Joom's Place

Explaining the End of the White World Unless We Do Something

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The Rage Within

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The Rage Within…=4916#post4916…586#post332586

I’m not a perfect man, not by any stretch of the imagination. Like all men, I have lots of faults, quirks and bad habits. In other words I’m a human. And even though my own flaws irritate the hell out of me most of the time, being the imperfect soul that I am I’m still unable to shake them. But just because I’m imperfect doesn’t excuse me from the duty to keep trying to improve myself until I draw my last breath. It is the duty of all decent people. Unfortunately, I know far too many people that don’t want to be bothered with such hard things, not when being evil and self centered are so much easier and profitable. Our government is stuffed with this kind of lowlife..on every level. I don’t expect perfection from anyone. I’m a realist. People will be people. And if you put anyone up on a pedestal, you’re flat guaranteed to get disappointed. But like I said, I do expect people to try. And a person without honor is a total waste of meat. Or as my father used to say, “If your word is no good, you are no good.” I’ve been scolded by tons of Christians and other “holier than thous” for being so judgmental of people. The old “cast the first stone” speech. Well I may piss these fools off, but if I step in a steaming pile, I’m not going to call it oatmeal and smile. We were given a brain and common sense along with it, and far too many of us refuse to use either one anymore. Evil is evil, and I’m going to call it for what it is, and I don’t give a rat’s ass who doesn’t like it….

Some people complain that I’m sour grapes and grumble too much. All they seem to get from me is rants, not articles. They want funny stuff. Sweetness and light. I hate to inform these people, but that attitude is exactly what brought about our present predicament in this country. People exactly like them! We have a bumper crop of ostriches and cowards in America right now. They don’t want to hear anything negative, ugly or disturbing. No bad news please! I’m trying to stay in a good mood, and you’re bringing me down! Well screw you. When the niggers break into your home and rape your daughter, and the wetbacks steal everything but your underwear, don’t come whining to me about it. You have it coming. We’ve all seen Obama blatantly defy a couple of hundred state and federal laws last month to sign an executive order outlawing wetback deportation. And brother, the muds are celebrating. That evil coon has opened the floodgates to America, and the parasites are pouring in at a level never before seen in the history of invasions. Already, over 17% of all of South and Central America has migrated to our country, bank-rupting all our resources and economies and turning America into a war zone. And that was before this outrage. Imagine how many will be living here in a year. Hell, South America will be a ghost town as all those millions of greedy wetbacks run over here to steal our birthright. All with the communist’s blessings. The Jews are laughing their asses off right now, you can bet on it…

For years I’ve railed against the enemies of the white race and tried to rally people to fight this monstrous evil. I’ve explained to them the dire danger they, their families, and their entire race are in if they don’t get off their cowardly asses and organize and fight. I’ve proved to them that the JEWS are behind this evil, and the communists are their lackys. I’ve named names, shown dates, revealed their plans, and even listed where they are positioned in our places of authority. I’ve revealed their crimes and who was responsible, exposed their tactics, and called them out for their evil. And yet for the most part I’m still fighting a lonely battle. Oh I have allies, and I feel greatly blessed to have them. They are some of the finest people I’ve ever known, and it’s a real privilege to work with them. But they like me they are far too unsupported, under-funded and un-appreciated. We are far too few. This not only builds a deep frustration inside me, but a raw and abiding rage. The kind of rage only experienced when a decent man sees a child being tortured or an old lady being beaten. That’s because there are millions of innocent white children that do not deserve what our enemies have in store for them, and old folks that spent their lives defending your air conditioner and beer, who are now too old and frail to fight, who are depending on you, the people they entrusted their country to, to pick up the sword they dropped and do your damned job! And yet there you sit, with the unmitigated gall to complain about my “attitude”. God’s beard!

That is why I’m filled with rage folks. Because if I could do it alone, I would. I would do battle with the whole lot of the creeps. I now understand why we’ve had so many of our brothers go postal on us of late, giving away all his worldly goods then blowing the hell out of as many of the enemy as he could before they took him out, calling him a “wacko” or fanatic. A drop in the bucket, pissing in the ocean. A total waste of time. Like sweeping the Gobi desert with a toothbrush, it’s an exercise in insanity for one man to try. But sometimes the rage and frustration reach critical mass in a man, and he flat no longer gives a damn. Better to go out fighting than to watch everything he loves and is, slowly be eaten away by the very maggots our forefathers gave their lives to keep out. Were they racists? No, they were realists. They knew as I know, that no culture ever survives the invasion of another culture, especially one that comes with the express purpose to destroy it. And we have a dozen or more, all trying to do exactly that. Used to be that immigrants were forced to either adopt our culture or get shipped out. Now they come here to set up their own mini-countries right here in America, and demand that we finance our own destruction! And the God cursed liberals now in power are forcing us to do just that under pain of imprisonment . . .

