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  • Welcome to Discussion about VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF.

    Welcome to Discussion about VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF.

    Vanguard News Network Forum/TraitorGlenn Miller News Network Forum/The Greater Free Range 'Tard Corral News Network Forum is the forum run by one sick weasel with a jew gut disease dying like Herod named Alex Linder and paid for by ZOG through the notorious federal informant and agent provacateur named TraitorGlenn Miller. Originally offering "Free Speech For Whites" this has been a lie since the "Christmas Coup of 2004" -- a reaction against the presence of TGM. This a place for anti-xian CreaTards, land of 1,000 whiggers and a million whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!!!' posts. Best known export: VNNF Boat Piss-pul forum refugees.

    This place has been around for over five years and its forum since November 2003. The Forum, like that of $permFront, essentially destroyed the web page by driving away the better writers disgusted at whiggers and their one-sentence whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!' posts. It is so easier to type on a forum as a form of combination web page and interactive blog rather than to create and set in stone a web page -- something I am guilty of myself.

    So VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF is now presently a place wherein whiggroid pimply-faced anti-Christian CreaTards, and hidden jews, mamzers and Auntie Waycists can essentially masturbate theysselfs off in public. The place is essentially a sewer and masturbation palace of 1,000 whiggers and a million whiggroid 'MuhDikkk!' posts. Recently Alex Linder has come down with the jew-named Crohn's Disease and this sick weasel is has given over control of its forum ostensibly to a whigger meercat named Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat. This whigger meercat (A meercat is a pussy-whupped dolt whose head allegedly flops back and forth in its dominant female's vagina, like an African meercat's head bobbling out of its den hole on the African veldt.) allegedly does whatever Linder tells it to do -- and Linder is determined to kick long-term posters off his board for no good reason whatsoever. But the real power behind the throne is TraitorGlenn Miller who pays for everything and has done so since 2004. One night myself and my spy watched TraitorGlenn Miller make an 'alert' report and within a half hour either Linder or Vargina had 'tarded (placed 6Killer in the Lesser Free Range Tard Corral) 6Killer. How's that for service on snitchery?

    The surest way to get banned on VNNF is to ask impertinent questions as to where VNNF gets funding from. VNNF and Alex Linder has never paid for itself. When it first was set up back in 2000 or 2001 Dr. William Pierce's National Alliance paid for Linder's hosting. That's why VNN means Vanguard News Network. Essentially Pierce found a young and coming slick guido who used to work in one of the 'cohenservantive' magazines, supposedly American Spectator, who was dishonest enough to be let go. Most presstitutes have no personal sense of honor and they routinely lie, but the problem is that anyone who will lie about the truth will lie to another liar, and liars don't like liars who lie to them. It's a common occurrance, dishonesty in the jewsmedia. So essentially Linder wwas now a rootless liar looking for another main chance and Dr. Pierce seen him and not only gave him control over an allied web page, but probably a stipend as well, which Linder stretched by living in granny's basement in Kirksville. This situation lasted until Dr. Pierce died in the summer of 2002, and then the thieving suckcessors decided that they didn't need the drain on their resources. Billy Roper was forced out, and essentially paid the license on the V-bulletin software. Billy Roper decided that he needed his own publishing organ, and to re-create another StormFront Forum, which supposedly paid Don Black's bills and brought in Movement feebs to David Duke and his organizations. Just like Duke uses $permFront as a supposedly neutral front for his organization, and Dr. Pierce used VNN as his neutral front, so too did Billy Roper decide to use Alex Linder's VNN and to 'coin' the whigger's mites as a fundraiser.

    This situation lasted until summer of 2004, when TraitorGlenn Miller, who always has money to pay for these false-front Movement organs took over much of the bill paying and gave Linder his stipend that Billy Roper could not afford. TraitorGlenn Miller might well have been a ZOG snitch and spy since before the end of his Army days. Just like Hitler was paid to spy on the new National Socialist German Worker's Party by the Army and those who ran the Army, so too it is likely that this drunken miscegenator was chosen for his ability as a drunken lifer to mix well with racist Army veterans. It is entirely possible that ZOG allowed an armored car to be knocked off so that those who took the proceeds could be rolled up, made to preach a lightened message or kicked out entirely. So TraitorGlenn Miller, a weak-minded, weak-willed ex-soldier supposedly spread around $250,000 given to him by Bob Matthews and David Lane to form a political paramilitary group equivalent to the SA to recruit the better SS and a political organization. TraitorGlenn drank much of it up, but also plagarized the articles common to the Movement since the 1940s and printed up a lot of 'litterature.' (Litterature is nutzi propaganda distributed upon the lawns of whiggers who promptly kick up a fuss with the local piglice that they don't want this 'evil nazi racist shit' and the piglice make a fuss and the nazis have a fine time thinking that they accomplished something by distributing their Movement porno, and everyone is happy, sorta, privately.) If the $250,000 kept Sgt. Snitch up in Jim Beam, then who was to notice?

    TraitorGlenn Miller was trying to infiltrate the Missouri Reform Party and drove to Nashville, Tennessee in his Geo Metro. Meet TraitorGlenn Miller and you see a drunken lifer who always has the wallet open to buy you lunch, or anything else. TraitorGlenn Miller had a ghostwriter write his little book: "A White Paytriot Speaks Out" telling about his glory days and glossing over the fact that he was a known traitor and testified against everyone in the Old Resistance after betraying his lieutenants and sending them to prison. TraitorGlenn Miller's wallet is always open and TraitorGlenn is always wanting to buy you lunch, web server space, and print up some more 'litterature' -- leaflets left on whigger's lawns which creates jewsmedia attention and tells the Movement whiggers that somnething useful got accomplished.

    By 2004, Billy Roper was exhibiting Pastor Butler who everyone thought had his days numbered and wanting to sell David Lane produce, and Linder's accepting TraitorGlenn Miller as one of his own was getting embarrassing. The end result was the Christmas Coup of 2004 in which Billy Roper deleted TraitorGlenn Miller threads, locked Alex Linder out, and hijacked VNN Forum as a Tom from West Virginia was the webmaster and owned the v-bulletin copy. After Billy Roper decided to pull out and give VNN Forum back to Linder's control, Linder proceeded to end the charade about "Free Speech For Whites" and censored/banned those like myself who were anti-rat LinderMiller.

    Since then Linder has been using his VNN Forum and web page (which has declined) to simply act as a false front for TraitorGlenn Miller. There was talk of forming a political party for White Nationalists but TraitorGlenn Miller used it to create an excuse to ban openly White Nationalist candidates from the political parties with ballot access in Missouri in 2006. Essentially ZOG runs the major supposedly White Nationalist Forums, overtly in the case of VNNF and covertly and through paytriots in the case of $permFront. Any new forums which are overtly White Nationalist are either run as mini-false fronts or the result of chaotic reaction on the part of nutzis, who are congenitally chaotic.

    So the purpose of this sub-forum is to allow those who have had bad experiences on VNNF to post what they saw and their suspicions as they see it. Linder and TraitorGlenn Miller are free to post here if they wish -- which is not likely to happen. In short, this is a place where those who know where the carcasses are buried to squeal freely.

    These people claim to be White Nationalists when they are anything but. They are ZOGsters and stooges and sock-puppets who are liars and feebs. Doubtless they will come over here and look, even if they dare not post. My spies will be present to observe and report.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-12-2009, 11:10 PM. Reason: Add Links

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

  • #2
    The Wannabe Lead Microphone of Whiggerland

    The Wannabe Lead Microphone of Whiggerland

    Originally posted by PvtTitus
    Linder supposedly worked at CNN. :shock:

    Linder and Black were supposedly competing for some deep pocket "businessman's" money to be the lead microphone of white land.

