won the peace and not just the war, who turned sworn enemies into the surest of friends, and we must carry those lessons into this time as well.

              We will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law. We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully – not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear. America will remain the anchor of strong alliances in every corner of the globe; and we will renew those institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad, for no one has a greater stake in a peaceful world than its most powerful nation. We will support democracy from Asia to Africa; from the Americas to the Middle East, because our interests and our conscience compel us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom. And we must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice – not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed describes: tolerance and opportunity; human dignity and justice.

              We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth.

              It is now our generation's task to carry on what those pioneers began. For our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers, and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. Our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see America as a land of opportunity; until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. Our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know that they are cared for, and cherished, and always safe from harm.

              That is our generation's task – to make these words, these rights, these values – of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – real for every American. Being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life; it does not mean we will all define liberty in exactly the same way, or follow the same precise path to happiness. Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time – but it does require us to act in our time.

              For now decisions are upon us, and we cannot afford delay. We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. We must act, knowing that today's victories will be only partial, and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years, and forty years, and four hundred years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall.

              My fellow Americans, the oath I have sworn before you today, like the one recited by others who serve in this Capitol, was an oath to God and country, not party or faction – and we must faithfully execute that pledge during the duration of our service. But the words I spoke today are not so different from the oath that is taken each time a soldier signs up for duty, or an immigrant realizes her dream. My oath is not so different from the pledge we all make to the flag that waves above and that fills our hearts with pride.

              They are the words of citizens, and they represent our greatest hope.
              You and I, as citizens, have the power to set this country's course.
              You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time – not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals.

              Let each of us now embrace, with solemn duty and awesome joy, what is our lasting birthright. With common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history, and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom.

              Thank you, God Bless you, and may He forever bless these United States of America.

