Joom's Place

Explaining the End of the White World Unless We Do Something

Browsing Posts in White Revolution

Changing the Rules…=1852#post1852…379#post255379

Changing the Rules

There’s not many idiots out there that don’t finally see that something has to be done about Washington, and the criminals running it. It’s bad enough we have over 500 corrupt bastards up there, but they now have the system set up to where if we eliminate one, another clown just like him is sent in to take his place. Hence the agenda continues. These pricks choose who we vote for or against, all on the merits of who they want, not who we want. The candidate must be a member of their club and a certified bought off, corrupt politician . . . one they don’t have to worry about exposing their evil. Over the past 200 years, generations of Jew lobbyists and corrupt politicians have gradually, step-at-a-time, changed the way we pick our candidates. Now they pick them from among their own cadre’ of criminals . . . we no longer pick anyone. We only get to vote on which crook they install. As long as this gangster system is in place, we will never, ever see any real change in this country . . . .

When we take back our country and government, we must make damned sure that we break the back of this good ole’ boy system and install a candidacy system that chooses people from among the best and brightest in our general population, not from the Washington vampire club. This is much easier to do than it sounds. We start a national database of Americans willing to serve. In it we would record their education, IQ, sex, background, criminal record, military experience, medical records, personal and professional references, family history, mental health, religious preferences, political leanings, and all other information vital to choosing the best for the job. Only the best three each year are allowed to run, and the people choose the winner. No career politicians, lawyers, corporate heads, bankers or Jews need apply. No liberals, communists, atheists, fags, muds, or progressives either. Only white, native-born Americans . . . .

The way we currently choose a president is pure insanity. INSANITY! If you want to become a beat cop in LA, you must go through an extensive background check, all the way back to your first dirty diaper. Your birth certificate is checked, criminal record, and everything about you is known before you’re hired. But presidential candidates are given no such checks! And this is the highest office in America, and the most dangerous to get wrong. And yet Obama got in under not only a false name, but a false citizenship, and he lied about his past, and his religion and love for America. The only thing that turned out to be true about him is that he’s black! If that alone isn’t enough to prove our system is broken, I’m out of ideas . . . .

Lobbyists are the second biggest enemy of America and her people. Most of these pricks are foreigners that hate America, and definitely do not have our welfare in mind. The rest are either Jew bankers or corporate representatives with only profits in mind, no matter what the damage to America. None of these people have any business within a hundred miles of DC. Again, as long as this arrangement is allowed to exist, we are in mortal danger. This must end!

The next thing on the list is our long-time alliance with Israel. This has cost us millions of lives, trillions of dollars, and we have absolutely nothing else to show for it except more Jews in DC,demanding more and more from us. Make no mistake; Jews couldn’t care less if they get us wiped off the map, as long as we serve our purpose. We are goys, which means we are lower than cattle, and to be used and thrown away. As long as we are in alliance with this race of vampires we are in mortal danger. Soon now, they will try to get us to nuke Iran in order to prevent them from getting the bomb. They know full well what the consequences would be for us, and that’s why they want us to do it, not them. Jews hate everybody. And if they can get one enemy to kill another, then great. Americans desperately need to wake up and smell the matza balls. Jews are our mortal enemies . . . .

We need to repeal all appointees to government positions, along with all lifetime appointments like we have for the Supreme Court. Once we get some nut in there, the entire nation pays for it. This must stop now. This should go all the way down to the state and county level. This alone, would stop a mountain of graft. All judges should have a yearly citizen review, and if they fail it, they’re out . . . period. We have tens of thousands of corrupt, power mad tyrants running our courts, and millions of us are suffering because of it. We have no recourse when one of these bastards abuses his power, and it happens all the time . . .

We must ban liberalism in America, and all other forms of communism. At no time in history has this political philosophy caused anything but grief, pain, oppression and death. Time to make practicing or promoting it a death offense. The two party system is one of the root causes of our problems as a nation. There should be no parties . . . only honest men. Honest men need no party to support their platform . . . .

Another thing we must change is the current four-year term for president. America reels like a drunkard on the world political stage because every four years it changes its policy radically, depending on which party . . . and which crook is in charge. We must become consistent and dependable to our allies and our people. To do this, WE the People must set policy, NOT corrupt politicians. Politicians will be there to execute OUR will from now on, not their own, or the will of our enemies, like they do now. A president should be allowed to be reelected as many times as the people like, as long as he has proven to be a good leader. And as long as WE set policy through public policy elections, we would no longer be so unreliable as a nation . . . .

Well, these are just some of the major things I would change if I could. If you approve of these ideas, pass them along. Who knows; perhaps some day a powerful man will read it and use it . . . .


“Liberals are such useful idiots!”–Lenin


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Can You Spell R_E_V_O_L_T ???…=1851#post1851…329#post255329

Can You Spell R_E_V_O_L_T ???

