Joom's Place

Explaining the End of the White World Unless We Do Something

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Another Fine Day In Mudville

Another Fine Day In Mudville



As some of you know, I’ve been working hard to leave this pest hole of a state before I end up going postal. This city has become the center of a swirling mass of human refuse, like the center of the spiral of a toilet as it flushes. A white person must be on his toes day and night just to survive in this hell hole, and I’m not exaggerating one iota. Let me give you some examples. The following incidents happened to me in just one day recently:

I got up in the morning to go get a coffee and a donut, the staple of the white male. Getting into my truck, I noticed something odd about my bedroom window. The screen was off! This screen can’t fall off. It’s fitted in metal grooves and held in place by steel spring clips. I have a hell of a time removing it just to give it a cleaning, so believe me, I know. It was laying on the lawn, and the window had been pried partially open. Rage welled up inside me as I pictured the thieving wetback that had done it the night before. No doubt trying to use me to finance his arrival in gringo land. He’s damned lucky he didn’t make it inside because he’d have left in a body bag. I don’t take prisoners. I kill . . . .

To me, a wetback is nothing more than a large cockroach. I treat them exactly the same way I would any other un-invited vermin. There really aren’t any words in our language adequate enough to describe accurately the level of hatred I have for these people. I literally shudder when one passes near me. This effect they have on me is common among whites living here. After a few months you can’t help but start having homicidal thoughts about them all the time. It’s downright unhealthy. I now know that this is the main reason most whites have already left. It wasn’t fear, it was raw revulsion and hatred that drove them out. They knew that if they remained, they’d end up dead or in prison. And a white in jail in California won’t last ten minutes once the Mestizos find out he’s in there for killing muds . . . .

After fixing my screen, I got back in my truck and went to the coffee shop. On my way home I came to a small intersection in the middle of mud town. As always, I looked carefully both ways because young dampbacks (the kids of wetbacks) love to race their junk heaps down these streets doing seventy. Their cars are never licensed or insured, and most of the time they don’t even own them. So hitting one will only cost you out the ass and wreck your car to boot. The cops refuse to stop them because after all, this is a wetback controlled sanctuary city. God! So as I was saying, I looked both ways then proceeded carefully across the small intersection. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a streak of movement. I instinctively slammed on the brakes as hard as I could and swerved to the right . . . hard. My reaction saved my ass. Because a fat, asshole ugly nigger bitch in a white Ford van had been waiting for me, parked under a tree on the side of the street, engine idling, waiting for the first white to cross her path. When I entered the intersection she gunned it and shot out into the street, trying her damnedest to hit me. I caught a brief nanosecond look at her face as she came at me. Her hideous, apelike face was etched with full blown nigger greed and malice. I heard her scream, “Muthafugga!” when she realized I had avoided her attempt at ramming me. She looked over her shoulder at me with guilt and fear in her eyes when she saw that I was cutting my wheels and giving chase. I was going to jerk that fat bitch out of her van and beat her into corn pone. She had pissed off the wrong cracker . . . .

That fat, stinking ho really hauled butt, with me hot on her ass. I floored it. I wanted her head on a stick. But then we came to a stop light at a busy street..and I mean busy. Instead of stopping, she shot out into traffic, eliciting a tirade of honking horns from angry drivers. She had risked a major wreck to avoid an ass whooping that she knew she richly deserved. Damn niggers. I had better sense than to follow her stupidity and consequently lost her. Sooner or later I’ll find that whore, and when I do, I’ll give it to her . . . with interest. She’s no female in my book, she’s an ape, period . . . .

Running into whites is a cottage industry in this state. Niggers actually make a really good living doing it, and the insurance companies pay out rather than be sued for being “racis’”. Whenever there’s a civil trial, the juries are almost 100% mud, and they always side with their fellow parasite. The insurance companies know it’s far cheaper just to pay them off. So my premiums go up to pay for it. I was shaking with rage by the time I got home, and I wondered just how much more of this kind of stress my heart could take before one of these incidents put me in the ground. This city is not a healthy place for whites . . . .

Later that day I went to the grocery store. While at the checkout stand a ho and her vast brood of niglets pulled in behind me. Immediately one of her apelets began pushing past me, trying to get to the candy rack to do what they always do, which is tear into the candy with their nasty little nose pickers and eat whatever they like without paying for it. The store just chalks it up to doing business with niggers. But this particular little chimp was really a pain in the ass. There were other racks not two feet away, but this little asshole wanted to push by me, demanding I move out of the way and stop stacking my food so he could do so. Mammie had taught him well. I flat refused to move and made the loud comment, “Typical lack of manners and training.”

The ho instantly got indignant as expected, and her head began to do the standard bobble head routine of the ho with tude’. She growled, “Whatchoo say?” “I said, you people always have this attitude. No manners, no class!” “Whatchoo mean “YOU people”?” she howled. I glared at her. “You know damn well what I mean! You’re raising prison bait and everybody knows it!” Well, I can tell you right now that mammie chimped out on the spot, causing the typical niggah scene, calling me a “racis crackah” etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you folks, I can’t even buy a loaf of bread without having to deal with these animals. If it isn’t the wetbacks it’s the niggers. If it isn’t the niggers it’s the crooked cops.

Those bastards are so money hungry now that whites have to literally creep around town because these pricks are targeting whites because we’re the only ones left with a few dollars in our pockets, and their bosses at city hall want them. They’ve installed a whole raft of new cameras at almost all the red lights in town in hopes of snagging more people for ticket money. And they’ve tripled the fines. The average ticket will now cost you around $350.00!! Of course if you’re wetback you don’t have to sweat it. Most of the cops are wetbacks too . . . .

Doesn’t this city sound like a wonderful spot to raise a family? U-huh. There’s only one thing this basin needs, and that’s a tactical nuke. I’ve give a left nut to own one, let me tell you . . . .

Well, there was much more to that particular day, but the really frightening part is that it wasn’t at all unusual, it was typical. I want all those of you that live in states that haven’t yet been overrun to this extent to wake up and realize that the mudslide is heading your way too. And if you don’t get
active right now in stopping these pricks, and especially the politicians promoting them, your home will soon look like mine. You need to get mean. Get hostile and take no prisoners. Don’t worry about pissing people off. They damned sure aren’t concerned about what you like. This is YOUR land. Take it back . . . .


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”
–Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

Modern Translation: All the laws on earth won’t save a nation full of corrupt lowlifes.” –Joom…=2121#post2121…459#post291459…3350#post13350


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

A Method To My Madness

A Method To My Madness

Ever since I began ranting about racial problems way back when, I’ve received tons of emails both pro and con about my work. Some were somewhat supportive, some were fanatically supportive, and others were negative to the point of being homicidal. I’ve been called every kind of racist, bigot, lowlife, fanatic, redneck hate monger, backwards hick, and a hundred other choice expletives that anyone in my field of endeavor can attest is an integral part of the job.

