Posts Tagged ‘Ann Frank’s forged diary’

Cousin Randy’s “Diary of Anne Finkle-Heichestein”

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

Cousin Swillis would like for all of you Nutzi Holohoax-Deniers to please go over to his Cousin Randy’s ‘The Turner Report‘ and do some Holohoax denying in Cousin Randy’s comments section and really screw up all them gliberal whigger jew-loving faggots and reeking-of-stale-urine cat ladies who cried when they read all that lying kikeshit about Anne Frank. We want them to produce some more fresh urine in the comments section, if nowhere else. When that gliberal whigger faggot Cousin Randy gets enough and shuts down the comments section, then Cousin Swillis will report the end results on “The Turner Diaries.” But that gliberal whigger faggot Cousin Randy knows all about Cousin Swillis spilling the beans on Newton County sheep-humping and how inbred hillbilly sheep-humpers either become mean in a nazi or gliberal whigger manner. Usually gliberal whigger faggot. Cousin Randy is pretty stupid, but even that idiot will sooner or later shut down the comments section.

So we got to keep this on the down-low for now. But since Cousin Randy don’t cum over here to nazi territory until he wants his faggot ass whupped with a swagger stick, as part of “Operation Mamzer Mayhem” could all you nutzis post something vile, racist, and downright mean to Cousin Randy’s blog?…meep-gies.html

Heil Hitler!!!

Swillis Gumpf Turner
Cousin Randy is a gliberal whigger butthole fag

Cousin Randy’s “Diary of Anne Finkle-Heichestein”…=1412#post1412…=2977#post2977…690#post230690…ed=1#post83521…ne-finkle.html

Originally Posted by Cousin Randy

I helped make up this lying kikeshit
and all I got from the dirty jew
was one copy of this lying book.


Watching television news Monday provided a clear look at what our society has become…and why it is important to maintain newspapers.

The stories that were covered offered a wide range of interesting, though not particularly important events:

-Former St. Louis Cardinal first baseman Mark McGwire finally admitted what nearly everyone believed from the beginning, that he used steroids (though his claim that he could have hit 70 home runs in 1998 even without the chemical help was a bit hard to take).

-Former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been hired as a contributor to Fox News (interesting, but not much of a surprise).

-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, with his comments about President Obama lacking a “negro dialect” remained under fire.

-NBC’s in-house drama, trying to juggle the volatile situation with Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, and Jimmy Fallon continues with no resolution in sight.

-Simon Cowell announced he will bow out after the current season of American Idol.

While all of these stories were covered extensively in newspapers, as well as on the cable television news shows, there was one story, about the death of a woman whose contributions to society were probably more valuable than those of all of the aforementioned celebrities combined, which was almost exclusively relegated to newspapers.

It was announced Monday that Miep Gies died in a Netherlands nursing home after suffering from a fall a few days before Christmas. She was 100.

The name Meep Gies may not ring a bell with you, but Meep Gies was one of a small group that hid eight Jews from the Nazis for slightly more than two years, an act which could have cost her her life. And when the Gestapo finally discovered the eight, it was Meep Gies who managed to preserve the writings of the youngest of the eight- Anne Frank.

Her first thought, she always said, was to hold on to the diary to give it back to Anne after the war. That did not come to pass, as Anne Frank died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Eventually, Meep Gies presented the papers to Anne’s father, Otto Frank, and then she helped him put them into the form that has become known to generation after generation for more than six decades, continuing to offer an indictment of the Holocaust, as well as to deliver a message of hope.

In a 1998 interview, Meep Gies said she did not consider the risks she took to protect the Frank family and the others in that annex to be heroic. “They were powerless, they didn’t know where to turn. We did our duty as human beings: helping people in need.”

Though it would have been nice to have seen more television time devoted to Meep Gies and her continuing contributions to the world, it was not surprising that the airwaves were filled with Sarah Palin, Mark McGwire, Harry Reid, Simon Cowell, Jay Leno, and Conan O’Brien. That left it for newspapers to pick up the slack and most of the ones I read this morning featured stories on Meep Gies, whose gift to posterity will be recalled long after the names mentioned above are just dim memories.




Originally Posted by Dubious
The Diary of Ann Frank is one of the most famous forgeries in existence. After the war, her father, one of millions of Holocaust survivors, undertook to write up what he thought would be profitable. Vast portions of the ‘diary’ were written in ball-point pen, the first which was available after 1951. Ann Frank’s father, Otto, after suspicions were raised, refused to allow scholars to inspect the alleged diary that he had allegedly ‘found’.

