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This is the Oafishul 'Cunthair Wallass/Fade the Butcher' discussion thread.

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  • This is the Oafishul 'Cunthair Wallass/Fade the Butcher' discussion thread.

    This is the Oafishul 'Cunthair Wallass/Fade the Butcher' discussion thread.

    This is the Oafishul 'Cunthair Wallass/Fade the Butcher' discussion thread.


    Last edited by Librarian; 09-23-2011, 04:38 AM.

    The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
    I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
    I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.

  • #2
    The Muse of Hate: The Town Fountain

    The Muse of Hate: The Town Fountain

    Lord Scorpius and Ex-Atheist discuss the legitimacy crisis
    at the town fountain

    (Editor’s Note: In this episode of The Muse of Hate, Lord Scorpius and Ex-Atheist discuss their former associates in the White Nationalist movement, and ponder the collapse of the secular world around them.

    Caution: you are about to enter the literary zone!

    Ex-Atheist: I don’t think you converted him.

    Lord Scorpius: I wasn’t trying to convert the White Nationalist.

    Instead, I have got him thinking about his own belief system. He believes in The Invisible Hand. There are all sorts of notions like The Invisible Hand that he takes for granted.

    From his perspective, we didn’t really argue over anything important. He believes in the White race. He believes the White race would be better off separating from non-Whites. He believes the Jews are up to no good.

    That’s the core of his faith.

    Ex-Atheist: Yes, the White Nationalist has faith in White people. It is kind of strange.

    He believes in White people in the abstract ideological sense. Yet he doesn’t really like most of the White people he knows. He actually doesn’t believe in them. He is very alienated from them.

    Lord Scorpius: For some people, whiteness is a badge of identity. Not only is it a badge of their identity, it is an ideological badge of identity – White people as some kind of idealized abstraction.

    We know far too many White people to idolize them. They don’t live up to our expectations. White people are not divine. Apollo is divine, but White people are not sacred or divine at all.

    Ex-Atheist: Still, it is not a bad thing to be pro-White. Some people just get carried away with it. They romanticize White people and put them up on a pedestal. Everything has to conform to their ideology.

    But honestly, who would want to live among all these blacks?

    Lord Scorpius: It has always been different around here.

    People around here have been “White people” for centuries. We are Anglo-Celts who have lived among Africans and Indians for generations. The presence of all these Africans (and their former non-White associates, the Indians) is why whiteness is meaningful in this area.

    It is traditional to be “pro-White” around here. In fact, most people around here are still “pro-White,” and don’t associate being White with guilt and negativity as they do elsewhere. They have never heard of the White Nationalist movement.

    I guess you could say that “whiteness” is something that most people here take for granted. It is like the air that we breathe. Because we are so comfortable with being White, we don’t spend as much time thinking about it as people who live elsewhere, or getting as ideological about it as some people do.

    Whiteness is part of our identity. It is one marker of our identity among several other things – the English language, being from the “Real South,” being a Protestant, being a conservative, state loyalty, and having republican political principles.

    For a racial conservative, “whiteness” is part of a package deal. For the White Nationalist, “whiteness” can be a romanticized abstraction that is sold separately. Call it the Platonic theory of whiteness.

    The racial conservative has a racial identity, but he doesn’t associate it with the divine or the sacred, which he reserves for his religion. White people are worthy of a special place in his heart, but so is Jesus Christ, and so is his state.

    Truth be told, it is actually a good thing that there is some balance to that. In a common moral tradition, people can resolve their conflicts by appealing to the common standards of their faith. They can reason out a solution.

    Ex-Atheist: I can see we are about to talk about the narratives again.

    Lord Scorpius: White Nationalism is one narrative of whiteness. Within the narrative, there are saints and villains, and focal points of good and evil. It is a belief system like any other.

    Quite honestly, that is not the belief system we are most interested in these days. It is a marginal view in the United States.

    The progressive belief system is dominant in our society. It is also coming unglued. Have you been reading OD Forum?

    Ex-Atheist: No, I haven’t seen it yet.

    Lord Scorpius: The European Union is an even more extreme version of the progressive madness that prevails here in the United States. The whole damn thing is now in the process of collapsing. The bankers are running scared.

    Walter Russell Mead says that Greece should exit the euro. Everyone is talking about the impending collapse of Greece and other European countries.

    Ex-Atheist: We spent a lot of time talking with the White Nationalist about his faith in Mammon.

    Lord Scorpius: You’re right.

    As hard as it is for some people to believe, the European Union and the euro didn’t exist just a few years ago. Once upon a time, there was no European Central Bank. Brussels didn’t have the power that it does today over federal Europe.

    Lord Scorpius: The European Union is a more recent example of a secular belief system that has been conjured into existence. The Lincoln system is the older of the two.

    The myth of the European Union is collapsing before our eyes. As an object of faith, the euro appears to be in real trouble. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to be ruled by all these eunuchs in distant Brussels?

    Ex-Atheist: What about the Lincoln system here in North America?

    Lord Scorpius: The Lincoln system is based on a myth too.

    We told the White Nationalist about the Lincoln and the Grant and the Franklin that can buy things around here. He has spent most of his adult life working for the Federal Reserve Note.

    The job of the intellectual is to identify problems and we have done our job well.

    Ex-Atheist: The White Nationalist came away visibly disturbed from your discussion with him. You argued with him about religion and economics. It almost sounded like you were some kind of Medieval holy man or prophet.

    Lord Scorpius: The White Nationalist is among the the brightest and most ethical people I know – he is motivated by righteousness, a secularized version of Protestantism, and he has never really cared for The Invisible Hand.

    I’m sure he is thinking about it.

    The White Nationalist lives in Virginia which has been constructed around The Invisible Hand. He lives in the Northern Virginia which has been constructed by Big Government.

    The City of Richmond has been constructed around the Visible Hand, which is to say, African-Americans or the Black Undertow. He is probably thinking about how The Invisible Hand, Big Government, and the Visible Hand of black people have worked together to construct the commercial and residential geography of the entire world that exists along I-85 North in the 21st century.

    Lord Scorpius: The White Nationalist is driving up I-85 North. He is on the way back to Virginia.

    When he gets back home, he will start to ponder what I have told him here. He knows that I right. He knows that he lives in a world where people have constructed their lives around the worship of money.

    The White Nationalist is unhappy with his life. He sees himself as a revolutionary – and who can blame him, if I lived there, I would to get out myself and go live somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

    What do you suppose it is like to live among all those strangers and aliens who work for the Big Government? What must it be like to allow money to rule your life? What do you suppose it is like to say things you don’t believe because money is sacred?

    Lord Scorpius: The White Nationalist is driving back to Virginia.

    He is thinking about the magical power of the $55 dollars were burned here in Alabama. There are people who will perform services for that $55 dollars. They will work for that $55 dollars.

    Why do they work for the Grant and Lincoln?

    Because the Grant and the Lincoln are symbols of legitimacy in our financial system. He probably stopped on the way up there to get himself a drink or two in a convenience store.

    He paid for the drink with magic coins from some peasant who is a cashier now. They are magical coins which are stamped with symbols of legitimacy in the narrative of America. There are all kinds of symbols of those nickels and quarters.

    You know, The Invisible Hand is why he lives in that place. He’s thinking hard now about The Invisible Hand which has created that facsimile of a community up there.

    Ex-Atheist: I used to be a stamp collector. I was also a coin collector.

    Lord Scorpius: Which coin is the one with the buffalo on it? I never saw the buffalo on any Roman coin. Then again, I don’t think you can buy things with Roman coins anymore.

    Ex-Atheist: You can’t buy anything with Confederate dollars either. Most places around here don’t take the euro. You can exchange dollars for euros though.

    In Canada, they have Canadian dollars. The damn Queen of England is on their currency. There is a maple leaf on their coins.

    Lord Scorpius: Yes, it is all about symbols of legitimacy, which exist purely in the minds of people.