Oh, we could put a stop to it almost overnight and arrest and jail every treasonous liberal and Jew in the country. But my people are COWARDS and FOOLS. They either see what’s happening and won’t fight, or they’re too damned stupid to realize what’s going on, or worse, they don’t want to know. I have absolutely NO respect for any of them, and in fact I spit on the ground when one passes me. Traitors, parasites and cowards not fit to enjoy the benefits and freedom their fathers died to give them. They deserve to be enslaved, and they deserve to have their children grow up as slaves to niggers, wetbacks, and Jews. They’re not fit for anything higher. If you refuse to act now, when your nation needs you more than at any other time in history, you might as well stop reading Aryan resistance email and go join a “we love niggers” group. The Jews have started up plenty of them. That’s all you’re good for. And when the time comes soon when your rights and freedoms are stripped away, along with your air conditioning, your beer and pizza, and your home is confiscated by father state and you are forcibly interred in a concentration camp, you’ll think back to the days when I pleaded with you to get up and resist this monstrous evil. Instead you’ll watch as your children are raped by big buck niggers right in front of you, while your wetback guards hold a rifle at you, all of them laughing their evil asses off. And you’ll get no pity from me, nor any help. I’ll let you rot . . .

Those of us that are resisting this monster are preparing for war. There are organizations and cells all over the nation willing to die for their race. Like me, they know America is doomed. The cancer has been allowed to grow unchecked for far too long while those that should have been watching out for the enemy and killing it before it spread, were far too occupied screwing their neighbor’s wife and getting smashed at the local tavern. Their kids were allowed to be brainwashed year after year by our mortal enemies, when they should have moved by their parents to a region where they could home school them at all costs. But these same self centered lowlifes loved their pleasures more than their kids, and we now have a whole generation lost to us. I curse the ground these people walk on. Talk about child abuse. That’s the worst kind imaginable; the destruction of their child’s mind and very soul so they didn’t have to be bothered. And you want to know the really frightening part? Most of them don’t even feel guilty over it. Yes, they deserve what’s coming . . .

My people and I are trying to form a break-away nation where what’s left of our people and culture can survive. We may not succeed but instead die trying, but because of worthless people like them, we’re left with little choice. It’s either fight or surrender to their evil, and that will never happen as long as any of us still breath. You can get up off your worthless ass and join us and be worth something for once in your sorry life, or you can go back to your hog trough and feed like the spoiled, pampered, mindless livestock they think you are. It’s your choice. You can start buying survival supplies, war gear, dried food, and all the other things any smart man knows he’ll need. When the crap hits the fan you’re going to lose everything anyway, so it’s far wiser to get what you can out of your property now and convert it to precious metals and gear. 2012 is right around the corner, and the closer we get to December 21st, the hairier things are going to start getting. Pull your kids out of that toilet you call a school and start undoing the damage the enemy has done..if you still can. then look for a group to join.

Go north to Idaho, Oregon, Montana, etc. My people are easy to find. They’re everywhere. And even if you don’t believe in 2012, you know damned well our economy is about to take its last gasp, and our enemies are standing in the wings..waiting and ready…


“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control … Do I mean conspiracy?

Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

- Larry McDonald (US Congressman)


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Another Fine Day In Mudville

Another Fine Day In Mudville



As some of you know, I’ve been working hard to leave this pest hole of a state before I end up going postal. This city has become the center of a swirling mass of human refuse, like the center of the spiral of a toilet as it flushes. A white person must be on his toes day and night just to survive in this hell hole, and I’m not exaggerating one iota. Let me give you some examples. The following incidents happened to me in just one day recently:

I got up in the morning to go get a coffee and a donut, the staple of the white male. Getting into my truck, I noticed something odd about my bedroom window. The screen was off! This screen can’t fall off. It’s fitted in metal grooves and held in place by steel spring clips. I have a hell of a time removing it just to give it a cleaning, so believe me, I know. It was laying on the lawn, and the window had been pried partially open. Rage welled up inside me as I pictured the thieving wetback that had done it the night before. No doubt trying to use me to finance his arrival in gringo land. He’s damned lucky he didn’t make it inside because he’d have left in a body bag. I don’t take prisoners. I kill . . . .