Many have asked me why I’m so ruthless and insulting to people of other races who can’t help what they are. They say that I have no class and no maturity to say the things I do in public, let alone think them. Even some of my own relatives are ashamed of me and shun me as a black sheep in the family. Fortunately not many. They all suffer from the same thing that’s been destroying our people for centuries; screwed up perspectives and priorities. Let me give you a prime example:

The other day I was forced to go down to the local pig shop and file a police report on two attempted break-ins to my house by the new wetback “neighbors” that just moved in. It never fails. As soon as we get some new mud neighbors, the thieving starts immediately, always targeting the gringos next door. Whites draw wetbacks and niggers like flies to a dog turd. As soon as a fit of greed hits one, his ugly brown eyes swivel toward the nearest gringo. This isn’t my opinion, it’s a stone cold fact backed up by decades of crime statistics.

Anyway, I went down there and complained because I’d called the assholes for two days trying to get them to come out and survey the damage and take the report, but they never showed. When I called, the bitch of a dispatcher cooed that they were “too busy” on other calls for her to give me even a rough estimate as to when they would show. So when I finally went down there myself, I found four sets of officers kicking back under a shade tree, shooting the breeze and ignoring calls on their portable radios. Too busy alright. Exactly as I had figured . . . .

I finally got a sergeant to come out and take my report in the front office. He was miffed because I had forced him to do his job and it showed in his manner. As we talked, I explained to him the perpetual problem we’d had with illegals while living there, and how they were pulling the same old wetback tactic they always use to run whitey off, namely harass the crap out of him until he moves out, then their relatives buy the property at a loss and the barrio grows. The cop glared at me for being an evil old racist, started making sarcastic remarks and started to lecture me on the falsehood of my claim. Another damned head up his ass liberal.

I stopped him in mid sentence and said, “Hold it! Before you continue to call me a bigot, you tell me something. where are all the white people that used to live here?” He gave me a perplexed look. “The proof’s all around you dude. When I was young, this city was 95% white. It was clean, safe, and prosperous. There was no crime to speak of, and we used to walk to the store as kids, sometimes as late as 10pm and it was safe. Would you let your kids do that now?” He just glared at me so I continued; “And you didn’t answer me;

Where have those 120 thousand whites vanished to? Why is it that there’s now only one white to every thirty or forty blacks and illegals? I’ll tell you why. It’s because whites despise them. They can’t and won’t live around those thieving, murdering scum. They won’t raise their kids near them or let their daughters go to school with them. And every time another wetback or LA black moved here, the crime went up.

So they started moving. Then the wetbacks began to harass the crap out of them until the process was escalated fifty fold until today they own this city. And look at it. It’s a frigging toilet. I myself am preparing to leave here, and I’m going to shake the dust of the place off my boots when I do. You can call us racists and bigots all you want, but the reality of what’s going on is all around you. Before you start lecturing me or others on the joys of diversity, I strongly suggest you pull your head out of your ass first!” And I got up and left before he could say another word. I was glad I had finished the report before I lit into the fool . . . .

I doubt they’ll even try to apprehend the culprits because after all, this is a liberal sanctuary city for wetbacks and a haven for welfare niggers. In fact a whole new set of state funded “projects” is nearing completion as I write. They’ll fill up overnight with a whole new crop of immigrant coons from LA within a week of opening, and the crime rate will skyrocket accordingly. Can I get a yaazzuuhh?

This cop exemplifies the problem I’m trying to show here. It’s not that whites can’t see the truth, it’s that they don’t want to see it. And any time someone like me comes along and forces them to look at it, they hate me for it. I’m rocking their precious boat . . . the one that’s about to sink anyway from a complete lack of protection. They’re afraid to speak out, to be branded that feared term “racist”, a word that has been burned into the white psyche by generations of relentless liberal brainwashing. And I have to break those chains. And to do that, I must be so raw, so loud and offensive, that even the most hardcore among us will sometimes gasp at my audacity and grit in calling a spade a spade right in front of king liberal himself . . . .

But there is a method to my madness. By doing this I make whatever others say about the subject seem mild, and much more palatable to let out. After hearing me, whatever they say doesn’t seem so bad. It emboldens and encourages them to speak out. And the more they speak, the more they’ll continue to speak, and the more others will follow. And my method works. How many of you have been emboldened by my words and rants? How many others that you know have started to speak out and even act on their pent up frustrations? A lot of people I’ll wager.

The results are all around us. Do you think the immigration pot is boiling over by chance? You know better. It’s because people like you and me and others continually raised hell and spread the word to everyone we can find. We became a perennial thorn in the liberal agenda’s side, planting the seeds of rebellion all over the country, until now new laws are being passed and millions of angry whites are actually standing together against these communists.

No, it won’t save America. It’s done. But it will be the catalyst, the stepping stone for a white revolution that will free a section of this land as our new homeland, a place free of Jews, communists, faggots, liberals, and muds of every stripe. A place we can nurture our race and heritage once again without the polluting influence of our enemies . . . .

So the next time you read me ranting about some “damned nigger” or “thieving wetback” or “slime sucking kike”, remember what I’m really up to, and allow yourself a small smile. We’re winning.


“Unfortunately, the truth of power is stronger than the power of truth.”–Joom…=2093#post2093…y-madness.html…247#post269247…ted=1#post1537…=5026#post5026…ed=1#post91689


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Sometimes I Hate Being Right

Sometimes I Hate Being Right



For quite a while now I’ve been ranting and raving about the imminent fall of our economy. Over a year before black Friday, I was warning you folks about it’s coming, and pestering you to buy metals, stock up, and buy weaponry. I also told you who was behind the coming collapse and why they were doing it. All of my warnings and predictions came true, within 7 days of the predicted time. The only thing that failed to happen was a total collapse, and that was narrowly escaped by the skin of our teeth because of a monster bailout, and the fact that our economy was a little stronger than our enemies anticipated . . . .

And although it survived the largest theft of a nation’s wealth in the history of man, it’s still one very sick puppy, teetering on the brink of total failure. All it would take at this point is a strong gust of wind to collapse this house of cards that’s holding everything together. The real irony of it all is just how few people realize how bad it is. And I’ve been warning people that a windstorm . . . not a gust . . . is coming, one that will not only finish off the American economy, but set the entire world’s economy on its ear. I’m really starting to wonder how many times I have to be dead right before folks start listening to me . . . .