    I guess Black won.
    No, the VNN comes from Vanguard News Network, a takeoff from CNN. Linder's biography says he worked as a staffer and go-fer at The American Spectator. Linder was doubtless a crooked little weasel back then and got booted by his fellow weasels but Pierce was always on the lookout for what talent he could get. Like Hitler, Pierce didn't want someone who could take over for him, and so he got Linder to do what Linder did best -- write 'spintros' to what others wrote. Linder has never been able to write anything with any depth or balance, but is rather a counter-punching little weasel.

    For example, Pierce was fascinated with Dual-Seedline Christian Identity. However, Pierce never was going to be able to dominate any DSCI pastor, and Pierce knew it. So as a result Pierce, a physical coward in real life, idolized a gunman like John Paul Franklin and devoted his book "Hunter" to an 'Oscar Yaeger' (yaeger/jaeger being the German word for 'hunter') and had his main character be both a cold-blooded assassin and a political adept. In the book "Hunter", (which you can read for yourself), Oscar Yaeger sets up a Christian Identity non-believer who had YHWH shoved down his throat puppet named Saul Rogers to set up a rival 700 Club to use DSCI-lite dogma to advocate killing the jews. Pierce knew a lot about Christian Identity, but like a lot of a-theists he thought that he was going to use us stupid Christians to get his way but not the established DSCI clergy who would not be a puppet to him. So he formed his own religion called 'Cosmotheology' and got around himself the urban whigger outcasts who would have otherwise dabbled in CreaTardivity.

    Pierce used the Movement dregs which is the vast majority of the [bowel] Movement outside in lieu of better subordinates and as a result set up Linder in the early years. I suspect that Linder was set up in his VNN web page and possibly given a stipend by the cheese-paring Pierce, and Pierce never was generous with his or his movement's money so Linder stayed in granny's basement. Once Pierce died, Linder went with Billy Roper's faction of the NA, and then when TraitorGlenn Miller came around with open wallet full of ZOGbux from the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity, then Linder did arise, swill and eat.

    Over the years, rich dead nazis have left their estates to other nazis as a way of saving their race AFTER they have no need for it. Zundel got ZOGbux as a result of one dead nazi leaving him money for a book written by Eric Thomson. As a result the jews and ZOG figured out that money is a tool of Revolution and have always kept the Movement starved. Redfearn's/Gulett's Church of the Sons of YHWH was left $400,000 by a dead Ohio nazi and the jews got it tied up, and a Bryan Wright was trying to steal it from 2005-2009. ZOG knows that a little bit of money can go a long way, be it Al&Martha Quaeda or the domestic Resistance. That is why the dead nazi's estate is still in probate five years later.

    ZOG doesn't want White businessmen to fund overthrowing the regime. It was jews financed by American jews which financed the Russian Revolution. Taking away money from the business class is a threat used to dry up the mother's milk of Revolution. As a result, any well-funded Movement program is either a ZOG false-front paid for by ZOG agents like VNNF, paytriot-for-profit false-fronts allowed to exist as long as they do not advocate open revolution or pay for same like Republic Radio, or a mixture of both like $permFront, which sucks up what little money is available like National Alliance used to do and drains it in feeben-phonebook-fuerher Movement drama. These false fronts suck up money, geezergelt, whiggaz mites, and let off steam, like a check valve. If they didn't exist, then jews would have to invent them.

    Now alongside this there exists an Old Resistance which is run as a hobby and with what little and few funding there is. Most of the Old Resistance is Christian Identity. We founded militias, wrote articles, worked with Willis Carto, and set up Web pages -- all on a shoestring and financed by ourselves. I estimate that I've spent an average of around a thousand dollars a year of my own money since 1996 for web pages and communications and certainly many hours per day for it. The real Resistance is never well financed. I notice that while Pastor Visser has v-bulletin for his new DSCI forum, it is still hosted on a free webserver. Right now the most active faction of the Aryan Nations to which I belong, as opposed to the pretend government-sponsored Rick Spring faction and decayed August Kreis web page is working to combine religious and financial resources to try to create a DSCI/Aryan Nations Network and 700 Club. This year I'll budget at least $1000 of my own money to fund the Revolution by means of Internet communications and try to work out a business model to make it pay like Tom Metzger does with his organization. But it never is money which motivates the Resistance, particularly the Old Resistance.

    The Old Resistance never forgives and never forgets. I'm going to have to tear John DeNugent a whole new asshole for siding with LinderMiller's VNNF and I don't like it, but I'll do what I have to do. I was going to offer him his own sub-forum on my upcoming WN v-bulletin forum like I did Covington, but unlike Covington, who is merely disliked but warily respected, I got an earful on DeNugent siding with LinderMiller. I never go against the Old Resistance consensus.

    Black is nothing more than the sock-puppet for David Duke. David Duke is a ZOG-approved Resistance leader. ZOG is not scared of David Duke. ZOG/ADL/SPLC/FBI/BATF love $permFront and David Duke.

    The best propaganda is simple: kill the jews, kill the niggers, kill the beaners, kill the regime criminals, kill the whiggers, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill. Nor is it going to be propaganda which ultimately prevails but rather the course of events as ZOG collapses. The purpose of propaganda today is to plant seeds in the minds of the natural White leadership which shall become warlords and confusion, hatred and chaos in the minds of the whigger herd animals that it is jews and whigger regime criminals responsible for their ALL their ills and not the fact that they are stupid worthless whiggers who allowed all this shit to happen and now the chickens are coming home to roost, and fear and depressive apathy that there is nothing that they can do to keep justice from destroying them as all the blame is laid at their door amongst the House of Ahab, like Elijah did upon the jewdickal murder of Naboth. Thus the same simple message has three different receptions amongst three different audiences of Resistance warlords, ZOGling whigger herd animals, and ZOG/Babylon regime criminals. Same simple message to three audiences which includes everyone.

    There is no great White leader who is going to save the ZOGland. Even if today is indeed an 'Idiocracy' there is no great savant 'Not Sure' who is going to make the plants grow, end the dust bowl, cure the economy, acne and venereal warts all in a week. President Comacho is a smarter nigger president in 2505 than President Obongo in 2009 because at least the fictional nigger president is smart enough to know that he is a dumbass.

    And even if there was a Great White Leader, it isn't Alex Linder or David Duke or even Pastor Martin Lindstedt. There simply is no curing ZOG/Babylon of all its ills, not with the current population of 55% whigger and 45% mud. What needs to happen is to let Nature take its course and let the Great Tribulation happen. What any White Nationalist microphone should say is the simple things: Save yourself and let ZOG die.

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

    Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
    Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


    • #3
      Why So Many V-Bulletin Forums & Not One Genuine Resistance Forum?

      Why So Many V-Bulletin Forums & Not One Genuine Resistance Forum?

      Originally posted by HAC-Harold Covington
      Hi, Martin:

      We really need something like this forum in the Movement, but good luck in getting any of the really important and principal players in here to participate. I'll give it another spritz on my groups, such as they are.

      Let me know when you get your actual V-Bulletin set up and I'll devote a lot more time to it. So far both Willard and Dann Dobson made a post or two and fled screaming into the night when they realized they weren't going to get everything their own way.
      Actually StumbleInn has got a SubForum called "Circle of Crust" which tells about the didoes of so-called VNNF, $permFront, phorafags/feebs, Original Dissent Embalming Society, DiabloNigger's Pan-Aryan Front, and Mutant$permFront, and a few others have threads on them.