To me, a wetback is nothing more than a large cockroach. I treat them exactly the same way I would any other un-invited vermin. There really aren’t any words in our language adequate enough to describe accurately the level of hatred I have for these people. I literally shudder when one passes near me. This effect they have on me is common among whites living here. After a few months you can’t help but start having homicidal thoughts about them all the time. It’s downright unhealthy. I now know that this is the main reason most whites have already left. It wasn’t fear, it was raw revulsion and hatred that drove them out. They knew that if they remained, they’d end up dead or in prison. And a white in jail in California won’t last ten minutes once the Mestizos find out he’s in there for killing muds . . . .

After fixing my screen, I got back in my truck and went to the coffee shop. On my way home I came to a small intersection in the middle of mud town. As always, I looked carefully both ways because young dampbacks (the kids of wetbacks) love to race their junk heaps down these streets doing seventy. Their cars are never licensed or insured, and most of the time they don’t even own them. So hitting one will only cost you out the ass and wreck your car to boot. The cops refuse to stop them because after all, this is a wetback controlled sanctuary city. God! So as I was saying, I looked both ways then proceeded carefully across the small intersection. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a streak of movement. I instinctively slammed on the brakes as hard as I could and swerved to the right . . . hard. My reaction saved my ass. Because a fat, asshole ugly nigger bitch in a white Ford van had been waiting for me, parked under a tree on the side of the street, engine idling, waiting for the first white to cross her path. When I entered the intersection she gunned it and shot out into the street, trying her damnedest to hit me. I caught a brief nanosecond look at her face as she came at me. Her hideous, apelike face was etched with full blown nigger greed and malice. I heard her scream, “Muthafugga!” when she realized I had avoided her attempt at ramming me. She looked over her shoulder at me with guilt and fear in her eyes when she saw that I was cutting my wheels and giving chase. I was going to jerk that fat bitch out of her van and beat her into corn pone. She had pissed off the wrong cracker . . . .

That fat, stinking ho really hauled butt, with me hot on her ass. I floored it. I wanted her head on a stick. But then we came to a stop light at a busy street..and I mean busy. Instead of stopping, she shot out into traffic, eliciting a tirade of honking horns from angry drivers. She had risked a major wreck to avoid an ass whooping that she knew she richly deserved. Damn niggers. I had better sense than to follow her stupidity and consequently lost her. Sooner or later I’ll find that whore, and when I do, I’ll give it to her . . . with interest. She’s no female in my book, she’s an ape, period . . . .

Running into whites is a cottage industry in this state. Niggers actually make a really good living doing it, and the insurance companies pay out rather than be sued for being “racis’”. Whenever there’s a civil trial, the juries are almost 100% mud, and they always side with their fellow parasite. The insurance companies know it’s far cheaper just to pay them off. So my premiums go up to pay for it. I was shaking with rage by the time I got home, and I wondered just how much more of this kind of stress my heart could take before one of these incidents put me in the ground. This city is not a healthy place for whites . . . .

Later that day I went to the grocery store. While at the checkout stand a ho and her vast brood of niglets pulled in behind me. Immediately one of her apelets began pushing past me, trying to get to the candy rack to do what they always do, which is tear into the candy with their nasty little nose pickers and eat whatever they like without paying for it. The store just chalks it up to doing business with niggers. But this particular little chimp was really a pain in the ass. There were other racks not two feet away, but this little asshole wanted to push by me, demanding I move out of the way and stop stacking my food so he could do so. Mammie had taught him well. I flat refused to move and made the loud comment, “Typical lack of manners and training.”

The ho instantly got indignant as expected, and her head began to do the standard bobble head routine of the ho with tude’. She growled, “Whatchoo say?” “I said, you people always have this attitude. No manners, no class!” “Whatchoo mean “YOU people”?” she howled. I glared at her. “You know damn well what I mean! You’re raising prison bait and everybody knows it!” Well, I can tell you right now that mammie chimped out on the spot, causing the typical niggah scene, calling me a “racis crackah” etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you folks, I can’t even buy a loaf of bread without having to deal with these animals. If it isn’t the wetbacks it’s the niggers. If it isn’t the niggers it’s the crooked cops.