Last month I warned millions of my readers that they had better start watching Greece. I warned them that the tiny Mediterranean nation could start a cascade reaction that could bankrupt the entire planet. That’s because Greece is in extremely deep debt to dozens of other small European nations, all of which are also in trouble thanks to the same greedy Jew bankers that caused our collapse. Our trouble spread all over the world and hurt every other country in existence. And because these little economies are now so weak, they’re extremely dependent on the loan payments that other debtor nations like Greece have been making to them. In fact those payments have been what’s kept them afloat by using those debts as collateral for more loans . . . from the same Jew bankers of course, to keep their economies running . . . .

Smell a rat yet? It gets worse . . . .

So after our bought-off leaders refused to arrest or prosecute any of those thieving bastards on Wall Street for the monster heist they perpetrated, these same Jews started feeling invincible. After all, they control the world’s wealth, so who would dare mess with them now? They can pretty much do whatever they want. And they did. They decided to give their agenda to destroy us one more try by deliberately causing Greece’s economic collapse. They went behind the Trade Commission’s back and started selling off Greece’s debt to other debtor nations, lying to them about the risk rating of that debt, and charging them double what it was worth. But when these troubled nations went to resell the debt, they discovered they’d been had. The Jews had ripped them off and sank them all deeper in debt while lining their own already filthy rich pockets. But then, when has a Jew ever had enough of anything?

So then these debtor nations got on Greece’s back, demanding payment in full because they were now flat broke. But Greece doesn’t have it, being the poorest nation in Europe. So the Greeks had no choice but to declare bankruptcy, throwing their economy into chaos. The ruling government now wants the populace to pay for the greed and crimes of the Jews and elites that screwed up their economy. Typical. Our elites are trying the same thing here, as if that’s going to fly. And it isn’t flying in Greece either. The people are rioting and going after their bankers and rulers, and I’d be really surprised if we don’t see a whole raft of those creeps hanging from lamp posts all over their capitol. And you know what? They’ll deserve it too . . .

It’s the absolute height of arrogance and hubris for these elitists to expect the common people to continually suffer for their evil. The Greek government wants to drastically cut pensions and pay, and raise taxes to boot to pay for their greed, when a very large portion of the debt could be wiped out by just confiscating all the ill gotten wealth these despots have stolen from our various nations over the years, and putting it toward the debt. Oh but that would never do! Making the guilty pay? Who ever heard of such a thing? Surely not in DC or any other city of the elites . . . .

And though their days are numbered and justice is soon coming their way, it’s not going top halt the inevitable fall of our world’s economy. That’s as clear as ice to me. When Greece finally gives up the ghost . . . and that could happen any time now, the effects will immediately start to ripple all through the economic world, knocking over nation after nation like dominoes. The entire fall of the global economy would take place in the space of two weeks or less. Then chaos, mass starvation, riots, looting, murders, martial law, and hell itself will break out all over the world . . . .

If any of you have been watching the news the past few days, you now know that Greece is in really desperate shape and on the verge of collapse. Riots, violence and vandalism are rampant, and people are storming the capitol, looking for leaders and bankers to hang. And it’s only going to get worse. Fox News had their economic pundits on TV this afternoon, warning America that this could cause the end of our global economic system as we know it, and herald in the fall that almost nailed us last year. Of course the Jews are ecstatic. This is exactly what they’ve been working toward for the past 200 years. The fall of the hated goy nation!

If you turn on your boob toob tonight, you’ll see the chaos happening now over in Greece. The economic experts are warning that riots are about to start in Spain, Germany and Italy as well, as the panic spreads. This will hurt you, me, and everyone we love in ways I can’t even begin to measure. I pray that something delays it a little while longer, because I know a lot of fine people that are working feverishly to prepare for the coming doom, but aren’t quite ready yet, myself included, though I’m very close. Sometimes I hate being right. Let’s all pray this isn’t one of those times . . . .


On Our So-called Leaders:

Erica Stuart wrote, Our representatives are either abysmally ignorant or dangerously clever.” Actually, I believe that Edward Gibbon described them very well when he said of Augustus Caesar, He was devoid of true wisdom but not without a measure of low cunning.” (Man that sure fits Obama).



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Punishing the Elites, Part 2…=1970#post1970…d=1#post264220

Punishing the Elites, Part 2


I’ve been asked several times why it’s so important to punish the criminals responsible for the crisis we’re in. I answer them this way: As far back as history goes, we see that the majority of history’s monsters have escaped justice. This has only served to embolden future tyrants, who believe it’s their divine right to rule mankind as they see fit. Trouble is, the vision they almost invariably have is the same; rule with evil.

This new despot Obama is no exception. In fact many of the wiser among us know all too well that he’s planning a takeover before the elections. He has absolutely no intentions of surrendering power. If he did, he would break an unbroken chain of black behavior going back to the first black ruler . . . .

Never in history has there ever been a black that has willingly stepped down from power. He would be the very first. Take Mugabe, the dictator of Zimbabwe, formerly British Rhodesia. After liberals here in America forced the ruling whites to hand over power to the blacks, the country fell from the second most powerful economy in Africa, to one of the lowest in the world. And it happened in less than two years. That’s overnight in political terms. Mugabe stripped the nation’s coffers and transferred all the wealth to his personal bank accounts overseas, then robbed the nation of every industry it had. Even the native bush apes got fed up with him, especially when food and booze ran short. They rioted (don’t they always?) and held elections, voting Mugabe out of power. But he refused to leave, and instead arrested the new President and tossed him in prison. Later he was released, only to die in a mysterious plan crash. Now Mugabe has gone on a hate campaign against the surviving whites that hadn’t already fled the country. He’s been commandeering all their farms and turning them over to the local bush apes. None of these farms now produce and the country is starving, with its hungry black hands stretched out at whitey in America to feed them. The only thing I’d feed Zimbabwe is a bushel of tactical nukes, cleaning the vermin off the nation’s surface once and for all . . . .

If the natives had taken Mugabe out and publicly executed him slowly as an example, Zimbabwe would now be ruled by someone with less ruthlessness. He would fear the populace. But the real solution should have been taken in America, long before Rhodesia was handed over to the bush apes. We ourselves should have taken back our government decades ago, and publicly tried and executed for treason and high crimes against the People of the United States, all liberal and conservative politicians that had a hand in any of that evil.

Fear is a wonderful tool for handling evil people. In fact it’s the only thing they respect. You can’t argue with, or negotiate with, or bargain with evil. You can only kill it or make it fear death. That’s your only two options for controlling it. And the sooner white America snaps to this fact and starts dealing it out, the sooner we’ll have a homeland of our own . . . .