      Pretty much all the didoes of the bowel Movement get discussed here. Every little forum got its own pecularities. You know what the LinderMiller VNNF is like. $permFront is pretty screwed up with whiggers. Phorafags/feebs is mainly balkanoid mamzers pretending to be 'intellectuals.' Original Dissent Embalming Society is full of senile old whigger feebs wanting to bring back the 1950s and without an original idea of their own, which is why they have to embalm those of their forefathers. DiabloNigger's 'Pan-Aryans' consist of sundry wogs and shitskins wanting to be white when they are not. And Mutant$permFront is a bunch of jews, mamzers, gooks, faggots and whiggers playing at 'Auntie Waycism' wanting to keep an eye on the Movement. I got banned there after less than two days, even though they pretended to want a 'race-debate'.com.

      These people come sneaking here around 2:00, 3:00 in the early am -- I've seen Sulla the Dicktaster over here from phorafags/feebs whining about what is said about him and spying for himself.

      The thing about it is that Don Black and David Duke and Alex Linder and TraitorGlenn Miller won't come over here to argue where they can lose because everyone there don't like them. They're like dogs who dare not shit in a strange dog's territory. Alex Linder was overheard to boast that he would let me have a few posts to explain my side of the story and then he would ban me again. So why should I send posts to be picked apart and attacked and torn into by people who have no honesty, integrity or courage? I already got banned from VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF.

      You see, your analysis about the v-bulletin forums on the Internut is dead-on. Also, unlike jewhoogruppen, the moderators and administrators are able to get an IP number, use the 'whois' function to find a real name and street address. They can change passwords. Maybe even view passwords. People like Elisha Strom, who Alex Linder made a moderator on VNNF for a while, rumored because Alex was tapping that dry hole, allegedly was doing the password phishing and sending viruses and 'outing' people. 'Outing' contact information is a bannable offense on about every forum because of the mass of anonymous whiggers and jews and piglice can't stand to stand in the light of day. I use these forums for sending around DSCI propaganda and to fight with the false fronts, but most whiggers on these forums are here to have fun posting their masturbatory drivel which they don't want following them home and getting an ass-beating for their pains.

      So WhiggerSwill posted here and wasn't given much satisfaction. Perhaps he will post the items of the lawsuit against you. However, he doesn't get his way here. Neither does this Dobson jew creep because he don't get to cumplain like he does get to do so at jewhoogruppen. If Dobson causes too much trouble he can get banned or have an abuse complaint sent to his ISP. So there are none too many things which can be done against a corrupt or abusive forum moderator. White Nationalism has exchanged the tyranny of the jewhoogruppen to the tyranny of the whiggers running these forums. Dobson will probably run back to jewhoogruppen. WhiggerSwill will probably go back to isolation as he has been banned from VNNF/TGMNNF as well.

      You got an offer AFTER I got a consensus from the DSCI Old Resistance and allied pastors. Some were not crazy about you being here and some were quite pleased. You haven't betrayed anyone in the Movement like TraitorGlenn Miller and others did. You have raised welts on my hide in the past, but that is a personal matter for which I decided that it would be best to turn over a new leaf for my own good and that of the Movement. Will Williams is unable to understand that while you have been mean to him, that this isn't overall Movement treason. By supporting the return of TraitorGlenn Miller and other rats, Will Williams is looked upon as a traitor to the Movement. So too is David Duke's henchman Ron Doggett for supporting the return of TraitorGlenn Miller. And that adds to put a stain on David Duke in the eyes of the DSCI Resistance and Order loyalists.

      I wanted to make a place for John DeNugent to have his own subforum on my upcoming v-bulletin forum. I got a blackball from one DSCI pastor which said that DeNugent has sucked up to LinderMiller and refused to denounce TraitorGlenn Miller. As a result, I will have to make a demand that DeNugent denounce Linder and Miller and the rest of those who have given aid and comfort to ZOG rats one more time and if not, then make him post in the 'Auntie' section if at all on my forum. I have a duty to denounce traitors and those who side with traitors and ZOG, and I have no option to do otherwise. Luckily DeNugent got banned at $permFront thanks to Don Black's jealousy and Black's master Duke gave a song and dance but didn't call off his Black dog. VNNF has decayed quite a bit more under Linder's Vargina the Meercat now that Linder has gotten sick, not that Linder when well ever accomplished anything other than collecting ZOGbux from TraitorGlenn Miller. DeNugent might well see that it is best to declare loyalty to the Order POWs, especially now that his Finnish kid is an Order supporter.

      The point of my new v-bulletin forum is to add a v-bulletin to the DSCI Resistance which is not an overtly CI forum. For too long the White Nationalist v-bulletin forums have been the mouthpieces of ZOG false fronts like VNNF, paytriots like $permFront, mamzers and jews like phorafags/feebs, Pan-Aryan Alliance, senile old reactionary whigger feebs like Original Dissent Embalming Society. Only on StumbleInn have I been made welcome, and StumbleInn is not overtly White Nationalist. Likewise, there are all manner of anonymous whiggers and jews and mamzers who call for the political cleansing of those who they denounce from the safety of anonymity, when they are obvious partisans of paytriots like Peterless Skank (Peter Shaenk) or VNNF or $permFront if not the ADL/SPLC. It is time that these ZOGlings, be they jew or whigger, have no safety in anonymity.

      I shall have the v-bulletin forum up shortly as I transferred my domain name over to the new hosting company. Not by April 1st, but by April 9th, the fifth anniversary of my grandchildren being stolen by ZOG. For now I'll try to learn from Pastor Visser, who has made the transition from phpbb3 to v-bulletin.

      Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
      Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

      Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
      Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


      • #4
        Genesis 3:15 phorafaggot/feeb whigger-poseur Sniping

        Genesis 3:15 phorafaggot/feeb whigger-poseur Sniping (deleted at phorafags/feebs)

        Originally posted by albion

        Alex Linder of Vanguard News Network is arrested in Knoxville, TN, while participating in a white supremacist rally.
        Everyone in the Resistance or familiar with ZOG piglice work understands all about agents provacateur. Alex Linder's history is well known. He showed up as a creature of Dr. William Pierce until Pierce died, then of Billy Roper until Linder became a creature of TraitorGlenn Miller around the summer of 2004. TraitorGlenn Miller is a creature of ZOG and distributes ZOGbux out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity.

        Everyone who was around when there was a Militia Movement knows the drill. You have the agent provacateur essentially fronting for the jews and ZOG, they pay for the action, work hand in hand with the regime. Every so often the SPLC/ADL denounces their false front or arranges a minor arrest to rubberstamp their creature's bona fides, and the feebs think that the dog in sheep's pelt is safe enough. Cockroaches have more sense of self-preservation than whiggers.

        Like in the early days of the Internet a particular fad, meme or craze would make the rounds every 18 months. Likewise with the cycle of betrayal. Anyone who has been around for 15 years since just after Waco got to see the betrayals in the Militia Movement, the Paytriots, the fake Babtist-Hobbyist New Covenant Cornholer CI pastors with niglet stepchildren and coal-hauler wives, the jewhoogruppen, and now the v-bulletin forums playing at White Nationalism. Every little crazoid whigger with its own loyalties to itself first and ZOG secondly and White people last, because it is so much better than other Whites. Lothrup Stoddard called them 'mattoids' and it is a term still apt today.

        The fact of the matter is that those who play around on these forums are usually whiggers. Every v-bulletin forum has a target list, like ODES a bunch of senile reactionary whigger feebs, and phorafags/feebs for some reason targets whiggers that think that because they have been brain-damaged and 'edjewcated' by ZOG that this makes them smarter than YHWH. For some reason phorafags/feebs has an unusually large concentration of balkanoid mamzers of the sort that the Turks called 'cattle' and the Germans called 'undermen.' I still haven't figured out why Asiatic Bolshevik mamzers here on phorafags/feebs haven't made common cause with AmeriKwan mongrolloid spics on DiabloNiggero's Pan Aryan Foolishness. Shitskin mamzers pretending to be White.