Those bastards are so money hungry now that whites have to literally creep around town because these pricks are targeting whites because we’re the only ones left with a few dollars in our pockets, and their bosses at city hall want them. They’ve installed a whole raft of new cameras at almost all the red lights in town in hopes of snagging more people for ticket money. And they’ve tripled the fines. The average ticket will now cost you around $350.00!! Of course if you’re wetback you don’t have to sweat it. Most of the cops are wetbacks too . . . .

Doesn’t this city sound like a wonderful spot to raise a family? U-huh. There’s only one thing this basin needs, and that’s a tactical nuke. I’ve give a left nut to own one, let me tell you . . . .

Well, there was much more to that particular day, but the really frightening part is that it wasn’t at all unusual, it was typical. I want all those of you that live in states that haven’t yet been overrun to this extent to wake up and realize that the mudslide is heading your way too. And if you don’t get
active right now in stopping these pricks, and especially the politicians promoting them, your home will soon look like mine. You need to get mean. Get hostile and take no prisoners. Don’t worry about pissing people off. They damned sure aren’t concerned about what you like. This is YOUR land. Take it back . . . .


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”
–Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

Modern Translation: All the laws on earth won’t save a nation full of corrupt lowlifes.” –Joom…=2121#post2121…459#post291459…3350#post13350


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

A Method To My Madness

A Method To My Madness

Ever since I began ranting about racial problems way back when, I’ve received tons of emails both pro and con about my work. Some were somewhat supportive, some were fanatically supportive, and others were negative to the point of being homicidal. I’ve been called every kind of racist, bigot, lowlife, fanatic, redneck hate monger, backwards hick, and a hundred other choice expletives that anyone in my field of endeavor can attest is an integral part of the job.

Many have asked me why I’m so ruthless and insulting to people of other races who can’t help what they are. They say that I have no class and no maturity to say the things I do in public, let alone think them. Even some of my own relatives are ashamed of me and shun me as a black sheep in the family. Fortunately not many. They all suffer from the same thing that’s been destroying our people for centuries; screwed up perspectives and priorities. Let me give you a prime example:

The other day I was forced to go down to the local pig shop and file a police report on two attempted break-ins to my house by the new wetback “neighbors” that just moved in. It never fails. As soon as we get some new mud neighbors, the thieving starts immediately, always targeting the gringos next door. Whites draw wetbacks and niggers like flies to a dog turd. As soon as a fit of greed hits one, his ugly brown eyes swivel toward the nearest gringo. This isn’t my opinion, it’s a stone cold fact backed up by decades of crime statistics.

Anyway, I went down there and complained because I’d called the assholes for two days trying to get them to come out and survey the damage and take the report, but they never showed. When I called, the bitch of a dispatcher cooed that they were “too busy” on other calls for her to give me even a rough estimate as to when they would show. So when I finally went down there myself, I found four sets of officers kicking back under a shade tree, shooting the breeze and ignoring calls on their portable radios. Too busy alright. Exactly as I had figured . . . .

I finally got a sergeant to come out and take my report in the front office. He was miffed because I had forced him to do his job and it showed in his manner. As we talked, I explained to him the perpetual problem we’d had with illegals while living there, and how they were pulling the same old wetback tactic they always use to run whitey off, namely harass the crap out of him until he moves out, then their relatives buy the property at a loss and the barrio grows. The cop glared at me for being an evil old racist, started making sarcastic remarks and started to lecture me on the falsehood of my claim. Another damned head up his ass liberal.

I stopped him in mid sentence and said, “Hold it! Before you continue to call me a bigot, you tell me something. where are all the white people that used to live here?” He gave me a perplexed look. “The proof’s all around you dude. When I was young, this city was 95% white. It was clean, safe, and prosperous. There was no crime to speak of, and we used to walk to the store as kids, sometimes as late as 10pm and it was safe. Would you let your kids do that now?” He just glared at me so I continued; “And you didn’t answer me;

Where have those 120 thousand whites vanished to? Why is it that there’s now only one white to every thirty or forty blacks and illegals? I’ll tell you why. It’s because whites despise them. They can’t and won’t live around those thieving, murdering scum. They won’t raise their kids near them or let their daughters go to school with them. And every time another wetback or LA black moved here, the crime went up.