Over the past few months I’ve talked to one heck of a lot of people. Friends, relatives, allies, readers, and even pundits. The one common thread running through all their opinions is the desperate need for a revolution in this country. I agree. We’ve watched in helpless rage as millions upon millions of invaders poured across our borders, while our elected leaders sat on their asses and flatly refused to stop them. I’ve watched as the liberals increased the so-called “legal” immigration rate by millions . . . twice. I’ve seen thousands of hateful, greedy, arrogant illegals demonstrate for their “rights” outside the White House, demanding amnesty from a leader that’s far closer to a dictator than a president. I’ve watched Wall Street Jews and politicians completely drain off America’s wealth . . . and get away with it. Not one of those thieves has been prosecuted. I watched in horror as Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein and other communists broke every law in the land to cram a healthcare bill down America’s throat, when a whopping 84% of Americans violently opposed it (new numbers). We saw Obama scrap our almost completed missile defense system without telling us . . . or asking us. We’ve seen gun bill after gun bill whittle away at our rights to own a weapon, violating the Second Amendment and almost every state law in the country . . . and they’ve only begun . . . .

I discovered that one liberal congressman attempted to have a lawyer arrested for calling his office and disagreeing with his evil actions. Just for complaining. I watched as the liberals took over all of our schools and started force-feeding our kids communist propaganda as if it were Gospel, and teaching them that it’s better to be a pervert than a normal, healthy kid. I saw TV, radio, and even newspapers transform into Russian style propaganda machines for the communist\liberal agenda, to the point that even entertainment shows are now packed with it. I’ve seen the Jews push law after law through the Senate, making it a felony for whites to speak up about black and Hispanic evil. To do so labels you a racist and criminal. I’ve watched in stark horror as communists won suit after suit, forcing local and state governments to uproot long standing monuments because they depicted the moral code this nation was built on . . . the Ten Commandments. I shook with rage as Obama signed away our sovereignty to our foreign enemies, then refused to salute our flag, or even say the pledge of allegiance. Today he ordered the Haitian embassy not to fly the American flag, so as “not to give the wrong impression.” He is ashamed of our flag and what it represents . . . us. And yet there he still sits, in the White House, breaking every law in the way of his final agenda; to become America’s first dictator . . . .

I stopped watching TV for the most part because it no longer reports the facts, only lies. Hundreds of thousands of whites are robbed, beaten, raped and murdered every single year in this country, and yet not a word of it is ever reported, because it wouldn’t be politically correct. I watched in dismay as leader after leader was elected, and not one of them did a thing to stop the invasion. I was enraged when liberals AND conservatives voted for massive increases in “legal” immigration, pumping uncounted millions of third world parasites and criminals into our country, to the point that whites are now held hostage in their own country. I’ve seen our history books be butchered and mutilated, with all our heroes removed, only to be replaced by the world’s bottom feeders and Marxists as role models. I’ve screamed in outrage as liberals and Jews promoted black on white sex and breeding, creating a whole generation of dumbed down, ass ugly mongrels that are only
good for prison or welfare . . . .

And I’ve watched in amazement as white America did nothing as this government openly bought millions of prefab coffins, refurbished old bases into concentration camps, built box cars designed to haul people . . . not cargo, and start training thousands of our troops to fight civilians here at home. And yet nobody shouted the alarm. I’ve hissed in rage as Obama signed away a large portion of our nuclear defenses to Russia, when they gave practically nothing in return. I’ve witnessed his deliberate importation of terrorist Moslems into our country as immigrants no less, directly against the will of the American people. And I’ve seen him and his ilk label all patriotic Americans . . . even veterans out fighting for their country . . . “terrorists” because they oppose his evil agenda. I can’t recognize my country anymore. I can’t live like I used to. And is any of it my fault? No. Because I fought every change tooth and nail. But for a great many Americans it IS their fault, and they’re getting exactly what they deserve for allowing this monster and the liberals to take power. They should have risen up years ago and put a stop to all of this, especially the poisoning of our schoolchildren. They are our future, people. These creeps are going for our very foundation . . .

There is only one way you can be absolved of your guilt in this, and that’s to stand now and make the sacrifices necessary to put a stop to this evil, no matter what the personal cost. This is what our forefathers and fathers did, and that’s why we live in a free land (for now). Freedom is not free! Understand this. Like everything else in this world you have to pay for it, or you lose it. Well, it’s time to pay the piper. Cowards need not apply. But if you people fail to rise, and instead lie down as the tyrants of this country walk over you, then you have no right to complain when the put the chains of slavery on you and your children. Because people, it is coming . . . sooner than you think.

How do you spell revolt? C-O-U-R-A-G-E.


“The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight.”
–President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963 . . . ten days before his assassination.



NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Joom’s Forum & Joom’s Blog…=1770#post1770…259#post254259…=1535#post1535…=4449#post4449…1688#post91688

Hello Joom:

I’ve seen a number of your articles reprinted on Harold Covington’s blog and yahoogroups. Would it be all right with you if I republished them without any editing on my sundry forums under the name “The Lone Haranguer” as that is the name used by Covington?

Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN



From Joom:

Dear Pastor,

Why that name, I’ll never fathom, but you’re free to print anything you like. It’s about the message, not getting credit. The more people I reach, the better.

My basic tactic is to yell that the emperor is butt-naked. Most people have become afraid to speak out. I break the ice and get them talking, and that leads to converts..and change. Already I see a fast rising tide of Aryan Nationalism from coast to coast. And the recent numbers report of the mud invasion should galvanize people.

We must always remember however, to hold accountable the maggots that have let these animals into our home. Execution is too good for them. When I think of all the innocent whites that have been robbed, raped, beaten, tortured, murdered and hit by drunk wetbacks, I boil inside and lay the blame squarely at the feet of the DC lowlifes even more than I blame the dark races. A dog will be a dog. The trick is to keep them out of the house. We need to wake our people up while there’s still time.

You’re doing a good job.




Well, Harold Covington uses that name “The Lone Haranguer.” I thought that I’d simply use it as well, but if you want to be known as ‘Joom’ or ‘Joomiloom’ then that is fine by me.

I’ve published Jim Floyd, and ‘Luke LaVellian’ and FIPS and they either want me to use their real name, or they don’t want ZOG whupping up on them and so I print their material — unedited — under any name they please. If you have a preference, then so it shall be done.

The wanting to copyright material in order to profit from it, even after the author is long dead, is one of the problems in the bowel Movement. Even within Christian Identity, there are some who want to copyright Bertrand Comparet’s writings so that they can make a mint as a correspondence course.

I prefer to let it get out so that EVERYONE can read it. And so I am happy to see that we are in accord.

The rising tide of White Nationalism is caused because whiggers are getting raped financially and literally by ZOG, run by the jews and treasonous whiggers in order to advance the niggers and all them damned beaners invading our country. This is not the first mighty Evil Empire to go this way, Dual-Seedline Christian Identity teaches that Cain was also Sargon the Great,and he forced race-mixing with the Adamites, which is why there was a Great (local) Flood to drown out the miscegenating Adamites, and so did Nimrod, who tried the second ZOG/Babylon. And thus we are on the third and final Babylon, wanting to mix the seed of men (Daniel 2:44) until YHWH’s Servant Nation is drowned in a mud flood of Sixth Day Beasts of the Field. So there are a lot of people interested suddenly in Dual-Seedline Christian Identity, but that also attracts ZOGbots trying to create false fronts.

So nothing in your articles is against Dual-Seedline Christian Identity (DSCI) but in its own way is spot on. I print Eric Thomson stuff — with his permission and without editing — even though Eric got to let rip against Christian Identity and Harold Covington, who is an ally because he don’t rip on Christian Identity and he is against ZOG and race-mixing. Every plant not planted by YHWH will be uprooted by Jesus Christ, cf, Matt 15:13. YHWH didn’t plant these abominations, and they will be destroyed in due course, along with this Evil Empire.

Thanks. If you have something you wish for me to publish directly, please send it to this e-mail address. Since you post to Covington’s site, which is where I found you, I’ll include him in this e-mail.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri



Joom understands Dual-Seedline Christian Identity

Dear Pastor,

You’re lucky you found me online this time of day. I’m down with the bug right now, and this is rare to find me home. I can’t tell you how much we agree on things. I too, believe in the dual bloodline, and also the fact that the Aryan race was and is God’s chosen race. Proof of this goes back far, far
into the distant past, long before the Bible. The Jews have done their level best to erase the truth, and, for the most part have succeeded. Too few of our brothers believe in God, and this is a tragedy, because our strength comes from Him. Even now I’m teaching a young man who was never exposed to God, and now sees the truth of it and is learning and changing for the better…

I go by Joom for a couple of reasons. First, it is a pseudonym that helps to keep the heebs away from my door. There’s a lot of rabid Jews out there that will stop at nothing to shut us up. Second, a great many readers all over the world now recognize the name and it draws readers . . . . in many
cases new ones simply out of curiosity.

I’ve used it for over twenty years. My wife gave me the name. It’s the name of a wizard in one of her children’s books. . . . lol. You’ll never have a problem printing my articles. That’s what they exist for. Money was never the purpose . . . . survival of my race was and is. I have a ton of stuff that’s been published all over the world over the past years, and if you like, I’ll send you some from time to time, as I am able. Just print what you can use . . . .

Thanks for the vote. My best to an ally . . . .




Wherefore, enjoy Joom’s Forum

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri