Punishing the Elites, Part 2


Punishing the Elites, Part 2


I’ve been asked several times why it’s so important to punish the criminals responsible for the crisis we’re in. I answer them this way: As far back as history goes, we see that the majority of history’s monsters have escaped justice. This has only served to embolden future tyrants, who believe it’s their divine right to rule mankind as they see fit. Trouble is, the vision they almost invariably have is the same; rule with evil.

This new despot Obama is no exception. In fact many of the wiser among us know all too well that he’s planning a takeover before the elections. He has absolutely no intentions of surrendering power. If he did, he would break an unbroken chain of black behavior going back to the first black ruler . . . .

Never in history has there ever been a black that has willingly stepped down from power. He would be the very first. Take Mugabe, the dictator of Zimbabwe, formerly British Rhodesia. After liberals here in America forced the ruling whites to hand over power to the blacks, the country fell from the second most powerful economy in Africa, to one of the lowest in the world. And it happened in less than two years. That’s overnight in political terms. Mugabe stripped the nation’s coffers and transferred all the wealth to his personal bank accounts overseas, then robbed the nation of every industry it had. Even the native bush apes got fed up with him, especially when food and booze ran short. They rioted (don’t they always?) and held elections, voting Mugabe out of power. But he refused to leave, and instead arrested the new President and tossed him in prison. Later he was released, only to die in a mysterious plan crash. Now Mugabe has gone on a hate campaign against the surviving whites that hadn’t already fled the country. He’s been commandeering all their farms and turning them over to the local bush apes. None of these farms now produce and the country is starving, with its hungry black hands stretched out at whitey in America to feed them. The only thing I’d feed Zimbabwe is a bushel of tactical nukes, cleaning the vermin off the nation’s surface once and for all . . . .

If the natives had taken Mugabe out and publicly executed him slowly as an example, Zimbabwe would now be ruled by someone with less ruthlessness. He would fear the populace. But the real solution should have been taken in America, long before Rhodesia was handed over to the bush apes. We ourselves should have taken back our government decades ago, and publicly tried and executed for treason and high crimes against the People of the United States, all liberal and conservative politicians that had a hand in any of that evil.

Fear is a wonderful tool for handling evil people. In fact it’s the only thing they respect. You can’t argue with, or negotiate with, or bargain with evil. You can only kill it or make it fear death. That’s your only two options for controlling it. And the sooner white America snaps to this fact and starts dealing it out, the sooner we’ll have a homeland of our own . . . .

Talk is cheap. Politicians deal in talk. It’s their forte’. Anyone foolish enough to try and reason with these vermin is only stepping into the spider’s web. No more talk. No more threats. No more hoping they’ll listen to reason. That’s naive’ as hell and dangerous. All we’re doing is giving them more time to close their noose around us. We must take back our government. And every single despot or sub-ruler we capture should be immediately placed on trial and publicly executed as a symbol of hope for the masses and a warning to our enemies of justice coming. Every time we decapitate or hang one of these toads, all the other surviving lowlifes in DC will be unconsciously clutching nervously at their own throats as they watch their fellow lowlifes being executed. These people are criminals!!! Never forget that. Not for one second. Each and every one of them has the blood of millions on their hands. As I’ve said many times, there is no punishment commensurate with the evil these men have done to us and our country . . . .

Have no mercy, no pity for these beasts. They have absolutely none for you, and would gleefully throw you in prison for the rest of your life . . . or kill you where you stand and not lose a second’s sleep over it either. We are nothing to them. Therefore we must use fear of retribution. Punishing the elites is far more than just meting out justice, it’s how we get their respect. It’s how we win. We must never allow mob rules to punish these criminals. That would make us as criminal as they are. They must be tried in a court of law and duly found guilty on the evidence. In order to do this, we will have to completely replace and clean out the entire American judicial system from top to bottom. It’s every bit as corrupt . . . if not more so, than our executive branch. Allowing any of these puppets of the enemy to serve in the new court system would guarantee a swift acquittal regardless of a truckload of evidence, testimony and eye-witnesses for every one of these monsters. The law must be used and followed, but by honest men of good reputation, with no past connection with the government or its allies. We must make a clean sweep . . . .

Punishing elites in America is a standing joke. One that the American people don’t laugh about. No matter what the offense, they invariably get off or are given a fine and probation, and are back on the streets within hours of their arrest. Some are never even arrested, but are instead served a warrant and asked to appear in court on a certain day. This is outrageous. And in the extremely rare instance where one is sentenced to prison time, he serves it in a custom built prison for VIPs that’s the envy of Club Med. Saunas, tennis courts, Olympic pool, gym, movie theater, civilian clothes and furniture, air conditioning, catered meals, and no labor of any kind. We should all get convicted as elites, eh? And take that worm Buchovitch, the governor of the most corrupt state in the union, Massachusetts. Charged with bribery, extortion, embezzlement, selling political posts, and a whole grocery list of other crimes, he’s still walking around a free man, doing interviews and late night spots on television. This is nuts. Or take the Wall Street Jews that obbed our nation of trillions. Not one of those thieving slugs has ever been charged for a single offense, despite massive protests by the public. Our leaders just snub their noses at the peons. They are above our laws, and our justice. Just ask one . . . .

Punishing these bastards is a vital necessity if we are to ever rise above the evil now engulfing us and our way of life. As long as they have nothing to fear, they will continue their ruthless agenda of destruction. To stop that agenda we must stop the elites. Revolution in this country is not only a necessity, it is an inevitability. The only question remaining is how much more evil will we tolerate before we finally do act. That question my friends, can only be answered by you . . . .


The republic will cease to exist when Government takes from those who are industrious, and gives to those who refuse to work.
–Thomas Jefferson



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