So they started moving. Then the wetbacks began to harass the crap out of them until the process was escalated fifty fold until today they own this city. And look at it. It’s a frigging toilet. I myself am preparing to leave here, and I’m going to shake the dust of the place off my boots when I do. You can call us racists and bigots all you want, but the reality of what’s going on is all around you. Before you start lecturing me or others on the joys of diversity, I strongly suggest you pull your head out of your ass first!” And I got up and left before he could say another word. I was glad I had finished the report before I lit into the fool . . . .

I doubt they’ll even try to apprehend the culprits because after all, this is a liberal sanctuary city for wetbacks and a haven for welfare niggers. In fact a whole new set of state funded “projects” is nearing completion as I write. They’ll fill up overnight with a whole new crop of immigrant coons from LA within a week of opening, and the crime rate will skyrocket accordingly. Can I get a yaazzuuhh?

This cop exemplifies the problem I’m trying to show here. It’s not that whites can’t see the truth, it’s that they don’t want to see it. And any time someone like me comes along and forces them to look at it, they hate me for it. I’m rocking their precious boat . . . the one that’s about to sink anyway from a complete lack of protection. They’re afraid to speak out, to be branded that feared term “racist”, a word that has been burned into the white psyche by generations of relentless liberal brainwashing. And I have to break those chains. And to do that, I must be so raw, so loud and offensive, that even the most hardcore among us will sometimes gasp at my audacity and grit in calling a spade a spade right in front of king liberal himself . . . .

But there is a method to my madness. By doing this I make whatever others say about the subject seem mild, and much more palatable to let out. After hearing me, whatever they say doesn’t seem so bad. It emboldens and encourages them to speak out. And the more they speak, the more they’ll continue to speak, and the more others will follow. And my method works. How many of you have been emboldened by my words and rants? How many others that you know have started to speak out and even act on their pent up frustrations? A lot of people I’ll wager.

The results are all around us. Do you think the immigration pot is boiling over by chance? You know better. It’s because people like you and me and others continually raised hell and spread the word to everyone we can find. We became a perennial thorn in the liberal agenda’s side, planting the seeds of rebellion all over the country, until now new laws are being passed and millions of angry whites are actually standing together against these communists.

No, it won’t save America. It’s done. But it will be the catalyst, the stepping stone for a white revolution that will free a section of this land as our new homeland, a place free of Jews, communists, faggots, liberals, and muds of every stripe. A place we can nurture our race and heritage once again without the polluting influence of our enemies . . . .

So the next time you read me ranting about some “damned nigger” or “thieving wetback” or “slime sucking kike”, remember what I’m really up to, and allow yourself a small smile. We’re winning.


“Unfortunately, the truth of power is stronger than the power of truth.”–Joom…=2093#post2093…y-madness.html…247#post269247…ted=1#post1537…=5026#post5026…ed=1#post91689


NOTICE: Due to unconstitutional/illegal Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA and the DHS may read this without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight & in direct violation of the 4th Amendment. We in this country have no recourse or protection. Everything we say may be used against us to detain us in a secret prison, where we will be held without right of habeas corpus or right to trial by jury.

Blue Eyed Devil


Blue Eyed Devil


I was flipping through some news programming this morning on the tube, when I landed on some black ho in long robes standing at a podium, preaching to a congregation of 95% blacks and 5% liberals. You know the kind; they (liberals) secretly hate being there among all those stinking apes, but to show their lack of racism, they hold their noses and appear as if they’re in hog heaven as they sit there, squeezed between two extremely fat, stinky old ho’s while they let out a cacophony of farts. If true spirituality could be weighed, there wouldn’t be enough in that auditorium to fill a thimble . . . .

The ho preacher was reading verses from the Bible, citing the fall of man through Eve’s eating of the ill fated apple. And as usual, the black bitch used this sermon as an opportunity to equate whitey with evil. She was commenting on the Serpent that beguiled Eve, calling him . . . get this . . . a “blue eyed devil”. Now correct me if I’m wrong here, but if memory serves me, that ho wasn’t alive at Eve’s fall, and neither were any of the rest of us. And since there are no records of eye color, and no cameras existed yet, I’m having an extremely hard time accepting her opinion that the Serpent had blue eyes. It was simply another vicious dig against the “evil white oppressors of her po’ abused and enslaved people” (gag). And yet if this same tactic had been used by a white preacher, all hell would have broken loose on every liberal channel in America. For instance, what if a white preacher had called the Serpent a “nappy headed devil”? We’d never hear the end of it. Cries of racism would be shouted from the rooftops, liberal pundits would be tisk-tisking for months, and the ACLU would be trying to pass another hate crime law against nappy calling. Let’s face it. The outrages and inequities we as a race face on a daily basis is now to the point of persecution . . . .

