Reporter Mannies: You sort of caught me at a bad moment. I had just gotten out of the bathtub to answer the phone, and I am not much good at interviews. The focus of my candidacy shall be as a promoter of what I call the political arm of the Resistance movement, namely the Resistance Political Front. What was known as the militia movement is pretty well irrelevant now, as it consists mainly of clueless "militia generals" leading a few even more clueless people around. The new Resistance consists of a large number of "Leaderless Resistance" cells of from 2-5 people who are either related to one another or people of long friendship bound together for the purposes of survival. I am presently trying to bring together, as our Sein Fein to our Resistance IRA, a political movement to achieve Resistance objectives and achieve a sort of communication between Resistance Action Force (RAF) cells. This political organization I call the Resistance Political Front (RPF) and its purpose is to attain RPF objectives and to act as a communication network for the scattered RAF cells. During the past few years, as a result of my writings and Resistance activities, I have become a leading Resistance chieftain in the United States, as I am able to communicate with both the Old Resistance and the New Resistance. The focus of my efforts is Resistance Activity. This especially means running for public office as a means of educating the masses and forwarding Resistance political objectives. The gist of my campaign is that unless the ruling elites stop acting corruptly and stupidly, and start holding themselves responsible for their misconduct, as opposed to using their regime courts as the axe-blade of tyranny to grant themselves immunity and regime police to murder or imprison their enemies, civil warfare ending in the destruction of the current criminal regime and ruling regime criminals is both inevitable and necessary. As one of these revolutionaries, I insist that those who been the agents of our social order's destruction be held to strict account for their corruption. As much of this corrupt behavior has been deliberately been brought about by criminalizing victimless offenses in order to bring about a police state, I support legislation which would make public officials, lawyers, judges, and police the new criminal classes, subject to re-education or extermination. One cannot defeat evil unless one eliminates the agents of evil. Now will my proposals win over? Of course not! Not a single civilization in the history of the world has ever halted its demise by purging itself of the ruling parasites which infested it. The newspapers, including this one, will label me, correctly, as an extremist from beyond the Pale. As the LibberToon Party is filled with LibberToons, most of which consider me to be the sole author of LibberToon Original Sin, and a traitor for revealing LibberToon dirty laundry, the odds are good that I'll lose and lose big in the anonyminity of the LibberToon primary. However, by bringing these proposals before the people, that the basis of their problems lie in the criminals who rule them and that everything which goes wrong must be laid at the the regime's door for retribution, I intend to restore either responsible government or contribute towards making Amerika further ungovernable. So the frontispiece of my campaign is to propose the following bit of civil rights legislation as a proposed Amendment to the u.S CONstitution: 1. Any government official who has used the power of his office to violate the human or Constitutional rights shall be deemed to have no human or Constitutional rights worth respecting. 2. Congress shall make appropriate legislation to enforce this Constitutional provision. The appropriate legislation would end all immunities created by judicial fiat. In addition, the penalties for corruption and dereliction of duty by ommission or commission would be made capitol offenses, with the burden of proof against the former regime criminals. Having no Constitutional rights, the regime criminals would be subject to bills of attainder, forfeiture of estate and corruption of blood..
Regarding my campaign in the LibberToon primary. In essence, what we have here is a political party dominated by mediocrities and petty criminals who could not make it in the major political parties and who want the situation to remain that way. However, this year, what with the fact that the LibberToons are not the only third party on the ballot, the desired aim of most Missouri LibberToonians -- that they be a 'private club' -- will probably come to pass. However, that means that they will lose the only thing valuable thing they still possess -- ballot access. With only two state-wide offices up for election, and both the Reform and USTP running candidates, it is likely that ballot access will be lost this year. In voting for the higher offices, the electorate tends to vote for name recognition, and with the split-off of the protest vote the LibberToons might very well be dumped off the ballot. The essence of LibberToon thought as practiced both the Missouri and National level is a foolish, criminal-type solipcism which puts the irresponsible wants of the LibberToon first. I wrote an article in late September, 1996 concerning this entire national slide into solipcism called "Cult of the Me-God" See for the entire text. I wrote that article with LibberToons specifically in mind. Once you understand the "principle" of short-term selfishness behind the so-called "Party of Principle" perhaps you can understand why the typical LibberToon only gets into a lather only over "smokin'-dope-&- sodomy, plus abortion." They wrap libertine behavior in a mantle of freedom, calling themselves "Libertarians." These rancid sanctimonious hypocrites are only able to think of themselves having wit enough only to conceal their basic natures by saying they are for "freedom." Yet if it is in their own self-interests, they are the very first to violate the rights of others. Every time I meet somebody that calls themself a "Libertarian" I immediately assume that I am talking to a Solipcistic Mattoid Anarchy-Fascist (a SMAF). Hence the buying-and-selling of the presidential nomination for Harry Brown