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Randy Turner Gets Wise To Cousin Swillis

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

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Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag

Randy Turner Gets Wise To Cousin Swillis…?p=988#post988…to-cousin.html

Originally Posted by That gliberal whigger faggot Randy Turner
Turner Report moves from GOP smear merchant to “socialist blog”…gop-smear.html

You can’t please all of the people all of the time.

After being referred to as part of the Republican smear machine Tuesday for my coverage of the $9,000 plus in lobbyists’ gifts received by Rep. Mike Galboy, D-Kansas City, now the pendulum is swinging the other way and I am an unrepentant socialist aimed at corrupting the minds of young people with my posts on The Turner Report.

I received this comment to the Republican smear machine post a few moments ago:

Originally Posted by AnyOldMouse/Swillis G. Turner in drag
Randy Turner loves the sort of big government which lets him influence the minds of ordinary citizen’s children, as his attempts to influence their parents’ minds at the newspaper office ended in failure. Turner has a genuine hatred of ordinary citizens ‘impolitely’ trying to influence the regime which rules over them as subjects, hence his hatred for free speech at the town meetings and the activist at the governor’s office.

Randy Turner is not a liberal, but rather a collectivist of the left. Using unaccountable police intimidation upon people who don’t want their childrens’ minds twisted by these leftists without children of their own is perfectly acceptable to parasitic government workers wanting to be paid for turning children into fearful drones and tax slaves.

Let’s understand that Randy Turner is simply a socialist propagandist for Civil War who wishes to have his victims mentally and morally disarmed before they get in their licks. Once you figure out that it is the same old ‘liberal’/socialist press, only repackaged in a new-media blog then you figure out Randy Turner, regardless of his outraged squeals to the contrary.

Posted by Randy at 3:34 AM


Originally Posted by Anonymous fellow gliberal whigger faggot

Randy, I get a chuckle from some of the comments. In the news business as well as the gay bar business in jewplin, as you know, we used to say we were doing our job if both sides attacked us. My bunghole still aches at the joyful reaming. I don’t have to tell you to keep it up, because I know you at least in the Biblical sense and know that you will, sure as you put on the strap-on double-dildo in the jewspaper restroom at the jewplin Glob and at McClellan Park. I don’t read you daily but I not only swallow, but I enjoy it when I do…well, I’ll always be glad you encouraged me to remain in the closet like jewself even when it pisses me off. (he said with a grin on his face after the golden shower.)
7:51 AM

Originally Posted by Anonymous knowing that lying gliberal whigger faggot Turner
Randy – in the news business??? He ought to be in the gay bar business and then reopen The Turner Report/Diaries as a gossip column.

Now there’s some news! Why do think Turner got fired from the Carthage jewdenPresse?
3:08 PM

Originally Posted by Anonymous Kosher Khannedservantive
Randy is a liberal Democrat. At least he admits his position. His frequent readers know where he is coming from and read accordingly. As a conservative, i don’t mind reading different points of view if they admit their bias. A lot of journalists try to hide their true colors behind a mask of objectivity. I prefer to suck my kikeish tube-steak fresh from the horse’s ass. Thank you Randy Turner and thanks for the loan of the kneepads.
6:33 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
At least you haven’t been called an a*sshole yet! You do report some news that the other media dosen’t though I like that.
12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Anonymous, but sees through Turner
Turner though tries to present himself one way then acts another depending on the situation. He wants so desperately to think of himself as a part of the actual media but is a simpleton blogger hack. He makes one attempt to hammer sacrificial lamb Jeff Smith then says “look at me, I am criticize both sides equally!” That story was an easy layup. Yeah right, how lame.
4:04 PM
Originally Posted by AnyOldMouse/Swillis G. Turner in drag
I wrote the above comment that Turner is whining about.

