Another Fine Day In Mudville

Another Fine Day In Mudville



As some of you know, I’ve been working hard to leave this pest hole of a state before I end up going postal. This city has become the center of a swirling mass of human refuse, like the center of the spiral of a toilet as it flushes. A white person must be on his toes day and night just to survive in this hell hole, and I’m not exaggerating one iota. Let me give you some examples. The following incidents happened to me in just one day recently:

I got up in the morning to go get a coffee and a donut, the staple of the white male. Getting into my truck, I noticed something odd about my bedroom window. The screen was off! This screen can’t fall off. It’s fitted in metal grooves and held in place by steel spring clips. I have a hell of a time removing it just to give it a cleaning, so believe me, I know. It was laying on the lawn, and the window had been pried partially open. Rage welled up inside me as I pictured the thieving wetback that had done it the night before. No doubt trying to use me to finance his arrival in gringo land. He’s damned lucky he didn’t make it inside because he’d have left in a body bag. I don’t take prisoners. I kill . . . .

To me, a wetback is nothing more than a large cockroach. I treat them exactly the same way I would any other un-invited vermin. There really aren’t any words in our language adequate enough to describe accurately the level of hatred I have for these people. I literally shudder when one passes near me. This effect they have on me is common among whites living here. After a few months you can’t help but start having homicidal thoughts about them all the time. It’s downright unhealthy. I now know that this is the main reason most whites have already left. It wasn’t fear, it was raw revulsion and hatred that drove them out. They knew that if they remained, they’d end up dead or in prison. And a white in jail in California won’t last ten minutes once the Mestizos find out he’s in there for killing muds . . . .

After fixing my screen, I got back in my truck and went to the coffee shop. On my way home I came to a small intersection in the middle of mud town. As always, I looked carefully both ways because young dampbacks (the kids of wetbacks) love to race their junk heaps down these streets doing seventy. Their cars are never licensed or insured, and most of the time they don’t even own them. So hitting one will only cost you out the ass and wreck your car to boot. The cops refuse to stop them because after all, this is a wetback controlled sanctuary city. God! So as I was saying, I looked both ways then proceeded carefully across the small intersection. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw a streak of movement. I instinctively slammed on the brakes as hard as I could and swerved to the right . . . hard. My reaction saved my ass. Because a fat, asshole ugly nigger bitch in a white Ford van had been waiting for me, parked under a tree on the side of the street, engine idling, waiting for the first white to cross her path. When I entered the intersection she gunned it and shot out into the street, trying her damnedest to hit me. I caught a brief nanosecond look at her face as she came at me. Her hideous, apelike face was etched with full blown nigger greed and malice. I heard her scream, “Muthafugga!” when she realized I had avoided her attempt at ramming me. She looked over her shoulder at me with guilt and fear in her eyes when she saw that I was cutting my wheels and giving chase. I was going to jerk that fat bitch out of her van and beat her into corn pone. She had pissed off the wrong cracker . . . .

That fat, stinking ho really hauled butt, with me hot on her ass. I floored it. I wanted her head on a stick. But then we came to a stop light at a busy street..and I mean busy. Instead of stopping, she shot out into traffic, eliciting a tirade of honking horns from angry drivers. She had risked a major wreck to avoid an ass whooping that she knew she richly deserved. Damn niggers. I had better sense than to follow her stupidity and consequently lost her. Sooner or later I’ll find that whore, and when I do, I’ll give it to her . . . with interest. She’s no female in my book, she’s an ape, period . . . .

Running into whites is a cottage industry in this state. Niggers actually make a really good living doing it, and the insurance companies pay out rather than be sued for being “racis’”. Whenever there’s a civil trial, the juries are almost 100% mud, and they always side with their fellow parasite. The insurance companies know it’s far cheaper just to pay them off. So my premiums go up to pay for it. I was shaking with rage by the time I got home, and I wondered just how much more of this kind of stress my heart could take before one of these incidents put me in the ground. This city is not a healthy place for whites . . . .

Later that day I went to the grocery store. While at the checkout stand a ho and her vast brood of niglets pulled in behind me. Immediately one of her apelets began pushing past me, trying to get to the candy rack to do what they always do, which is tear into the candy with their nasty little nose pickers and eat whatever they like without paying for it. The store just chalks it up to doing business with niggers. But this particular little chimp was really a pain in the ass. There were other racks not two feet away, but this little asshole wanted to push by me, demanding I move out of the way and stop stacking my food so he could do so. Mammie had taught him well. I flat refused to move and made the loud comment, “Typical lack of manners and training.”

The ho instantly got indignant as expected, and her head began to do the standard bobble head routine of the ho with tude’. She growled, “Whatchoo say?” “I said, you people always have this attitude. No manners, no class!” “Whatchoo mean “YOU people”?” she howled. I glared at her. “You know damn well what I mean! You’re raising prison bait and everybody knows it!” Well, I can tell you right now that mammie chimped out on the spot, causing the typical niggah scene, calling me a “racis crackah” etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you folks, I can’t even buy a loaf of bread without having to deal with these animals. If it isn’t the wetbacks it’s the niggers. If it isn’t the niggers it’s the crooked cops.

Those bastards are so money hungry now that whites have to literally creep around town because these pricks are targeting whites because we’re the only ones left with a few dollars in our pockets, and their bosses at city hall want them. They’ve installed a whole raft of new cameras at almost all the red lights in town in hopes of snagging more people for ticket money. And they’ve tripled the fines. The average ticket will now cost you around $350.00!! Of course if you’re wetback you don’t have to sweat it. Most of the cops are wetbacks too . . . .

Doesn’t this city sound like a wonderful spot to raise a family? U-huh. There’s only one thing this basin needs, and that’s a tactical nuke. I’ve give a left nut to own one, let me tell you . . . .

Well, there was much more to that particular day, but the really frightening part is that it wasn’t at all unusual, it was typical. I want all those of you that live in states that haven’t yet been overrun to this extent to wake up and realize that the mudslide is heading your way too. And if you don’t get
active right now in stopping these pricks, and especially the politicians promoting them, your home will soon look like mine. You need to get mean. Get hostile and take no prisoners. Don’t worry about pissing people off. They damned sure aren’t concerned about what you like. This is YOUR land. Take it back . . . .


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.”
–Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

Modern Translation: All the laws on earth won’t save a nation full of corrupt lowlifes.” –Joom…=2121#post2121…459#post291459…3350#post13350


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