by National "Libertarian" Party bureaucrats in 1996. Browne was a thief in the receiving of stolen goods, and the National Party Bureaucrats were thieves in selling a nomination which did not belong to them as well. In fact, the National LP thieves are well- versed in simony, doing the exact same thing with the Marrou campaign in 1992. These Libbertoon Party bureaucrats are nothing but thieves, supported by state-party hacks in their thievery. I refuse to buy a membership or pay any party dues to an organization run by thieving hypocrites. Hence these LP thugs in Missouri inviting me to their little lynch mob at a restaurant managed by one of their fellow fascists in order to expel me from the MoLP. At that meeting, because I insisted on videotaping these criminals in action as was my right under Revised Statute of Missouri Chapter 610, Conduct of Public Office, also known as the Missouri Sunshine Act, these LP criminals proceeded to have their stooge, the manager of the Heidelburg Restaurant, call the Columbia Police and have me arrested for 'trespassing.' Then, by majority vote, by 28-1 with two abstentions, these criminals proceeded to violate RSMo 115.603, which provides that every political district in the state have representation. As I was elected by the Libertarian voters in my precinct, county, and Senatorial District to represent them as a public official in a public political party, these MoLP criminals not only violated several election laws, but also the rights of libertarian voters in Southwestern Missouri to representation. Since the conceit of these 'Toonians and SMAFs is that it is immoral to have the majority of the people vote away their rights to engage in sodomy, recreational drug usage, abortion, and income-tax evasion (all of which I myself abhor except for the avoidance of paying tribute to regime criminals), then by what right do they use majority rule to vote away the rights of others? Thus, anybody of even normal sensibilities can see that these lynch-mob LibberToons have no love for liberty, but rather to wrap around their perversions under the color of 'liberty.' I have no doubt the first thing some of these homo Anarchy-Fascists would do, after repealing sodomy statutes and advancing 'gay-marriage' legislation would be to make 'homophobic hate speech' a capital offense and lower the age of consent to five years of age for the benefit of the North American Man-Boy Love Association. And most LibberToonian SMAFs would vote it in. I intend to put most of these LibberToon-SMAF candidates on the hook as to whether it is moral or not to use majority rule to vote away the rights of others. If they say it is moral, then I will ask why not vote for second- and third-rate politicians from the DemoPublicans who feel the same way, and who have experience is doing exactly that. If the 'Toon or SMAF says that it is immoral to vote away the rights of others, then I will ask why they voted to strip away my rights and the rights of SWMoLP voters using majority rule, and violated several Missouri election and public meeting statutes, and to cover up such criminal behavior had me falsely arrested to boot. Either way, they lose any pretentions to any moral legitimacy. My opponent, a fourth- or fifth-rater if that, was one of the people who voted to expel me, and to have me jailed by police. Is that the sort of person an honest Libertarian voter would wish to allow to have any power over themselves or others? The Missouri Libertarian Party is filled with these degenerate mediocraties. It will never grow because from 10-15 of the same old bunch refuse to allow it to grow beyond their control. If first-rate candidates, such as Bill Johnson back in 1994 were to appear these SMAFs immediately plot together to pull him down. If a Resistance fighting man such as myself appears, these SMAFs will engage in criminal activity and try to use the forces of the criminal regime to destroy him. Anyone who would dare rise above the level of mediocrity that these fifth-raters can control in actually growing the MoLP will find that these fifth-raters will use fair means or foul to ensure their continued rule. Thus the MoLP will never grow because it is a LibberToon kakistocracy, with rule by SMAF. However, the problem with rule by Solipcistic Mattoid Anarchy- Fascist is that it will never reach critical mass. What's in it for me, if I were to be almost as greedy, selfish, and stupid as a full-fledged LibberToon? There's not enough power in their "private club" to support more than 10-15 Toonians/SMAFs ruling the roost. Anyone really serious about wanting more sodomy or abortions might as well vote Democrat. And with the police and regime criminals running the drug racket, there certainly is no shortage of smokin'-dope at as low a price as the regime-created black market will allow. With the ouster of myself, there is no right wing to the Missouri LibberToons. All that is left is the smokin'-dope-&-sodomy social democrats. With the appearance of the Reform and USTP parties, and the loss of conservative voters, in the general election the MoLP will slip to being the fourth- or fifth-rate party on the ballot -- if it retains ballot access at all. It is ballot access which is the only asset of value to the MoLP. Once ballot access is lost, the former MoLP will be back to being exactly what it now claims as being in order to justify their violation of the terms of their charter as a political party -- a private club. I welcome the day when these Solipcistic Mattoid Anarchy-Fascists can meet in comfort in a restaurant restroom -- drinking beer, smoking dope, sodomizing each other to their heart's content, as they plot how they can take over the world and be loved as 'freedom-fighters' for their 'great sacrifices.' I suppose it does these fools good to pretend that they are such freedom-fighters in their days off working as government bureaucrats and lawyers. But there is no way that anyone truly interested in a complete and thorough liberty will ever take these mediocre two-bit shithouse fascists seriously as anything other than as objects worthy of banishment or extermination from the company of civilized men..
--Martin Lindstedt 4/23/98 Libertarian Candidate for u.S. Senate