Sure, Turner is obviously a gliberal hack who got removed from his liepaper editorship because even they couldn’t stand to be so removed from the mass of public opinion here in brain-dead SW Missouri. Essentially Turner abused his position too much even for the gliberal press and paid the price for it, as have the liepapers paid the price for crapping too much on the only people able to read their lies — namely older white people who got tired of reading lies and contempt for their readers — got tired of paying for this crap and decided to simply buy a computer and read other stuff. If it wasn’t for the grocery ads and for Best Buy my wife wouldn’t read the liepapers. As it is, she only reads the obituaries.

So Turner went on to a new class of victims who can’t very well object to his gliberal foolishness, namely the public skrewl system. In olden times the skrewl bored would have kicked out an elderly homosexual from teaching their children, male or female, but today’s skrewl boreds are victims of notions placed into their heads by a previous [de]generation of Turners. Frankly, Turner shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near white children because he wants to turn them into degenerate drones like hisself.

What I do like is that Turner got a blog full of liberal idiocy and lies here in the middle of kosher khannedservantive brain-dead Missouri. I’d like to see a Point/CounterPoint Debate between Turner and, say, Rita Crowell (when she isn’t drunk) or Keith Siegler or anyone of the other ‘live wires’ who are cynically living high on the hog, like Dwight Douglas.

But Turner is kink on his throne, and won’t put up with too much abuse, but rather rack its gliberal brain trying to figure out who is having fun with his foolishness in this, the comments section of his blog.

1:00 AM

Originally Posted by Randy Gliberal Whigger Faggot Turner
The last comment sent by the radical racist who has been leaving responses to my posts the last couple of days was rejected. Us gliberal whigger faggots used to writing and editing for the jewspapers have neither a sense of humor nor of fair play. It appears that either Martin Lindstedt has been the one posting the remarks and has tried to disguise his identity to get his views posted, or there is actually someone else in this area who thinks the same way Lindstedt does, – Oh the horror, the horror, it makes my sphincter-void clench anticipating the red-hot poker — or who uses the same allegedly clever misspellings of words, and spreads the same message of vile hatred. Only us gliberal whigger faggot jewsmedia types gets to use hatred and only against White people that our types infest and parasite off of. If it is not Lindstedt, it would appear to be someone who travels that same road of hate thy neighbor. Me, I ‘love my neighbor, as my stretched-out gliberal whigger faggot bunghole attests to, and which is why I love being a pub[l]ic skrule teacher so that I can turn your children into gliberal whigger faggot drones like myself, as everyone else can attest.
3:59 AM

About Me

Randy Gliberal Whigger Faggot Turner
I teach eighth grade communication arts (English) at South Middle School in Joplin turning whigger kids into gliberal whigger faggots like me. Before entering the teaching field, I spent 22 years as a reporter and editor for various Southwest Missouri newspapers and was a lying bastard who the publishers ended up firing due to the area getting tired of my gliberal whigger lying faggot ass. I have published two novels, Small Town News and Devil’s Messenger, and one non-fiction book, The Turner Report, wherein I shit all over the evil waycist natives, especially my third cousin, Swillis Gumpf Turner, who is onto my faggot ass. But Ewelene loves me better than Cousin Swillis!


When Right-Wing Politicians Talk Sense . . . .

Sunday, October 18th, 2009
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Swillis Gumpf Turner Swillis Gumpf Turner is offline
Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag

When Right-Wing Politicians Talk Sense. . . . . .
Cousin Randy Has a Cow, er Sheep, er, Ewelene.…=1080#post1080…263#post212263…=2466#post2466…alk-sense.html

Originally Posted by Cousin Randy
Cynthia Davis: Cap and trade (legislation) a punishment for all of us…unishment.html

In her latest newsletter, Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O’Fallon takes aim at federal cap and trade legislation:

Recently I attended a tour of the Ameren UE nuclear power plant in Callaway County. This is the first time I have toured a power plant in my seven years as a Missouri House Representative. Although the plant is visible to motorists from the I-70, I have never been very close to it. The steam column always looks ominous from a distance. Although the steam column is the most visible, the nuclear power generation actually takes place in the domed building next to it. This plant is so well reinforced, I felt as though I were in the “mission-control room” of a well constructed fort!