Talk is cheap. Politicians deal in talk. It’s their forte’. Anyone foolish enough to try and reason with these vermin is only stepping into the spider’s web. No more talk. No more threats. No more hoping they’ll listen to reason. That’s naive’ as hell and dangerous. All we’re doing is giving them more time to close their noose around us. We must take back our government. And every single despot or sub-ruler we capture should be immediately placed on trial and publicly executed as a symbol of hope for the masses and a warning to our enemies of justice coming. Every time we decapitate or hang one of these toads, all the other surviving lowlifes in DC will be unconsciously clutching nervously at their own throats as they watch their fellow lowlifes being executed. These people are criminals!!! Never forget that. Not for one second. Each and every one of them has the blood of millions on their hands. As I’ve said many times, there is no punishment commensurate with the evil these men have done to us and our country . . . .

Have no mercy, no pity for these beasts. They have absolutely none for you, and would gleefully throw you in prison for the rest of your life . . . or kill you where you stand and not lose a second’s sleep over it either. We are nothing to them. Therefore we must use fear of retribution. Punishing the elites is far more than just meting out justice, it’s how we get their respect. It’s how we win. We must never allow mob rules to punish these criminals. That would make us as criminal as they are. They must be tried in a court of law and duly found guilty on the evidence. In order to do this, we will have to completely replace and clean out the entire American judicial system from top to bottom. It’s every bit as corrupt . . . if not more so, than our executive branch. Allowing any of these puppets of the enemy to serve in the new court system would guarantee a swift acquittal regardless of a truckload of evidence, testimony and eye-witnesses for every one of these monsters. The law must be used and followed, but by honest men of good reputation, with no past connection with the government or its allies. We must make a clean sweep . . . .

Punishing elites in America is a standing joke. One that the American people don’t laugh about. No matter what the offense, they invariably get off or are given a fine and probation, and are back on the streets within hours of their arrest. Some are never even arrested, but are instead served a warrant and asked to appear in court on a certain day. This is outrageous. And in the extremely rare instance where one is sentenced to prison time, he serves it in a custom built prison for VIPs that’s the envy of Club Med. Saunas, tennis courts, Olympic pool, gym, movie theater, civilian clothes and furniture, air conditioning, catered meals, and no labor of any kind. We should all get convicted as elites, eh? And take that worm Buchovitch, the governor of the most corrupt state in the union, Massachusetts. Charged with bribery, extortion, embezzlement, selling political posts, and a whole grocery list of other crimes, he’s still walking around a free man, doing interviews and late night spots on television. This is nuts. Or take the Wall Street Jews that obbed our nation of trillions. Not one of those thieving slugs has ever been charged for a single offense, despite massive protests by the public. Our leaders just snub their noses at the peons. They are above our laws, and our justice. Just ask one . . . .

Punishing these bastards is a vital necessity if we are to ever rise above the evil now engulfing us and our way of life. As long as they have nothing to fear, they will continue their ruthless agenda of destruction. To stop that agenda we must stop the elites. Revolution in this country is not only a necessity, it is an inevitability. The only question remaining is how much more evil will we tolerate before we finally do act. That question my friends, can only be answered by you . . . .


The republic will cease to exist when Government takes from those who are industrious, and gives to those who refuse to work.
–Thomas Jefferson



NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Are Cheap Tomatoes Worth It?

Are Cheap Tomatoes Worth It?…=1954#post1954…162#post263162

[from a California teacher]

As Obama and his small Jewish clique plot to bring in “amnesty,” there are some things that you should be aware of.

I am in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department at a large southern California high school which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its students average lower socioeconomic and income levels. Most of the schools you are hearing about, South Gate High, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, etc., where these students are protesting, are also Title 1 schools.

Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program. When I say free breakfast, I’m not talking a glass of milk and roll — but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten.

I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. About 75% or more have cell phones. The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters or having family watch their kids.

I was ordered to spend $700,000 on my department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for anything; my budget was already substantial. I ended up buying new computers for the computer learning center, half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America.

I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students, here in the country less then 3 months, who raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them “putas”(whores) and throwing things, that the teachers were in tears.

Free medical, free education, free food, free day care etc., etc, etc. Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements?

To those who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they like their gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the true costs. Higher insurance, medical facilities closing, higher medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases. For me, I’ll pay more for tomatoes.

Cheap labor? Isn’t that what the whole immigration issue is about?

Business doesn’t want to pay a decent wage. Consumers don’t want expensive produce. Government will tell you Americans don’t want the jobs. But the bottom line is cheap labor.

The phrase “cheap labor” is a myth, a farce, and a lie. There is no such thing as “cheap labor.” Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children. He takes a job for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an Income Tax Return, he gets an “earned income credit” of up to $3,200 free. He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent. He qualifies for food stamps. He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care. His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school. He requires bilingual teachers and books. He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.

If they are, or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI. If qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicaid. All of this is at (our) taxpayer’s expense.

He doesn’t worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance. Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed material. He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in benefits. Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after paying their bills, and his. Over 53% of all illegals and their families are now drawing welfare. Cheap labor? Yeah, right.

Americans need to wake up. It has everything to do with culture. It involves Latino third-world culture that does not value education, that accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses to assimilate, and an American culture that has become so weak and worried about political correctness that we don’t have the will to do anything about it.

Obama will be bringing in “immigration reform” legislation before the spring is out. Obama and the Jews who run him, like Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and Cass Sunstein, and behind the the sinister figure of Jewish international billionaire George Soros. Think about what I have said here.


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White Man’s Hell…=1952#post1952…1_archive.html (Covington’s Blog, March 14, 2010)…920#post262920

White Man’s Hell


He walked into the store behind me. He was only about 5-foot two, greasy black hair that was slicked back, a very dark, swarthy complexion, large, coal black eyes, a splayed nose and thick, bestial lips. He wore an old pair of blue workman’s pants and a pair of worn out black loafers, broken down at the heels. A stained white shirt completed his wetback ensemble. He smelled like a goat, and had no doubt had his last bath when he was baptized as a Catholic infant in El Salvador, or some such third world cesspool. He slid by me with his head bowed, giving me a greasy, apologetic smile as he did so.

We’ve all seen a cur dog as it sidles up to a larger dog or a man with its tail tucked between its legs, back hunched, head turned to the side and giving a ghastly looking imitation of a human grin as it attempts to oh-so carefully and slowly get close enough to a bit of food to be able to snatch it and run like hell. This is exactly the image that this stinking invader put in my mind as he sidled guiltily past me. He was a thief, here in my country without my permission and against my wishes, so he can steal the fruits of my labors and my birthright. I knew it and he knew it . . . .

He is here to steal what he knows isn’t his, what he knows he doesn’t deserve, and what he knows he should be shot for attempting. Thus the guilty grin. These bastards know damned well that what they’re doing is wrong, evil, and about as lowlife as it can get. All any white man has to do is go down to any South American country to see for himself what mestizo rule does to a land. The same thing they’re doing to ours. All of our border states are rapidly transforming into trash strewn, graffiti covered, crime ridden toilets thanks to the deliberate efforts of our criminal government. And those parasites are more than willing to help them do it because if there’s one thing that motivates all mud people; it’s their greed for whitey’s goods.