        So Alex Linder got a photo-op and probably, as arranged, got arrested in Knoxville. I met Linder in May 2004 in Topeka Kansas and Linder was a complete coward who wouldn't dare make waves then with his piglice protectors. I suspect that this is simply an arranged set-up for Linder to get arrested for a few hours, make bail, and then pay a fine or whatever in order to fool the feebs. After being locked up and tortured on trumped-up charges for 3 1/2 years, pardon me if I'm not impressed. It has all the marks of a set-up situation. Why, the SPLC photographer was there to record the instant for jewdenposterity! But Linder will make of it a Holoco$t. Linder is not going to spend a day or a week or a month in jail for refusing to pay kort costs or a fine. Linder is the sort of cowardly feeb who will turn over to ZOG all the IP numbers and addresses of the stupid whigger feebs who support him. Linder will hang as tough as TraitorGlenn Miller, make no mistake about that!

        In any case, within the [bowel] Movement there have always been the 'flappers' or enablers which act as protectors for their [bowel] Movement 'leaders.' This Albion can't help itself but it got to engage in Genesis 3:15 sniping. Yesterday the feeb posted a 'whigger' poster that I found valuable, so the feeb edited away the useful picture not thinking that I would save the picture before re-linking it. This is the mindset of a none-too intelligent piglice from the state piglice fusion center or a burrocrat from the Department of ZOGland InSecurity in action. The feeb posts as Albion at VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF, here at phorafags/feebs, and at ODES. It just loves Pat Buchanan although Buckwheat denounced me for racism back in 2000 when I was running for US Senate on the Reform Party. What would it make of Alex Linder then, if it wasn't a ZOG feeb or a whigger demanding that the Revolution be managed to make whiggers live? Or simply as deranged as Starr, who thinks that niggers and jews will fade away after the White Revolution like Marx said that the state would wither away upon attaining jewtopian marxism? So Albion is either a busy little piglouse or a brain-damaged whigger. (Or both!!! Can be both easily. Piglice are none too smart, as suspicion is not signs of intelligence. Cockroaches, rats, and jew vermin are rightly paranoid of the descending White jack boot. Not smart enough to be a jew, unless it is a really smart jew playing at being a whigger piglouse.)

        What strikes me is that this Albion is both a Linder supporter and an anti-Lindstedt Genesis 3:15 sniper on VNNF, phorafags/feebs and ODES. This is not normal=typical whigger behavior. Fi Fi Fo Fum, I smell bacon, I smell not nice, I smell ZOGling piglice.

        Originally posted by Bardamu

        Martin dislikes everybody in the resistance except for his own little group. The way he is always attacking others in the resistance reminds me of Bill White.
        No, stupid whigger. It is unwise to attract notice of the genuine article.

        Bardamu is quite correct. I genuinely despise most whiggers. The only White people I like and feel comfortable with are Christian Identity and allies.

        I have not hidden the fact that I think that at least 95% of ostensible Whites are whiggers best left to die in as bloody a Great Tribulation as possible. I don't really have any plans for peace or establishing anything other than a theocratic dictatorship under DSCI principles and exterminating any non-Whites not driven off. Why should I worry when Christ will return and congratulate me for helping rid the world of whigger evildoers and the jew spawn of Satan if I live and eternal life if I die?

        I'm here in the phorafag/feeb jewlag because I have a long history of savage ridicule of phorafag/feeb whiggers, mamzers, and femnisheviks. It is as safe for whiggers or mamzer or jew feebs to come to the jewlag as it is for shitheads to lean outside the boat and put their pecker or tits in piranha infested waters in the Amazon.

        Now is it because I have Bill White/Weiss ambitions? No. I tell whigger feebs up front that if I think that they are not in the Resistance because they wish to overthrow by as violent means possible the current ZOG/Babylon to where the vast majority of whiggers and all of the non-whites are exterminated, then I have no use for such fools and liars or piglice spies. Why are you here? Why are you playing games in the Movement? This is not a place for whigger feebs to be playing. You should be out copulating or watching the TalmudVision as normal=typical whiggers. So you are here for some reason. But for whatever reason, to paraphrase Lenin, out of 100 Resistance poseurs, 69 of them are fools, 30 of them regime criminals or fools (or all of above), and only one is the genuine Resistance fighter.

        Best don't yap about there being any such thing as good piglice or government workers or lawyers or jewdges or skrule teechers when the local Resistance warlord comes into jewr devastated town, but rather have the heads and pelts stacked on the korthouse lawn, except for those we wish to make a four-day example of.

        Right now I am working of creating a network of genuine Resistance political operatives who are not ZOG false fronts like Linder. Anonymous whigger and jew feebs won't like the new system either. I shall call upon many to declare a side if they wish to be relevant in the Movement.

        Bardamu strikes me as being another whigger sitting on the fence. Get off the fence, stupid whigger. Sitting with jewr ass in the middle of a firefight is a sure way to get full of so much lead that jew'll be able to use jewr dick as a pencil.

        Get off the fence, whigger. Either be a good little ZOGling slave, no whining, or fight to live and rule. There's no provision for putting 150 million of you whiggers in a work camp by either side.

        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-13-2009, 10:58 PM. Reason: Add Links

        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


        • #5
          A Fire For Effect On Some Genesis 3:15 Whigger Snipers

          A Fire For Effect On Some Genesis 3:15 Whigger Snipers

 (deleted by phorafags/feebs)

          Originally posted by bardamu
          Well Martin you strike me as an agent provocateur, just like Bill White used to.
          Well, Bardamu, you strike me as a typical ZOGling whigger ass-clown. I bet that there isn't a single pig in the ZOGland that you wouldn't suck off if he threatened/promised to shove a nightstick up jewr ass. I'd say that jew're a whigger sheep in whigger sheep clothing.

          So how exactly am I going to 'provoke' you, ZOGling shithead? Have I not informed every single ZOGling whigger on this forum -- and elsewhere -- that I am hoping that they did a miserable death at the hands of their beloved ZOG as it collapses? Have I ever acknowledged the humanity of the balkanoid mamzers which are common for some reason here on phorafags/feebs?

          The fact of the matter is that I have very little ability to 'provoke' you phorafag/feeb whiggers and mamzers here whatsoever, unless it was to tell you that you should do something useful to jewr survival and you idiots did the exact opposite. You are not being provoked into doing anything by myself. Rather, you are bitching like a pussazoid because I've taken an axe to a sick weasel who collects ZOGbux from a known ZOG rat, i.e. TraitorGlenn Miller. You don't like me pointing out Movement History, do you? Why, traitors should be given a free pass, right?

          I've been in the [bowel] Movement for 15 years now, and I'll be damned if you whigger shitheads hanging around the [bowel] Movement anus don't end up getting even more stupider as the times get grimmer. Well, nothing more to be worried about when it occurs to a sheep in sheep's clothing. Enjoy lunch with the wolves. See if you can't talk them into swallowing jewr plastic drivers licenses so that there will be some identification of the source of the wolfshit as the only grave marker.

          Susan sent me a negrep for chewing on Alex Linder. "Martin, surely you can't think that what you're doing criticising other pro Whites in public is helping our cause. Do you?"

          I sent her back some negrep. I'd have chewed this ignorant twat some more, but ran up against a character limit. Here's what I did send:

          "Susan, when it comes down to it, you are really nothing more than a self-serving ignorant cunt hanging around the WN Movement. You bitched because I viewed a balkanoid bitch as sub-human. And now you bitch that I'm attacking Linder. White you ain't."

          What do you think Michael Collins, Joseph Stalin, or Adolf Hitler wojuld have done to someone who accepted money from a known ZOG snitch and informant like TraitorGlenn Miller? At the best, Michael Collins had bullets placed into the heads of traitors and collabor-traitors or sympathizers. The other two would have exterminated the entire family root and branch. Terror is the only thing that works and is usually the only weapon at the disposal of Causes like ours, a fight to the death for our very survival versus our racial and racially treasonous enemies.