    It is about having a belief system – a kind of faith in the financial system, the symbols of legitimacy get people to identify with the monetary unit – a faith that has left behind any number of dead currencies and ruined civilizations in the world.

    Ex-Atheist: The monetary system has been consciously constructed then by human beings.

    Lord Scorpius: When the White Nationalist gets back to Virginia, he will start to see the serfs who work for these lords who call themselves “capitalists” in the Old Dominion.

    He is going to turn on his television and listen to the degenerate clerics who call themselves “intellectuals” now babble on about all kinds of shit.

    Some poor dead soldier is going to be shipped home to Virginia from Afghanistan in a casket. He died over there for the Pentagon to earn a paycheck.

    The White Nationalist will turn on television or on the radio on the way back home and listen to all the praise and attention that it is lavished on America’s degenerate aristocracy.

    They enjoy high social status in this country for no other reason than the amount of money they have in their bank accounts. Don’t even get me started on these people who are called celebrities because they are on television.

    Ex-Atheist: What about the black people?

    Lord Scorpius: They are certainly up to no good.

    You don’t even have to pay attention to know that much. They are always up to something horrible that we must keep quiet about. If you are familiar with the theory, you can predict their actions.

    Every so often, we have to step back from the daily flow of information and ponder the higher truths. Why do we find ourselves in this awful situation to begin with?

    Ex-Atheist: I really like your town fountain here.

    Lord Scorpius: As the lord of this county, I work for this town fountain. I consider this place to be my realm. I am its defender. I am engaged in spiritual warfare with ignorance.

    Ex-Atheist: Is it insane?

    Lord Scorpius: Probably.

    I’m sure there is some psychologist out there who has a theory that people who work for things like their race, their community, their own family, the future of their civilization, their brothers and sisters in Christ – those people are crazy or insane or something – for not allowing their lives to be ruled by The Invisible Hand.

    You are only sane in this world if you prefer to work for the Federal Reserve Note and believe in Martin Luther King, Jr.. If you think the divine Lincoln, the divine Franklin, and the divine Grant is worth toiling away for all week on that invention they call the time clock, then you are counted among the “sane” in America.

    The truth is, the whole damn country has lost its mind, but we are perfectly sane here.


    This garden dedicated to the glory of Almighty God in memory of his faithful, 1979 AD

    Ex-Atheist: The Order of the Scorpion works for God’s Truth.

    Lord Scorpius: If you can work for an image of Ulysses S. Grant on a scrap of paper, chained to a time clock for most of the day, why can’t you work for the glory of God, or an ideal like this town fountain which symbolizes your community?

    Ex-Atheist: *Tosses a coin in the town fountain*

    Lord Scorpius: At the rate things are going, this town fountain will be here fifty years from now, but the Ulysses S. Grant and the Abraham Lincoln won’t be around to buy things anymore.

    Ex-Atheist: Where are the Romans?

    Lord Scorpius: The Romans once ruled over a vast empire which stretched from Scotland to Syria. After the centralized authority of the Western Roman Empire collapsed in the fifth century, the provinces were left to fend for themselves.

    Some were more fortunate than others in the zero sum world of barbarism. The Romans went from globalization to subsistence agriculture in nothing flat.

    You can’t buy anything with their money anymore. The narrative of Roman civilization crashed and burned. A thousand years later, Italians developed a new interest in classical Rome during the Renaissance.

    Ex-Atheist: The Romans did leave behind some great monuments and ruins though.

    Lord Scorpius: America will leave behind monuments to the folly of racial equality.

    *Tosses a coin in the town fountain.*

    Ex-Atheist: Should we tell people?

    Lord Scorpius: You saw what happened to Cassandra who knew Troy was going to fall – that’s what it is like to have a special relationship with the divine Apollo.

    Lord Scorpius: 500 years ago, the divine Apollo seized control of Martin Luther, you saw what happened over the next two centuries.

    Ex-Atheist: We should proceed cautiously then.



    Last edited by PastorLindstedt; 09-20-2011, 11:24 PM.

    The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
    I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
    I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


    • #3
      Metal Gear and his Psychologist

      Metal Gear and his Psychologist

      The following is a session between Metal Gear, a serial killer from eastern Pennsylvania, and his psychologist Dr. Omniel, a quack who has a fake PHD in psychology and a fake MD.



      Dr. Omniel: Hello Mr. Metal Gear. I am here to help you with your problems. Apparently you hate people from the midwest and want to destroy the capitalist…

      Metal Gear: What up nigga.

      Dr. Omniel: Excuse me? That is Dr. Omniel.

      Metal Gear: I told you openly that I have anti-social personality disorder, but somehow you won’t figure out that I just hate society.

      Dr. Omniel: No, I am going to diagnose you with Aspergers, ADHD and Narcissism.
      Metal Gear: Does that explain why I am a necrophiliac?

      Dr. Omniel: Now, Mr. Metal Gear. Narcissism is a….
      Metal Gear: But I thought they are removing this from DSM-V. It’s no longer a legit disorder.

      Dr. Omniel: Let me finish you punk. Narcissism is when you think the world revolves around you. I spent five years researching…
      (Metal Gear starts picking his nose because he has white stuff stuck in it)
      Metal Gear : Who’s your favorite serial killer?
      Dr. Omniel : You little mutant, I ask the questions here. I am still convinced however that you aren’t a sociopath. You just want attention. you are a narcissist.

      Dr. Omniel: And…you have aspergers. I really think you mean well. It’s just that you don’t have the social skills…
      Metal Gear: social skill, let me pop a pill, to make them get real, ill, i’ll poke you in the pupil with my less meaner demeanor

      Dr. Omniel: Stop it with your ADHD. Did you take your pills today?
      Metal Gear: I put an end to the subscription. This ain’t no science fiction. An act of contrition would be your submission to my mission of communist supervision. I’m taken over the world, you’ll listen to my vision, or I’ll send you to prison

      Dr. Omniel: ENOUGH! You will never make it as a rapper and you will never be accepted in the socialist movement because you are essentially a punk. The only reason I give you these damn pills is because I want to make your mom think I am trying to help you. You are nothing but a giant asshole, and there is no cure for being an asshole.

      … Metal’s gear’s mom enters the room …

      Metal Gear’s Mom : He just shows no respect for me. I tried so hard to raise him right and show him love and compassion.
      Metal Gear : Shut up bitch. You just get in my way.
      Dr. Omniel : You see, your son’s response is a result of a lack of production of serotonin in the antebellum of the cerebellum. If only he had some more Ritalin he’d get it.
      Metal Gear : The only thing I do with your Ritalin is crack it up and sniff it, then sell it in the inner city and schoolyards.

      Dr. Omniel: Well I could switch you Dexedrine or Adderall.
      Metal Gear: ritalin. rita-rita-ritalin. (a new song idea)

      … Metal Gear Then pulls out a gun …

      Metal Gear : I know what you are. You are a phoraphaggot supporter, just like my last boss who is now dead. Even though you never posted, I still call you a phoraphaggot.


      … Metal Gear Points gun at head …

      Metal Gear : 8-19 for the proletariat


      Deathwatch – Doujah Raze

      Metal Gear @ September 21, 2011

      An Ass-Clown in the jew Ass of A!!!


      • #4
        he Muse of Nuttiness: Fade & Kane

        The Muse of Nuttiness: Fade & Kane

        You know what would be, like, rilly awesome? If we could somehow fashion a collaboration between Kane [and his tale of The Jungian and the Juggalo], and Fade and his long-form epic recounting the "adventures" of Lord Scorpius and all his cartoon pals.



        (Editor’s Note: In this Very Special Episode of Amusin' Hate, Lord Scorpius leaves Daisy Mae and Mammy Yokum behind in Dogpatch while he travels to Pennsylvania to visit his good friend, every bit his ethical and intellectual equal, Metal Gear - the tireless white champion of Black Run Amerika.