I have liberals and even conservatives gasp at me for calling them mud people. I tell them that I call it as I see it. If they don’t like the label, they can stop fitting it.A mud person is a parasite member of a race that invades my country like a mudslide. Like mud, everything he touches he dirties and leave useless. He breeds mindlessly, overrunning the countryside with more invaders. He smothers free enterprise and prosperity, and replaces it with decay, disease,and filth. They are mud people and will remain mud people until they start to behave like honest, hard working people . . . which will never happen.

Our leaders in both parties have proven to us repeatedly that they have absolutely no intentions of ever putting a stop to this invasion, or deporting the millions of parasites already here and breeding like there’s no tomorrow. Well if we don’t stop them now, there won’t be. These bastards have no intention of leaving.

The only way we are ever going to get them out is by using force. We must re-take control of this criminal government, arrest, indict, and prosecute for high treason every last person in our government at all levels and in all departments, and then perform a mass deportation at gunpoint. Yes, the bleeding hearts; especially the women, will be whining that it’s too cruel to deport all those people back to their third world toilets.

Oh yeah? Well it’s going to be a lot harder on US if they stay! That’s because they will continue to breed, breed, breed, as is their racial mandate.

All mestizos have a long range plan to breed us off our own continent, and they’re doing it. We must stop them no matter what the cost, and leave an impression in their racial psyche that will last eons. We must punish them for ever coming here. We must make the experience so painful that they never forget it . . . so ruthless that their remote descendants will be terrified of ever trying this stunt again. This is the only way we can be sure to put a stop to their greed forever. We have a right to protect what’s ours, and by God we will.

After I left the store, I drove down the highway to a local gas station. On my way, some wetback in a beat up old Nissan cut me off, then hit the brakes and slowed to a crawl, causing me to slam on my brakes to avoid a collision. He didn’t bother looking in his mirror, and had no reason to cut me off or to slow down like that, other than to screw with whitey. It was a 55 zone, yet Pedro was doing a slow 30. I was trapped behind this prick and was forced to follow behind him for over three miles. But as soon as an opening appeared in the road, the SOB speeded up to 60. It had all been a harrassment.

This is common bill of fare for whites here in California. We put up with this kind of crap on a daily basis. I came to a freeway onramp, and the highway signs on both sides of the freeway were supposed to say, “Los Angeles, 135 miles”. Instead they both said “GS84 puto! “and “Chinga gringos!” etc. You couldn’t even read the signs anymore. To add icing on the shit cake there was a large Bay City crane sitting there on the side of the ramp that was being used in some new construction there. It had been a beautifully painted, brand new crane.

Now it was absolutely covered in layer upon layer of multi-colored Mexican profanities and gang emblems. Even the glass windows had been painted over. A sign of the growing chaos and breakdown of society everywhere. Western civilization is coming apart at the seams thanks to liberalism and political correctness, integration, “civil rights” and the “joys of diversity”. The only “joy” being felt is by our enemies as they see our world being destroyed by the very parasites we now can’t touch. It’s time for war.

I passed a squat, fat wetback female, pushing a baby cart holding two little ones while four more tagged along behind her. There was yet another one in the oven. Hubby was beside her; a carbon copy of the millions of other little brown invaders already here. He was pushing a stolen grocery cart that was piled high with food stamp chow. He doesn’t work. He doesn’t need to. The liberal politicians are forcing you and me to support them through all these new skyrocketing taxes on the struggling working class. They were a snapshot of my country’s future.

On the way home I hit a pothole deep enough to bust the axle on many cars. But all the roads here are now showing the same signs of decay and disrepair, as the money that used to go for the infra-structure is now being funneled into liberal wetback aid programs to help support the mushrooming invader population. And there’s no end in sight.

In fact as I speak, the liberals in DC are fighting tooth and nail to prevent us from passing some new laws that would put a stop to the invasion. And you guessed it; the Jews are behind it. In fact they’re behind every rotten deed we’ve been suffering from as a people. California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and even Texas are now a white man’s hell on earth. We are moving out by the millions, but these parasitic bastards are following us! White flight only works if you escape the creeps. But the mud people need whitey to sustain them. Like the vampires they are, they need the blood of whitey’s labors.

I recently read a blog where some liberal glibly stated that minority cities needed whites “to ensure financial stability”. That was thepolitically correct way of saying that the liberals need us to support their pet parasites! This isn’t a debate. This isn’t speculation. We are under attack. We are being enslaved to support the very parasites destroying us. If your rage hasn’t hit the boiling point by now, I’m ashamed to know you. You’re a coward and don’t deserve to live in this country, or to enjoy its rights and freedoms. You deserve what these creeps do to you.

When the final collapse hits, don’t hesitate to stand up and fight. If you think our border states are bad, just wait until these parasites complete their invasion of our nation. There won’t be anyplace left where you and your loved ones can go to escape their evil and filth. You’ll be forever trapped in white man’s hell.

We owe a debt to these creeps and the criminals that brought them here..a debt that screams to be paid. A debt of retribution and justice. The time for talk and negotiation is over. You cannot negotiate with those bent on your destruction, you can only destroy them first. This lessen had flat better sink into people’s thick skulls fast, or it’s going to be too late to act..if it isn’t already.

Our enemies are training and arming their mindless goons as I speak. They’re giving them lists with our names on them..all those that would dare resist the coming destruction and enslavement of our people and nation. They are coming for you whether you fight them or not. So why make it easy for them? One way or the other, the world you used to know is about to end forever. You can lay down and let them run over you, or you can make them pay dearly for what they’ve done. I don’t know about you, but when they come for me and my loved ones or my country’s freedoms, I intend on making them wish they’d never been born.


“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. . .not even our troubles.”
–Charlie Chaplin




Originally Posted by the dirty jews will pay
I think the Jew has screwed up bigtime over this one. Blacks, for all their bluster, are easily controlled woman-beating savage cowards. The Jew has an easy time controlling them. But the mex’cans? The muds never were slaves and are devious and insidious. Sure, they are as savage and dirty as the black apes but they once dared to challenge white supremacy in the new world back in the 1600s in a way the blacks never did. The spiks doint cry to the ACLU and the Reviled Jessie Jackson when attacked, they fight back. Sure, its in a savage and unthinking way, but they will strike back. They are alot more dangerous and I think even their Jew handlers are finding them impossible to control.

