I had a new "Non Serviam" all ready to go the other day and upon hearing of the arrest of Matt Hale, threw it out and decided to start from scratch after allowing what has happened to digest a little. I was going to explain why I believe in a two-tiered White racist resistance (aboveground spokesmen/propagandists and the underground (which should consist of everyone BUT the aboveground spokesmen/propagandists).A movement figure I have a lot of respect for had let me know that he was displeased that I had given the impression (in NON SERVIAM 1/5/03) of approving of the old "membership group" methods and he was absolutely right, as per usual. While it was my intention to merely praise Matt Hale for his honest presentation of genuine resistance views, I should have made myself clear concerning my own views. I DO NOT and never will support the public "outing" of one's status as a White racial loyalist. Any movement that is at all serious, must have its public figures that inform/motivate the underground, as well as let the enemy know where things stand. We have a few very good people in that regard, and I'll post the url's to their sites at the bottom of this article. There is nothing to be gained and much to be lost by having ANYONE ELSE but the resistance spokesmen him/herself being exposed to the ZOG. I think Matt Hale is a very brave man and that he represents our views (separatism, revolutionary change) quite well, but I wish he hadn't done the old "public meeting/rally" routine.
It has been stupid and weak of me to avoid saying what needs to be said in an attempt to avoid possibly insulting those of you who do things the 'old way'. This just isn't something I feel like being "diplomatic" about anymore. It is because I respect and admire you that I am advising you to cease and desist all PUBLIC outreach efforts. Mere pampheteering is semi-legal at best and is hardly worth the grief that comes your way and "rallying" is just a chance for you to "smile at the cameras" and give the vile scum who love this brothel of a "nation" the ability to neutralize you before you've had a chance to do a Dog-damned thing in furtherance of the cause. We are well past the time where "sticking within the letter of the (f)law" guarantess you ANYTHING. Just look what they're doing to Hale. The garbage that "serve us" don't believe for one second that the charges they're bringing against Matt are legitimate. They are trying to scare the living feces out of us, while at the same time shutting up the uncompromising voice of Hale. Two White birds with one talMUDic stone.
Unless you were raised in a White racist household (and most of us were not), then it was the Metzgers, ANP's, and the like that served to awaken us. Most of us were already painfully aware that things were NOT going well, and that is why we sought NS/White Nationalist materials. We took it upon ourselves to learn what was going on, both the NATURE of our problems, as well as the SOLUTIONS to them. With the readily available White racist materials on the Internet, there is little (actually NO) excuse for claiming that you "cant" find NS/WN books, fliers, egroups, etc. They're a couple mouse-clicks away from ANYONE who desires them. It is time to accept that the onus is on intelligent Aryans to educate THEMSELVES.
I think it is a lousy trade-off to wind up identified by the pigs and the kikes they answer to, just so that you can drop a few fliers around in some whigger neighborhood, where all the "good" people see folks like us as trash. As long as these frothing filth race-mixers can lie to themselves, they WILL. They have a stake in the system that is murdering our people, and they despise with a passion anyone who forces them to even temporarily become concious of their complicity. Forget them. If you are rotting in a ZoGulag some day due to the same kind of trumped-up kike krap that Matt Hale is, your martyrdom won't touch these swine one damn bit. They're called RACE TRAITORS for a reason!
Let the "righteous" whigger souls of Lewiston Maine (for instance) swim in the filth and crime of their precious Somali "brothers and sisters". To HELL with the born slavelings that "love" their enemies and hate their own kind. Putting yourself on the line (exposing yourself to the judeoBeast) for them is a complete and utter waste of a good Aryan. As sad as it is to say, most of our enemies are (small w) "white" people who "love" Dog and Cuntry as defined for them by those wonderful, dear, talented little sensitives, the jews. I hate these bastards and wouldn't call the cops for them if I heard them screaming while niggers were making South African Mojo "Muti" out of them, slice by piggly whiggly slice.
Any activism that you do carry out should ideally be done 100% alone. Don't even do the 'small cell' thing unless you are 120% sure about the individuals. I prefer the 'Lone Wolf' approach because as Tom Metzger wrote once, "What two know, one can tell." I have no one I would be sure enough about to even distribute little one-page fliers with. This of course is an individual thing. Only you can know the trustworthiness of any given racial comrade.
In closing, what we should take from this Hale arrest is that those aboveground activists who have been telling us to move away from the old failed "racial org" approach, were absolutely correct. The ZOG is showing us that they can lie about whoever they want and make it stick. That is what tyranny is all about. "The truth is no longer a valid defense." Joe Stalin said that, but it just as easily could have come out of the mouth of any of our prominent Zionist butt-goy politicos. By all means, NEVER abandon all hope, but fight SMART. I don't want to read about you getting indicted for some BS charge next.
Support the aboveground folks who are worthy and fly under the enemies radar. If you really want to put a scare into the systemites, make their job of "monitoring extremist activity" next to impossible. Your reward will be a job (or jobs) well done. Who cares about getting the "credit"? Deny the filth who "fight hate" the "photo ops" they love so much at the 12-15 man rallies. No more cateloging license plate numbers, no more trying to get us killed by posting our addresses on the internet. Let the trash who long for "Pax judaica" be as lonely as the Maytag repairman. Let them sit around with their sex organs in one hand and a copy of Malcolm X's autobiography in the other.
.Recommended sites:
(The list is not complete. It's just my three favorites off the top of my head. I'll recommend more another time.)
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