        Caution: you are about to enter the lower intestine of literature!)

        Lord Scorpius: I thought it would be a good idea to travel outside of Dixie. We have already considered the depressing fate of Florida. This place is arguably an even bigger clusterfuck. The City of Brotherly Love. The spiritual capital of Quakerism. The doctrine of racial equality established its first intellectual foothold in Philadelphia. They were having these stupid debates as far back as the Washington administration in Boston and Philadelphia.

        Metal Gear: What up nigga.

        Lord Scorpius: The Amish in Pennsyltucky were right about “English civilization.” They didn’t want to live like “the English” around here. Good for them. The Amish are the only people here who ever had a clue. That is why it is so sad what is happening to them.

        Metal Gear: I put an end to the subscription. This ain’t no science fiction. An act of contrition would be your submission to my mission of communist supervision. I’m taken over the world, you’ll listen to my vision, or I’ll send you to prison

        Lord Scorpius: The race question has always been simpler in Dixie than it was up here in the North. In the South, you are White, and they are Africans. Blacks launched the race war on The Day The EBT Card Stopped Working … but, White people in Dixie were armed to the teeth, were still racially conscious, and they were relatively homogeneous in ethnicity, culture, and religion. The Army of God restored order in most areas. That wasn’t the case here in Pennsylvania, the world of the “melting pot” and the “nation of immigrants.” This area is what is left of “America” in the late twenty-first century.

        (Metal Gear starts picking his nose because he has white stuff stuck in it)
        Metal Gear : Who’s your favorite serial killer?

        Lord Scorpius: After the barbarian hordes of African-Americans sacked the supermarkets, where was the cast of Jersey Shore going to grow food? After the airlines went down, it is not like they could move to the Pacific Northwest. It will suffice to say that all those fuckers in the Bosh-Wash Corridor – in Snookiland – weren’t thinking of themselves as “White” like they were in West Virginia. Everyone in Mississippi is on board with being “White.” Everyone in New Jersey and Pennsylvania isn’t on board with being “White.”

        Metal Gear: Does that explain why I am a necrophiliac?

        Lord Scorpius: *waves arms and points finger in circular direction* The economists and the rest of the social sciences are all wrong about the same thing. I figured out what they have gotten wrong. If I wanted to, I could solve their problem.

        … Metal’s gear’s mom enters the room …

        Metal Gear’s Mom : He just shows no respect for me. I tried so hard to raise him right and show him love and compassion.

        Metal Gear : Shut up bitch. You just get in my way.

        Lord Scorpius: I guess you could say that “whiteness” is like the air that we breathe. We are Anglo-Celts who have lived among Africans and Indians for generations. Whiteness is one marker of our identity among several other markers – the English language, being from the “Real South,” being a Protestant, being a conservative, state loyalty, and having republican political principles. Have you been reading OD Forum?

        Metal Gear : social skill, let me pop a pill, to make them get real ill, i’ll poke you in the pupil with my less meaner demeanor

        Lord Scorpius: As the lord of this county, Lord Scorpius, I consider this place to be my realm. I am a defender of this place. I am a cleric who is engaged in spiritual warfare with ignorance.

        … Metal Gear Then pulls out a gun …

        Metal Gear : I know what you are. You are a phoraphaggot supporter, just like my last boss who is now dead. Even though you never posted, I still call you a phoraphaggot.

        bang BANG BANG BANG BANG

        … Metal Gear Points gun at head …

        Metal Gear : 8-19 for the proletariat





        The Spider Knows!!!


        • #5
          The Muse of Hate: Freedom’s Sons

          The Muse of Hate: Freedom’s Sons

          (Editor’s Note: In this episode of The Muse of Hate, Lord Scorpius and Ex-Atheist discuss “Freedom’s Sons,” which is the first book that has been written about the artist known as “Hunter Wallace.”

          Caution: you are about to enter the literary zone!


          Ex-Atheist: Have you read Freedom’s Sons? People are talking about it.

          Lord Scorpius: No, I haven’t.

          From what I gather, Hunter Wallace is the President of the United States, and he is assassinated by his secretary with a pencil in the Oval Office, and The Old Man wins a great victory in Montana with his army, and we concede to him a Northwest Republic to stop him from exterminating the Jews.

          That’s what I have been told. I haven’t read it myself. I only have your summary which we talked about the other day.

          Ex-Atheist: Well, what do you think of it?

          Lord Scorpius: Laughs.

          The book sounds like it is an insightful window into the paranoid mindset of The Old Man. He sees his various internet antagonists as being engaged in a massive government conspiracy against him.

          It is completely wrong on so many levels. Where should we start? Robert Campbell is another figure in Freedom’s Sons. He caught The Old Man using a sockpuppet on Occidental Dissent.

          Somehow, the story of Robert Campbell’s life evolved from there, from the Original Sin of exposing a sockpuppet on Occidental Dissent to DC based Zogbot and Cass Sunstein operative.

          Ex-Atheist: So what you are telling me is that you don’t work for Cass Sunstein?

          Lord Scorpius: No, I have never met Cass Sunstein. I had never heard of him until The Old Man started mentioning him in his podcast.

          As you know, I am really just a conservative from South Alabama with an internet connection, and I use this telescope of mine to study various characters in cyberspace.

          You come over to Alabama all the time and we have a good laugh about the latest happenings in the White Nationalist movement.

          Ex-Atheist: The Old Man doesn’t have a clue.

          Lord Scorpius: I’m not sure where The Old Man got the idea that I would ever become a politician, that I would ever want to live in Washington, or that I give a damn about what goes on in his Northwest Republic.

          Let’s suppose The Old Man seceded from the United States tomorrow. Do you think I would care? Would you care?

          Ex-Atheist: Not at all.

          We have focused our attention on Dixie. What goes on in other European countries and other parts of the United States is less interesting to us.

          Dixie is our ethnostate.

          Lord Scorpius: Yeah, there is a big difference.

          You see, the two of us are White Southerners. We actually belong to the same culture and ethnicity. We belong to the same tribe of Anglo-Celts that have settled here in the Southeastern quadrant of North America.

          I’m sure that we are related to each other somewhere down the line. You are my distant cousin, Ex-Atheist.

          My folks live on this side of the Chattahoochee River in Alabama. Your folks live on the other side of the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. Today we have decided to meet here in this park on your side of the Chattahoochee.

          Actually, my immediate family lives in Alabama and Georgia, and as far from here as Texas. We came here from Virginia and the Carolinas a long time ago.

          Ex-Atheist: The Americans have come up with the idea of creating an “ethnostate” for themselves – a proposition nation – in the Pacific Northwest.

          The funniest thing here is that these people are really not an ethnicity though. We are an ethnicity that stretches from Virginia to Texas and from Florida to Missouri.

          The Americans want to create a successor to the “Nation of Immigrants.” They want to build it around an abstract ideology. Does this sound familiar to you?

          Lord Scorpius: Of course it does.

          That’s the whole philosophy of the Northern states – the idea behind Yankeeland. I don’t see why they would want to move from Michigan and New York to Oregon and Washington to recreate the exact same society they are leaving behind in the Midwest and Northeast.

          Ex-Atheist: Why do you suppose The Old Man moved there?

          Lord Scorpius: The Old Man had all these ideas back in 1989. He came up with these ideas because his own family is from North Carolina. Seceding from the Union is hardly a new idea.

          The Old Man has taken ideas from various sources like Ireland and Dixie … and he has moved to the Pacific Northwest, which in his own imagination is Dixie, although no one else there seems to agree with him.

          Ex-Atheist: That’s why The Old Man is always telling us to “come home.”

          Lord Scorpius: Yeah, he misses his real home in North Carolina, where his own family still lives. You know, he said his family is from Virginia.

          Ex-Atheist: It is kind of strange.