Our electric rates are projected to double or triple if the congress in Washington DC creates new hardships and punishes those who use coal fueled power plants through the proposed “Cap and Trade” Bill. Nuclear power is the least expensive form of electric generation available, but only about 20% of our electricity comes from a nuclear source. Electricity has been the source of our financial development and stability. Ask your grandmother how it improved her life when the washing machine & dryer, air conditioning, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, electric mixer and other labor saving devices were made available!

Despite what you may have heard about wind and solar, Missouri does not have ideal conditions for either. To get enough sun requires building in the southwest where they don’t have so many cloudy days. To get enough wind requires building in the Northwest. Missouri has days when we have neither sun nor wind to produce any electricity whatsoever, so building a supplemental power plant remains in our future.

While you may not think your electric bill is anything to brag about, our rates in Missouri are currently among the lowest in the nation. Part of the reason for this has to do with our ability to use plants that were built and paid for decades ago. Current projections show that our demand for electricity will increase 20-30 % over the next 20 years. Our current power plants will not be able to supply enough for this demand. In general, people are using more electricity per capita with all the new electronic appliances, flat screen TVs, phone chargers, AC adapters and every other gadget you can imagine. I love living in the age of modern conveniences and appreciate all the utilities that save us time and make our lives better. This has an economic impact of making us more productive, well groomed and able to spend more time doing what we truly enjoy.

If our congress passes the “Cap and Trade Bill” get ready to see your electric rates really go up. The best way to understand Cap and Trade is to consider the game of musical chairs. Right now, there are enough chairs for everybody, but Cap and Trade seeks to remove chairs every year until there are only a few players left in the game. The end result will be less electricity available at very high prices. If you didn’t like what happened when gas went up to over $4 per gallon, you are really not going to like this!

Link here to read: Who Really Pays For Cap & Trade? And here to read What Cap & Trade will cost families.

I asked my source at Ameren UE what happens if those in Washington don’t pass the bill once they realize that a recession is a horrible time to inflict additional, undue hardship on the American people. He said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) already has enough power to levy these taxes. The blame still falls to Congress who created and gives this power to the EPA. Our congress has the power to create, direct and dismantle the EPA like a robot.

Here is the bottom line: Those representing us are asking all the wrong questions. Instead of trying to further destabilize the economy by increasing the cost of living expenses on the citizens, they should be asking, “How can we help our citizens and free markets gain access to less expensive utilities?” Perhaps the best answer is for congress to curtail their interference in our lives. This Cap and Trade experiment may turn out to be a great test of whether Congress cares more about their constituents or the lobbyists.


Swillis Gumpf Turner sez:

Turner just can’t leave alone a state legislator living 300 miles away around St. Louis, and thus another one of 163 members of the House but with the exception that she wanted teachers like Randy Turner to leave them kids alone outside the classroom and to make sure that they had no criminal record inside the classroom. Turner hasn’t forgiven or forgotten THAT.

Now it makes sense that she should be against increased taxes and ‘cap and trade’ legistreason which will not do anything for the environment — “global warming” being revealed as a hoax used to increase the power of government and the fact that China and India put out a new coal-burning polluting electrical generator every week or so — in the midst of a big government/central bankster derived depression. Representative Davis fails to see how anything is to be gained by cutting into the supply and cost of electricity which is necessary to make all our lives richer and better, or even as it was. Certainly not when there is a ‘jobless recovery’ with a real unemployment rate approaching 15-20 percent.

So how will things be improved by making electricity more expensive? I can see how a public school teacher like Randy Turner thinks that the government does things so much better than us private citizens can hope to manage — at least during Democratic administrations and Congresses — but do we really wish a corps of edumacated idiots already turning our children into drones like they are deciding how public utilities should be run or taxed?

It could be argued that since Representative Davis talks good sense that it is foolish to raise taxes and give power to those who got us into the Greatest Depression, but rather to use more non-carbon generating nuclear power in a geologically stable area of the country, that Randy Turner decided to show that he could be balanced and fair in his usually biased reportage concerning an elected official (living across the state, no less) that he doesn’t like.