          Look, Susan, if you want whigger pecker for your aging cunt, then trolling phorafags/feebs and VNNF for these pimply adolescent shitheads and gone-to-seed kollidge screwdents is a complete waste of time. Just go down to the truck stop and offer a blow job for ten dollars and then give the truckers a 'free upgrade.' There will be more satisfaction for both sides then! You'll get some manly men there and if you run the other set of lips that they don't want to pay for or even listen to, maybe a knuckle sandwich. That had ought to make jewr twat wettt!

          This balkanoid bitch you demanded that I apologise to, ProBoner. You showed me right there that you were a femnishevik, not a White Nationalist. If I were to see that balkanoid bitch with its litter of muds crossing the street and then ran over it, racial loyalty would demand that you shut the fuck up. These shitskins don't belong in a White country and you demand that a White man apologise to them if they possess, like jewrself, a cunt? No, Susie, you have cunt loyalty, NOT racial loyalty. And the moment you demonstrated where jewr loyalties lie, all I can do is to hope that like most whiggers playing at White Nationalism, that jewr elderly femnishevik meat is tenderized by a good raping and beating at the hands and peckers of the subhumans you love far above your own race. Frankly, I think you are a race-traitor. Like most cunts, you are a leftist hag looking for power and pecker. Like Maguire in, I'm looking forward to you facing down Juan Valdez and its beanerlets with jewr vibrator in hand and seeing how long that keeps you from being kicked out on jewr aged twat ass out into the street.

          But, whiggers are typical and Bardamu and Susie are nothing if not typical whiggers. Alex Linder and TraitorGlenn Miller furnish them a playpen in which to masturbate and they is oh, so gratefool. They are merely two tippy-cull whiggers out of the 150 million who won't make it and who shouldn't.

          I'm still gloating that Peterless Skank (Peter Shaenk) was kicked out of VoR. Maybe MikeyKikey Jukes-Kallikak is next.

          But in the midst of Genesis 3:15, I have noticed that one of the supposedly typicull whiggers isn't acting according to normal whigger parameters like Bardamu and Susie. It is not normal=typeecull whigger behavior to be both on VNNF and ODES and snipe at the White man on both places. Albion fits all the marks for some piglice burrocrat sitting and worming its way throughout the bowel Movement. I smell piglice or the nark in this Albion.

          Not that it matters. Character is destiny. You whiggers have no character, not even a bad character. You piglice are going to be the first ones killed by the rioting niggers or the whiggers or the last to be dug out and destroyed slowly by the survivors.

          My articles about Alex Linder are right on the money. I have my spies and they tell me how things are going. In any case, if all whiggers like Bardamu can do is to whine that I of all people am a ZOG agent provacateur and you feebs believe him, then yes, you are even more stupid than I have hoped. Have I not said plenty of times that stupid whiggers who demonstrate time after time that they want to die should die to make room for smart White people who want to live? The only option I can offer you whigger feebs is the advice to kill before you are killed and to save jewrself and jewr families. Susie is simply a stupid cunt who will probably be fucking niggers and beaners since she can't find some stupid whigger meercat to fuck her.

          And Albion, my spies will be watching you. You are one of the smartest of the whiggers here, but not too smart and certainly not on my side. Next time, don't do any Genesis 3:15 sniping and miss. You do know what happens to snipers who miss and get triangulated? A Fire For Effect as counter-sniping operations.

          Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
          Church off Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

          Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
          Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


          • #6
            Off to the Truck-Stop, Suzie.

            Off to the Truck-Stop, Suzie.

   (deleted at phorafags/feebs)

            Originally posted by Susan
            Whew! I'd say you have some anger (and likely female) issues Martin.

            Regardless, the negrep wasn't really for any particular post of yours, rather for just your insane and inane ramblings overall.

            But keep it up Marty--I'm sure the jews LOVE you.
            Well Suzie, I see that you disabled jewr rep. Here's hoping that the vibrator attached to the dustbuster is disabled as well so you can take my advice and fly on down to the local truck stop and give cumfort to jewr aching empty twat and jewrself as a bride of the multitudes.

            The negrep to you was because you are a crazoid cunt who really belongs on the left bank hunting for meercats there. jewr not a White Nationalist but rather a sort of Ms Pac-mamzer with jewr gaping cunt looking for stupid whiggers to engulf and devour. You can't stand a White Man telling you that you should be installed with a cuntometer with the needle stuck in the red line telling meercats to flee for dear life before they'se nothing more than itty bitty feet hanging out of jewr inverted distended vagina.

            Well, Suzie, now that jewr biological clock alarm clock done rang and cum unwound, either itz time to becum a coal-hauler or cum back to VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF and beg Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat Moderaturd to let you back in. You can tell the gut sick weasel that when Martin Lindstedt accused him of eating TGM ZOG-shit sandwiches that you told me that Linder don't like eating bread any more as it further inflames his anus. VNNF's loss is phorafag/feeb's gain as no one loves/likes VNNF boat piss-pull.

            I like women. Obedient Israelite women. Not uppity stupid whigger cunts. If the truck-stop gig don't work out, have you considered artificial insemination, Suzie?

            Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
            Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

            Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
            Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


            • #7
              Linder's Interaction With Itz Fellow Media Reptiles

              Linder's Interaction With Itz Fellow Media Reptiles


              Originally posted by Spy#777

              BTW, I just got through listening to this Linderstein CBS (radio) interview and I have to admit that he did a really good job. They try to fluster him but he makes some salient points. I hate this prick for his anti-Christian stance but freely admit his ability to make a point under pressure. Do you think that VNN edited it to make him come off sounding better?
              I did a google search and came up with this link on VNNF:


              First of all, it is far better that a self-serving solipsistic self-serving weasel like Alex Linder is openly Auntie Christian than to be some thieving feeb hiding under a sheepskin of trust as Christian clergy. It is a good thing that openly selfish and amoral pisspul find it best to simply not bother to pretend to be Christian, and thus take fools as victims.

              I don't think Linder had to change much of anything. Linder actually comes out from the ranks of these weasels. I think he'll do a good job with these media reptiles. They understand each other, and with Linder it is more like one GenX whigger on the make dealing with its fellow GenX whiggers on the make. They understand Linder and think that he is just a slick guido on the make. They don't think that he believes what he says and is simply a whore like them. You go to college and these media weasels are stamped out for a job in jewrnalism, which is why the jewsmedia is becoming irrelevant. Who wants to bother paying to hear the same old lying stupid crap fed to you?

              I take a different policy in interviews. Whenever I speak to a bunch of these media weasels, their little mouths drop open in amazement as if they've discovered a medieval artifact. They don't doubt that I believe whatever I say, it's just that I am like something that they read about from 100 years ago and it hits them in the head. I make no secret of my hatred and contempt for them and wish to see them destroyed.

              No, Linder is a little media douchebag-weasel hisself and thus knows most of the tricks. The best way to deal with these media weasels is to make your contempt and disdain perfectly obvious, and thus they won't censor you because they think being White is itself a sign of moral degeneracy because you don't like these niggers they profess to love but actually fear. You see, they see in Linder one of themselves playing at a racist gig. If Linder were to come out of the closet and say that he has a Somalian faggot lover and now wants to join the One Pisspul Project then the jewsmedia would go all gaga. And the VNNF feebs would mostly join the cult, with 10% becumming VNNF boat piss-pul to phorafags/feebs.

              I've never downgraded Linder's intelligence. I've downgraded Linder's honesty and character -- he has none. Linder is a physical and moral coward. Pierce seen a glib weasel and decided that he wanted one running a web page loosely affiliated with him, and so it happened eight years ago. Now Linder is ZOG's pet weasel in the bowel Movement, paid for out of the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity by TraitorGlenn Miller. Linder is simply a tool for rent, that's all.

              These mainstream jewsmedia interviews benefit both the jewsmedia and Linder. They put Linder forwards as a "Movement Leader" and Linder feeds them the raw sewage they want to give up. Thus ZOG benefits in that it puts its false-front leadership forward as "White Nationalist" leadership and Linder is duly crowned, not by the Movement Resistance, but by the jewsmedia and stupid whiggers.

              The vast majority off the Movement is whiggers. Whiggers want a risk-free, violence-free whigger revolution to set the clock back twenty or thirty or fifty years to Evil Empire lite. And so, rather than do something theysselfs or even seek out and develop local leaders, they jump in line to follow the 'leaders' that ZOG brings forwards.

              I got a similar e-mail from Spy #333 that I'll probably end up posting.

              By the way, I got a new v-bulletin forum up called Christian Nationalist. It is sparsely populated right now, but I don't intend for it to become another VNNF or $permFront. Of course, while bemoaning VNNF and $permFront, whiggers invariably enjoy Sodom and Gomorrah's bright lights and whigger faggotry.


              Drop by and register if you get a chance.

              Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
              Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
              Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 05-14-2009, 02:23 AM.

              Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
              Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


              • #8
                Precursor Forum Warz

                Precursor Forum Warz


                Originally posted by Spy#777

                Thanks for the response and your take on Linder is as always, spot on but I am wondering why you refer to him as a guido? I think I asked you that on the phone. Reason being, I know of a few Lombard Italians who actually look more white than I do and they might be alienated by such a label. Just wondering if you could once again touch on that subject back to me.

                Thanks Martin.

                Alex Linder acts like a guido because it is a guido. In the flesh he is 6'1" and brown-haired and blue-eyed and you don't believe the pictures. And then he behaves like a damned guido in real life. Then you don't believe your own eyes. That is what happened to me in Topeka in May 2004. Linder is totally self-serving and dishonest in real life.

                This is what gets me in my 15 years in the Movement. The non-white traits ALWAYS surface and take over, like this little monster from Alien. Non-white traits are dominate, and they eventually overcome and rise to the top.

                Most Italians, even the ones from Lombardy, are racially mixed. The Northern Italians despise the Sicilians and Southern Italians. Like in India, the further south you go the darker it gets. So to talk about 'guido behavior' acts as an incentive to not indulge in it, to not let the 'inner nigger or whigger or jew' pop out, the same as when talking to a Mississippian. Even when they do have some of the forbidden blood in them, they wish to pass for White, and so they clamp down on their negritude all that more the harder. Since our racial brethren from the deep woods of the Ozarks and from out West have similar suspicions as to big-city "guido" behavior, I am not losing much of anyone who is White when referring to "guido" behavior while indicting VNNF boat pisspul for following another mamzer.

                The purpose of much of my behavior is to generate a reaction which raises a welt, be it from Rabang Albion Miller, ZOG suck-poop, or from the Lindermillerites, or from higher up, like Linder and Miller itself. There is a civil war being waged and one wants to make sure that ZOG becomes a virtual Afghanistan with no safe rear echilon. Everyone must life in fear and under stress, especially if they take sides on these 'forum warz.'

                Because regime criminality hasn't been thoroughly punished by civil war for over 200 years -- regime criminality in fact being rewarded by the Civil War of 1861-65 -- the regime criminals and their sympathizers indulge in it all the more, even though the dire effects of this regime criminality are becoming known to ZOGling whiggerdumb every day. Just as what the piglice did to myself and my family will result in their extermination, so too does what TraitorGlenn Miller and Alex Linder do end up having a price. For now, they are safe except for continual sniping from myself and others. They cum over here to snoop or have their stepin-fetchit Rabang Albion do their hyenaoid work. That Rabanger Albion is stupid is beyond doubt -- as if anyone White trusts what cums from jews in the Ashkenazi Defecation League, wanting to make TraitorGlenn and Alex Linder Movement leaders. But time will tell. Where will jews run to when the most productive whiggers throw them out? And where will the traitors run to, if not dancing from a rope made of all manner of makeshift materials?

                Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                • #9
                  Why I Call Alex Linder a "Lying, thieving, treasonous guido."

                  Why I Call Alex Linder a "Lying, thieving, treasonous guido."


                  Originally posted by Apocales
                  I take it the CI church mostly takes Italians on a case-by-case basis similar to Russians?
                  I've gotten some e-mail as well over the above post. Let me clarify.

                  When Linder first came onto the scene, there was a picture of Linder by the SPLC which showed a dapper short guido-looking character. In real life, Linder is a 6'1" brown-haired, slightly effeminate looking character who looks sort of bookish. In real life Linder acts like this Michael J. Fox character in "Spin City." As you get to observe him, Linder belies the Nordic look and acts like a Levantine camel trader who would be at home in a bazaar or a jewsroom. Linder is a complete physical and moral coward. Now whether, like a jew, he has 5-15% nigger marker genes is irrelevant, given that my primary hatred of Linder stems from the fact that Linder is in collusion with a known ZOG informant and paymaster, TraitorGlenn Miller. Linder said to this little Swiss guy that he later mistook for a jew that he was of Swiss, on the Italian side, ancestry. So combined with that admission, I like to call Linder a "lying guido."

                  Being born White and Israelite is a privilege from YHWH. To be a traitor for the sake of worldly wealth and power is a fool's deal. I have no knowledge as to Linder's real ancestry. I do have plenty of firsthand knowledge as to Linder's treasonous and cowardly behavior.

                  I recently asked Clifton Emahiser, recognized as the foremost DSCI scholar, when I was asking for permission to use his works, with attribution, for a DSCI seminary textbook, whether Eastern Europeans were Israelites. Emahiser said, "Some are, and some are not." So I suppose that yes, things are to be taken on a case by case basis, although for all practical purposes, they are not to be encouraged to come to America in any case, but rather left where they are. America is the new Promised Land, and any Israelite supposed to be over here is here by now. I'm not running a mamzer checking station and I've never seen any obvious mamzer who wanted to hear DSCI doxology from me. (That goofball typical whigger Bardamu is trying to do some 'rabbi shopping' for 'polite DSCI pastors' over at the help desk of phorafags/feebs, and Stan the Belgian fruit-loop isn't helping none.) Christ in any case, shall separate the nations, Matt 25:32, and so I shall defer to His Greater Judgment. Right now I am only sent to the usually self-Found Sheep of the House of Israel, as their human shepherd, their Pastor.

                  The strength of Dual-Seedline is that it is NOT jewniversal. We seek no centralized power over Whites and certainly not over non-whites. Rather, our strength is in who we are, and in being decentralized and under the wire. I have made it clear that just as within the time of Butler, that any Aryan Nations alliance I am in is only for those pastors and congregations which wish to be aboverground and only for the reason of being politically and religiously active. No underground congregations are being recruited or asked to be aboveground. No tithes nor offerings are sought. I suspect, that as in the time of Elijah, that there are at least 700,000 men who have not bent their knee to baal/ZOG/Babylon, but as in that time, we are not to even seek them out.

                  The purpose of the DSCI Church is for known activists to let the House of Israel to know the Truth as to who they are and what is expected of them, and for them to apply these lessons, first to their own families, then upon their own precincts and neighborhoods and counties, and then, to survive the Great Tribulation. The Bible says nothing about Babylon being overthrown by militia groups and CI churches, but rather collapsing of its own dead miscegenated weight.

                  And since Linder says that he is of Italian origin, I have no problem calling him a thieving lying guido. If other thieving lying guidos have a problem with being compared to Alex Linder, I suggest that they beat up on his thieving lying jew-diseased treasonous guido ass.

         post #44

                  Originally posted by AlexisLinderMiller

                  I've seen it called anal cancer. Trust me, I'm more aware than 99.99999% of the people on here about anuses, rectums and colons.
                  Sometimes I take the lying, thieving treasonous guido at its word, especially when it is an admission against interest.