          Here you have one guy who moved to Washington State because of his legal quarrel with Will Williams. Now, all of Dixie is supposed to move to Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to join him in exile.

          Does he actually believe the wish will come true?

          Lord Scorpius: If you listen to the radio, you will find that every country music artist sings about their home. Why do you suppose they are doing that?

          Ex-Atheist: Because they are White Southerners like us? Could that have something to do with it?

          Lord Scorpius: Yeah, we have the GPS coordinates of “The Country,” and it is nowhere near Washington State. Southern culture has always been about a sense of place.

          Ex-Atheist: It goes back to slavery and segregation.

          In the nineteenth century, Dixie was evolving into a feudal agrarian society. In contrast, Yankeeland was becoming ideological and commercial. Our people were bound closer to the land here.

          Lord Scorpius: Why doesn’t The Old Man just move somewhere like Kentucky?

          Ex-Atheist: Kentucky and West Virginia are two of the whitest states in America. There are also plenty of Crackers there. He could talk to his fellow Crackers about the race crisis.

          Lord Scorpius: Yeah, they might have actually listened to him.

          Ex-Atheist: The Old Man has got us pegged wrong.

          He thinks we are engaged in a conspiracy against him. I think he absorbed that paranoid idea from the culture of the White Nationalist movement.

          What do you think?

          Lord Scorpius: You’re probably right.

          He is unable to see what we are really up to here.

          Ex-Atheist: We’re preparing ourselves for the Tribulations.

          Lord Scorpius: Yeah, Dixie is about to go through the Tribulations along with the rest of America. We want to be here among our own people when that happens, not among a bunch of unreliable strangers who share nothing in common but fragile ideological bonds.

          Ex-Atheist: The Old Man will be stuck up there in Washington State. He will quickly be forgotten.

          Lord Scorpius: The Chattahoochee Valley is going to be our Realm.

          Ex-Atheist: I intend to be a lord on the Georgia side – in the Kingdom of Georgia. You are a lord on the Alabama side – in the Kingdom of Alabama.

          North America enters the Dark Ages. It is going to be a wild ride.

          Lord Scorpius: Maybe you should choose a fancy new name then?

          Ex-Atheist: How about Lord Spalitanus – in honor of George Spalitan?

          Lord Scorpius: You are now Spalitanus of The Order of the Scorpion.

          Spalitanus: The Old Man still thinks were are political prostitutes. In reality, we see ourselves as moral reformers like Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli. We’re founding a new religious order here – preparing ourselves to spring out into the world when the time is ripe.

          Southern money flies to Washington and New York City in violation of nature!

          Lord Scorpius: Correct.

          When the secular world collapses, the religious world and the zero sum world will come roaring back into view around here. You know what that means.

          Spalitanus: As entrepreneurs, we have been reading St. Bernard of Clairvoux. We’re learning about Cîteaux and Monte Cassino. Now that we are returning to the Dark Ages, there is a lot we can learn about surviving and prospering in the zero sum world from the Medieval period.

          Lord Scorpius: We’re studying all the greats – St. Francis, St. Augustine, St. Dominic, St. Benedict, St. Bernard, Luther and Calvin, etc.

          Spalitanus: When the faith of the American people collapses in the Tribulations, there will have to be a new faith, or a renewal of the faith, or some combination of the two. There is a century of religious turmoil ahead of us.

          Pat Buchanan seems to understand this. His new book is coming out next month – Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?

          He sounds more optimistic than Mark Steyn.

          Lord Scorpius: We might want to retreat from the world for a while. It is going to get ugly real fast out of there. Then we can go into the publishing business – as bad ass preacher men, warrior monks, clerics with a cause, etc.

          Spalitanus: The Old Man has placed his faith in National Socialism. He is a disciple of Hitler. His worldview is so twentieth century.

          Lord Scorpius: National Socialism was as brittle as Communism. Now what Luther and Calvin pulled off was far more enduring.

          Spalitanus: This research project will take years. How do we fix the Protestant narrative or the myth that the foundation of Southern civilization?

          Lord Scorpius: Have you heard A Mighty Fortress?

          Spalitanus: Are you referring to HAC’s previous book?

          Lord Scorpius: No, I am referring to A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther.

          Spalitanus: Those hymns were far more effective than The Old Man’s fantasy novel.

          Lord Scorpius: Which god do you suppose took possession of Luther? You know, he gave himself to God in the most famous thunderstorm in European history

          Spalitanus: It must have been a musical god … the leader of the Muses.

          Lord Scorpius: This god must have been a fan of reason.

          Spalitanus: A god of prophets.

          Lord Scorpius: I think it is safe to say that the divine Apollo has never shined his light on poor Harold.

          Last edited by Librarian; 09-23-2011, 02:44 AM.

          The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
          I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
          I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


          • #6
            Dixie: The Ethnostate

            Dixie: The Ethnostate



            Vanishing American and Southern Nationalist are sounding off on the concept of a Southern ethnostate.

            It has always struck me as obvious: where do our people actually live?

            White Southerners, “Anglo-Celts,” “Americans,” Crackers, Cavaliers, “White people,” “the WASP nest,” rednecks, hillbillies, peckerwoods, etc. – these terms all refer to the same distinct Southern tribe of White people – who are concentrated in 17 states in the Southeastern quadrant of North America.

            These states are Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Carolina (Deep South), Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia (Upper South), Florida, Texas, Missouri, West Virginia, and Kentucky (Border South), and Oklahoma, Maryland, and Delaware (Peripheral South).

            The map above is Greater Dixie or Imperial Dixie. In reality, the ethnocultural border between Dixie and the other sections of America slices through states like Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Florida, and Virginia.

            The border of Dixie drawn here is more accurate (the border in Florida is now the I-4 corridor between Tampa and Orlando) than the one which imposed by artificial state lines: West Texas, South Florida, West Oklahoma, North Missouri, North Delaware, Northern West Virginia, and the Beltway portions of Virginia and Maryland are not part of the South.

            Likewise, the Kentucky Rhineland extends into adjacent areas of Southern Illinois and Southern Indiana, which explains the deviant political orientation of Indiana in the Midwest. If Chicagoland didn’t dominate Illinois, most of the counties below I-77 would tilt Illinois toward Dixie.

            This is another map which highlights the same underlying ethnic and cultural division of the United States: Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma are split between the Germanic Breadbasket and Anglo-Celtic Dixie; Florida, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware are split between Anglo-Celtic Dixie and the “Nation of Immigrants.”

            This is another map which explains a lot about the nature of American politics.

            (1) First, it shows that Dixie is a biracial nation. The history of Dixie has been defined by the racial conflict between Anglo-Celts and African-Americans. The orange splotches in Eastern Oklahoma are indicative of the fate of the Southeastern Indians.

            (2) Second, it was precisely the racial tension and conflict between the Anglo-Celts and African-Americans and Indians over the course of four centuries in the Southeast that made “whiteness” a meaningful ethnic marker for “White Southerners.”

            Why do we call ourselves “White people”? How did our racial identity become so important to us? It is because there are millions of African-Americans here.

            (3) Third, the “Peripheral South” is completely explained by ancestry in states like Texas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Florida – North Florida and South Missouri are part of Dixie, whereas South Florida is part of the “Nation of Immigrants” and North Missouri is part of the Heartland/Breadbasket.


            Yet another interesting map about the “Bible Belt” that explains a lot about American politics.

            In this case, the distribution of Baptist churches reveals that the Anglo-Celts are spread over portions of North Missouri, West Texas, and West Oklahoma which are not reflected in the ethnic maps.


            “FELLOW-CITIZENS AND BRETHREN OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: For now we are brethren, not in name merely, but in fact, men of one flesh, one bone, one interest, one purpose and of an identity of domestic institutions, we have hence I trust a prospect of living together in peace, with our institutions subject to protection not defamation.”
            - President Jefferson Davis

            This is the most interesting map in my possession – the Confederate States of America, 1861 to 1865. It doesn’t need any explanation.