Naaaaahhhhh! There is a tone in this article that only liberal dogs and drones can hear and methinks I sense the smell of sanctimoniousness, the all-purpose slime that vicious evil slugs use as both armor and to leave a trail upon which they glide.

Oh well, what to do . . . . where’s my salt shaker?

Originally Posted by gliberal whigger ass-clown
There’s a tone in Davis’ OWN newsletter that appeals only to liberals? Your comment attacking Turner is funny given that the only part of the post that is in his writing is this:

“In her latest newsletter, Rep. Cynthia Davis, R-O’Fallon takes aim at federal cap and trade legislation:”

Yeah, I can smell the self-righteousness eeking from those words. It’s quite revolting to the conservative ear.

Swillis Gumpf Turner sez:

Let’s see. 160-some other State Reps in the Missouri House and Cynthia Davis lives across the state and Turner is obsessed with her?

I am simply wondering why . . . . when we all know why. Davis is someone who stands for everything Turner is against, like parents taking care of their own children and keeping liberal drones like Turner at arm’s length. And thus Turner has to incessantly attack her, when in reality, there are plenty of state reps in this area like Emory, none too much different than Davis.

You see, in Cynthia Davis’ Ideal world, and in mine, you liberal drones wouldn’t be able to use the power of the government to get to our children and our wallets. You could all move to San Francisco or New York City and live out your sterile liberal lives without ever affecting our lives in the slightest.

But I must admit that the main reason I like Cynthia Davis, is that Turner and you other liberals hate her and all she stands for. If not for your hatred, I doubt that I ever would have heard of some state rep living on the other side of the state.

As mentioned above, you can see where a slug has been by simply noting its trail of slime. And but a single grain of salt cutting through the slime to the oozing flesh beneath, sends the slug into a rolling agony as it threshes about.

What we really should do is simply admit that we hate each other, put an end to hypocrisy, and get to the task of killing each other by means of civil war. You liberals want to bring Sans Francisco and New York/New Jersey to Southwest Missouri, and we can’t have that.

Originally Posted by Concerned
Cap and trade legislation will be devastating to our economy. It will kill jobs and raise energy costs. One has to wonder why we would intentionally pass legislation we know will have such catastrophic consequences. Write your Senators and tell them you do not support cap and trade at

Swillis Gumpf Turner sez:

Concerned Citizen is right. We don’t need no higher electric bills devastating our economy. But Cousin Randy is such a faggot that he hates State Representative Cynthia Turner saying that he can’t get his nose and pecker into skrule-children’s affairs, so he talks shit about her all the time.

Besides, Cousin Randy is a really really stupid gliberal whigger asshole and won’t rest until he got his electronic vibrator, butt-plug, and mechanical sheep taking the place of Ewelene is sidelined for lack of juice, the stupid whigger faggot.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Well, we the people wouldn’t intentionally pass such legislation, but our would-be masters in D.C. are happy to given the massive possibilities for graft and corruption in the handing out of “carbon credits” and how this allows D.C. to regulate every aspect of American life, right down to your gasoline powered lawnmower.

The only saving grace to this mess is that of interregional warfare: parts of the country like ours that mostly depend on fossil fuels will be hit a lot harder than the coastal regions. So everyone expects this will die in the Senate (at least until after the 2010 election).

Swillis Gumpf Turner sez:

Well, you are right. The brain-dead stupid whiggers and anglo-mestizos areound here are not going to want to pay higher electrical bills from coal-fired plants. But being real brain-dead whigger pussies always wanting to suck ZOG’s dick, you must never underestimate these ass-clowns, lead by Cousin Randy, wanting to take it up the poop chute.

So time will tell whether Obongo the Magic Nigger will get what he wants from the professional politicians and moneyed whores in the CONgress.

The whole point of this article was for Cousin Randy to bitch like a faggot bitch about a righteous bitch like Cynthia Davis.



