Punishing the Elites


Punishing the Elites


All of us at one time or another..and in many cases constantly, have wished there were a way to wring the pencil necks of all the corrupt bottom feeders that squirm through the halls of our government, eating away at its foundations like maggots. But to punish people like these, we must first remove their power. Power protects them, and at the very least gives them the ability to flee justice to other friendly dictators when their evil catches up with them. At the most it gives them the ability to fight back and compound their evil, by warring with those they’ve abused. This is the problem all common people face when dealing with tyrants and despots . . . .

I’ve had a lot of people tell me they were amazed that we could have been taken over by such ruthless, evil people here in America. I always tell them they got what they deserved. And they did. By allowing Jews, blacks, and the other various dark races into our land, and allowing them to burrow their way into our economic and political systems, it was a foregone conclusion that they would transform America into a carbon copy of all the other third world toilets they have created around the world, where their people also failed to stop them in time. For the past hundred years and more, America has been under the complete control of special interest groups, the military\industrial complex, unions and Jew bankers. There has never been a single president, congressmen or senator that didn’t first sell his soul to these bottom feeders before he was allowed to take office. Hence they are no more than fearful and obedient puppets. To break their power, we must first break the puppet masters . . . .

To do this will require revolution. And after the government is safely back in the hands of the people, new laws and agencies must be created to eliminate and punish these men, and eliminate them for all time from the workings of our nation. These news laws must be iron clad; carved in stone with a caveat preventing their repeal or alteration or “re-interpretation” by future would-be despots and corrupt politicians. The precepts our Founders laid down were brilliant, but they underestimated man’s capacity for evil and intrigue. We must make doubly sure that no loopholes remain in our constitution or laws that can ever be used as tools for our enslavement again.

To expect to save the entire nation is ludicrous. Doing so would only perpetuate the same conditions that brought about this nation’s demise, just as our fathers warned people when they so naively embraced civil rights, immigration and the joys of diversity. For as long as the inferior races are allowed to mix with our society it is doomed to failure, and at present there is no conceivable way short of nukes to rid this continent of the vermin now inhabiting the continental United States . . . .

A military agency must be created who’s sole function is the monitoring, investigating, and prosecuting of politicians for criminal acts both past and present. They must be given the authority to pursue these criminals anywhere on the globe they might attempt to flee to escape the People’s justice, regardless of rank or office. Our civilian criminal justice system must be completely scrapped and we must create a new system that has not been perverted by centuries of Jewish lawyers and their slow corruption and perversion of every law on the books. Our criminal code is so full of legalities, loopholes and technicalities that anyone with enough money can be acquitted of any crime, and any honest man can be condemned by the rich and powerful. Justice in this country is a farce . . . an evil one. . . .

We will eliminate all rules of evidence, allowing any and all pertinent evidence in any case to be presented. Far too many murderers, thieves, and rapists have walked because these rules have been twisted by trial lawyers to fatten their wallets. Acquitted crooks reward richly. There’s not a politician in Washington that fears criminal charges in this nation because they are all part of the “club”, and that includes the Supreme Court Justices and all the Appellate Courts as well . . . .

We must make certain that new laws are adopted which mete out the death penalty for convictions of High treason, espionage, crimes against humanity, and aiding the enemy . . . crimes of which every person in DC is presently guilty. No lengthy appeals process that takes decades and costs millions. No bail, no plea bargaining, and no stays of execution. Public figures found guilty of these crimes would be publicly executed as a warning to all those in the future who would contemplate mimicking their actions. And sentence would be carried out within 48 hours of conviction . . . .

Leading the nation is a grave responsibility and the consequences of betraying such a great trust are profound. The punishment must fit the offense and the gravity of the situation. Currently we have close to a thousand evil men who are directly responsible for our economic collapse and hurtling us and our great-grandchildren into monstrous debt. And contrary to what the government owned media says, it was no accident. The plan was two-fold. First, fill their pockets with the largest robbery of a nation’s wealth in the history of the world, and second, collapse the nation so it would fall like a ripe plumb into the hands of our enemies. This is theft and high treason on a scale almost too huge to comprehend . . . .

And yet not one man has been arrested! Not one. This is because if one is arrested, the wholehouse of cards could collapse in on them, exposing the largest conspiracy every devised by the mind of the Jew. Yes, the Jew. They were behind the entire outrage, just as they’re behind our entire banking system and our puppet leaders. Israel is by and large the de facto ruler of America, though almost none of the white population comprehends this. And true to past history, the Jewsare stripping our nation clean. Then, after it falls, they’ll migrate to a new host and the process will start all over again. This is why they were evicted from 79 counties over the past 600 years. The ones that didn’t are no longer with us. When we arrest these beasts and their politician puppets, we must make an example out of them that the world will never forget. Revolution cannot take place or succeed unless the Jews are rounded up and prosecuted for their crimes, and barred forever from this country on pain of death . . . .

Regardless of whether or not we are citizens of a New Nation or the U.S, these leaders and their masters are accountable to us for their crimes. They caused the catastrophe that created it. Let not one single politician or his master escape us, no matter if we have to scour the earth to bring them back to face justice. We, the white race, the builders of this nation owe a great debt of retribution to these vermin that must be paid. There will be a great deal to do when we start to build a new homeland out of the ashes of the old, and reality tells us it will be a much smaller, more honorable and more deadly nation to its enemies than the old one was. Let the dark hordes inhabit the mean streets they’ve already polluted. Let them starve and fight and steal from one another to their hearts content. Because they will never enter into the White Haven we will create . . . .

They will look upon the great barrier that separates them from us with greed and envy in their beady little eyes, and Jews everywhere will spit in rage at our prosperity as they eternally fight off their enemies in the middle east, knowing that their Aryan superiors are safe from their greed and evil forever. They will see a sign on our gates that states, “Woe to you who tread on the white race, for you tread on your own graves.” . . . .


“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world..not even our troubles.”
–Charlie Chaplin



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