There was yet another special on the National Geographic Channel about the KKK and the evils of white racism, that tired old drum the liberals never get tired of beating. And true to form, every single so-called “expert” and pundit were either Jews, blacks, or rabid liberals. And of course, every frame of footage they used had been carefully screened to show only the ugliest, most uneducated and hick looking whites they could find; turkey necked rednecks speaking in a deep southern drawl, mis-pronouncing words and looking about as intelligent as a bowl of rocks. And although to the thinking
man, their tactics are blatant and outrageous, they still work quite well on the great unwashed parasite masses . . . .

The entire “hate-umentary” was a tour d’ force in anti-white propaganda. One Jew “expert” sneered openly at white fears that “people of color” are going to breed us out of existence and overrun the country. Never mind that just this year we became a minority in our own country. This frightening fact was pooh-poohed as nothing more than racist propaganda. If there’s one ting that’s universal about liberals, it’s their ability to lie to your face when the truth is standing right beside you. I was taught as a child to recognize evil. My parents were wise in that respect. They didn’t keep their kids in a rose colored world and shield them from life’s realities. They knew that to do so would leave us as sitting ducks once we went out into this world of serpents and vipers. And one of the hallmarks of evil is its ability to lie to your face. Liberals do this as a matter of course. It’s an integral part of how they do business. To a liberal, the end justifies the means. There’s no such thing as right or wrong, everything is “relative”. That’s what they’re teaching our kids in school these days. It’s called “situational ethics” which is a nice word for throwing out morals . . . .

To the liberal there are no absolutes, no black and white, no right and wrong, only shades of gray where you can say and do anything you want as long as it makes you feel good or helps you achieve your desired goal. This kind of thinking is exactly what got this country in the mess it’s in. I contacted Geographic over their show and reamed them a new one, calling the producer a few choice expletives and warning him that whites have a long memory. If there’s one emotion they still have in common with other people, it’s fear. The guilty and the evil are always afraid . . . .

Whites as a people have been demonized, insulted and persecuted on an ever increasing scale to the point where we are now under attack from every single area of our existence. There isn’t one single aspect of white America that isn’t reviled, and in many cases by white liberals, who have betrayed their own people in exchange for the approval of those that despise them even more than they hate us. At least when it comes to us, we are feared. But the white liberals are despised for being the turncoats, bootlicks and weasels they are. No matter who your enemy is, nobody respects a traitor or a rat. And when the race war finally begins, these dogs will be the first ones our enemies kill, more out of disgust than anything else . . . .

Lois Farrakan and Malcomb-X both often called us blue eyed devils. Obama’s big mouthed buck of a preacher also loved to use the term. Now I’m hearing it from fat black ho’s on TV, and they’re getting away with it, without so much as a squeak from the white community. I’ve got to tell you that I’m sickened. The cowardice and apathy of most whites in America appalls and enrages me. Literally millions of our women and children have been kidnapped, beaten, raped, molested, robbed and murdered by these unwashed and invading hordes, and still my fellow whites subscribe to liberal equal rights and diversity propaganda. It’s as if the entire white population is on Valium. It’s more than enraging . . . it’s frightening . . . .

Last night I almost put my boot through the screen again, but this time it was because of Glenn Beck on Fox News. The fat fool was actually promoting increasing legal immigration! No, I’m not joking. And as we all know, the immigration programs we now have in place were the direct result of a conspiracy created by a bunch of America hating Jews who knew damned well what would happen to our nation if it were overrun with the dark hordes of this planet. The Jews have been around a very long time, and they’ve seen the rise and fall of many great civilizations. And most of them fell because of these bastards. They knew that every single time a culture has been overrun by a foreign one, the host culture is destroyed. Not sometimes, but every time. This is History 101. And yet our crooked leaders, knowing this full well, allowed these lowlifes to push through those evil bills. The result is all around us in the ugly, hate-filled faces crowding our streets and shops, filling our prisons and jails, and populating our ghettos and barrios. White America is being destroyed while our Jewish enemies dance with evil glee . . . .

