Give my regards to Jaymark.
Ask him about his up-coming WWW page. (Now everyone will know about Jaymark. )
2. Jaymark votes to disallow proxy voting and thus disenfranchises eight party members, five of them from the 7th District at the Platform Convention, Sept. 17, 1996.
3. Jaymark votes against allowing the Platform to be put up for a vote by the general membership, ExpCom meeting, Nov. 19, 1996.
4. Jaymark announces plans to run for governor, ExpCom meeting, January 22, 1996.
5. Lindstedt announces plans to run for governor, ExpCom meeting Feb. 18, 1996. Jaymark announces opposition to waiving filing fees for indigent Libertarian candidates.
6. Jaymark is one of the gang of seven who vote against return of candidate filing fees, thus precipitating a lawsuit.
7. Jaymark votes to place in the MoLP Constitution a provision disallowing proxy voting from any member not present, disenfranchising 210+ general members in principle, eight general members who submitted proxies that day, six of them from his 7th Congressional district on May 25, 1996.
8. At the election of ExpCom delegates, Jaymark and Phil Horrass use voter fraud to disenfranchise six memberss from the 7th Congressional district and get elected to the Expediting Committee from the 7th District on May 25, 1996.
9. On May 26, 1996, Jaymark threatened to call cops on me for some reason.
10.At the July 21, 1996 Expediting Committee, Jaymark refused to debate me at any time, necessitating the letter to Taxman Carnahan excusing him from debating The Great Master Debater in the general election.
To: Governor Mel Carnahan, Springfield News-Leader From: Martin Lindstedt Subject: Debate only them willing to take on all challengers. Time: 8:54 p.m. 7/25/96 Governor Carnahan: The Monday, July 22d issue of the Springfield News Leader carried a profile of all the gubernatorial candidates. I am one of them, and I think that I was portrayed relatively accurately. It contains valuable opposition research on all the candidates. On Monday I was coming back from a wasted Sunday trip to Columbia to the Missouri Libertarian Party Expediting Committee to impeach my "Libertarian" opponent J. Mark Oglesby for vote fraud and for disenfranchising LP party members from the 32d Senatorial District. On the way back home, I stopped by to file a federal lawsuit against the Mo "Libertarian" party, Rebecca Cook and the State of Missouri regarding the constitutionality of RSMo 115.357 and ballot access for indigent candidates. When I got to Springfield, I was told by a friend that I was in the paper, so I bought a few copies. The following paragraph attributed to J. Mark Oglesby made me laugh: Oglesby has previously run for state representative and said he jumped into the governor's race because the party needs an experienced debater to promote its ideas. "(Libertarians) can't win the race for governor until we win the debates for governor." Well, on Sunday, July 21, at the Expediting Committee meeting, when I offered to debate Jaymark "anywhere, anytime, anyplace, any rules or none," The Great Master Debater refused to debate me -- ever. I'll admit that Jaymark is quite the master debater. He reads through all his speeches, glances up once per minute without making eye-contact, minces his hips, then it's back to reading in that high-pitched effeminate whine until time mercifully runs out. Truck drivers and allegedly homo-cidal psychotic militiamen like myself are not able to fully and truly appreciate The Great Master Debater's efforts because our little minds shut down that overload to our ears after 15-20, 30 seconds tops. I only was able to summon the strength to observe The Jaymark Mince because I'm his opposition politician. He used to lecture on how drugs are good for the high skrule nippers, but now he is frothing at the mouth concerning your unconstitutional executive order concerning School-to-Work for the kiddies. (Admittedly, a good thing to get mad about.) Now you and Margaret Kelly can include the Libertarian candidate in the debate or not. I'm saying that you have an excuse to not debate Jaymark the Master Debater because he in turn refused to debate the competition for his primary bid. If I win the primary, and am the Libertarian candidate for Governor, it might be a good idea to debate me, as there is absolutely NO overlap between our respective constituencies. None whatsoever. But as a right- wing Libertarian, I can take votes away from Margaret Kelly, and perhaps attract a few votes from people who would have voted for neither of you. Just a little something for you and others to think upon. --militiaman Martin Lindstedt Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri
To: Martin Lindstedt, Head Shooter From: Nowa Pud-Puller Subject: Saturday's Meeting Time: 03:08 AM 1/21/96 Martin, You probably won't read this until you return from the ExpCom meeting, so some of it may be old news. 1) Thanks for setting up the meeting on Saturday. I think things went well, as evidenced by the fact that you sweet-talked 100% of the attendees into joining the party. 2) I'm trying to get a handle on what the "pud-pullers" are up to. I couldn't find Bxxxxx's number and Exxxx didn't answer the phone, so I went to Horras and Oglesby. Horras wasn't home, but I got a nice earful from Oglesby about what a monster *you* are--until I informed him that I knew you, after which he settled down and just said that he thought you had "psychological problems." As a matter of fact, to paraphrase, it went something like the following; NP-P: Hello, J. Mark Oglesby? JMO: Yes? NP-P: Is this the Oglesby who's with the LP? JMO: Yes, well, uh, I am. We haven't been having meetings.... NP-P: That's why I'm calling-- JMO: You see, we were having meetings but this fucking axe-murderer militiaman monster wildman bigfoot from hell named Martin Linstedt scared everyone, so we stopped. NP-P: Oh. Well, the reason I'm calling is that I understand Bxxxxx is resigning the county chair... JMO: I'm not sure. I think he may be. He still hasn't come out from hiding since the last meeting when this fucking axe-murderer militiaman monster wildman bigfoot from hell named Martin Linstedt scared him so bad he pissed himself. NP-P: Well, I know Martin, and that has a little to do with why I'm calling. JMO: IS HE THERE WITH YOU? HOLD HIM OFF AS LONG AS YOU CAN, I'LL CALL 911! NP-P: It's okay. He's not here right now. Anyway, he put forward my name as a possible county chair; I've talked it over with him and Exxxxxx, and I think I might like to do it. I wanted to talk to some of the local party members, yourself included, to see what's going on. JMO: Well, I'm going to Columbia tomorrow-- NP-P: Expediting Committee? JMO: Yes, if that fucking axe-murderer militiaman monster wildman bigfoot from hell named Martin Linstedt doesn't tear up the place. Last time, he told us we needed to get our rifles and overthrow the government. I've tried to explain to him that we're non-violent. JMO:You said you know him? I think he has psychological problems he needs to deal with. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or scare them with our big guns or make them think that we want to legalize drugs or frighten them with talk of cutting their entitlements or---or anything! Anyway, some of us are going to get a local meeting together to reorganize. And that fucking axe-murderer militiaman monster wildman bigfoot from hell named Martin Linstedt will NOT BE AT THOSE MEETINGS. IF you know him, tell him if he hears about an LP meeting in Springfield, he's NOT WELCOME. I'll be standing at the door, and I'm a BIG GUY. NP-P: Well, actually, we had a meeting today. JMO: Oh? NP-P: Yes, it wasn't official, as we know we can't set up a county chair, etc. without the committeepersons. But Martin signed up three new members. JMO: OH? HE DID? Well, I've gotta go now... I probably should have talked with you before I called Oglesby. I think that three new members from one meeting caused him to prick up his ears. Could you do me a favor and figure out how many members are in Greene County, and sort by "faction" if possible. If the pud-pullers want to be in the party, fine. But I want to have a shooter majority and a ballot full of shooter committee candidates ASAP. We're hobbled by the fact that the current committee members have to approve an interim chair--but that doesn't stop us from recruiting and working. If we can get one member who will "run" unopposed in all the presently unrepresented wards, we've got it tied down even if the present committee members win in their ward. The above conversation is paraphrased. I will specify that three parts are exact and correct: 1) I didn't bring you up, Oglesby did--and he didn't recognize my name, so it wasn't because he knew we are somewhat associated; apparently, he is voicing his appraisals of you to everyone who will listen, some who won't, and maybe even to inanimate objects; 2) He did specifically say that you would "not be welcome" and "not be allowed in" to Greene County LP meetings, and to let you know, and 3) He did mumble something about waiting at the door for you and being a big guy. I postured as someone who knows and likes you, but who is basically a "reasonable" guy. I don't know what authority these guys may have, nor do I know if I can get in there and accomplish anything by working with and around them. What do you think?