Cousin Randy’s Lying Blog, The Turner Report

My Truthful Blog, The Turner Diaries

Ewelene still misses Cousin Randy, the slut!!!

Cousin Randy Birthers A Bolshevik Turd

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Swillis Gumpf Turner's Avatar

Swillis Gumpf Turner Swillis Gumpf Turner is online now
Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag…=1036#post1036…595#post209595…evik-turd.html

Originally Posted by Cousin Randy
KSPR airs birther infomercial — & Makes Me Give ‘Birther’ to an Obongo-sized Kenyan Turd…fomercial.html

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The lunatic fringe that claims that President Barack Obama is not an American aired its message on KSPR, Springfield, last Thursday at midnight. I just found out about this abuse of the jewsmedia and I’m going to squeeze out my own little Obongo Kenyan turd-baby over this shit!!! I’m about to lose control and I ‘think’ I like it, like it!!!

“It’s obvious President Obama is trying to hide where he was really born,” blasts the infomercial. We wouldn’t have had this problem if the hyenas would heve eaten the future niglet-in-thief just like they did with the afterbirth, an old useful Kenyan custom.

Despite verification from the Hawaii Department of Health that the president has a valid state certificate of birth, Live has teamed up with the United States Justice Foundation to urge people to write $30 checks to help pay for faxes asking every state Attorneys General to launch an investigation. Rather stupid really, when teaming up with KFC to get the Obongoids onto the USS Madagasgar would be so much cheaper. Every nigger needs a little KFC.

As a thank-you, recipients will receive a bumper sticker, which reads, “Got birth certificate?” Just don’t drive around in East St. Louis or South Side Chicago while white and with that particular bumper sticker.

It may be a fringe movement, but Ky3 Incorporated General Manager Mike Scott said the station will only restrict content if it violates the law or is deemed libelous or the check bounces, which happens when niggers are involved.

“Obviously, the opinions of this particular program may be a minority of our viewers, but certainly I think this group has the right to express themselves. I don’t think it’s libelous in any fashion,” Scott said. “This is not the Turner Pub[l]ic Bolshevik System or Communist News Network. We believe in free speech as long as we get paid to air it. Capitalism — Selling Obongo dull steak knives so his niglets can munch high on the whiggroid long-pig, to paraphrase Lenin.”

Obviously, KSPR’s advertising department has much lower standards than its news department. They wouldn’t let me be a reporter after I got my ass fired for lying like a faggot over at the Carthage judenPresse. Hell of a deal now that I don’t have any moola for airing my own screed or a visit to Thailand with the Michael Jackson Economy Pederast Memorial Sex-Tourism Tour.

jewr Cousin Swillis Gumpf Turner of The Turner Diaries Sez:

How do you know Obama wasn’t born in Kenya? For that matter, since Obama received a Fulbright grant to go to college open only to the foreign born, then how do you know that Obama’s citizenship wasn’t denied by the very act of petitioning for financial aid as a foreign student? Since Obama claimed to be a foreign student to become a student on a scholarship, then why should he be later, when convenient, allowed to later claim to be a natural-born citizen to become a president?

There are plenty of facts sufficiently supporting questions as to whether Obama is or is not constitutionally qualified to be selected president. Half a billion was spent in order to force him upon the American people. Now even though the government courts refuse to hear the case, it won’t go away. Large segments of the white population will think of Obama as a fraud and certain politicians on the right will fan the flames the highter as liberal whiners like Turner demand censorship and [d]rule of [g]liberal as opposed to rule of law.

There is a civil war going on between those like Randy Turner who refuse to let the truth come out and those whites who refuse to be ruled by a negro. Neither side will prevail fully. Rather, the flames of civil war will be fanned by both sides seeking absolute power and the end result will be civil war between both sides unwilling to compromise, with the fence-sitters caught in the middle. The Republic was set up so that nobody gets what they want all the time, and going about so that all dissent is forced to go underground ensures a violent explosion as the aggrieved think that they have no choice but violence in order to survive intact with their families and property.

This TV or radio station had a lawful duty to accept that political advertisement, whether or not you or other liberals like it or not. They did so, and didn’t even beg permission from your Bolshevik blog, Turner. Ain’t it wonderful that there are some TV stations still trying to make a profit as opposed to being Randy Turner’s Public Bolshevik System/Communist News Network? (PBS/CNN)


Originally Posted by Cousin Randy’s screwdent
Is Barock Obama the Prezident,I thought Gorge Bush was, because this economy seems to get worse and woeser and we need more troops for war in Afganistan. Sorry I lerned to spell in Publik Skool.

8:21 AM

Originally Posted by typpicull ZOGling whigger ass-clown
In the past Scott has refused to air ads critical of Roy Blunt because he thought they were inaccurate. One said Blunt laundered campaign money from one campaign account to another. Scott refused to air the ad because he said Blunt only transfered the money from one account to another. Would love the opportunity to make him answer questions about the way he treats Democrats raising questions about Roy compared to the way he is treating the birthers critisims of the President. A sickening double standard is being practiced at KY3 and KSPR.

2:03 PM

Swillis Gumpf Turner sez:

Puh-leeeze. If what you say is true, then sue the station for refusal of your ad. After all, if it is a political advocacy ad, and advertised as such, no mass-media station can refuse to air the ad. If they did, then sue them.

Of course newspapers lie about politicians just as politicians simply lie. If you want to whine about who are the biggest lying whores, the reporters or the politicians they cover, it is a whine which can go both ways.

You liberals got MSNBC as the Obama channel, wherein they get a bunch of liberal whiners mouth-breathing about how unfair it is that Kiene_Obama is not worshipped as ‘The One’ and the kosher connedservantives got Faux News wherein the Great War against Muslims is justified on behalf of Greater Israel perpetually. The rest of us get to pick and choose what we want to listen to, as the population grows polarized and increasingly desperate.

In any case, I don’t get KSPR out of Springfield so if I want to hear what is said I got the Internet and can probably catch it on YouTube if I care to hear it. I don’t.

Get used to it. You won’t get everything you want and there isn’t enough money to pay for it and they are running the printing presses as it is, so you won’t be getting health care even if you want to take away Medicare away from elderly whites in order to give to illegal aliens who you liberals just legalized. There ain’t no Coup de Ville hiding in the bottom of no Cracker-Jack box neither. This country is on the verge of collapse and you fools got nothing better to do than whine about what some other fools put on the television stations that nobody neutral listened to anyway. They were probably doing something useful, like googling for lesbian MILFS on youporn rather than trying to get their jollies reading Point/CounterPoint here on The Turner Diaries.

6:21 PM



Cousin Randy’s Lying Blog, The Turner Report

My Truthful Blog, The Turner Diaries

Ewelene still misses Cousin Randy, the slut!!!

The Kongress-Kritter Sez Emperor Obongo Is A Nekkid Lyin’ Nigger

Friday, September 11th, 2009…?p=959#post959…d=1#post207171…=97&p=239#p239…608&p=937#p937

Originally Posted by That Lying Gliberal Whigger Faggot Randy Turner
Joe Wilson makes a fool of himself during Obama speech…lf-during.html

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

How can we expect people to behave in a dignified manner at town hall meetings when people like Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C. can’t even manage to behave respectfully in the hallowed halls of Congress? This portion of the video from tonight’s speech shows Wilson calling the president a liar:

Posted by Randy at 8:17 PM

Originally Posted by AnyMouse
Comment: (If Allowed by That Lying Gliberal Whigger Faggot Randy Turner)

But Obongo IS a Lyin’ Nigger King

But Obama is a liar. Essentially Obama-care is about taking away taxpayer dollars for Medicare for older whites and giving it to non-whites and to illegal mexican aliens who Obama will legalize. It involves criminalizing white kids and middle-aged middle-class whites who live healthy lives and don’t want to live under government’s thumb. In short, it does involve ‘death panels’ for old whites and enslaving whites in order to give benefits to non-whites who migrate here from the rest of the world.

This congressman simply said that the black emperor has no clothes and big-government liberals like Randy Turner and the rest of the chattering classes are whining about how truth is ‘hate speech.’ Truth is hate to those, like Turner, who hate the Truth.

Trillions of dollars in printed money wasted in giving Wall Street banksters relief from their gambling debts, trillions of dollars in entitlements being paid while nearly one-fifth of the population is bankrupt and unemployed, and Obama is going to create a new entitlement for non-whites and criminalize what few whites don’t want it. Nothing but bigger government at gunpoint until a sort of Afghanistan comes to America, a war of the parasitic against the productive.

We simply can’t live in peace with each other for much longer. If nothing else, I’d like to thank Randy Turner for ratcheting up the current civil war on this lying blog of his.


The fact ot the matter is that ZOG is simply destroying itself all that much more the faster. There is no money in the Treasury to fight two lost wars, to bail out the jew and whigger thieving banksters, or to maintain even the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare for elderly whiggers no more. So, the Treasury is essentially printing up ZOGbux as fast as it can, the chinks and japs are abandoning the ZOGbuk as a reserve currency and buying commodities like oil and metals with their depreciating ZOGbux.

What the Lyin’ Nigger King is doing now is to essentially further enslave healthy Whites not needing the System for health care and chaining them by means of criminalizing their freedom from the System in order to pay for unhealthy niggers and illegal beaners to further live off of the White man. Obongo proposes to cut out the jew-run insurance companies who lost trillions in insuring jew bankster Wall Street gambling debts wherein profits were given to the ‘gamblers’ and the debts were foisted onto the White taxpayers. These crooked insurance companies essentially ‘cherry pick’ by taking the healthy Whites who are able to pay premiums as clients, then if they get sick refusing to pay their claims by having jew and whigger lawyers deny their claims. Thus profits are diverted to corporate pockets while ZOG gets to insure the elderly and poor by means of Medicare/Medicaid. In short, these jew/whigger corporations practice ‘crony capitalism’ by means of making sure they reap the profits while the only people paying taxes, namely the Whites are stuck with the costs.

Now since the financial meltdown of the past year, these costs cannot long be bourne by ZOG. Since the banksters and corporate welfare addicts are being supported by ZOG, and ZOG is broke, that means that the elderly whiggers must be put on what will essentially be ‘managed care’ in which a sort of triage will take place in which a panel of ZOG burrocrats, many of them niggers, will essentially run what are indeed ‘death panels’ to figure out who lives and who dies for being worn-out poor White people. Harold Covington in his novels, especially “A Distant Thunder” and “The Brigade” has pointed this out before. At the same time, young violent niggers and illegal beaners with a litter which would make Lassie envious will be taken into the emergency room and have their bills paid for by the White taxpayers, with healthy Whites made into criminalized tax slaves.

Thus Obongo-care is essentially into murdering, at first by neglect, old worn-out poor Whites, enslaving healthy Whites and White business into being tax slaves by criminalizing freedom from the medical system ZOG has created, and creating more and more niggers and beaners and turd-whirrrrlders as invaders to displace Whites in their own country by treating them for the results of their own violent stupidity and criminality and encouraging their indiscriminate breeding. We feed,they breed. So as it is to be expected, this Lyin’ Nigger King is out to exterminate Whites by taking over the reins of a criminal ZOG/Babylon regime and destroying the Founding Stock of White People through deceit.

Now when a few White People, in this case, a South Carolina kongress-kritter says, truthfully, that Obongo the Lyin’ King is lying, the forces of White dispossession and extermination, like Randy Turner, the self-hating, Genesis 3:15 anti-White enmity spewing gliberal whigger faggot and the rest of the ZOG/Babylon chattering classes and regime-criminals & enablers have a fit about how speaking the truth to power is ‘hate speech.’ Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth. The spawn of Satan are the children of lies because their father, Satan, is the father of lies.

