Panic Attack…=1929#post1929…088#post261088

Panic Attack


A friend of mine that lives nearby, called me twice last week to get me to turn on my boob toob and watch a couple of shows. Both were season premiers, and one was a brand new cop-o-drama titled “Justified“. When I tuned in both times, I was shocked, pissed, but not a bit surprised. That’s because I’ve been expecting some kind of reaction like this from the Hollyweird Jews, ever since white America has been rising up and rattling their sabers. Both episodes on both shows were about cops versus the evil white supremist! No, I’m NOT kidding. BOTH of them! And mind you, these were season premiers.

Both shows depicted white activists as fat, ugly, stupid, sociopathic, uneducated, racist, bigoted, hate mongering criminals, that were out of prison only temporarily, until the heroes of the shows could nab them for being evil whites. One show had two extremely faaat morons with huge black swastikas tattooed on their bellies and necks, who had the brains of a run over armadillo. The leaders were, of course, bottom feeders of the first rank. The heroes had to teach these hate mongers a lesson in the joys of diversity, and the wisdom of racial harmony and coon’s rights. Both episodes literally dripped with liberal\Jew propaganda. It was absolutely nauseating to watch. In fact I had to really apply myself to finish watching those outrages . . . .

This sudden rush to write anti-white shows comes from fear. Most of the writers in Hollyweird are Jews. They control the industry and what’s written and produced in practically every show on TV. And this past year has scared and angered every Jew there. Whites have been forming many huge organizations and paramilitary outfits all over America. Bombings, stompings, and demonstrations have been in the news regularly. The Internet is flooded with white activist rants and websites, and uncounted millions of angry whites have been harassing the crap out of every crooked politician in the country ever since Chimpy got elected. I myself still firmly believe that election was rigged . . . .

I’ve noticed that every single time there’s a victory for our side, or an upsurge in white activist activity, the Jews come out with another load of anti-white propaganda. Wherever one goes, the other soon follows. This tells us that we’re getting to these maggots. A universal truth is that all evil people are cowards at heart. All of them fear retribution. Not out of guilt per se, but from knowing they deserve it. And if ever there was a group of bottom feeders that deserved punishment in the harshest possible way, it’s the Jews. Their evil is beyond measuring. There is no punishment that can be thought up in the mind of man that would be commensurate with their crimes . . . .

What these morons don’t realize is that a whole lot of white people that were formerly blind to their manipulations are now wising up, and they see now, for the first time exactly what these freaks have been doing. And they’re livid. After all, being bombarded with propaganda is not only an insult to their intelligence, it’s a form of rape. They are attempting to force their will on people by pumping their lies at them 24/7. Heck, I can’t turn on my TV for ten minutes without seeing some blatant piece of liberal propaganda. It’s even in the commercials now. Just last night a box of chocolate ice cream turned coon and started sweet talking a white women in a Barry White voice, insinuating that she should find this nigger’s voice sexy. Another series now has an ongoing flirtation between a handsome buck and a fat blonde. There’s just no limits anymore. Anything goes, just as long as the agenda is promoted at all costs. In yet another show, the regular star of the series is being replaced this season . . . with a Jew. No, I’m not joking. And on and on it goes. Every day the bombardment gets worse. And the more inroads we make, the harder the Jews and liberal bootlicks kick. Yes, it pleases me to see them panic, but it also angers me to see them fight tooth and nail to the very last. Now that’s evil for you . . . .

These bastards desperately want to destroy us, our culture, our nation and everything about us. If they could erase our very memory from the earth, they’d jump at the chance. People must wake up and realize who our true enemy is, and has always been, even before the time of Christ. The perennial Jew. Under and behind every other foe we have on this planet you’ll find a hook-nosed Jew. This isn’t some hate mongering rant, but a stone cold fact, pure and simple. And anyone that’s actually taken the time and effort to investigate this allegation has found it to be so. And the dissemination of this truth is what terrifies the Jews so much, and has got them foaming at the mouth with fear and rage, and is now motivating them to crank out their lies at a pace hitherto unheard of in this country . . . .

So the next time you turn on your TV and see some anti-white, pro-mud episode on the show you’re watching, keep in mind why it’s there in the first place; we’re scaring them. I don’t know about you, but I like it. Every time some Jew turns fitfully in his sleep, dreaming of the big, bad Aryan coming to get him, I snuggle down a little deeper in my blankets . . . and smile . . . .


“The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be, and has often been, the main source of mischief and disaster.”
–Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) Economist and social philosopher



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