Archive for September 11th, 2009

The Kongress-Kritter Sez Emperor Obongo Is A Nekkid Lyin’ Nigger

Friday, September 11th, 2009…?p=959#post959…d=1#post207171…=97&p=239#p239…608&p=937#p937

Originally Posted by That Lying Gliberal Whigger Faggot Randy Turner
Joe Wilson makes a fool of himself during Obama speech…lf-during.html

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

How can we expect people to behave in a dignified manner at town hall meetings when people like Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C. can’t even manage to behave respectfully in the hallowed halls of Congress? This portion of the video from tonight’s speech shows Wilson calling the president a liar:

Posted by Randy at 8:17 PM

Originally Posted by AnyMouse
Comment: (If Allowed by That Lying Gliberal Whigger Faggot Randy Turner)

But Obongo IS a Lyin’ Nigger King

But Obama is a liar. Essentially Obama-care is about taking away taxpayer dollars for Medicare for older whites and giving it to non-whites and to illegal mexican aliens who Obama will legalize. It involves criminalizing white kids and middle-aged middle-class whites who live healthy lives and don’t want to live under government’s thumb. In short, it does involve ‘death panels’ for old whites and enslaving whites in order to give benefits to non-whites who migrate here from the rest of the world.

This congressman simply said that the black emperor has no clothes and big-government liberals like Randy Turner and the rest of the chattering classes are whining about how truth is ‘hate speech.’ Truth is hate to those, like Turner, who hate the Truth.

Trillions of dollars in printed money wasted in giving Wall Street banksters relief from their gambling debts, trillions of dollars in entitlements being paid while nearly one-fifth of the population is bankrupt and unemployed, and Obama is going to create a new entitlement for non-whites and criminalize what few whites don’t want it. Nothing but bigger government at gunpoint until a sort of Afghanistan comes to America, a war of the parasitic against the productive.

We simply can’t live in peace with each other for much longer. If nothing else, I’d like to thank Randy Turner for ratcheting up the current civil war on this lying blog of his.


The fact ot the matter is that ZOG is simply destroying itself all that much more the faster. There is no money in the Treasury to fight two lost wars, to bail out the jew and whigger thieving banksters, or to maintain even the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare for elderly whiggers no more. So, the Treasury is essentially printing up ZOGbux as fast as it can, the chinks and japs are abandoning the ZOGbuk as a reserve currency and buying commodities like oil and metals with their depreciating ZOGbux.

What the Lyin’ Nigger King is doing now is to essentially further enslave healthy Whites not needing the System for health care and chaining them by means of criminalizing their freedom from the System in order to pay for unhealthy niggers and illegal beaners to further live off of the White man. Obongo proposes to cut out the jew-run insurance companies who lost trillions in insuring jew bankster Wall Street gambling debts wherein profits were given to the ‘gamblers’ and the debts were foisted onto the White taxpayers. These crooked insurance companies essentially ‘cherry pick’ by taking the healthy Whites who are able to pay premiums as clients, then if they get sick refusing to pay their claims by having jew and whigger lawyers deny their claims. Thus profits are diverted to corporate pockets while ZOG gets to insure the elderly and poor by means of Medicare/Medicaid. In short, these jew/whigger corporations practice ‘crony capitalism’ by means of making sure they reap the profits while the only people paying taxes, namely the Whites are stuck with the costs.

Now since the financial meltdown of the past year, these costs cannot long be bourne by ZOG. Since the banksters and corporate welfare addicts are being supported by ZOG, and ZOG is broke, that means that the elderly whiggers must be put on what will essentially be ‘managed care’ in which a sort of triage will take place in which a panel of ZOG burrocrats, many of them niggers, will essentially run what are indeed ‘death panels’ to figure out who lives and who dies for being worn-out poor White people. Harold Covington in his novels, especially “A Distant Thunder” and “The Brigade” has pointed this out before. At the same time, young violent niggers and illegal beaners with a litter which would make Lassie envious will be taken into the emergency room and have their bills paid for by the White taxpayers, with healthy Whites made into criminalized tax slaves.

Thus Obongo-care is essentially into murdering, at first by neglect, old worn-out poor Whites, enslaving healthy Whites and White business into being tax slaves by criminalizing freedom from the medical system ZOG has created, and creating more and more niggers and beaners and turd-whirrrrlders as invaders to displace Whites in their own country by treating them for the results of their own violent stupidity and criminality and encouraging their indiscriminate breeding. We feed,they breed. So as it is to be expected, this Lyin’ Nigger King is out to exterminate Whites by taking over the reins of a criminal ZOG/Babylon regime and destroying the Founding Stock of White People through deceit.

Now when a few White People, in this case, a South Carolina kongress-kritter says, truthfully, that Obongo the Lyin’ King is lying, the forces of White dispossession and extermination, like Randy Turner, the self-hating, Genesis 3:15 anti-White enmity spewing gliberal whigger faggot and the rest of the ZOG/Babylon chattering classes and regime-criminals & enablers have a fit about how speaking the truth to power is ‘hate speech.’ Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth. The spawn of Satan are the children of lies because their father, Satan, is the father of lies.

Gliberal whigger faggots like Randy Turner — who a more just era would have skinned him after branding a retraction for its lies and shoved a red-hot poker up itz ass for itz faggotry — are too cowardly to themselves impose this ‘Auntie-White’ tyranny directly by theysselfs. Instead they use the most brutal of piglice to impose this tyranny of ZOG/Babylon upon Whites while at the same time whine about a ‘lack of civility.’

The Whore-House of [Mis]Representives is of course a monkey-house. Nigger and mamzer and jew and faggot representatives make sure that it will never be anything but a temple devoted to thievery off of the White man.

Civility to parasites and regime criminals is overrated. Rather, this vermin should be exterminated upon detection. My idea of politeness is in first making this lying faggot eat its nuts and fudge-packing dick with broken teeth because it loved the Newton County piglice breaking my teeth out taking me to the NutHouse. Then printing a retraction for its lies using a branding iron upon its worthless hide, its entire worthless whigger family’s hide, and the hides of the families of its jewspaper publishers, editors, and reporter’s who enabled Turner’s lies over the years. The last thing regime criminals and ZOGling whigger ass-clown herd animals need is civility, calling good evil and evil good. Rather what such need is woe and a world of hurt and to be sent screaming to hell so that the other ZOGling whigger herd animals will see and fear to misbehave. Whiggers are diseased animals which want to die, but who want to bring down healthy tissue of the White body politic with them. The only cure for what ails the White man will be in letting the-m-asses of whigger die in the current racial, religious and class civil war, along with all of the jews and non-whites infesting them.

Realistic White Nationalism involves in not going against the flow of History to the same thing that happened to Babylons #1 and #2, but rather in letting things proceed as they are meant to do, trying to wake up a minority of Whites, to take advantage of the chaos which will destroy well over 90% of the diseased whigger herd, and to raise up and feed the current neo-aristocracy of warlords who live today, waiting for their chance to rule absolutely under the guise of a White-only racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity.

That gliberal whigger lying faggot Randy Turner is merely one of the thieving ticks and parasites that like the jews, that YHWH allows to live so that Heaven doesn’t become clogged up with whiggers. As such, he should be listened to and then Whites should think the exact opposite of what this vicious gliberal whigger faggot preaches. Essentially the Turner Report is a concentrated nugget of kikeian dogshit that you should take care to not only not to step into, but not to eat.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
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