Of Pope and Popelets

Jim Floyd



Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 07:31:32 -0600 (CST)
From: James Floyd (jfloyd@hiwaay.net)
Subject: Of Pope and Popelets

   What a horrid waste. All those years in prayer and study, all those 
   books, all the instruction, all that meditating, for what? 

   Sir, your "Historic Pardon Request," your "plea for forgiveness" for 
   those who participated in, what you term, was the "disfigurement of 
   the face of the Church," has, in fact, masked the face of the Church 
   in the deceiver's mask of ambiguity.

   Truth need never be ambiguous.  Truth requires no disguise.  How
   can men of the 'Word' resort to such a play on words? 

   The world is in a quandary.  To whom did you apologize?  To who the 
   J-w? J-w who?  Who is a J-w?

   And if you did beg forgiveness from those who say they are J-ws,  
   do you think, for one fleeing moment, that you can satisfy the
   insatiable Khazar J-w?  Whatever you say will never be enough! 

   Don't you understand that they want you to accuse them of the 
   Crucifixion, they love being called "Christ killers."  Why?  Because 
   it gives credence to their false claim that they are "the people of 
   the Covenant ... the people of Israel," your words Sir.

   Their tribe is united in and by hate for you and "your god on a 
   stick," their words.  This vehement hate is the necessary adhesive 
   that holds them together.

   We both know that these vile, beastly little people who are so 
   viciously hounding you, not for just an apology, but for a blanket
   pronouncement of condemnation against Christ Himself, are not
   Hebrews, not Semites, not Israelites, and are void of any
   historical or cultural ties to Israel, Abraham, or his Covenant.
   They are Khazars, Zionist, Bolsheviks, Eastern Europeans and 
   you know it!  You know it!  You!  (Easy Jim easy)

   Look, how much time do you have, a few months?  And then, if 
   what you preach is true, it's off to live with Eugenio Pacelli 
   (Pius X11) and from sixty to an hundred and sixty million souls 
   who suffered martyrdom at the cruel, atheist hands of these 
   Khazar J-ws during the apocalypse of communism.  What will 
   you say to them?

   What kept you from saying J-w?  Perhaps, the same force which 
   bridled your tongue and would not allow you to use the word 
   J-w, surely, demands that you expose these impostors, these people 
   of the hoax. 

   The reward of this appeasement, which you now seek, is temporal, 
   indeed, but life with Pius X11 and those who left their  voiceless 
   blood on the sullied Church steps of Russia and Eastern Europe, 
   is forever. 

   Please, do the remarkable, ask the Khazar J-w to apologize!  Ask 
   them to repent for the incalculable misery they have heaped upon 
   the world.

   How dare you apologize to the slave and slave's master in the same 
   vague, cryptic message.  The heaven which you hope to soon enter
   will be full of ex-slaves of the Khazar J-w.  What will you say to 

   As regards women;

   Ask your Khazar friends to repent and stop degrading women, sex 
   through a hole in a sheet, indeed, separation from the men when one 
   drop of menstrual blood passes from their young bodies, and men and 
   boys who rise early to thank the Almighty (Blessed be He) that they 
   were not born a woman. 

   How could you ask for Khazar J-w forgiveness and in the same breath
   ask forgiveness from women?  Khazar J-ws have raped women of their 
   natural dignity since their days on the Don and Volga.  Here, again, 
   in your silly message you gave equal standing to the unfortunate 
   victims and to their perverted tormentors.  

   Mar. 16, In the Gaza

   Sir, as you stand with your holy feet in the septic of the Gaza and 
   see the clear, distinct, unmistakable results of the Khazar J-w's 
   malignant inhumanity -- as you inhale the tender stench of this J-w 
   version of an Auschwitz concentration camp, would you consider 
   speaking-out, in a clear voice, and demand a 'Khazar Apology.'    

   We do not need the dubious, nor the equivocal, nor the esoteric.  Out 
   here, Sir, in the real world, there is nothing ambiguous.  As there 
   is nothing ambiguous in the endless Palestinian holocaust, nor is 
   there ambiguity in the coldly arrogant, conceited, hate-filled, 
   virulent racism of the Khazar J-w.  What will, no can, you say to 
   diseased Palestinian babies?

                                        Jim Floyd



Another Holocaust Pope

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 07:58:39 -0600 (CST)
From: James Floyd (jfloyd@hiwaay.net)
Subject: Another Holocaust Pope?

    Not to worry, Mr. Pope, the Palestinians will never own
    or control the world media.  They will never control the
    past or the future.  They will never write the history of
    their Holocaust or make an award winning movie.  They 
    will never have a Simon Wiesenthal or Elie Weasel.
    They will never have a Hall of Remembrance or Eternal

    Not to worry, your moral lethargy will pass without notice.

    Only  a few will question your conduct.  Only a few will
    ask why you did not condemn and assign guilt.  Only a few,
    voiceless souls, will ever wonder why you did not rescue
    one single Palestinian child, or one refugee, or one prisoner. 
    (administrative detainee)

    Only a few are appalled at the sight of a Pope genuflecting, 
    participating in the iconical worship of fifty year old corpses,
    while turning a blind-eye to the never-ending, fifty year
    old Palestinian Holocaust.

    The children, in the Gaza ghetto, are sick from diseased
    water.  "I was sick and I was thirsty and I was in prison."
    Mr. Pope, you brought not one cup of clean water nor 
    did you bring comfort to one sick child, nor did you free
    or visit one prisoner.

    Ah, but not to worry, only a few will say you did not do
    enough.  Only a few will not forgive and forget.  Let us
    hope that your G-d is not to be counted among these few.

    Humbly with penitence to all Palestine's children, and those
    of Kibiya, Deir Yassin, Qana, Shatila, Sabra, Hebron and
    on and on.

                                       James Floyd

    ps. Mr. Hyman, my friendly response to your email comes
        back "undeliverable."  I need to talk to you.



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