So to anyone but the professionally credulous,or those who have something to gain from it, this Diary of Anne Frank is a fraud. What was probably a few pages of diary by a child have been expanded into a polemic against the Nazis, who were quite aware of whom had betrayed them in the First World War, brought about the injustices of the Versailles Treaty, and the puppet Weimar Republic, which brought about the perceived need for a savior in the form of Adolf Hitler, whom most Germans loved.

And the silly woman who harbored Jews in her home is no more to be admired than some silly senile old cat lady hiding a score of diseased fleabags from the animal control officer. Southpark did a parody of this several years ago. Yet predictably Turner has nothing better to do than to bemoan the end of idiot lie-papers which used to publish reams of liberal polemic drivel which usually bored the proles to tears and amused and enraged white men to where they refused to pay for this vicious silliness any more.

No wonder the mass media, especially the lie-papers, is on the ropes. Good riddance to dog-awful lying rubbish.

Originally Posted by Cries at Holohoax Movies
What on earth is dubious talking about???

Meep was a heorine who MUST be recognised for the work that she did

I have read the book and saw the film, and was heartbroken on both occasions,

Dubious should be locked up and the key thrown away
10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Mamzer AssClown
Typical Southwest Missouri hatred by Dubious.

Go play with your guns, freak.
12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Luke LaVellian
Diary of Anne Heiche-Stein

ONLINE AUCTION ON —- Bidding starts at $66,666.66 for the original stained-with-angelic-tears copy!

***** “A one in a six million find” – - The Diary of Anne Heche-Stein, dedicated to her “friend”, Melissa Etheridge-berg

DESCRIPTION: “The moving memoirs of a sensitive, talented jewish girl who meets “the love of her life” in the murder factory of Bergen-Belsen, where she slaved 18 hours a day pitching her dead relatives into the ovens. Little Anne and Melissa sneak off behind the crematoria every chance they get and play a “game” together that later inspired the family “fave”, “Twister”.

666 pages, Publisher, WoeIsMe Books 2001
Order a copy Online at:

. –Luke LaVellian

1:07 PM

Oh well, above post was deleted by Cousin Randy, who as a gliberal whigger faggot can’t be expected to appreciate Luke LaVellian.

But some nutzis did show up at post theys’ little tributes to Hitler:

Originally Posted by Ryan

I want to know this. Why didn’t the Gestapo haul Miep Gies off along with her husband when they came for the Frank family?

4:33 PM

And Hadding:

Originally Posted by Hadding

Only Jews not born in conquered western Europe were deported. The Frank family was not deported because they were Jews. They were deported because they were immigrant Jews. Many Jews born in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands lived through the German occupation without being disturbed. I suspect that Miep Gies was one of them.

There’s a lot of gratuitous drama in the way Miep Gies tells the story. She says that the Franks were sent off to a “death camp”: how is that credible or even relevant when Otto Frank survived at the “death camp” of Auschwitz and Anne Frank, being well enough to travel, was evacuated thence only to die of typhus (not gas) at Bergen-Belsen? This is not rational. Miep Gies seems to have been working with Otto Frank to hype the story.

4:39 PM

Looking at above blog and comments, it seems that ‘Hadding’ knows and appreciates Hitler even more than I do. Cousin Randy will throw a hissy fit nearly as bad as he did when I threatened to send Ewelene to the packers if he didn’t sign my copy of his lying book ‘jewspaper Daze‘ at the jewplin Hastings book store like I wanted him to. I don’t expect that Hadding’s remarks will stay up unless Cousin Randy is working his nerve up to ask for a date.

Harold Covington makes his appearance:

Originally Posted by HAC Hisself/The Old Man

Part of the so-called Diary of Anne Frank was written in ball point pen, which had not yet been invented in the 1940s. The forgery appears to have been carried out with the collusion of Otto Frank, who sued his ghost writer in the 1950s over a royalty dispute. All of this is why the original document is so carefully hidden away from prying eyes in a safe deposit box in Israel, where historians and scholars have been repeatedly denied access.

7:44 PM

There we go again. The Diary of Anne Heche-Frank[enstein] being a forgery made up, like all them jew Holohoax whoppers. Why, is there any limit to the misconduct of them jews and theyz shabbes whigger enablers? Apparently not.