11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Enough, Enough


7:57 PM

Originally Posted by Anonymous Austrian tourist lady
South and central america are the most rotten places one can think of (with exception of africa)I recently visited argentina and paraguay and I am still scared to death, Argentina is the most demential place on earth: a land where mestizos consider themselves white and nazis and fake blond hair is the norm for beige skined ladies, while we did find the tourist spots to be “prosperous, beautiful, tourist meccas, clean and free”, we found the rest of Buenos Aires to be one of the most destitute places around–that is, until we took a plane for a few euros to take us to Paraguay to discover something unimaginably worse, Most europeans really cannot imagine just how POORLY paraguayans govern themselves. It’s the kind of governance which doesn’t even take the time to get the dead bodies off the streets (which at least the government of Argentina does handle well). My imbecilic french nephew said the only good thing about these countries is that marijuana is fifty cents a joint in either Buenos Aires or Asuncion.

8:04 PM

Originally Posted by Anonymous Rick
Makes me think of the old LASucksBigTime blog.

7:57 PM



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As I drove out of my driveway this morning, I noticed a disgusting, but not surprising sight. A very large pile of human excrement was sitting smack-dab in the middle of the street. Yes, human. There was no doubt whatsoever . . . that is, unless silverback gorillas have migrated to southern Coonifornia. In any other state I’d be shocked, but not here. Not in a state and city where the bottom of the bottom feeders are pouring in from the sleaziest dives of every village and town in central and south America. We are now getting the dregs. The retards, psychos, deforms, lepers, diseased, maimed, brain damaged, criminally insane, perverted, molesters, rapists, murderers, drug addicts, homos, and advanced AIDS cases, all of them are coming here to suck on whitey’s teat . . . .

The sub-human dog that did this on my street thought nothing more of it than a mongrel dog taking a dump when the pain hit. He probably did it there as a “protest” to the remaining whites in town because they have so much (right) and he has so little. I wonder if mindless breeding for generations, a low IQ, a violent nature, laziness, a complete lack of character, and refusal to make the sacrifices we did in order to make Mexico like our country have anything to do with it . . . Naw. It’s all whitey’s fault. After all, isn’t that the favorite sport of all muds, liberals and fanatics today? To blame mean ole’ whitey for everything but the rain? Even the ADL is trying to file criminal charges of racism against the Tea Party. I kid you not. This is war folks. A war for our very freedom and survival as a people. We have no allies but ourselves in this! My state and city are completely taken over by parasites of every stripe.

I was laughing at myself this morning as I drove across town to the pharmacy. A dark SUV cut me off, then hit the brakes. His window was down, so I let him have it, calling him a “stupid wetback”. I knew that I didn’t have to see who was driving because the odds were 96% it was a wetback, no matter what. This caused me to laugh ironically. Whites here are now an endangered species, though to hear it from the Jew media, we’re all one big, happy family. Then where did a whole town of over 130,000 whites go . . . hmmm? Blacks that drive are, as a rule, a small minority here. That’s because they can’t handle money, and when they do get their hands on some, it’s immediately spent on hos’, crack, booze, weed, and fried chicken. Hey, I’m not joking. The moochers are now a plague on the city, and every white left in it is a target. That’s because we are the only ones left with any money, and these parasites know it. So when one of us makes an appearance, it’s like a mouse being dropped in a cage full of starved cats . . . .

One time I parked in the lot across from a local taco joint, just to watch and see how many niggers and wetbacks would come running. God almighty, you’d have thought I had twenties taped to my hood. From four different directions, muds were making a beeline for me, greed etched in each ugly face. But in certain sections of town I now have a reputation for being one gringo you don’t want to piss off. For example, this morning I pulled up to a red light. A skanky looking niggah ho pulled up next to me, playing that “kill whitey” rap crap loud enough to peel paint. She took one look at who was sitting next to her, and she quickly reached over and turned that crap off. If all of us treated these scum buckets the way I do, we wouldn’t have a mud problem in this country. They’d be too stinking scared to mess with us. It’s up to each of us to make a dent, and collectively we change things. No one man can do it. We are a race folks. Remember that. That’s where our strength lies . . . .

And though the country we were born in is now beyond salvaging, we still possess the might to take what’s ours from this diseased and polluted land. America is dead. And the sooner all whites face this, the better off we’re all going to be, and the faster we can create a homeland for our people. One where we can and will ban all non-whites forever. It will be in our constitution, and will be established as an irrevocable law of our republic that no future generation of corrupt politicians can alter or repeal. That was the crucial mistake of our founders. They didn’t make allowances for the deviousness of the dark races and the Jews. But then, in their time it was inconceivable that Americans could or would become so depraved and corrupt. For their sakes I’m glad they didn’t live to see the travesty the evil among us have made of our homeland. I have no doubts each and every one of them would have committed suicide . . . .

The parasites have won. Let’s face it. America has reached financial critical mass. It now has more parasites than producers, and it’s going broke. And even now, the politicians are cutting vital services and letting the infrastructure collapse rather than cut them off. And to add more to their insanity, now they’re trying to give amnesty to multi-millions more. This is deliberate of course, but I just can’t seem to make enough people realize this, or the critical need for action right this minute. If our enemies can cause chaos and riots on a mass scale, they can install martial law to “restore order”. Then it’s game over . . . .

We’re running out of time. We need to be ready to strike when this happens. While the system is down, that’s the time we grab our chunk of the pie. Get your act together rebels. The call will come. Be ready.


“Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”
–Alexis de Tocqueville; Democracy in America



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Punishing the Elites…=1934#post1934…472#post261472

Punishing the Elites


All of us at one time or another..and in many cases constantly, have wished there were a way to wring the pencil necks of all the corrupt bottom feeders that squirm through the halls of our government, eating away at its foundations like maggots. But to punish people like these, we must first remove their power. Power protects them, and at the very least gives them the ability to flee justice to other friendly dictators when their evil catches up with them. At the most it gives them the ability to fight back and compound their evil, by warring with those they’ve abused. This is the problem all common people face when dealing with tyrants and despots . . . .

I’ve had a lot of people tell me they were amazed that we could have been taken over by such ruthless, evil people here in America. I always tell them they got what they deserved. And they did. By allowing Jews, blacks, and the other various dark races into our land, and allowing them to burrow their way into our economic and political systems, it was a foregone conclusion that they would transform America into a carbon copy of all the other third world toilets they have created around the world, where their people also failed to stop them in time. For the past hundred years and more, America has been under the complete control of special interest groups, the military\industrial complex, unions and Jew bankers. There has never been a single president, congressmen or senator that didn’t first sell his soul to these bottom feeders before he was allowed to take office. Hence they are no more than fearful and obedient puppets. To break their power, we must first break the puppet masters . . . .

To do this will require revolution. And after the government is safely back in the hands of the people, new laws and agencies must be created to eliminate and punish these men, and eliminate them for all time from the workings of our nation. These news laws must be iron clad; carved in stone with a caveat preventing their repeal or alteration or “re-interpretation” by future would-be despots and corrupt politicians. The precepts our Founders laid down were brilliant, but they underestimated man’s capacity for evil and intrigue. We must make doubly sure that no loopholes remain in our constitution or laws that can ever be used as tools for our enslavement again.