Gliberal whigger faggots like Randy Turner — who a more just era would have skinned him after branding a retraction for its lies and shoved a red-hot poker up itz ass for itz faggotry — are too cowardly to themselves impose this ‘Auntie-White’ tyranny directly by theysselfs. Instead they use the most brutal of piglice to impose this tyranny of ZOG/Babylon upon Whites while at the same time whine about a ‘lack of civility.’

The Whore-House of [Mis]Representives is of course a monkey-house. Nigger and mamzer and jew and faggot representatives make sure that it will never be anything but a temple devoted to thievery off of the White man.

Civility to parasites and regime criminals is overrated. Rather, this vermin should be exterminated upon detection. My idea of politeness is in first making this lying faggot eat its nuts and fudge-packing dick with broken teeth because it loved the Newton County piglice breaking my teeth out taking me to the NutHouse. Then printing a retraction for its lies using a branding iron upon its worthless hide, its entire worthless whigger family’s hide, and the hides of the families of its jewspaper publishers, editors, and reporter’s who enabled Turner’s lies over the years. The last thing regime criminals and ZOGling whigger ass-clown herd animals need is civility, calling good evil and evil good. Rather what such need is woe and a world of hurt and to be sent screaming to hell so that the other ZOGling whigger herd animals will see and fear to misbehave. Whiggers are diseased animals which want to die, but who want to bring down healthy tissue of the White body politic with them. The only cure for what ails the White man will be in letting the-m-asses of whigger die in the current racial, religious and class civil war, along with all of the jews and non-whites infesting them.

Realistic White Nationalism involves in not going against the flow of History to the same thing that happened to Babylons #1 and #2, but rather in letting things proceed as they are meant to do, trying to wake up a minority of Whites, to take advantage of the chaos which will destroy well over 90% of the diseased whigger herd, and to raise up and feed the current neo-aristocracy of warlords who live today, waiting for their chance to rule absolutely under the guise of a White-only racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity.

That gliberal whigger lying faggot Randy Turner is merely one of the thieving ticks and parasites that like the jews, that YHWH allows to live so that Heaven doesn’t become clogged up with whiggers. As such, he should be listened to and then Whites should think the exact opposite of what this vicious gliberal whigger faggot preaches. Essentially the Turner Report is a concentrated nugget of kikeian dogshit that you should take care to not only not to step into, but not to eat.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Pastor Lindstedt’s Web Page & Pastor Lindstedt’s Blog & CJCC/AN phpbb3 Forum
Pastor Lindstedt’s Archive Page & Christian Nationalist Forum

Hello world! I’m Swillis Gumpf Turner of The Turner Diaries!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Swillis Gumpf Turner
Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag

Hello World! Ah’s Swillis Gumpf Turner of The Turner Diaries!!!…?p=967#post967…d=1#post207474

Swillis Gumpf Turner here. This is my blog, The Turner Diaries.

I am that faggot skrule teecher Randy Turner’s smarter third cousin and the grand-nephew of Earl Turner.

I love pussy and corn likker and hate jews, niggers, beaners and faggots, especially uppity ones like Cousin Randy.

Don’t you city whiggers believe a word that that lying faggot Randy Turner says in “The Turner Report.”

He is one lying sumbitch, and thinks he is smarter than everyone else, especially his distant kin who still run around in them pointy dunce hats and white robes made out of sheets. Well, don’t be foolt none. Randy looks down on us hillbillies and wants to pretend that we don’t exist no more. He’ll lick his own shit from another faggot’s dick and think he’s so smart because he done gradjewated from hile skrewl and went to kollidge and got a digree and edjewmacation in jewrnanalism and got to work for the jewspapers and such. Why, now he is a skrewl teecher around Y&D&FofC whigger boyz and let me tell you, I’d fire his faggot ass like the jewspaper editurds did when they caught that lying bastard lying.

Well, he’s got hisself a blog and he lies like a mangy dog that fucked the sheep. By the way, Cousin Randy used to fuck sheep. Ewelene really misses him.