Our enemies lie about us and to us continually, rob, rape, and kill us, and overrun our homeland while at the same time reviling us for being the creators of the very things they are striving to take from us. They call us blue eyed devils. I think it’s high time we lived up to the name. Let’s show
them what real blue eyed devils are capable of. Enough tolerance, enough patience, enough playing by the rules. We’re the only ones left doing so, and it’s destroying us. I’m spoiling for a fight. How about you?


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”
–Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

Modern Translation: All the laws on earth won’t save a nation full of corrupt lowlifes.”



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Beware the Fundamentalist…=1971#post1971…050#post265050

Beware the Fundamentalist


I was raised in a Fundamentalist environment. It sucked. The faith was based on guilt, terror, and self-hatred. You were taught to constantly self-flagellate yourself both mentally and spiritually in order to be acceptable to a fearful and vengeful God. You were taught that Jews were your spiritual brothers, and that you were to love and cherish them as “God’s chosen people”. You were taught to turn the other cheek and gobble up abuse. Sounds like something a Jew would dream up to brainwash the hated goys with, doesn’t it? Well it was…

There’s no telling how many generations of poor, ignorant whites have suffered needlessly for offenses that never existed, that were created by a people that despised them and took abject delight in their anguish. The fact that for centuries, whites have looked the other way when Jews took advantage of them and trusted them, when all common sense warned them not to, attests to the power that any religion can have on people. Even as a small child I was instinctively repulsed by Jews. Just as many children instinctively know certain animals and critters are not to be fooled with, many can sense the evil in people. How many times have you seen a child or infant suddenly start screaming in fear and revulsion when some stranger came up to it smiling? For no reason at all, the child wants nothing to do with that person, though nobody in the room has a clue as to why. Dogs, cats, and many other animals also have this ability. I think most of us lose it as we get older, and become blinded by the conditioning of civilization. I had a dog once that I always introduced to someone I was about to do a business deal with. If my dog growled and snarled at him, it was no deal. That’s because he had the uncanny ability to nail people’s character and intent on the spot. He could tell a good man from a snake instantly. Through the years he saved me a ton of grief . . . .

I think that at one point, everyone that was raised Fundamentalist has that experience where their instincts about Jews start to war with their conditioning. My instincts won out, and after doing some digging, I discovered that it was a damned good thing they did, because they had been dead-on. The more I learned, the madder I got which made me learn more..until finally I was the staunch anti-Semite I am today. Having a clear head about this also made me aware of the real danger of being a Fundamentalist, not just to myself, but to the rest of our race. That’s because every one of them is an unwitting dupe, ally, spy, and crony of these devils. When they support and defend Jewish evil, they honestly believe they’re doing God’s work by defending his chosen people. There is nothing more dangerous than a committed fanatic . . . .

Take Israel for a prime example: Fundamentalists were the driving force behind it’s creation. And ever since that day, Jewish control over this nation has mushroomed, until now they control every aspect of our society, and are the power behind the destruction of our culture and nation. Even now we are up to our necks in angry Moslems that until the Jews got us tangled in their eternal fight, never had a problem with us. We are the idiot giant that does the muscle work for the devious weasel. And the Jews really don’t care if their goading and control get us all killed, just as long as we take out some Moslems in the process. Fundamentalists mean well, but their ignorance is a real danger to the security of every person in this country. I remember a couple of years ago when a Southern Baptist preacher financed a Yom Kippur ceremony for a bunch of local Jews as a gesture of “brotherly love”, not realizing that Yom Kippur is the Jewish time of being forgiven of all debts owed to the hated goyim, and for being absolved of all sin for cheating them and even killing them in the coming year. I cringed when I learned of it . . . .

Fundamentalists had a hand in dragging us into WWII and fighting our own people, while thinking they were doing God’s will. No god I know of would willingly choose an evil and parasitic race like the Jews over a hard working, brilliant and morally superior race like the Aryans. You don’t throw out the meat and eat the gristle. The age old war against the Jews has heated up this past century, and I see it becoming a tooth and nail fight to the finish some time soon. It’s now them or us . . . .

If you believe in a God, more power to you. But beware ascribing to Fundamentalist beliefs. Their faith is a twisted mishmash of psycho torture and Jewish brainwashing, guaranteed to make you suffer mentally and believe things that in the end, could get not only you killed, but all of us. Any time a religion puts the Jews on a pedestal above your own people, there’s a kike in the ointment. And kikes are trouble wherever they manifest themselves. They are evil incarnate. With Jews on this planet, who needs the Devil?


]”Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”
–Alexis de Tocqueville; Democracy in America



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