To expect to save the entire nation is ludicrous. Doing so would only perpetuate the same conditions that brought about this nation’s demise, just as our fathers warned people when they so naively embraced civil rights, immigration and the joys of diversity. For as long as the inferior races are allowed to mix with our society it is doomed to failure, and at present there is no conceivable way short of nukes to rid this continent of the vermin now inhabiting the continental United States . . . .

A military agency must be created who’s sole function is the monitoring, investigating, and prosecuting of politicians for criminal acts both past and present. They must be given the authority to pursue these criminals anywhere on the globe they might attempt to flee to escape the People’s justice, regardless of rank or office. Our civilian criminal justice system must be completely scrapped and we must create a new system that has not been perverted by centuries of Jewish lawyers and their slow corruption and perversion of every law on the books. Our criminal code is so full of legalities, loopholes and technicalities that anyone with enough money can be acquitted of any crime, and any honest man can be condemned by the rich and powerful. Justice in this country is a farce . . . an evil one. . . .

We will eliminate all rules of evidence, allowing any and all pertinent evidence in any case to be presented. Far too many murderers, thieves, and rapists have walked because these rules have been twisted by trial lawyers to fatten their wallets. Acquitted crooks reward richly. There’s not a politician in Washington that fears criminal charges in this nation because they are all part of the “club”, and that includes the Supreme Court Justices and all the Appellate Courts as well . . . .

We must make certain that new laws are adopted which mete out the death penalty for convictions of High treason, espionage, crimes against humanity, and aiding the enemy . . . crimes of which every person in DC is presently guilty. No lengthy appeals process that takes decades and costs millions. No bail, no plea bargaining, and no stays of execution. Public figures found guilty of these crimes would be publicly executed as a warning to all those in the future who would contemplate mimicking their actions. And sentence would be carried out within 48 hours of conviction . . . .

Leading the nation is a grave responsibility and the consequences of betraying such a great trust are profound. The punishment must fit the offense and the gravity of the situation. Currently we have close to a thousand evil men who are directly responsible for our economic collapse and hurtling us and our great-grandchildren into monstrous debt. And contrary to what the government owned media says, it was no accident. The plan was two-fold. First, fill their pockets with the largest robbery of a nation’s wealth in the history of the world, and second, collapse the nation so it would fall like a ripe plumb into the hands of our enemies. This is theft and high treason on a scale almost too huge to comprehend . . . .

And yet not one man has been arrested! Not one. This is because if one is arrested, the wholehouse of cards could collapse in on them, exposing the largest conspiracy every devised by the mind of the Jew. Yes, the Jew. They were behind the entire outrage, just as they’re behind our entire banking system and our puppet leaders. Israel is by and large the de facto ruler of America, though almost none of the white population comprehends this. And true to past history, the Jewsare stripping our nation clean. Then, after it falls, they’ll migrate to a new host and the process will start all over again. This is why they were evicted from 79 counties over the past 600 years. The ones that didn’t are no longer with us. When we arrest these beasts and their politician puppets, we must make an example out of them that the world will never forget. Revolution cannot take place or succeed unless the Jews are rounded up and prosecuted for their crimes, and barred forever from this country on pain of death . . . .

Regardless of whether or not we are citizens of a New Nation or the U.S, these leaders and their masters are accountable to us for their crimes. They caused the catastrophe that created it. Let not one single politician or his master escape us, no matter if we have to scour the earth to bring them back to face justice. We, the white race, the builders of this nation owe a great debt of retribution to these vermin that must be paid. There will be a great deal to do when we start to build a new homeland out of the ashes of the old, and reality tells us it will be a much smaller, more honorable and more deadly nation to its enemies than the old one was. Let the dark hordes inhabit the mean streets they’ve already polluted. Let them starve and fight and steal from one another to their hearts content. Because they will never enter into the White Haven we will create . . . .

They will look upon the great barrier that separates them from us with greed and envy in their beady little eyes, and Jews everywhere will spit in rage at our prosperity as they eternally fight off their enemies in the middle east, knowing that their Aryan superiors are safe from their greed and evil forever. They will see a sign on our gates that states, “Woe to you who tread on the white race, for you tread on your own graves.” . . . .


“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world..not even our troubles.”
–Charlie Chaplin



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Panic Attack

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Panic Attack…=1929#post1929…088#post261088

Panic Attack


A friend of mine that lives nearby, called me twice last week to get me to turn on my boob toob and watch a couple of shows. Both were season premiers, and one was a brand new cop-o-drama titled “Justified“. When I tuned in both times, I was shocked, pissed, but not a bit surprised. That’s because I’ve been expecting some kind of reaction like this from the Hollyweird Jews, ever since white America has been rising up and rattling their sabers. Both episodes on both shows were about cops versus the evil white supremist! No, I’m NOT kidding. BOTH of them! And mind you, these were season premiers.

Both shows depicted white activists as fat, ugly, stupid, sociopathic, uneducated, racist, bigoted, hate mongering criminals, that were out of prison only temporarily, until the heroes of the shows could nab them for being evil whites. One show had two extremely faaat morons with huge black swastikas tattooed on their bellies and necks, who had the brains of a run over armadillo. The leaders were, of course, bottom feeders of the first rank. The heroes had to teach these hate mongers a lesson in the joys of diversity, and the wisdom of racial harmony and coon’s rights. Both episodes literally dripped with liberal\Jew propaganda. It was absolutely nauseating to watch. In fact I had to really apply myself to finish watching those outrages . . . .

This sudden rush to write anti-white shows comes from fear. Most of the writers in Hollyweird are Jews. They control the industry and what’s written and produced in practically every show on TV. And this past year has scared and angered every Jew there. Whites have been forming many huge organizations and paramilitary outfits all over America. Bombings, stompings, and demonstrations have been in the news regularly. The Internet is flooded with white activist rants and websites, and uncounted millions of angry whites have been harassing the crap out of every crooked politician in the country ever since Chimpy got elected. I myself still firmly believe that election was rigged . . . .

I’ve noticed that every single time there’s a victory for our side, or an upsurge in white activist activity, the Jews come out with another load of anti-white propaganda. Wherever one goes, the other soon follows. This tells us that we’re getting to these maggots. A universal truth is that all evil people are cowards at heart. All of them fear retribution. Not out of guilt per se, but from knowing they deserve it. And if ever there was a group of bottom feeders that deserved punishment in the harshest possible way, it’s the Jews. Their evil is beyond measuring. There is no punishment that can be thought up in the mind of man that would be commensurate with their crimes . . . .