                  Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                  Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                  Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                  Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                  • #10
                    My Experience At VNNF.

                    I posted there from the summer of 2004 until September of last year as "Mr. Slash N' Burn".

                    Pissfroth never formally banned me, but he allowed Vargina to hack into my User CP and prevent me from posting anything further.

                    I had a few enemies there, but I suspect that the real reason for my expulsion was for tweaking Pissfroth's Jewy little nose by pointing out that it was high time somebody was willing to stand up to the ghetto-apes without having a phalanx of ZOG-bots in full body armor to protect them. It was my second-to-last post there, if I remember right.
                    IF YOU STILL LOVE AMERIKA, YOU'RE A NIGGER-LOVER!!! ---CGO. 1/20/'09.

                    "Lay down your silver and your gold
                    I am a man who won't be sold
                    And even when my heart grows cold
                    I'll curse your evil stranglehold."---Horslips, from "Trouble With A Capital 'T'", 1977.


                    • #11
                      The Thread That Got Me Banned.


                      All the first one seemed to accomplish was get Alex Linder arrested, and the second one was virtually ignored by local media. Little wonder then that there hasn't been much enthusiasm for another one.

                      When the local Jewsmedia covered the first rally, they played up the whole "outside agitators" angle, knowing that it would strike a chord with locals. I remember, in particular, seeing Yankee Jim's name up on the screen in big white letters when they interviewed him, and the snippet they used was him talking about coming all the way down here from Vermont or New Hampshire or wherever it was.

                      The intention couldn't have been more clear. They were saying to their inbred flaggot viewers: "These people aren't only hate-mongers, they're damn Yankee hate-mongers!!!" "Now everybody boo and hiss on cue!!!" When it serves their purposes, these dirty kikes will use the same tactics that George Wallace and Ross Barnett tried to use against them, back in the 60's.

                      Besides, I don't see what a rally even accomplishes, besides letting the lemmings know that we still exist, which, frankly, I'm not even sure is a good thing. Maybe we'd be better off if they thought we'd faded off the face of the planet.

                      If anything, it just shames the locals, who might otherwise be persuaded to our cause. As I stated in an earlier, unrelated post, People *DO NOT* like to be shamed. The more they see a bunch of "outsiders" raising hell about the murders, the more likely they'll be to support leniency towards the murderers. That's the danger.

                      They see us as a bunch of would-be terrorists trying to fan the flames of racial antagonism until a full-fledged race war breaks out in their town. And, if they see that becoming a likelihood, they might just welcome Judge Bumfucker giving the accused a slap on the wrist, if that's what it takes to "cool things down".

                      At any rate, there's no way in hell that any :[] judge is gonna be swayed by anything we do or say. And, if we aren't changing the hearts and minds of the locals, then why the fuck are we even doing it?

                      So, in lieu of another rally, here's what I propose: There's a bar/restaurant in Downtown Knoxville that has an open mic poetry night/competition on the first and last Friday of every month. (I'm not even gonna say the name of the place on here, because I *KNOW* there are Feds on here, and I don't want us to be greeted by police cars in the parking lot the moment we get there. For anyone who wants to attend, send me a pm, and I'll pm you back with the name and address of the place. ) I think it would be an *EXCELLENT* opportunity for any Southerners on here to express their contempt, disgust, and anger over this situation, without involving themselves in another pointless media spectacle which isn't gonna change anybody's mind in the first place.

                      What I suggest is that we write a bunch of poems related to the murders and/or Negro crime in general, and read them at this thing. Obviously, I don't think I have to tell you what the end result will be. We'll be arrested and hauled off to jail at the very least. And, let me be perfectly clear: I *AM NOT* suggesting that anybody commit any crime. Just to say the kind of things that people usually say at the rallies, except in poetic form.

                      But, legal or illegal, we all know how the world works these days. Just because it isn't technically illegal to recite a poem called "Let's Hang The Niggers" or whatever, doesn't mean that, in this day and age, any White man who even utters the word, "nigger", in the proximity of one isn't going to jail, let alone with a threat of theoretical violence in the same breath.

                      But that's what it will take to get it through the thick skulls of these young college kids that FREE SPEECH NO LONGER EXISTS IN THIS COUNTRY. And, when they see this, I think a lot of them will be ready to join us. I really do. It is, in fact, just about the *ONLY* thing we can do that is likely to have that effect.

                      Keep in mind, too, that Knoxville now has a Police Chief, so, theoretically, it could be even worse than a matter of merely being arrested. They might use tear gas or pepper spray on us. They might taze us. They might even kick in the doors and come in shooting. God only knows. But, whatever it takes, I, for one am ready. I don't need any phalanx of battle-dressed kwaps to protect me from the ghetto apes.

                      When I went to Franklin, I was prepared......for jail, for death, for whatever. And I am prepared now. And, when you consider the fact that I'm a fatass 400-pound-slob on the dole, who hasn't been in a fight since Bush Sr.'s administration, I hope you will appreciate the significance of that statement.

                      If I can do this, then any man can do it. But I want to limit this to men from the South. I appreciate the fact that our Northern comrades are concerned about these issues as well, and are willing to take part, but I believe we Southrons have got to prove that we *CAN* handle these things on our own.

                      Also, I am limiting this to males, for two reasons: Number One, Considering the fact that things are likely to get pretty hairy, I don't think it would be right to put our women in that kind of situation, and, Number Two, I *DO NOT* want the waters being muddied with any femroid propaganda, which I suspect some of the TWATS on here would only be too likely to do, if given the opportunity. God knows there will probably be enough of that, anyway, coming from the Lefties. We sure as fuck don't need it in our camp, too.

                      Besides, if the best we can do in terms of women is represented by the couple of FAT HAGS I saw at that last rally, we may as well just give it up, anyway. They are sure as hell *NOT* gonna attract any young men to our cause.

                      And, keep this in mind: The poem you write *DOES NOT* have to be good. It just has to be about Negro crime, and, particularly, black-on-White crime. None of us are gonna win the competition, anyway, since the judges are all a bunch of Commies and niggers. So don't worry if you think you can't write a decent poem. That's not the issue. The point is, it's an opportunity to SPEAK YOUR MIND and TAKE A STAND. To prove to yourselves and your fellow racialists that you are a *REAL* activist, not just a keyboard commando.

                      I want to do this on Friday, September 5th, at 7:00 pm. Sorry I couldn't give you more advanced notice, but, with the board being down for awhile recently, and a couple of unforeseen circumstances on my end, as well, it simply wasn't possible.

                      This will be right after the Republican Convention has ended, so the political campaign will still be fresh in people's minds. I've got one poem that mentions Obama, and what will happen to the nigs if they try to rise up and start some shit, should McCain win.

                      Obviously, if this shit in Denver actually hits the fan, we might want to postpone this event until later. I certainly don't want to do anything that's gonna play into the Enemy's hands by adding fuel to the fire of "hate crime" legislation and gun control. But, should this thing turn out to be the half-baked hoax I suspect is, it will quickly be forgotten, and I think we should go ahead with the original plan.

                      So, what do you think?

                      Mr. SlashN'Burn

                      August 28th, 2008 #2
                      ?Conf?eme en!

                      Join Date: May 2007
                      Location: Chattanooga, TN
                      Posts: 900


                      I think you're insane.

                      Reciting a poem at an open mic night won't get you arrested.
                      James "Yankee Jim" Leshkevich 1955-2008
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                      August 30th, 2008 #3
                      Mr. SlashN'Burn

                      Posts: n/a Have you ever actually TRIED it?


                      Originally Posted by RebelWithACause
                      I think you're insane.

