Please complete the questionnaire and return to the Seneca News-Dispatch, PO. Box 11101 Seneca, MO 64865 no later than Thursday, July 23. Name: Roxie Fausnaught Age 42 Office filed for: Newton County Presiding Commissioner Political Party: Libertarian Briefly explain your qualifications for this office: I live with the Chairman of the Newton County Libertarian Party and he wanted someone to run for Presiding Commissioner. Schools attended: East Newton High School Resident of the district: 30 Years. Have you served in public office before: Yes If so, what and when: Granby Precinct Libertarian Party Committeewoman Occupation: Have V.A. widow’s pension How long: 1987 Name of spouse: Widowed Children, names and ages: Amalie Deines, 21 years Daytime phone: 472-6901 Reasons for seeking this position, goals you hope to accomplish if elected: (Please limit this response to 200 words or less. Use the back or another sheet of paper if necessary.) I do not think the current commissioners effectively serve the citizens and taxpayers of Newton County, given their powers as the County legislature, with executive and quasi-judicial powers. 1.) There was a state-mandated reassessment this year and another in the works for next year. The state wishes to raise property taxes through enforcing higher reassessments. As a member of the board of appeals for assessment, I pledge to be very sympathetic to any taxpayer appealing his assessment to the board. I will do everything and anything to defeat this back-door tax increase. 2.) I will not seek an increase in property or sales taxes. 3.) To counter abuse by county government and increase responsiveness to the rights of the citizenry, I support holding a grand jury for at least two weeks of every year so that the citizenry can make civil and criminal complaints concerning county government misconduct. -s- Roxie Fausnaught, Libertarian Candidate for Presiding Commissioner of Newton County RETURN TO SENECA NEWS-DISPATCH NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, JULY 23. We hope that all candidates will take advantage of this opportunity to inform the public of their goals and qualifications in a professional, courteous manner. This profile is not intended to be used as an opportunity to degrade your opponents. Profiles are subject to editing by the publisher..
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