But I would like to thank Harold Covington for making an appearance after Pastor Lindstedt sent out an e-mail for his friends and allies to wolfpack Cousin Randy. As it is, Cousin Randy is now the Quean of DeNial thinking that that crazoid discharged mental patient Pastor Lindstedt has becum all schidzoid.

Another friend J.A. Whiteman/whiggerthumper chimes in:

Originally Posted by whiggerthumper
whgrthumper asks:

Where are the ashes, bones or any other forensic evidence of this so-called holyhoax?

Are we to believe Steve Spielberg the lying hollywierd kike when he puts out propaganda pieces like Shitlerz’s List and Saving Ryan’s Privates.

Are we also to believe Benyamin I. Met-a-yahoo when he waves a piece of paper that supposedly proves Adolph Hitler (may his name live in infamy), had a final solution for the lice-infected jews that went beyond just getting them the hell out of Germany?

I suspect that this new “documentation” floated down from the sky right along with those AL-CIA-DuH ID cards that magically appeared at the Pentagram after it was bombed. Were these new documents that Meta-yahoo waved in the air recently written in ballpoint also?

Some of us no better. Only a jewtool whigger like you and the other twats that read your tripe would fall for the 2000 year old lie.

7:55 PM

Well Cousin Randy is so coonfused. Must be suffering from inverse male whigger faggot telegony from all them nigger poop chutes he has rump-ranged and from all the congoid trouser-trout blacksnake he has ‘entertained in his gliberal whigger faggot mangina. You would think that an idiot gliberal whigger faggot skrule teacher like Cousin Randy would know the difference when grading papers, but then again a gliberal whigger drone like Cousin Randy has doubtless reduced his ZOGling whiggerlet ass-clowns in his pub[l]ic skrule class to jewniform idiotic degeneracy. Cousin Randy whines:

Originally Posted by Cousin Randy

I am curious as to just how many different names Martin Lindstedt can come up with to spread misinformation.

8:02 PM

Originally Posted by Keith Partridge
Keith Partridge said…

We are tired of this Anne frank lie shoved down our throats for so many years (me, only heard this since the 1980s, and boy was I mad when learned how I had been lied to by jews and the educational system!)

Look at the evidence why we don’t believe it.

If you still continue, then it’s obvious you are doing it for an evil agenda.

8:16 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle jewlius
Uncle Julius said…

“The Diarrhea of Anne Frank” is a wonderful work of fiction. Well, ok…it’s not really wonderful, but that it’s definitely a piece of fiction was first revealed in 1959 when a Swedish journal reported that a jewish novelist named Meyer Levin was suing Otto Frank (Anne’s father) over nonpayment for the dialogue Levin had written for the “diary”. It’s no wonder that any question of the “official facts” about the Holoco$t is a jailable offense throughout Europe and Canada. Unlike fabrications, REAL history doesn’t need to be enforced at the point of a gun!

8:22 PM

One of Cousin Randy’s edjewmacated whigger drones decided to jump into the wolfpack:

Originally Posted by Mistuh T
T said…

You’re all joking, right? A forgery? A work of fiction? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. There were many Jews in hiding during the Holocaust and many non-Jews that were willing to help them. If any of you have even read Anne Franks diary, you wouldn’t question its authentensity. Instead, you sit at home and agree with protestors that protest subjects you know nothing about, just so that you can say you’re diffferent. Congratulations. You’re different, and completely wrong. Miep Gies courage is inspirational. Americans today could learn a lot from her.

8:55 PM

Then the One Who Is Legion With No Name responded:

Originally Posted by His Name is Legion
Anonymous said…

Hey Dandy Randy, I did not even know who you were until directed to your worthless blog. Whenever I encounter a fool such as you, I just have to say something. Martin is at least 1000 miles away from where I am.

We are legion. Don’t think for a minute that there are only a handful of us out here. When your nigger pets start to riot overtly, you will see just how many of us there are you fk’n retard.

9:06 PM

Well, keep them comments and love for Cousin Randy cummin’ y’all. Cousin Randy needs to know that he hasn’t had that much loving since he run off and broke Ewelene’s little wooly-headed heart.

And tomorrow at this time, I’ll let Cousin Randy in on how he has been wolf-packed and rat-f*cked.

Heil Hitler!!!

Swillis Gumpf Turner
Editurd, The Turner Diaries



Cousin Randy’s Lying Blog, The Turner Report

My Truthful Blog, The Turner Diaries

Ewelene still misses Cousin Randy, the slut!!!