                      Reciting a poem at an open mic night won't get you arrested.

                      If you have, I'll take your word, but, if you're just assuming this, as I suspect you are, well, you know what they say about that word, "assume".

                      All I know is this: The hypocritical Commie types who organize these things *DO NOT* believe in free speech, and, therefore, would be all too likely to call the kwaps, claiming we were trying to incite a race riot.
                      And, if they did, wouldn't the kwaps pretty much *HAVE* to come?

                      Or are you part of the brainwashed, McCainiac neo-con faction on here that simply isn't facing reality? People have gone to jail just for saying the word "nigger" in this country. It *HAS* happened. So why should this situation be any different?

                      Grant it, I'm sure there isn't a poetry slam that goes by when some nigger doesn't stand up at the mic and advocate killing White people right and left, but we all know there's a double standard. As far as ZOG is concerned, the First Amendment *DOES NOT* apply to White people any more.

                      But, if you disagree, keep in mind, there is one sure-fire way to find out who's right. I'm just saying........

                      Mr. SlashN'Burn

                      August 30th, 2008 #4
                      Just a Housewife

                      Join Date: Jun 2007
                      Location: In the Ice and Snow
                      Posts: 575


                      I have to agree with Rebel, that's crazy.

                      As far as your analysis of the rallies went, I think your wrong. There was quite a bit of press before and after both rallies. Local radio talk shows, many of which are black shows discussed the events and even allowed us on the air. And many, many people at the 2nd rally were from that area. We are never gonna get great press from ANYTHING we do. That's the way the media works. But the point is we got press. It drew more attention to the issue.

                      Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Jer 6 16

                      ?irinn gu br?th



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                      September 9th, 2008 #5
                      SA Mann
                      National Socialist

                      Join Date: May 2004
                      Location: Virginia
                      Posts: 1,254


                      I think some of these "open mic" and "free speech" zones could be used for our benefit. It would clearly show the double standard of "free speech" here in Amerika. I would probably exercise a little caution as to what is said and how it is said at a given event. I mean what's the point of pissing 20 niggers off by using nigger in your rant? You've got to get out of that place and back to your car or cab. We've got plenty of martyrs right now and we need to keep our folks alive and healthy. Especially those that actually want to go out and do something.
                      IF YOU STILL LOVE AMERIKA, YOU'RE A NIGGER-LOVER!!! ---CGO. 1/20/'09.

                      "Lay down your silver and your gold
                      I am a man who won't be sold
                      And even when my heart grows cold
                      I'll curse your evil stranglehold."---Horslips, from "Trouble With A Capital 'T'", 1977.


                      • #12
                        Linder Lost Interest In Further Rallies

                        Linder Lost Interest In Further Rallies


                        Originally posted by TrashCanMan72 View Post
                        I posted there from the summer of 2004 until September of last year as "Mr. Slash N' Burn".
                        Looks like they got you listed as a 'guest' which means that they deleted your account altogether and so all your posts will be as 'guest' and n/a.

                        Originally posted by TrashCanMan72
                        Pissfroth never formally banned me, but he allowed Vargina to hack into my User CP and prevent me from posting anything further.
                        Linder pulled the same crap on me after the Christmas Coup of 2004. He simply hacked into my user CP and disabled or changed the password so I could no longer post. Then Linder's idiot moderators at the time pretended that it was my fault that I no longer posted there. Essentially Linder simply doesn't have the balls to simply admit that he banned me because he wished to pretend that the "Free Speech for Whites" wasn't essentially over. It ended with the failure of the Christmas Coup of 2004 although NorCal had been the first one banned a few weeks previously. Linder simply cannot be honest with anyone. So he uses these 'tricks' to pretend that he didn't ban anyone. Once he got used to banning people arbitrarily, Linder then did so, openly.

                        Originally posted by TrashCanMan72
                        I had a few enemies there, but I suspect that the real reason for my expulsion was for tweaking Pissfroth's Jewy little nose by pointing out that it was high time somebody was willing to stand up to the ghetto-apes without having a phalanx of ZOG-bots in full body armor to protect them. It was my second-to-last post there, if I remember right.
                        Linder got all excited about rallies after the Topeka Anti-Brown Rally in May 2004. He took on TraitorGlenn Miller as a paying supporter -- I think TraitorGlenn was already paying off Linder by then -- and Chain 'Corn' Cobb made a cheap video. (I have video of the event myself and much of the interview with Pastor Butler.) And so Linder proposed to use TraitorGlenn Miller's ZOGbux to do more rallies and do some political action. Of course Billy Roper ran the Topeka Rally and Roper is very good at these administrative details. Linder is not very good at running much of anything, not even a wheelbarrow. The LinderMiller Whigger Fuktard Party essentially collapsed as arranged. And it looks like Linder lost his enthusiasm for these rallies in which 20 nutzis get 'protected' by 100 piglice from 400 whiggers & niggers whupped up by jews. Linder is a physical coward as well, and getting his yap busted probably took a lot out of him and the rally loving evaporated once he figured out that it would mean trips to Knoxville municipal kort and it would be cheaper to plea guilty and put it behind himself.

                        So these rallies are largely a waste of time. I don't think getting arrested in a bar over 'open mike' happy hour is the way to go either. What I see is White Nationalists developing their own media, both video and audio, and Linder is pretty good at using TraitorGlenn Miller's ZOGbux to doing so. However, Linder inevitably alienates his former lackies, and they go on to bigger and better things on their own, like Voice of ReTards and Corn Cobb productions. Of course VoR and Corn Cobb are inevitably Auntie-Christian, so we DSCI and other Christians need to develop our own Internet media, without the ZOGbux provided by TraitorGlenn Miller and others, of course.

                        Thanks for coming aboard and feel free to post as you please.

                        Hail Victory!!!

                        Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                        Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
                        Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 06-09-2009, 10:02 PM. Reason: Add Links

                        Pastor Lindstedt's Web Page
                        Pastor Lindstedt's Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum


                        • #13
                          Glenn Miller makes his appeal


                          Send check, cash, or money order to:

                          Alex Linder
                          PO Box 101,
                          Kirksville, MO 63501

                          I'll get the ball rolling by sending Alex $100.00 (George T's money) in this morning's mail.

                          VNN's main page, including all it's contents, is highly successful in EXPOSING THE GD KIKES to large numbers of white folks, in my judgment. Though there's lots more we VNN'ers can do to advertise the site's address. I'll like to see a "GOVNN.COM" interstate billboard visible to 2 or 3 hundred thousand people daily, for one example.

                          And with Alex contributing so much of his time and brain cells, VNN forum has become far more EXPOSE-THE-JEW effective as well, these days.

                          Who'll pitch in to support and show appreciation ??


                          • #14
                            Poor Glenn

                            Poor Glenn. He just can't forget those Glory Days of the 1980s, can he? I honestly don't think that in his whiskey-hazed mind, he understands that he has done anything wrong.


                            • #15
                              Glenn Miller says....

                              Any WN denying being a federal agent, is like any WN denying being a faggot. The more one denies either, the more guilty he sounds.

                              Not one single enemy of mine who is half way intelligent, really believes I'm working for the feds. My VNNF record of activisms alone, proves beyond a reasonable doubt, I'm not. And they all know it.

                              But they nevertheless, proclaim the allegation over and over again for the sole reason that I've offended them. Meaning of course, that their own selfish egos are more important to them that truth telling or advancing The Cause. For example, Faust would much prefer that VNN's newspaper project never happened. Not because he doesn't think the project was good for advancing WN, but rather because he hates the tabloid clerk.

                              Like I said, "irresponsible WN punks are assessories to the jews, and therefore willing accomplices in the jewish enslavement and genocide of their own people."

                              Glenn Miller Responds to M. Lindstedt