            The same mysterious configuration of states reappears in the map of the Jim Crow South (1896-1965).

            The anti-miscegenation laws of all the Southern states were struck down in Loving v. Virginia in 1967. Dixie was also integrated because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which were specifically targeted at the South.


            This is what Dixie looked like for a few years between the Confederacy and the Jim Crow South.


            Dixie is already a de facto ethnostate – an autonomous ethnic, cultural, and religious sub-nation within the United States. It is the American equivalent of Quebec.

            Thirty minutes of listening to the radio in Dixie (recent samples below) is sufficient to confirm that this area has its own mind about all sorts of things. White racial consciousness has been part of Southern culture for centuries now.

            The vast majority of racial conservatives are White Southerners. The same is true of the majority of implicit White conservatives who are amenable to racial appeals. These people are our co-ethnics and will prove much easier to sway to our own point of view for that reason alone.

            The alternative to creating an ethnostate in Dixie is uprooting ourselves to migrate thousands of miles across North America to join forces with unrelated White people on the basis of abstract revolutionary ideology to create a proposition nation in the Pacific Northwest.

            Alternatively, we can stay put here where we can unite with our neighbors on the basis of a common ethnicity, a common religion, a common culture, a common heritage, a common philosophy, a common racial history, self interest, and readily available economic, racial, and historical grievances against Washington which are shared by a wider audience..

            I suspect that might prove a more workable solution.

            The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
            I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
            I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


            • #7
              Dixie: The Ethnostate

              Dixie: The Ethnostate



              Vanishing American and Southern Nationalist are sounding off on the concept of a Southern ethnostate.

              It has always struck me as obvious: where do our people actually live?

              White Southerners, “Anglo-Celts,” “Americans,” Crackers, Cavaliers, “White people,” “the WASP nest,” rednecks, hillbillies, peckerwoods, etc. – these terms all refer to the same distinct Southern tribe of White people – who are concentrated in 17 states in the Southeastern quadrant of North America.

              These states are Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and South Carolina (Deep South), Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia (Upper South), Florida, Texas, Missouri, West Virginia, and Kentucky (Border South), and Oklahoma, Maryland, and Delaware (Peripheral South).

              The map above is Greater Dixie or Imperial Dixie. In reality, the ethnocultural border between Dixie and the other sections of America slices through states like Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Florida, and Virginia.

              The border of Dixie drawn here is more accurate (the border in Florida is now the I-4 corridor between Tampa and Orlando) than the one which imposed by artificial state lines: West Texas, South Florida, West Oklahoma, North Missouri, North Delaware, Northern West Virginia, and the Beltway portions of Virginia and Maryland are not part of the South.

              Likewise, the Kentucky Rhineland extends into adjacent areas of Southern Illinois and Southern Indiana, which explains the deviant political orientation of Indiana in the Midwest. If Chicagoland didn’t dominate Illinois, most of the counties below I-77 would tilt Illinois toward Dixie.

              This is another map which highlights the same underlying ethnic and cultural division of the United States: Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma are split between the Germanic Breadbasket and Anglo-Celtic Dixie; Florida, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware are split between Anglo-Celtic Dixie and the “Nation of Immigrants.”

              This is another map which explains a lot about the nature of American politics.

              (1) First, it shows that Dixie is a biracial nation. The history of Dixie has been defined by the racial conflict between Anglo-Celts and African-Americans. The orange splotches in Eastern Oklahoma are indicative of the fate of the Southeastern Indians.

              (2) Second, it was precisely the racial tension and conflict between the Anglo-Celts and African-Americans and Indians over the course of four centuries in the Southeast that made “whiteness” a meaningful ethnic marker for “White Southerners.”

              Why do we call ourselves “White people”? How did our racial identity become so important to us? It is because there are millions of African-Americans here.

              (3) Third, the “Peripheral South” is completely explained by ancestry in states like Texas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Florida – North Florida and South Missouri are part of Dixie, whereas South Florida is part of the “Nation of Immigrants” and North Missouri is part of the Heartland/Breadbasket.


              Yet another interesting map about the “Bible Belt” that explains a lot about American politics.

              In this case, the distribution of Baptist churches reveals that the Anglo-Celts are spread over portions of North Missouri, West Texas, and West Oklahoma which are not reflected in the ethnic maps.


              “FELLOW-CITIZENS AND BRETHREN OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: For now we are brethren, not in name merely, but in fact, men of one flesh, one bone, one interest, one purpose and of an identity of domestic institutions, we have hence I trust a prospect of living together in peace, with our institutions subject to protection not defamation.”
              - President Jefferson Davis

              This is the most interesting map in my possession – the Confederate States of America, 1861 to 1865. It doesn’t need any explanation.


              The same mysterious configuration of states reappears in the map of the Jim Crow South (1896-1965).

              The anti-miscegenation laws of all the Southern states were struck down in Loving v. Virginia in 1967. Dixie was also integrated because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which were specifically targeted at the South.


              This is what Dixie looked like for a few years between the Confederacy and the Jim Crow South.


              Dixie is already a de facto ethnostate – an autonomous ethnic, cultural, and religious sub-nation within the United States. It is the American equivalent of Quebec.

              Thirty minutes of listening to the radio in Dixie (recent samples below) is sufficient to confirm that this area has its own mind about all sorts of things. White racial consciousness has been part of Southern culture for centuries now.

              The vast majority of racial conservatives are White Southerners. The same is true of the majority of implicit White conservatives who are amenable to racial appeals. These people are our co-ethnics and will prove much easier to sway to our own point of view for that reason alone.

              The alternative to creating an ethnostate in Dixie is uprooting ourselves to migrate thousands of miles across North America to join forces with unrelated White people on the basis of abstract revolutionary ideology to create a proposition nation in the Pacific Northwest.

              Alternatively, we can stay put here where we can unite with our neighbors on the basis of a common ethnicity, a common religion, a common culture, a common heritage, a common philosophy, a common racial history, self interest, and readily available economic, racial, and historical grievances against Washington which are shared by a wider audience..

              I suspect that might prove a more workable solution.

              The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
              I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
              I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


              • #8
                Review: Suicide of a Superpower

                Review: Suicide of a Superpower
                by Fade The Butcher/Hunter Wallace


                Pat Buchanan's Suicide of a Superpower predicts the demise of the United States


                Pat Buchanan’s new book Suicide of a SuperPower: Will America Survive to 2025? is easily his boldest affront yet to the reigning racial and cultural taboos of Black Run Amerika.

                The book is written from the perspective of a small group of people who I have endearingly nicknamed the Vulcans: a handful of non-violent alien historians parked somewhere in near earth orbit, who understand they are witnessing the collapse of Western civilization, who have given considerable thought to the issue, who understand at the deepest level why Western civilization has declined, who are haunted by their knowledge of the darkening future, and who can read the latest headlines and see their projections coming true.

                Suicide of a Superpower is full of “hate truth” that will resonate with an anxious conservative audience. Listen for yourself.

                If I had to make an educated guess, I would say that Buchanan wrote this book (just like the previous five books) to raise awareness of the impending collapse of Western civilization. Therefore, Buchanan pushed the boundaries of mainstream discourse as far as he thought he could go while getting it published and delivered to a mass conservative audience.

                There are a lot of controversial subjects that are not given the proper amount of attention in this book. That’s perfectly fine by me. I can trace my own awakening to a copy of Death of the West that I bought in Montgomery in Winter 2002.

                Buchanan does manage to pinpoint and discuss six of the seven terminal crises that will bring down first the American Empire and later the United States within our lifetimes:

                (1) The Financial Crisis – The predatory American financial system that was shackled in the Great Depression has broken free of its restraints, seceded from the American physical economy, and has become its overlord.

