Archive for August 11th, 2009

Hello world! I’m Swillis Gumpf Turner of The Turner Diaries!

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

Swillis Gumpf Turner
Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag

Hello World! Ah’s Swillis Gumpf Turner of The Turner Diaries!!!…?p=967#post967…d=1#post207474

Swillis Gumpf Turner here. This is my blog, The Turner Diaries.

I am that faggot skrule teecher Randy Turner’s smarter third cousin and the grand-nephew of Earl Turner.

I love pussy and corn likker and hate jews, niggers, beaners and faggots, especially uppity ones like Cousin Randy.

Don’t you city whiggers believe a word that that lying faggot Randy Turner says in “The Turner Report.”

He is one lying sumbitch, and thinks he is smarter than everyone else, especially his distant kin who still run around in them pointy dunce hats and white robes made out of sheets. Well, don’t be foolt none. Randy looks down on us hillbillies and wants to pretend that we don’t exist no more. He’ll lick his own shit from another faggot’s dick and think he’s so smart because he done gradjewated from hile skrewl and went to kollidge and got a digree and edjewmacation in jewrnanalism and got to work for the jewspapers and such. Why, now he is a skrewl teecher around Y&D&FofC whigger boyz and let me tell you, I’d fire his faggot ass like the jewspaper editurds did when they caught that lying bastard lying.

Well, he’s got hisself a blog and he lies like a mangy dog that fucked the sheep. By the way, Cousin Randy used to fuck sheep. Ewelene really misses him.