What these morons don’t realize is that a whole lot of white people that were formerly blind to their manipulations are now wising up, and they see now, for the first time exactly what these freaks have been doing. And they’re livid. After all, being bombarded with propaganda is not only an insult to their intelligence, it’s a form of rape. They are attempting to force their will on people by pumping their lies at them 24/7. Heck, I can’t turn on my TV for ten minutes without seeing some blatant piece of liberal propaganda. It’s even in the commercials now. Just last night a box of chocolate ice cream turned coon and started sweet talking a white women in a Barry White voice, insinuating that she should find this nigger’s voice sexy. Another series now has an ongoing flirtation between a handsome buck and a fat blonde. There’s just no limits anymore. Anything goes, just as long as the agenda is promoted at all costs. In yet another show, the regular star of the series is being replaced this season . . . with a Jew. No, I’m not joking. And on and on it goes. Every day the bombardment gets worse. And the more inroads we make, the harder the Jews and liberal bootlicks kick. Yes, it pleases me to see them panic, but it also angers me to see them fight tooth and nail to the very last. Now that’s evil for you . . . .

These bastards desperately want to destroy us, our culture, our nation and everything about us. If they could erase our very memory from the earth, they’d jump at the chance. People must wake up and realize who our true enemy is, and has always been, even before the time of Christ. The perennial Jew. Under and behind every other foe we have on this planet you’ll find a hook-nosed Jew. This isn’t some hate mongering rant, but a stone cold fact, pure and simple. And anyone that’s actually taken the time and effort to investigate this allegation has found it to be so. And the dissemination of this truth is what terrifies the Jews so much, and has got them foaming at the mouth with fear and rage, and is now motivating them to crank out their lies at a pace hitherto unheard of in this country . . . .

So the next time you turn on your TV and see some anti-white, pro-mud episode on the show you’re watching, keep in mind why it’s there in the first place; we’re scaring them. I don’t know about you, but I like it. Every time some Jew turns fitfully in his sleep, dreaming of the big, bad Aryan coming to get him, I snuggle down a little deeper in my blankets . . . and smile . . . .


“The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be, and has often been, the main source of mischief and disaster.”
–Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) Economist and social philosopher



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Changing the Rules…=1852#post1852…379#post255379

Changing the Rules

There’s not many idiots out there that don’t finally see that something has to be done about Washington, and the criminals running it. It’s bad enough we have over 500 corrupt bastards up there, but they now have the system set up to where if we eliminate one, another clown just like him is sent in to take his place. Hence the agenda continues. These pricks choose who we vote for or against, all on the merits of who they want, not who we want. The candidate must be a member of their club and a certified bought off, corrupt politician . . . one they don’t have to worry about exposing their evil. Over the past 200 years, generations of Jew lobbyists and corrupt politicians have gradually, step-at-a-time, changed the way we pick our candidates. Now they pick them from among their own cadre’ of criminals . . . we no longer pick anyone. We only get to vote on which crook they install. As long as this gangster system is in place, we will never, ever see any real change in this country . . . .

When we take back our country and government, we must make damned sure that we break the back of this good ole’ boy system and install a candidacy system that chooses people from among the best and brightest in our general population, not from the Washington vampire club. This is much easier to do than it sounds. We start a national database of Americans willing to serve. In it we would record their education, IQ, sex, background, criminal record, military experience, medical records, personal and professional references, family history, mental health, religious preferences, political leanings, and all other information vital to choosing the best for the job. Only the best three each year are allowed to run, and the people choose the winner. No career politicians, lawyers, corporate heads, bankers or Jews need apply. No liberals, communists, atheists, fags, muds, or progressives either. Only white, native-born Americans . . . .

The way we currently choose a president is pure insanity. INSANITY! If you want to become a beat cop in LA, you must go through an extensive background check, all the way back to your first dirty diaper. Your birth certificate is checked, criminal record, and everything about you is known before you’re hired. But presidential candidates are given no such checks! And this is the highest office in America, and the most dangerous to get wrong. And yet Obama got in under not only a false name, but a false citizenship, and he lied about his past, and his religion and love for America. The only thing that turned out to be true about him is that he’s black! If that alone isn’t enough to prove our system is broken, I’m out of ideas . . . .

Lobbyists are the second biggest enemy of America and her people. Most of these pricks are foreigners that hate America, and definitely do not have our welfare in mind. The rest are either Jew bankers or corporate representatives with only profits in mind, no matter what the damage to America. None of these people have any business within a hundred miles of DC. Again, as long as this arrangement is allowed to exist, we are in mortal danger. This must end!

The next thing on the list is our long-time alliance with Israel. This has cost us millions of lives, trillions of dollars, and we have absolutely nothing else to show for it except more Jews in DC,demanding more and more from us. Make no mistake; Jews couldn’t care less if they get us wiped off the map, as long as we serve our purpose. We are goys, which means we are lower than cattle, and to be used and thrown away. As long as we are in alliance with this race of vampires we are in mortal danger. Soon now, they will try to get us to nuke Iran in order to prevent them from getting the bomb. They know full well what the consequences would be for us, and that’s why they want us to do it, not them. Jews hate everybody. And if they can get one enemy to kill another, then great. Americans desperately need to wake up and smell the matza balls. Jews are our mortal enemies . . . .

We need to repeal all appointees to government positions, along with all lifetime appointments like we have for the Supreme Court. Once we get some nut in there, the entire nation pays for it. This must stop now. This should go all the way down to the state and county level. This alone, would stop a mountain of graft. All judges should have a yearly citizen review, and if they fail it, they’re out . . . period. We have tens of thousands of corrupt, power mad tyrants running our courts, and millions of us are suffering because of it. We have no recourse when one of these bastards abuses his power, and it happens all the time . . .

We must ban liberalism in America, and all other forms of communism. At no time in history has this political philosophy caused anything but grief, pain, oppression and death. Time to make practicing or promoting it a death offense. The two party system is one of the root causes of our problems as a nation. There should be no parties . . . only honest men. Honest men need no party to support their platform . . . .

Another thing we must change is the current four-year term for president. America reels like a drunkard on the world political stage because every four years it changes its policy radically, depending on which party . . . and which crook is in charge. We must become consistent and dependable to our allies and our people. To do this, WE the People must set policy, NOT corrupt politicians. Politicians will be there to execute OUR will from now on, not their own, or the will of our enemies, like they do now. A president should be allowed to be reelected as many times as the people like, as long as he has proven to be a good leader. And as long as WE set policy through public policy elections, we would no longer be so unreliable as a nation . . . .

Well, these are just some of the major things I would change if I could. If you approve of these ideas, pass them along. Who knows; perhaps some day a powerful man will read it and use it . . . .


“Liberals are such useful idiots!”–Lenin


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