                Within the last 25 years, the nature of money itself has been transformed into an abstraction. In a “globalized world,” finance has broken free of its national, cultural, and religious underpinnings. This has created enormous wealth for atomized individuals who have no sense of loyalty to any community and who lack any compelling characteristic in the eyes of the masses that would justify retaining their wealth.

                The financial crisis, which is behind the debt crisis, will clearly be the immediate trigger of our national demise.

                (2) The Racial Crisis – By 2042, White Americans are scheduled to become a minority in the United States. With each passing year, the burden of BRA becomes more unbearable for the average White household.

                African-American and Hispanic tax consumers are becoming more aggressive and explicitly racial in their agenda. White taxpayers are becoming more defensive. The myth of a “post-racial” society is collapsing. White racial attitudes are hardening again.

                In the long term, the GOP cannot survive as a national party by relying upon its shrinking base of White Christians. OTOH, the Democratic strategy of gentry liberalism cannot survive either because the reemergence of the zero sum world is drying up the pool of resources that can be redistributed from “privileged groups” to “officially aggrieved minorities.”

                (3) The Cultural Crisis – Buchanan understands that Christianity is the foundation of Western civilization. Indeed, the term “Western civilization” itself is a reference Catholic Christendom which for centuries was synonymous with the whole idea of “Europe.”

                As the Christian narrative of the West has lost its hold over the minds of the Western peoples, Western culture has collapsed and nihilism and chaos now reign in the realm of morality. Secular fantasy ideologies like liberalism, humanism, and communism have moved into the vacuum of faith.

                America is disintegrating as a nation because its people no longer share a common moral tradition. Instead, they bark at each other from across the “partisan divide.” This is the inevitable prelude to our demise as a nation-state.

                (4) The Philosophical Crisis – The secular fantasy ideologies that moved into the cultural vacuum left behind by a decaying Christianity are unable to sustain the project of Western civilization in the long run.

                In the United States, the dominant fantasy ideology is liberal capitalist democracy, or as some on the Alt Right have called it, “The System.” In Europe, the dominant fantasy ideology was Marxism. The American elite subscribes to a confused hybrid of these two traditions.

                As the Christian faith that sustained Europe evaporated in the 20C, Europeans naturally began to slaughter each other over blood and soil allegiances, the other two major compasses of the human heart. This allowed the rival Anglo-American and Soviet fantasy ideologies of liberal capitalist democracy and Marxism to take root in Western Europe.

                (5) The Demographic Crisis – The deadly core of liberal capitalist democracy is the self-centered secular ethos of “expressive individualism,” more commonly known as the “counterculture,” which triumphed in the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and which has been imposed on America and the rest of the Western world through the elites who identify with that revolution.

                It is the corrosive ethic of “expressive individualism” which is behind everything from second wave feminism to the gay rights movement to the pornography industry to the proliferation of gambling to the spread of hideous tattoos and piercings to “abortion rights” and the triumph of the “free love movement.”

                This is the culture which demands that we look upon gay pride parades, drug abuse, millions of shattered households, epidemic suicide rates, and miscegenation as a “progressive” development. Isn’t all this just a great celebration of personal freedom and liberation from the hidebound boundaries of reactionary Western tradition?

                The LDC system (and the creation of television, the film industry, the spread of the public school system, meritocratic universities, and the backlash against the Great European Civil War) is what has allowed the scum of society to punch through the traditional racial, cultural, and religious restraints that have held degeneracy in check for generations and to rise to elite status in the former countries of Western civilization.

                The long term consequence of this is a collapse in Western birthrates to levels in some countries where no known society has ever recovered. The Death of the West is now playing out on television in countries like Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain.

                (6) The Political Crisis – For two generations, America’s political class has been telling us that “diversity is our strength.”

                The most obvious indicator of the truth that “diversity is our strength” is the present 9 percent approval rating of Congress and the 11 percent approval rating of the federal government.

                The cultural ideal of the Baby Boomer elite is that America is a “nation” that isn’t based on any race, ethnic group, religion, culture, or creed. We have been successfully transformed into Ben Wattenburg’s The First Universal Nation.

                Unfortunately, our utopian minded beatnik elites who were living in a fantasy world did not anticipate that magnifying our internal differences would drive us further apart rather than bring us closer together. They set out to balkanize America and have succeeded in that project.

                Here are two vivid illustrations of the “two Americas”: Ben Wattenburg’s First Universal Nation and Sarah Palin’s Real America.




                According to the U.S. Census, Daryl Worley’s ethnic “Americans” (aka the born fightin’ Scots-Irish who never melted in the Yankee pot) are overwhelmingly concentrated south of the Mason-Dixon line.

                California has become an ungovernable basket case of a state. As the United States becomes as diverse as California, it will become just as bankrupt and dysfunctional, although one could make the argument that we have already reached that point in our national history.

                (7) The Energy Crisis – The energy crisis represents the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (conquest, war, famine, and death) that is left undiscussed in Suicide of a Superpower. It is the single most unpleasant fact about that ugly beast called Reality that has been swept under the rug and forgotten by the Baby Boomers.

                I was somewhat surprised that Buchanan failed to mention the Solyndra scandal, Al Gore’s ethanol corn fields in Iowa, and the recent collapse of faith in “green energy” techno magical wizardry to solve the thorny problem that is Peak Oil.

                In the year 2011, we are paying close to $4 dollars a gallon for gasoline, the price of groceries at the supermarket has tripled, we have lost manned spaceflight capability, and the airlines are flirting with death, but everything is fine because we have the Steve Jobs Apple iPad and Facebook – this is the definitive proof, as if any further proof were needed after Lady Gaga and The X Factor, that America has ceased to be a serious nation.

                American civilization is built around the automobile, the supermarket, the suburb, the big box store, and the airplane. What happens to American civilization in the long run when we lose access to the world’s dwindling reserves of petroleum which are concentrated in the Middle East?

                Uh oh.

                In Suicide of a Superpower, OD readers will find elaborate discussions about the collapse of the mainline Protestant churches, the collapse of Catholicism, the collapse of White birthrates, the suicidal embrace of third world immigration by the GOP, the present obsession with democracy and equality, the decline of the American Empire, the silliness of diversity, and the threat to American national unity posed by ethnonationalism – the apocalyptic implications for the future of the United States of the synergy of all these insoluble crises listed above are the dark vision that is behind the narrative in this book.

                There are two other major issues which are neglected in this book:

                (8) The Jewish Question – Buchanan wisely neglects this issue because 50 percent of American Jewry is scheduled to vacate the earth by 2050. He couldn’t resist drawing attention to this uncomfortable fact though.

                (9) The Rival Nations – The Rival Nations thesis is a major undercurrent in this book, but it is never explicitly formulated in Suicide of a Superpower. Instead, Buchanan invests most of his time explaining how ethnonationalism is a primordial force that is tearing apart nations in Latin America, African, Europe, and Asia where he is on safer territory in the mainstream.

                Buchanan clearly believes that America will be torn apart by ethnonationalism in the 21st century in much the same that Europe was torn about by ethnonationalism in the 20th century. He repeatedly contrasts “Middle America” with the rest of the United States.

                In Buchanan’s view, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s has only put down the shallowest of roots in “Middle America,” and as the American Empire collapses, as Western civilization goes through its death rattle, and as the American economy plunges the cliff of world history, he believes that a new nation will be born somewhere in this region.

                What is Middle America though?

                Why did the Cultural Revolution triumph in “Coastal America”? Why did it fail to triumph in “Middle America”? Buchanan never explains why “Middle America” exists. He is much more comfortable discussing the demise of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.

                Telling the truth about the distinctiveness of “Middle America” requires telling the most hateful truth about American history: the truth being that there was never a “melting pot” and there was never really an “American people.”

                “Middle America” is really the political alliance within the American federation between Dixie, Far West, Heartland, and Midlands that is the base of the Republican Party: 25 states that include Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, Missouri, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, and Alaska.

                “Coastal America” is really the political alliance between Yankeedom, The Left Coast, New Netherland, and El Norte that is the base of the Democratic Party: 17 states that include New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.

                The swing states that are up for grabs are Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico (El Norte) and Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Iowa (Midlands). The “future of the Republic” will be decided in the Southwest because the Northern alliance behind the Democratic Party is deliberately fostering the creation of Aztlan to gain permanent hegemony within the Union.

                Nothing has changed.

                In the year 2011, the real fundamental divide in America is still Blue and Gray. The only thing that has changed is that the West has been settled which has expanded the cultural divide across the continent into Red and Blue.

                Why should we lament the demise of “the country we grew up in”? The United States was never our country anyway. The MLK system, the Ivy League system, and the Lincoln system are on the verge of collapse. Like Moscow and London, Washington and Wall Street are losing their grip on the provinces.

                How is that a bad thing? Three cheers for the reversal of Appomattox!

                Note: The SPLC, Media Matters, and “Color of Change” are trying to get Buchanan fired from MSNBC. He also has a blog about this book.




                The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
                I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
                I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


                • #9
                  Review: Splendid Failure

                  Review: Splendid Failure


                  Michael Fitzgerald's Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South

                  “Of all the dangers which our nation has yet encountered, none are equal to those which must result from success of the current effort to Africanize the southern half of the country.”
                  - President Andrew Johnson


                  Michael Fitzgerald’s Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South is another Yankee revisionist apology in the W.E.B. DuBois tradition that attempts to portray Reconstruction as a noble experiment.

                  It is a departure from Nicholas Lemann’s Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War and Stephen Budiansky’s The Bloody Shirt: Terror After Appomattox in at least three critical ways:
                  (1) Lemann and Budiansky look almost exclusively at “violence” by Southern paramilitary organizations like the White League, the White Line, and the Red Shirts in Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina from 1874 to 1876.

                  The context of the desperate situation facing Whites in these states is completely ignored. The historical record is creatively edited to portray White Southerners as a brutish rednecks who violently rebelled against the authority of the Glorious Union for no other reason than racist hatred of noble “African-Americans.”

                  (2) Fitzgerald’s book is a short overview of the Reconstruction era as a whole. He gives a partial description of what happened in the other Southern states. There is at least an attempt made to provide the reader with some level of theoretical understanding as to why the events described by Lemann and Budiansky unfolded in the manner in which they did.

                  (3) Fitzgerald doesn’t hide the fact that Reconstruction in Louisiana and South Carolina was such an indefensible tyranny that even Gov. Adelbert Ames of Mississippi contrasted himself with his fellow carpetbaggers.

                  Unlike Lemann and Budiansky, Fitzgerald draws attention to James Shepherd Pike’s The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government, a demoralizing chronicle of the decline of South Carolina under BRA, which played a major role in undermining Northern support for the Union occupation.

                  Is this South Carolina in 1876 or Atlanta in 2011?
                  In the place of this old aristocratic society stands the rude form of the most ignorant democracy that mankind ever saw, invested with the functions of government. It is the dregs of the population habilitated in the robes of their intelligent predecessors, and asserting over them the rule of ignorance and corruption, through the machinery of numbers. It is barbarism overwhelming civilization by physical force. It is the slave rioting in the halls of his master, and putting the master under his feet. And, though it is done without malice and without vengeance, it is done none the less and completely done.

                  Before we start discussing the Reconstruction era, which in case you were wondering had nothing to do with actually rebuilding the war torn Confederacy, it is worth taking into account a panoramic view of the scene of the defeated South in 1865:

                  1 in every 4 Southern White men of military age have lost their lives resisting the Yankee invasion. Countless thousands more have been maimed or crippled. 10 to 15 percent of Confederate POWs in Northern prisons have died from starvation and disease. Southern cities like Atlanta, Richmond, Charleston, and Columbia have been burned to the ground.

                  The South’s infrastructure (its farms, factories, roads, railroads, bridges, and ports) have been destroyed by the Union Army. Abolition has wiped out the billions of dollars of Southern capital that was invested in slavery. Southern families are starving to death in the Upper South because of the war damage and in the Lower South because of the Union naval blockade. The collapse of the Confederate currency has wiped out the life savings of millions.

                  In the Appalachian mountains and hill country, the anti-Confederate minority that fought for the Union has become a plague upon their neighbors. The collapse of the Confederate government has unleashed all the forces of chaos and anarchy (think of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina) that tend to follow major natural disasters.

                  Across the Confederacy, the Yankees are traveling from plantation to plantation to “liberate” the slaves and enforce the Emancipation Proclamation. In a scene worthy of Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde, the Yankee soldiers plunder and loot almost every “Rebel” home they come across in their search for gold and silver, many of which are burned down by the “Federals.”

                  At the head of negro armies, the Yankees fan out across the South to decapitate the Southern state governments. The Great Seal of Mississippi is stolen and Governor Clark is marched out of the state capitol in Jackson at gunpoint.

                  The Governor of Florida commits suicide. The Governor of Texas is thrown in prison. Jefferson Davis is hunted down and captured near Washington, Georgia. President Davis is sent to Fort Monroe, Virginia where he is forced to suffer the indignity of wearing the shackles of a common criminal.

                  In this context, John Wilkes Booth assassinates Lincoln for endorsing the Radical Republican plan to make “African-Americans” citizens in Louisiana. Vice President Andrew Johnson becomes the 17th president of the United States.

                  The renegade Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was the only Southern senator who refused to leave Washington when his state seceded. East Tennessee was a major anti-Confederate stronghold in the War Between the States.

                  After serving as military governor of Tennessee, Andrew Johnson became a hero in the North and was elected Vice President after running with Lincoln on the “National Union” ticket in 1864. His Unionist views were typical of Appalachian Whites who hated slavery and who bought into the Yankee war propaganda about “saving the Union” and “abolishing slavery.”

                  In 1865, the Union had accomplished its two alleged major war aims with the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of Tennessee which were (1) to preserve the Union and (2) to abolish slavery.

                  President Johnson naively assumed that it was time to follow Lincoln’s stated agenda in his Second Inaugural Address to “bind up the nation’s wounds” and “achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves.” The Confederate armies laid down their arms and the defeated South had accepted the verdict of the war.

                  In the summer of 1865, “Presidential Reconstruction” began under President Johnson. Provisional governors were appointed who were typically Unionists. The Southern states repealed the ordinances of secession and adopted new constitutions which abolished slavery. They elected new representatives whom they sent to Congress with the expectation that the “just and lasting peace” was finally at hand.

                  There was just one small problem: the Yankees had been lying all along about their patriotic desire to “preserve the Union” and “abolish the crime of slavery.” Immediately, there were three problems which doomed Presidential Reconstruction to failure.

                  (1) The first and most obvious problem for the Republicans was the three fifths clause in the Constitution. Now that slavery was abolished, the slaves would no longer be counted as three fifths of a person for purposes of determining representation in Congress.

                  Under the constitutional status quo, the defeated ex-Confederates would be allowed to return to Congress with even greater numbers where there was the dangerous possibility that they could reunite with Northern Democrats to retake control of the federal government in Washington.

                  (2) The second major problem was that the Confederate armies had disbanded and Confederate troops had returned to the homefront where there were millions of ex-slaves and renegade Unionists who would have to live under the defeated Confederates.

                  (3) The third major problem was that Northern Whites and the Radical Republicans who represented them hated Southerners and wanted to punish the Confederacy for its “treason” against Father Abraham and the Glorious Union.

                  In December 1865, the Radical Congress reconvened and refused to seat the Southern senators and representatives that had been elected under the new anti-slavery constitutions which President Johnson (who became an unlikely ally of the defeated South) had deemed sufficient to “bind up the nation’s wounds.”

                  From 1866 to 1868, President Johnson and the Radical Congress clashed repeatedly over the status of “African-Americans” within the United States. This culminated in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson by the House of Representatives and his near conviction by the Senate.

                  The Yankees were determined to protect the “civil rights” of negroes (and thereby the power of the Republican Party in Washington) by making negroes into American citizens with citizenship and voting rights. By this scheme, they hoped to seize control over the federal government and marginalize their Democratic opposition.

                  Johnson vetoed the Freedmen’s Bureau Bill and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The Radical Congress which had excluded Southerners from representation in Washington responded by passing both bills over his veto.

                  In the 1866 midterm elections, the Republicans won a sweeping victory in the North. Since the Radical Republicans controlled Congress, they could exclude Southern representatives. They used a purely sectional majority to pass the 14th Amendment which was rejected by Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.

                  In 1867, the Radical Republicans in Congress effectively overthrew the Constitution. After denying that the Southern states had any right to secede from the Union and waging war against the Confederacy on that principle, the Republican Congress dissolved 10 Southern states (the exception being Tennessee which was controlled by anti-Confederate Unionists) and placed White Southerners under the rule of military dictators.

                  BRA is created by the Republican Congress. Ulysses S. Grant is elected president.

                  The Southern state governments that President Johnson had recognized are dissolved. Tens of thousands of Yankee carpetbaggers descend upon the prostrate South to prey upon the region. They combine forces with enfranchised blacks and the scalawag Unionists to carve up the region into personal fiefdoms. The Southern states are ordered to ratify the 14th Amendment at gunpoint.

                  In this way, the Southern states are readmitted to the United States on Radical terms and the carpetbagger-scalawag-negro alliance elects “representatives” which are sent to Washington: less than a tenth of Whites in Alabama vote to rejoin the United States, a regional highwater mark of a quarter of Whites vote to rejoin in North Carolina, and a mere 130 Whites vote to rejoin the Union in South Carolina.

                  The 15th Amendment which asserted that the right to vote could not be denied on account of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude” was proposed in 1869 and ratified in 1870 by the Radical Congress and their puppet governments in the South.

                  The details of BRA vary from state to state, but it was almost identical in spirit to the system that we have today: “African-Americans” were voters and citizens, the Louisiana state constitution required integrated schools and public accommodations, anti-miscegenation laws were repealed, and there were even forms of welfare and affirmative action. The University of Arkansas and South Carolina College were integrated.

                  The Civil Rights Act of 1875 required integration in everything from parks to hotels to railroads and street cars. “African-American” state legislators were often illiterates who used their offices to vote themselves an income.

                  Property taxes were raised to confiscatory levels to support “African-American” public education. The Reconstruction governments ran up enormous state debts. In a scene out of modern Birmingham, corrupt public officials bribed Southern state legislatures to issue bonds to support the construction of Northern railroad lines which charged exorbitant fees to the natives.

                  Because of their negro majorities, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida suffered more under Reconstruction than the other Southern states. Consequently, White men had no choice but to resort to terrorism to overthrow Reconstruction in those states.

                  The Ku Klux Klan was a response to Radical Reconstruction. The White men who formed the Klan believed they were acting purely in self defense against the Republican Party. In Louisiana, the Knights of the White Camelia emphasized only two phrases in its initiation ritual: “maintenance of the supremacy of the white race” and observing a “marked distinction between the races.”

                  Contrary to Radical propaganda, the Klan and other Southern paramilitary organizations like the Red Shirts didn’t target “Africans-Americans” simply because they were racists who enjoyed lynching black people for the fun of doing so. They were political organizations which hadn’t existed before the war and were created for the sole purpose of overthrowing “negro domination” and “carpetbagger rule.”

                  The Klan was the Southern equivalent of the IRA or the Afghan mujahadeen that resisted the Soviet occupation. They were freedom fighters resisting the American occupation. If Presidential Reconstruction had been accepted by the Radical Congress, the Klan would have never existed.

                  What happened in the Confederacy during Reconstruction is exactly what happened to Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War: decapitation of the native leadership, social revolution, foreign occupation, the rule of traitorous elements in collaboration with foreign conquerers, demonization of the natives, the importation of foreign customs, plunder by the occupiers, etc.

                  The withdrawal of the Union Army in 1877 wasn’t the end of BRA in the defeated Confederacy. It was understood at the time that Reconstruction could be resumed at any given moment should Northern public opinion become indignant again over the “civil rights” issue.

                  The Jim Crow South didn’t emerge in its final form until the aftermath of the Plessy decision in 1896. Mississippi led the way by adopting a new constitution in 1890. South Carolina adopted a new constitution in 1895. Alabama didn’t adopt a new constitution until 1901.

                  Between 1898 and 1910, the former Confederate states (plus Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and Oklahoma) adopted some version of the Mississippi Plan. “Dixie” emerged as the successor to the Confederacy in this period.

                  It took three generations of White Southerners over the course of 45 years to overthrow BRA and create a stable social system in the form of the Jim Crow South. If you drive across the South today, you will find monuments to the Confederate dead that later generations raised in almost every town and city.

                  Their hard work was blown away in the 1950s and 1960s when the Northern majority had another one of its periodic utopian fits in response to the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Second World War. The existence of the Jim Crow South was deemed incompatible with American ideals and the project of Reconstruction was resumed with the Brown decision and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

                  In the Barack Hussein Obama era, we are living through another “Splendid Failure” on par with Reconstruction or Prohibition. We are witnessing the death rattle of the entire Lincoln system that was erected in 1865. Uncle Sam is finally choking to death on democracy, the counter-culture, and the lie of racial equality.

                  Let us hope the old liberal bastard dies from AIDS in a “gay marriage” somewhere in Vermont. He’s on “The Edge of Glory” up there and doesn’t even realize it.

                  The quality of people I am reaching is much higher than I ever did with a forum.
                  I'm now at the top of the racialist intellectual community in the United States.
                  I was a nobody when I ran The Phora.


                  • #10
                    Nothing Lasts Forever -- And that Especially Includes ZOG

                    Nothing Lasts Forever -- And that Especially Includes ZOG


                    Hello Hunter/Fade:

                    I think you have improved quite a bit the past year or so by figuring out that 'all whiggers are not in this ZOG/Babylon together.

                    You've been reading books pointing out that from the very start that AmeriKwa -- the Kwa -- was populated by at least four different tribes from England. The Saxons from the South of England who were natural born slave-owners and the Cavaliers of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The Angles from Eastern England who settled New England and were the Puritans. The Danes from the Midlands who settled Pennsylvania and were the Quakers. And the Borderers and Scots-Irish/Ulstermen, who settled the backwoods and loved to fight with each other and outsiders. Add in the Dutch/jews from jew Yawk, the Catholics in 'Merrieland' and the Debtors in Georgia and the Irish and Swedes from New Jersey and what we had was an uneasy 'melting pot' that never fully fused together.

                    So what needs to be understood is that secession, once successful, will never ever be able to stop. So rather than worry about what Covington is doing in the NorthWest, you have decided to concentrate on re-building Southern secession. Which stands to reason. Once you figure out that just as Germany was divided within a land area smaller than Washington and Oregon combined into around a thousand petty kingdoms and free cities and counties, so too will ZOG fall apart likely into Ten Thousand entities. And these entities will likely be divided into what are extended family units which will be all that will be able to coalesce together.

                    The current order is no longer sustainable. So it will fall apart after a period of strife.

                    So Hunter, what I see you do is learning to go with the flow of History. Never has any multi-racial mighty Evil Empire lasted forever. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire fell apart a few months after WW1 and it was comprised of whites and euro-mongrollians which couldn't stand each other. So too will ZOG fall apart.

                    Might I suggest that you review the jew Martin van Crevelt's "Rise and Fall of the State" to show that chaos always wins?

                    Hail Victory!!!

                    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
                    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

                    Last edited by Librarian; 11-16-2011, 06:03 AM.

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